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In Iran, women are protesting the hijab. In India, they're suing to wear it


Aug 14, 2022
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United States
Footage of Iranian women protesting and burning their hijabs has fascinated Indians, in part because they are seeing the opposite scenario play out at home: Muslim women are suing India's government for the right to keep their hijabs on.

Their lawsuit, brought by high schoolers banned from wearing headscarves in classrooms in southern India, has landed at the country's Supreme Court, where this month, judges admitted that even they have been unable to agree on the issue.

It's a reflection of just how sensitive anything related to the hijab is in Hindu-majority India, especially under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Lawmakers from his Hindu nationalist party have been accused of inciting violence against India's 200 million Muslims — the country's largest minority.

But Modi's Hindu conservatives are championing female Muslim protesters in Iran.

Accused of anti-Muslim discrimination at home, Hindu nationalists voice support for Iranian women​

The Iran protests fit a narrative popular among many in India's Hindu majority: that the hijab is an example of "radical Islam," a tool to control women and a slippery slope toward clerical control.

"Ever since 9/11, the first thing you see with the arrival of radical Islam is the attire," columnist Tavleen Singh said on a recent TV news program. "Every time men decide what women should wear, it is wrong. The hijab... is meant to be a political weapon."

Singh is from a Sikh family. She was an early Modi supporter who later wrote a book about how she became disenchanted with him.

But her views about women's dress resonate with Modi's supporters, who fear Islamist influence in India and point out that Indian authorities are not alone in their efforts to restrict the hijab. Islamic face coverings, though not headscarves, are banned in France too.

"Any attempt to veil women in the name of religion, even if it begins with a headscarf, should be seen as a sign of religious fundamentalism and a future where extensive veiling will be mandated under law," says Swati Goel Sharma, author of a new book titled The Hijab Debate: Subjugation Sold as Freedom.

That's why she opposes it in Indian public school classrooms. "It's like turning the wheels back," she says.

As India turns 75, Muslim girls are suing to wear the hijab — and protect secularism
Sharma and her coauthor Sanjeev Newar filed a petition against the Muslim schoolgirls' lawsuit in the high court of Karnataka, a southern Indian state.

Many Hindu nationalists see a contradiction in those who support Iranian women taking off their hijabs while also supporting Indian women who want to keep them on.

"Oppose Hijab in Iran. Support Hijab in India. Hypocrisy of the Liberal Gangsters !" C. T. Ravi, the national general secretary of Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, tweeted last month.

Muslim women say it's about choice​

But many women on the left and right in India say that misses the point. It's not about the hijab, they say. It's about choice.

"In Iran, the state is interfering in the rights of women — the choice of women — to decide what to wear and what not to wear. And that is exactly the problem faced by the Muslim girls in the schools of Karnataka," says Samar Ali, general secretary of the student union at English and Foreign Languages University in Hyderabad, in southern India.

Ali, who wears the hijab, alleges hypocrisy in another direction. If you champion Iranian women's choice, she says, you must do the same for the Karnataka girls. Those who don't have "double standards," she says.

"It is evident how biased these people are. Even the media in India, it portrays the protests in Iran as simply anti-hijab," Ali says. "But more than that, it's about the basic right of women to choose."

Both sides decry media coverage of the issue. Those on the right say Western coverage has unfairly celebrated the high school girls in Karnataka. And they accuse Indian Muslim groups of being comparatively silent on the Iran protests.

But everyone seems to agree on one thing: When Bollywood celebrities weigh in, they get way too much coverage.

A top Bollywood actress comments on Iran — and gets pummeled online​

On Oct. 7, Indian film star Priyanka Chopra condemned the death in Iranian custody of Mahsa Amini, who'd been arrested by the country's so-called morality police for not wearing the hijab properly. Chopra said she was "in awe" of the Iranian protests that followed.

"The voices that speak after ages of forced silence, will rightfully burst like a volcano! And they will not and MUST not be stemmed," the actor wrote on Instagram.

She was swiftly vilified for it, and was deluged with accusations of hypocrisy.

Nabiya Khan, an Indian Muslim poet who wears the hijab, says Chopra has been conspicuously silent about the persecution of minorities at home.

