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Color revolution in China only lasted one night. Must be a big hit for China’s haters

Again, you mention time, mutation is a split second nano second phenemenon. Time to reach mutation depends on chances. Mutation acceleration is the acceleration towards mutation as the chance increases with more infections. No amountbof smileys can hide your ignorance sandwich boy.. Lolololol. Everytime you eat a sandwich, remember to chant 'IDIOT SANDWICH'.
he's a soldier, cop, MBA, and now a biomedical scientist too. what a man of extraordinary talents.

These students are too young. Maybe they think it's a small thing to participate in these demonstrations and earn some money from the organizers. They don't know what they will pay for these rewards.

Yes, they won't have any punishment now. The police will soon find them through the records of mobile phone base stations near the demonstration site. But they will definitely only register their identities and ask some questions.

However, once the Chinese government abandons the "zero policy" in the future, as long as there are mass deaths. These young people will be attacked by all Chinese because of their behavior, and they will bear the responsibility of "causing a large number of Chinese deaths" all their lives. They are hated and rejected by people around them all their lives.

They forget that China is a country and civilization with accountability system, and they will eventually be used by the government to bear the responsibility of COVID19 epidemic.

I have always suspected that the Chinese government is looking for opportunities to give up the "zero policy". This group of stupid students just gave the Chinese government a chance. They will probably take this opportunity to give up the "zero policy" and transfer the consequences and responsibilities to these students and organizers.
he's a soldier, cop, MBA, and now a biomedical scientist too. what a man of extraordinary talents.

You fckinh serious, is that Jhungary? He sounded like a typical incel HK teen speaking highly accented English when i spoke to him.

But according to you it is 100% virus will mutate, because if not, then how does that "accelerate" the progress if they weren't going to mutate and no progress to begin with? as you claim I said??

You can lolololol, that because other than giving people han job, that's probably the only thing you can do. And you can screen shot this.

:rofl: :lol: :lol:

Unlesa you can destroy evolution, mutation is bound to happen. It is accelerated by more chances/replication, more cases, more replication,more anomalies and errors. You cannot fight evolution boy. So what now, an egg? Rain? How can I explain to you? Btw, you derailed the whole thing by not answering the initial question, how does containment, confinement, reduced cases create more mutation? Lolol
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Honestly, how do I defeat such logic?

It's like if I say this

My egg takes 5 minutes to boil in my stove, I decided to leave it in for 10 minutes just to make sure it boiled as I don't want to eat raw egg, and evidently, if I leave it for 10 minutes, the egg will be boiled faster according to you

NO WAY I can defeat this logic. Ain't NO WAY. :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl:
No one can defeat 'Chinese physics'.

he's a soldier, cop, MBA, and now a biomedical scientist too. what a man of extraordinary talents.
This is a military oriented forum, and none of you guys ever served. Remember that...
he's a soldier, cop, MBA, and now a biomedical scientist too. what a man of extraordinary talents.


Totally Impressive! "Over 300 confirmed kills"! Way better than “The Best Sniper in the US Armed Forces” Christopher Scott Kyle, whom the movie "American Sniper" was based on, who had only 150 confirmed kills.
No one can defeat 'Chinese physics'.

This is a military oriented forum, and none of you guys ever served. Remember that...

A lot of people in shelters served too. No bearing here.
he's a soldier, cop, MBA, and now a biomedical scientist too. what a man of extraordinary talents.

Most soldier ended up being a cop, and as a person who do intel and process intelligence for a living, being a cop is probably the most logical choice of line of work there are.

And I never said anything biomedical, what I comment on is basic maths and logic, which that guy I talk to very obviously lack. Or can you tell in which part of that conversation I said I am a expert in the field of medical science or I even talk about anything remote to medical science-ish??

And I never said I have a MBA, I have a Master of International Business and a MPhil of Strategic Studies. Unless you are stupid enough to think they are the same.