"We never heard her raising concern against mob lynchings, illegal bulldozing of homes of Muslims, and an alarming increase of hate crimes against Muslims and Dalits in India," she says.

It's not the first time Chopra, a United Nations goodwill ambassador, has faced allegations of hypocrisy.

Two years ago, after she expressed support for Black Lives Matter, observers pointed out that in 2008, she appeared in a series of promotional videos for skin-lightening creams in India called White Beauty. She later said she regretted those ads.

The hijab is used as a political tool against governments​

The way Indians view the anti-hijab movement in Iran largely depends on religion and ideology.

"The right wing, they would like to vilify Islam. So it's like 'See, we told you this is oppressive,'" says Debangana Chatterjee, a political scientist at Jain University in Bengaluru. "Then there are liberals on the left wing who say women's choice should be prioritized."

What they're all missing, Chatterjee says, is some history: In both Iran and India, the hijab has been used as a tool of political activism against the government.

Before Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, Muslim veils were "a symbol of resistance against the oppressive Shah regime," Chatterjee wrote in a recent essay for the Indian online publication Scroll.in. They were also used by Algerian nationalists against the French, and in 1970s Egypt, she notes. Now they are being used by Karnataka schoolgirls to assert their own agency, Chatterjee says.

"Someone who wears a burqa isn't necessarily backward. The idea of repression doesn't reside in what someone is wearing, but whether they're wearing it by choice or not," she says. "That's what connects India and Iran."

both are right, respect to both
Next, they will be begging for the right to wear face veils and cover themselves from head to toe in black. The Iranian women are actually oppressed and put down unlike the Muslim women in India.
both are right, respect to both

It cannot be respect to both. In Iran the people are chanting "Marg bar dictator" and "Marg bar Khamenei" whose entire mullah machinery in the government, the military, the police, the militia called Basij and the burqa brigade is slaughtering people who reject the hijab. Irani military is even bombarding the Kurds in Iraq because Irani military says the Kurds there support the revolutionaries. Even the mullah government has admitted that more than 300 people have died in the protests ( meaning killed by the government ) and many more will be under torture in the cells and many will be in the hospitals or in secret clinics. The Iran protests are the first female-led revolution. Whereas in India the burqa brigade led by the misguided Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan bibi has been peacefully allowed to petition even in the Supreme Court to be allowed to impose burqa in schools and colleges all over India, imposing it on those girls too who don't want to wear it. Not a single burqa girl has been harmed even by spending five minutes in a police lock up. I have written this long post to you yesterday about this matter with all the Indian and global nuances but you haven't responded. This after you made the original post to me.

Mahsa was the Irani girl whose murder by the mullahs started the revolution. When she was being prepared to be buried her father wasn't allowed to see her face or the rest of her because the torture marks would be visible. This is what he said :
“Your Islam denounced them, now you came to pray for them? Are you not ashamed? You killed her for two strands of hair! … Take your Islam and go,” Mahsa Amini’s father said in a viral video.
I don't know Farsi but I can hear something like "Islamiya" and "Qabool" said multiple times which must mean that he doesn't accept the mullah variety of Islam and declares that the mullahs there shouldn't perform Mahsa's last rites. Pakistani members who know Farsi must describe all the words in the vid :

This is the fourth month of the revolution. Victory to it. Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi.

"Any attempt to veil women in the name of religion, even if it begins with a headscarf, should be seen as a sign of religious fundamentalism and a future where extensive veiling will be mandated under law," says Swati Goel Sharma, author of a new book titled The Hijab Debate: Subjugation Sold as Freedom.

Anybody who reads the above text will think this lady, Swati Goel Sharma, is being reasonable, however, she is a kattar Hindutvadi who is a journalist with the Hindutvadi fake news and hate-mongering agency Swarajya and she is just emitting her hate for what she perceives as Islam much like the Hindutvadis support Israel military because they think it stands against what they perceive as Muslim countries around even though those countries, whether Syria or former Iraq or Palestine etc have multiple theist religions and multiple progressive streams including Communists and Socialists, or maybe they know this therefore double the hate. However, the Jews are also an Abrahamic people like Muslims and Christians and do male circumcision like the Muslims which Hindutvadis hate and many Israelis don't quite like visiting India yet the Hindutvadis will simp over Israel. :lol:

Swati will speak against the burqa and the hijab but won't speak about the 3000-year-old subjugation and misogyny in Hindutvad. BJP's next PM candidate after Modi is Yogi Adityanath, current chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. Read his misogynist, suffocating and anti-human views which he derives from the scriptures :
He believes women need male protection from birth to death and their ‘energy/power’ should be regulated or controlled, lest it become worthless and destructive.
He adds the shastras say that a woman is protected in her childhood by her father, by her husband in her youth and by her son in her old age — so that way a woman is not capable of being left free or independent.
Will Swati speak out against Yogi ? Does she really think that had the Hindutvadis begun ruling India in full right from the independence in 1947 till now would she have been able to be educated and have a career ?
Right to be oppressed and look like a clown in public. No half sane person wants to see women covered in black sheets on the streets.
There are two issues with your statement.
1 - You assume that EVERY women who wants to wear hijab is forced to do so
2 - Women are not objects neither the property hence it should not matter to them how "Sane persons" want to see them.
No half sane person wants to see women covered in black sheets on the streets.
what does it matter what YOU want to see women wear? Shouldn't it be women's choice what they want to wear and how they want to be perceived? (unless you are arguing that they are being forced to do it, which is another debate entirely.)
For example, it's clear @jamahir doesn't want to see women in burqas, what if he says he wants to see your sister in a C-string, is that okay? Since it's clear you it's not the women's choice, and it's certainly not the choice of the patriarch (you or your father), so it's the passerby's like @jamahir who get to decide what your sister wears.

There are two issues with your statement.
1 - You assume that EVERY women who wants to wear hijab is forced to do so
2 - Women are not objects neither the property hence it should not matter to them how "Sane persons" want to see them.
BANG ON. The rent-a-liberal argument falls face flat when you put forth those two arguments.
For example, it's clear @jamahir doesn't want to see women in burqas, what if he says he wants to see your sister in a C-string, is that okay? Since it's clear you it's not the women's choice, and it's certainly not the choice of the patriarch (you or your father), so it's the passerby's like @jamahir who get to decide what your sister wears.

1. It is not nice of you to talk like that South African mullah idiot Ahmed Deedat for whom a female is either in a burqa or in a bikini in public. For him there is no middle ground / garment.

2. A female human is not born in a burqa but instilled into it by misogynist males and females who if "Muslim" have misunderstood Islam and not knowing that the burqa is not at all from Islam but is in fact anti-Islam. These voluntarily burqa'ed females hate themselves for being born female and thus hide their Nature-given feminineness from society. Mullahs may give khutbas about how pre-Islam Arabs in Makkah and thereabouts used to hate females to the extent that many new-born female infants would be buried in sand to kill them - female infanticide. But this murder of the new-born female because of some cultural irrationality is the same as hiding away the non-infant female in a burqa and denying her feminine presence and existence. By hiding away the female in a burqa you are essentially killing her, which is why I think the Irani anti-hijab revolutionaries have their slogan as "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi" ( Woman, Life, Freedom ). Watch this Libyan girl being defiant in her message to Obomba, Sarkozy, Cameron and their GCC slaves who had been bombarding her country from the air and the sea in addition to inserting thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood psychos through land and sea. She doesn't wear the burqa nor did any of Muammar's female guards. Muammar and his comrades did the 1969 revolution, overthrowing the NATO-agent king Idris and Muammar and his comrades then liberated the females of Libya which is why this girl and other Libyan females love him :

I will soon post a thread about one of Muammar's female guards who was killed in 2011 in trying to defend him.

3. @Zornix's sister is neither my chattel ( personal property ) nor of Zornix himself or his father or village head. When Islam gives the Muslim female to choose her mate who would also assent to her by seeing her clearly do you think Islam would do the contradictory thing of imposing the burqa on her ? How is the man supposed to look at her if she is all covered up ? Does he have X-ray vision ? Hazrat Muhammad was the world's first Feminist if at all we must use the word feminist instead of a simple Humanist. He emancipated and liberated the female. Please read this post of mine and follow the conversation there both to know the simple and rational rights that Islam gives to the female, something that Ahmed Deedat, Zakir Naik and other dhongi babas don't speak of. And why just talk around Islam, these rights to the female are her natural rights as a human beyond the ideas of Islam.