By the way, I was a cop before I completed my ROTC. and I did work for a medical science firm as a data analyst. On the other hand, if you have a problem of what I said, go after what I said, not what I claim to be, or in this case, what I DID NOT claim to be. And that's just basic argument technique. If you have an issue on my background being a soldier or a police officer, I have written NUMEROUS threads about the topic here, you are more than welcome to challenge those topics if you think I am a fraud, or do I need to spell fraud "Fault" for you to say something about my post? Huh??

lol :lol: :lol: :rofl:

You stupid mick is one of those people when someone said "I used to be FBI and CIA and a professor" and then directly proceed to say "He (or in this case, she) is full of it without either challenge the person's knowledge or even think about the possibility. But then these people do exist you know, just because you have a small mind that does not mean they are fake.

Wow, she achieved so much, IT HAD TO BE FAKE....

I will probably do the same (take some picture and write some book and post it here) if I did not comment negatively on China while I have family member both in China and Hong Kong.

No one can defeat 'Chinese physics'.
Yes, especially the part when they don't even know being a cop, a soldier and have a master's degree in education are a series of mutually unexclusive event. That show you their level of logic lol
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Most soldier ended up being a cop, and as a person who do intel and process intelligence for a living, being a cop is probably the most logical choice of line of work there are.

And I never said anything biomedical, what I comment on is basic maths and logic, which that guy I talk to very obviously lack. Or can you tell in which part of that conversation I said I am a expert in the field of medical science or I even talk about anything remote to medical science-ish??

And I never said I have a MBA, I have a Master of International Business and a MPhil of Strategic Studies. Unless you are stupid enough to think they are the same.

By the way, I was a cop before I completed my ROTC. and I did work for a medical science firm as a data analyst. On the other hand, if you have a problem of what I said, go after what I said, not what I claim to be, or in this case, what I DID NOT claim to be. And that's just basic argument technique. If you have an issue on my background being a soldier or a police officer, I have written NUMEROUS threads about the topic here, you are more than welcome to challenge those topics if you think I am a fraud, or do I need to spell fraud "Fault" for you to say something about my post? Huh??

lol :lol: :lol: :rofl:

You stupid mick is one of those people when someone said "I used to be FBI and CIA and a professor" and then directly proceed to say "He (or in this case, she) is full of it without either challenge the person's knowledge or even think about the possibility. But then these people do exist you know, just because you have a small mind that does not mean they are fake.

Wow, she achieved so much, IT HAD TO BE FAKE....

I will probably do the same (take some picture and write some book and post it here) if I did not comment negatively on China while I have family member both in China and Hong Kong.

Yes, especially the part when they don't even know being a cop, a soldier and have a master's degree in education are a series of mutually unexclusive event. That show you their level of logic lol
Well, a CIA agent boasting in PDF is not exactly professional right? You can be an army medic or cook, that would still qualify you as a soldier right? You know US have a habit of recruiting mulatto cannon fodders, promising them scholarship and citizenship? Lolol

No one can defeat 'Chinese physics'.

This is a military oriented forum, and none of you guys ever served. Remember that...
Aww so cute, you are here to defend your gf? Lol
Well, a CIA agent boasting in PDF is not exactly professional right? You can be an army medic or cook, that would still qualify you as a soldier right? You know US have a habit of recruiting mulatto cannon fodders, promising them scholarship and citizenship? Lolol

Aww so cute, you are here to defend your gf? Lol
I am not a CIA Officer (they aren't special agent because they were not warranted to operate in US). And you have different AIT if you are a 68W or 92G. You wouldn't be able to write this.


and to write this, you need to have studied Military Science, and there are only 1 place in the world that teaches that, that's Military Academy

Or this discussion with a fellow member on IED, you need to actually see one (well, more than one) to understand how it work and how it was used. a 68W or 92G wouldn't know, they will just roll over it

You need to go thru "Combat" school to do that (NB there were no such thing as combat school, what I meant is combat related MOS, like Armor School, Airborne School or BOLC), 68W and 92G goes to a different school. I mean, this is like you said "Oh, you are a fake" but then you have zero knowledge on how to tell people a fake. Like how to tell from MEPS story or how to tell from being able to pick up specific detail like what is contract option or what is skill level, because you know shit. Yet you people who know the square root of shit is the loudest on calling people out for not being whatever they claim to be. Simple because a 68W or 92G would know more than you.