4. Please read my reply to Maula Jatt again ( post# 6 ) and follow the link to my post elsewhere where I have written a lengthy post on the situation in India and how an Egyptian girl who is an actual achiever in the space field and has great ideas for humanity, she doesn't wear the burqa but the misguided Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan bibi does and is not an achiever of any sorts.
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No Iranian women aren't protesting, most are fine getting on with their lives

Hijab is a part of Islam, I a world where immorality and debauchery is becoming the norm, it is ever more important for Muslims to resist

The hijab Is a symbol of the Muslim faithful and all Muslims must defend it
No Iranian women aren't protesting, most are fine getting on with their lives

Hijab is a part of Islam, I a world where immorality and debauchery is becoming the norm, it is ever more important for Muslims to resist

The hijab Is a symbol of the Muslim faithful and all Muslims must defend it

So this girl wasn't murdered by the NATO-seeded mullah regime ?

From October about the mourners at her grave :

"Bullets And Tear Gas:" Crackdown On Mourners At Nika’s Grave Site​

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Nika Shakarami disappeared during an anti-government protest in Tehran last week.

Nika Shakarami disappeared during an anti-government protest in Tehran last week.

Iranian security forces have reportedly used violence against protesters who had gathered at a cemetery in the western province of Lorestan where Nika Shakarami’s family planned to hold a ceremony to mark the 40th day since the death of the teenage girl.

An angry crowd gathered at the cemetery in the village of Veisian on Thursday, October 27, despite tight security measures, chanting slogans against the Iranian regime, according to video clips distributed on social media.
A source close to Shakrami's family was quoted as saying security forces opened fire and used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.

Nika, 16, disappeared on September 20 during an anti-government protest in Tehran. Her family found her body in a morgue outside the capital after spending days looking for her in prisons, detention centers, police stations and hospitals.

There are growing suspicions that she was killed by security forces amid a brutal crackdown on an ongoing wave of nationwide protest rallies triggered by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini last month.

Officials have told state media there were no bullet marks on Nika’s body and that her death was not linked to protests. Official media suggested she had thrown herself from the rooftop of a multi-story building.
The lawyer of the Shakrami family has ruled out suicide as the cause of Nika's death.

And U.S. broadcaster CNN on October 27 released an investigation which it said provided proof that Shakarami was arrested by security forces during the Tehran protest.

It showed footage of a girl, identified by CNN as Shakarami, leading a crowd of protesters in throwing stones, and then hiding from the police between passing cars.

CNN quoted the eyewitness who provided the video as saying they saw the teenager arrested by "several big security officers."

Nika became an icon for the protesters who have taken to the streets across Iran since Amini died on September 16 while in custody of the morality police. She had been arrested for allegedly wearing the hijab incorrectly.
At least 234 people, including 29 children, have been killed so far in the crackdown on the nationwide protests, according to one human rights organization. Several thousand people have been arrested.
So even by late October at least 234 people were murdered by the regime including shooting up two-year-olds and thousands were arrested. Yet you say nothing is happening. Any person any where in the world, especially a Muslim, who is not openly or covertly supporting these anti-hijab revolutionaries is not being a Muslim, a human.

You speak of "immorality and debauchery" coming through a female not hijab'ed and burqa'ed. This is like that idiot mullah in Pakistan, Tariq Jamil, declaring that COVID came to humanity because of immorality done by the females. Lovely. So what will this idiot mullah say next, that any eruptions on the Sun that affect the satellites above Earth are because of female immorality ? Will he say that also about volcanos and earthquakes ? Actually, since we are talking about Iran, mullah, earthquake and female "immorality" I must speak of an Irani mullah who in 2010 declared that earthquakes occur because of female "immorality" :
Iran is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries, and the cleric's unusual explanation for why the earth shakes follows a prediction by the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that a quake is certain to hit Tehran and that many of its 12 million inhabitants should relocate.

"Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which increases earthquakes," Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media. Women in the Islamic Republic are required by law to cover from head to toe, but many, especially the young, ignore some of the more strict codes and wear tight coats and scarves pulled back that show much of the hair. "What can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble?" Sedighi asked during a prayer sermon last week. "There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes." Seismologists have warned for at least two decades that it is likely the sprawling capital will be struck by a catastrophic quake in the near future. Some experts have even suggested Iran should move its capital to a less seismically active location. Tehran straddles scores of fault lines, including one more than 50 miles long, though it has not suffered a major quake since 1830.

In 2003, a powerful earthquake hit the southern city of Bam, killing 31,000 people – about a quarter of that city's population – and destroying its ancient mud-built citadel.

"A divine authority told me to tell the people to make a general repentance. Why? Because calamities threaten us," said Sedighi, Tehran's acting Friday prayer leader. Referring to the violence that followed last June's disputed presidential election, he said: "The political earthquake that occurred was a reaction to some of the actions [that took place]. And now, if a natural earthquake hits Tehran, no one will be able to confront such a calamity but God's power, only God's power ... So let's not disappoint God."

The Iranian government and its security forces have been locked in a bloody battle with a large opposition movement that accuses Ahmadinejad of winning last year's vote by fraud.

Ahmadinejad made his quake prediction two weeks ago but said he could not give an exact date. He acknowledged that he could not order all of Tehran's 12m people to evacuate. "But provisions have to be made ... at least 5 million should leave Tehran so it is less crowded," the president said.

The welfare minister, Sadeq Mahsooli, said prayers and pleas for forgiveness were the best "formulae to repel earthquakes. We cannot invent a system that prevents earthquakes, but God has created this system and that is to avoid sins, to pray, to seek forgiveness, pay alms and self-sacrifice," Mahsooli said.
So, according to these Irani mullahs in 2010, God made the human female but also restricted her from being her female self and being free ?

Secondly, Indonesia also has many earthquakes, and occasional volcano eruptions too. In 1965-66 the mullahs of Indonesia led locally by General Suharto but commanded by NATO ( as is always ) genocided up to three million "godless" Indonesian Communists, supporters and sympathizers, banned the Communist party ( PKI ) and then set about burqa'fying and "moralizing" Indonesian society yet strange isn't it that earthquakes still happen there including mosques getting demolished and crushing the "pious" praying people within :

So what will the Irani mullahs of 2010 and the Pakistani mullah, Tariq Jamil of 2021 say of Mars where there are quakes too, big and small, discovered by the rovers ? Does this mean that female "immorality" on Earth is so powerful that it reaches at least 56 million kilometers across space to reach Mars, go into the ground and cause quakes there ? This is a wonderful discovery I made.

Again about idiot Tariq Jamil, he led the final prayers of the former Pakistani musician Junaid Jamshed who had turned from a good-looking chap into an ugly-looking Tableeghi zombie and went about pushing Muslims into mosques and burqas. Now Junaid's death in 2016 was in a plane crash while returning from a Tableegh mission. He either died upon the plane hitting the ground or when the plane possibly caught fire in the air. All in all not a peaceful death. So why didn't all his "morality" and "piousness" save him from painful death ? All those "immoral" females are okay except for social oppression and except for irregular disease that can afflict anyone. But Junaid died a Tableeghi death. His arrogant "piousness" did not save him from utter pain in his final moments. :)

And Hussain, you never mention the gay debauchery-- that goes on in madarsas. This is from my thread from 2015 :
TNN | May 27, 2015, 01.32 AM IST

ALIGARH: An Aligarh Muslim University professor's alleged comments on madrassas that they are "dens of vice and homosexuality" has triggered a storm of protest in the campus.

The professor, Waseem Raja of the university's history department, has been accused of saying in a WhatsApp message that he sent to a TV channel that "maulanas are involved in such activities" and that the fortunes of Muslim youth will only change for the better if madrassas in the country are banned.

Chat grabs show Raja saying, "We want removal of madarsa... Where homo sexuality is rampant...Maulanas are part of it".

The professor, who has been teaching in AMU for the past three decades, has, however, denied he said any such thing. "I did not say anything like that," he told TOI on Tuesday. "I have been part of SAARC conferences in the past and I have always spoken about reformation of the community. Are madarsas not part of the community? That does not mean I said such things, my phone was hacked and I have blocked the chat group now."