I mean, if you can call me out, all those are perfect opportunities for ANYONE to call me out. I am merely just expecting you to come to my level and discuss that instead of posting lolololol

But then, whom am I talking to? I don't mind you think you are the shit, because that's funny to people like me who are in the know. For me, you are my entertainment.
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Xi Jinping will visit Saudi Arabia in this month. Which is huge news. It may shake oil-dollar system. USA desperately needs to launch attacks to China now.

US smelled a chance after seeing riots against China’s quarantine policy in Zhengzhou Foxconn and Urumqi. Several days later a fire in Urumqi became perfect excuse to launch color revolution.

The 1989 color revolution(Tiananmen Square event) lasted several months. If I’m not wrong, from beginning to the last several days, no protester was arrested in Beijing. In this 2022 color revolution however, the leaders and organizers of the protects were immediately arrested in public. Why so different? Is that because Xi is ruthless while Deng was not. Of course this is not the reason. Deng didn’t arrest the protests leaders because he knew they were backed by most Chinese people. Chinese people supported them. China in 1989 was very poor and corrupt. Chinese were dismayed after seeing the huge gap between China and west. One protester got arrested, more people would join.

Here is the root reason why color revolution 2022 failed so fast. Because Chinese people don’t care those protesters. Foxconn and Urumqi protests were completely spontaneous. The two protests are understandable because people there suffered a very difficult condition. Which 99% Chinese never suffered. It is ridiculous to believe people in other places will respond to them. Unless, some outside power uses its propaganda machine the create a hot air that China is on the edge of explosion. But fake is fake. The hard fact is, most Chinese support zero covid policy. Including those protesters in Zhengzhou Foxconn and Urumqi. They just can not tolerate the harsh living condition. Most protesters in 2022 color revolution are US spies, recruited Chinese by CIA and NGO, Taiwanese&Hongkongers living in China mainland, people from churches, and of course the majority-----brainwashed college students.

Except college students, I believe most others are already sitting in police offices. Without these mainstays, the hot air immediately evaporated. The protest force is like an isolated army. It has enough supplies(remitted money) but doesn’t have reinforcement. One man gets arrested, no other can fill his position. This is the reason why Chinese government made fast decision to arrest them. Quite different with 1989 color revolution.

Why US launched revolution at this very immature timing? Probably it is very nervous now. Some Taiwan media said protects will happen again and again until Chinese government completely gives up zero covid policy. They are wrong because these protests were not spontaneous. China will have a long peaceful time since. For US, it lost a lot of agents. Recruiting and training cannon fodders needs time.

By the way, the excuse of this color revolution is mourning 10 lives lost in Urumqi fire and in turn condemning the reason(they believe)---- China’s zero covid policy. Which saved millions of lives. This is the most anti-logic excuse I have ever seen in all color revolutions. No wonder Chinese people don’t buy their shows. Excuse is excuse. This is a US funded color revolution coated by anti covid policy. The ultimate purpose is to unrest China and overthrow Chinese government.
Nonsense. Xi and CCP were forced by the protestors into changing their stance on zero covid and lockdowns. USA or anyone else didn't have to do with it.

And frankly it is one of the few sane things Xi has done by listening to the people and changing his stupid earlier strategy.
Well, a CIA agent boasting in PDF is not exactly professional right? You can be an army medic or cook, that would still qualify you as a soldier right? You know US have a habit of recruiting mulatto cannon fodders, promising them scholarship and citizenship? Lolol

Aww so cute, you are here to defend your gf? Lol
Or you rather want to talk about IED?? Here are a thread about an IED found in Pakistan posted by a Pakistani Security Force memeber here on PDF, if you know shit may be you should go discuss how IED work like I did with him back a few months ago??

Sure, I am a 68W or 92G, if I am, the only thing I know about IED would be rolling over it. But again, I would still know more than you do.
Or you rather want to talk about IED?? Here are a thread about an IED found in Pakistan posted by a Pakistani Security Force memeber here on PDF, if you know shit may be you should go discuss how IED work like I did with him back a few months ago??