But students have taken to social media to condemn Raja's remarks. Shah Alam Turk, a research scholar, said, "I was chatting on the group when Raja popped saying such things -- his personal views. I messaged him saying 'You have constitutional rights to express (your views), but don't defame (madrassas) without verifying facts first. This is prejudice, not logic, and will weaken the community, not strengthen."

Other students hit back equally hard. One of them said: "People like you spoil the name of the university. God has given you reason, so think before speaking."

Mustafa Zaidi, AMUTA secretary, said the professor should have "calculated" what to say. "Such statements can be misconstrued and can result in anger," he said, adding, "If he said so in the first place."

Rashid Shaz, director of AMU Bridge Course that deals with madrassa students, condemned Raja's views and said, "Students of madrassas are very cultured and have standards of morality. One should show evidence before questioning them en masse."

AMU PRO Rahat Abrar said course of action against the professor will be decided only when the VC returns. "VC is away, decision will be taken only when he returns," he said.
Why do you focus on females and not condemn these gay maulanas in madarsas exploiting the vulnerable situation of the male students in the madarsas ? Isn't this actually immoral and debauched ?

As to your point, Hussain, that Muslims must resist and defend Islam you are right but not in the way you think. True Muslims must support the anti-hijab revolutionaries of Iran and progressives everywhere, whether Muslim or not, and resist the NATO-seeded mullahs including in your Hyde Park in London where the idiot Tableeghi thugs like Mohammed "Hijab", Dawah Man and Ali Dawah harass passing public and destroy the name of Islam. It is these that Muslims must resist.

So, Hussain, let's do a deal then. Exchange of populations.

The first part of the exchange is that all so-called Muslim females who are volunteer-fanatics of burqa / hijab / covering up, whether from India or Iran or Indonesia or your Britain or anywhere else... they all can move to Taliban's "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan where there is no food and no housing and people are selling their kidneys and daughters to obtain money to survive but 400 new loudspeakers have been installed by the "pious" Taliban in the mosques and maybe the bazaars too to make azaan. The Taliban tells the people to convince their stomach and soul to forget hunger by the body doing prayer. And of course these "pious" burqa'ed females from outside can wear the divine burqa to their heart's content, even without the house.

I do not think more than a few Afghan females and the rational males want to stay on in the great "Islamic" Emirate. Here's three Afghans interviewed in Delhi last year after the Taliban takeover. The first is a girl :

The second part of the population exchange is that all those females who reject the burqa and hijab they do hijrat to various parts of the progressive world which naturally is not under dominance of NATO because NATO enables the filths who enforce the burqa. So the rationals do hijrat to maybe Syria, Russia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Cuba etc. Here's Asma, the wife of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. She doesn't cover up which is why she and her husband and the progressive Baath movement they represent is hated absolutely by NATO which since 2011 has sent in tens of thousands of Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood and Tableeghi Jamaat from all over the world to overthrow the progressive Syria and install mullah rule where there will be burqas everywhere and Syria will become another possession in the Capitalist empire of NATO. Here is Asma then :





The last pic where she wears a "hijab" is because her hair was lost to chemotherapy because she was afflicted with breast cancer but which is now gone.

Must say she really must chubby up. She's quite thin.
So this girl wasn't murdered by the NATO-seeded mullah regime ?

From October about the mourners at her grave :

So even by late October at least 234 people were murdered by the regime including shooting up two-year-olds and thousands were arrested. Yet you say nothing is happening. Any person any where in the world, especially a Muslim, who is not openly or covertly supporting these anti-hijab revolutionaries is not being a Muslim, a human.

You speak of "immorality and debauchery" coming through a female not hijab'ed and burqa'ed. This is like that idiot mullah in Pakistan, Tariq Jamil, declaring that COVID came to humanity because of immorality done by the females. Lovely. So what will this idiot mullah say next, that any eruptions on the Sun that affect the satellites above Earth are because of female immorality ? Will he say that also about volcanos and earthquakes ? Actually, since we are talking about Iran, mullah, earthquake and female "immorality" I must speak of an Irani mullah who in 2010 declared that earthquakes occur because of female "immorality" :

So, according to these Irani mullahs in 2010, God made the human female but also restricted her from being her female self and being free ?

Secondly, Indonesia also has many earthquakes, and occasional volcano eruptions too. In 1965-66 the mullahs of Indonesia led locally by General Suharto but commanded by NATO ( as is always ) genocided up to three million "godless" Indonesian Communists, supporters and sympathizers, banned the Communist party ( PKI ) and then set about burqa'fying and "moralizing" Indonesian society yet strange isn't it that earthquakes still happen there including mosques getting demolished and crushing the "pious" praying people within :

So what will the Irani mullahs of 2010 and the Pakistani mullah, Tariq Jamil of 2021 say of Mars where there are quakes too, big and small, discovered by the rovers ? Does this mean that female "immorality" on Earth is so powerful that it reaches at least 56 million kilometers across space to reach Mars, go into the ground and cause quakes there ? This is a wonderful discovery I made.

Again about idiot Tariq Jamil, he led the final prayers of the former Pakistani musician Junaid Jamshed who had turned from a good-looking chap into an ugly-looking Tableeghi zombie and went about pushing Muslims into mosques and burqas. Now Junaid's death in 2016 was in a plane crash while returning from a Tableegh mission. He either died upon the plane hitting the ground or when the plane possibly caught fire in the air. All in all not a peaceful death. So why didn't all his "morality" and "piousness" save him from painful death ? All those "immoral" females are okay except for social oppression and except for irregular disease that can afflict anyone. But Junaid died a Tableeghi death. His arrogant "piousness" did not save him from utter pain in his final moments. :)

And Hussain, you never mention the gay debauchery-- that goes on in madarsas. This is from my thread from 2015 :

Why do you focus on females and not condemn these gay maulanas in madarsas exploiting the vulnerable situation of the male students in the madarsas ? Isn't this actually immoral and debauched ?

As to your point, Hussain, that Muslims must resist and defend Islam you are right but not in the way you think. True Muslims must support the anti-hijab revolutionaries of Iran and progressives everywhere, whether Muslim or not, and resist the NATO-seeded mullahs including in your Hyde Park in London where the idiot Tableeghi thugs like Mohammed "Hijab", Dawah Man and Ali Dawah harass passing public and destroy the name of Islam. It is these that Muslims must resist.

So, Hussain, let's do a deal then. Exchange of populations.

The first part of the exchange is that all so-called Muslim females who are volunteer-fanatics of burqa / hijab / covering up, whether from India or Iran or Indonesia or your Britain or anywhere else... they all can move to Taliban's "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan where there is no food and no housing and people are selling their kidneys and daughters to obtain money to survive but 400 new loudspeakers have been installed by the "pious" Taliban in the mosques and maybe the bazaars too to make azaan. The Taliban tells the people to convince their stomach and soul to forget hunger by the body doing prayer. And of course these "pious" burqa'ed females from outside can wear the divine burqa to their heart's content, even without the house.

I do not think more than a few Afghan females and the rational males want to stay on in the great "Islamic" Emirate. Here's three Afghans interviewed in Delhi last year after the Taliban takeover. The first is a girl :

The second part of the population exchange is that all those females who reject the burqa and hijab they do hijrat to various parts of the progressive world which naturally is not under dominance of NATO because NATO enables the filths who enforce the burqa. So the rationals do hijrat to maybe Syria, Russia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Cuba etc. Here's Asma, the wife of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. She doesn't cover up which is why she and her husband and the progressive Baath movement they represent is hated absolutely by NATO which since 2011 has sent in tens of thousands of Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood and Tableeghi Jamaat from all over the world to overthrow the progressive Syria and install mullah rule where there will be burqas everywhere and Syria will become another possession in the Capitalist empire of NATO. Here is Asma then :





The last pic where she wears a "hijab" is because her hair was lost to chemotherapy because she was afflicted with breast cancer but which is now gone.

Must say she really must chubby up. She's quite thin.

Battybreath stop tell lie .