Sure, I am a 68W or 92G, if I am, the only thing I know about IED would be rolling over it. But again, I would still know more than you do.
Fck, that's really you? OMG. Lololol. Did the US Army offer you 'scholarship' to be a cannon foddr? I know alot of Latinos went for that, there is even a 'Chinese refugee' signing up for that shit. Them WASP kids will cheer for you as a hero when in actual fact mulattos are just cheap cannon fodder for the real Whites. Lolol

I am not a CIA Officer (they aren't special agent because they were not warranted to operate in US). And you have different AIT if you are a 68W or 92G. You wouldn't be able to write this.


and to write this, you need to have studied Military Science, and there are only 1 place in the world that teaches that, that's Military Academy

Or this discussion with a fellow member on IED, you need to actually see one (well, more than one) to understand how it work and how it was used. a 68W or 92G wouldn't know, they will just roll over it

You need to go thru "Combat" school to do that (NB there were no such thing as combat school, what I meant is combat related MOS, like Armor School, Airborne School or BOLC), 68W and 92G goes to a different school. I mean, this is like you said "Oh, you are a fake" but then you have zero knowledge on how to tell people a fake. Like how to tell from MEPS story or how to tell from being able to pick up specific detail like what is contract option or what is skill level, because you know shit. Yet you people who know the square root of shit is the loudest on calling people out for not being whatever they claim to be. Simple because a 68W or 92G would know more than you.

I mean, if you can call me out, all those are perfect opportunities for ANYONE to call me out. I am merely just expecting you to come to my level and discuss that instead of posting lolololol

But then, whom am I talking to? I don't mind you think you are the shit, because that's funny to people like me who are in the know. For me, you are my entertainment.

Hahahahaahahhah, written in PDF. Omg, what a genius. Lolololol.

Btw police using bulldozer to tip over a peaceful protestors tractor with the drivee still inside. Arresting them and putting in black vans. Such nasty commies.
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Fck, that's really you? OMG. Lololol. Did the US Army offer you 'scholarship' to be a cannon foddr? I know alot of Latinos went for that, there is even a 'Chinese refugee' signing up for that shit. Them WASP kids will cheer for you as a hero when in actual fact mulattos are just cheap cannon fodder for the real Whites. Lolol

Hahahahaahahhah, written in PDF. Omg, what a genius. Lolololol.

Btw police using bulldozer to tip over a peaceful protestors tractor with the drivee still inside. Arresting them and putting in black vans. Such nasty commies.
View attachment 903650View attachment 903651

Honestly, if that's the best you can do, then you probably should just kill yourself and redo. Because that's not even a challege, that's just a losing dog barking afar going on lolololol

I can do this too... lolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololollolololololololol

Challenge me over there if you want, instead of acting like a clown here.

But then again, who am I talking to? And expect clown like you to rise up to the challenge? LOL :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl:

Just so you know, I have written books about intelligence operation and published under my name, you won't know because I don't use my name here.

But if you can't even discuss on PDF level, what chance do you have on real life level?? But then your "way" of discussion is probably just a bunch of lol and a lot of personal insult, that's probably the same everywhere anyway.
Nonsense. Xi and CCP were forced by the protestors into changing their stance on zero covid and lockdowns. USA or anyone else didn't have to do with it.

And frankly it is one of the few sane things Xi has done by listening to the people and changing his stupid earlier strategy.
You don't know several days before the protests, Chinese government had issued new 20 clauses to relieve the quarantine measures.
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You don't know several days before the protests, Chinese government had issued new 20 clauses to relieve the quarantine measures.
Sure. But they didn't go far enough ro provide said 'relief' hence the protests.

But frankly, giving in to the protestors is a good thing Xi did in this case because if the infections go up, he can simply say that happened because of the protesters' demand.

Similarly the Chinese people now will feel a significant protest against CCP will make the CCP backdown so next time will get progressively more interesting and better.

Win win situation as they say

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