LOL, you post without context and ignore all my photos including one of her meeting the senior leader Mahathir Mohamad without burqa / hijab / whatever, and the middle one you post is not a hijab but a style scarf and she looks good in it ( and is also worn by Western females ) unlike the ninja, Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan bibi :

It is not me being dishonest but you. :)

You can respond now but I will reply tomorrow because I am sleepy and logging off.
LOL, you post without context and ignore all my photos including one of her meeting the senior leader Mahathir Mohamad without burqa / hijab / whatever, and the middle one you post is not a hijab but a style scarf and she looks good in it ( and is also worn by Western females ) unlike the ninja, Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan bibi :

It is not me being dishonest but you. :)

You can respond now but I will reply tomorrow because I am sleepy and logging off.

Okay boy you carry on I have no interest In what women wear or not chose to wear on their head . I was just pointing out your bullshit .

I’m more interested in panties and bras & sexy lingerie on a woman .
So this girl wasn't murdered by the NATO-seeded mullah regime ?

From October about the mourners at her grave :

So even by late October at least 234 people were murdered by the regime including shooting up two-year-olds and thousands were arrested. Yet you say nothing is happening. Any person any where in the world, especially a Muslim, who is not openly or covertly supporting these anti-hijab revolutionaries is not being a Muslim, a human.

You speak of "immorality and debauchery" coming through a female not hijab'ed and burqa'ed. This is like that idiot mullah in Pakistan, Tariq Jamil, declaring that COVID came to humanity because of immorality done by the females. Lovely. So what will this idiot mullah say next, that any eruptions on the Sun that affect the satellites above Earth are because of female immorality ? Will he say that also about volcanos and earthquakes ? Actually, since we are talking about Iran, mullah, earthquake and female "immorality" I must speak of an Irani mullah who in 2010 declared that earthquakes occur because of female "immorality" :

So, according to these Irani mullahs in 2010, God made the human female but also restricted her from being her female self and being free ?

Secondly, Indonesia also has many earthquakes, and occasional volcano eruptions too. In 1965-66 the mullahs of Indonesia led locally by General Suharto but commanded by NATO ( as is always ) genocided up to three million "godless" Indonesian Communists, supporters and sympathizers, banned the Communist party ( PKI ) and then set about burqa'fying and "moralizing" Indonesian society yet strange isn't it that earthquakes still happen there including mosques getting demolished and crushing the "pious" praying people within :

So what will the Irani mullahs of 2010 and the Pakistani mullah, Tariq Jamil of 2021 say of Mars where there are quakes too, big and small, discovered by the rovers ? Does this mean that female "immorality" on Earth is so powerful that it reaches at least 56 million kilometers across space to reach Mars, go into the ground and cause quakes there ? This is a wonderful discovery I made.

Again about idiot Tariq Jamil, he led the final prayers of the former Pakistani musician Junaid Jamshed who had turned from a good-looking chap into an ugly-looking Tableeghi zombie and went about pushing Muslims into mosques and burqas. Now Junaid's death in 2016 was in a plane crash while returning from a Tableegh mission. He either died upon the plane hitting the ground or when the plane possibly caught fire in the air. All in all not a peaceful death. So why didn't all his "morality" and "piousness" save him from painful death ? All those "immoral" females are okay except for social oppression and except for irregular disease that can afflict anyone. But Junaid died a Tableeghi death. His arrogant "piousness" did not save him from utter pain in his final moments. :)

And Hussain, you never mention the gay debauchery-- that goes on in madarsas. This is from my thread from 2015 :

Why do you focus on females and not condemn these gay maulanas in madarsas exploiting the vulnerable situation of the male students in the madarsas ? Isn't this actually immoral and debauched ?

As to your point, Hussain, that Muslims must resist and defend Islam you are right but not in the way you think. True Muslims must support the anti-hijab revolutionaries of Iran and progressives everywhere, whether Muslim or not, and resist the NATO-seeded mullahs including in your Hyde Park in London where the idiot Tableeghi thugs like Mohammed "Hijab", Dawah Man and Ali Dawah harass passing public and destroy the name of Islam. It is these that Muslims must resist.

So, Hussain, let's do a deal then. Exchange of populations.

The first part of the exchange is that all so-called Muslim females who are volunteer-fanatics of burqa / hijab / covering up, whether from India or Iran or Indonesia or your Britain or anywhere else... they all can move to Taliban's "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan where there is no food and no housing and people are selling their kidneys and daughters to obtain money to survive but 400 new loudspeakers have been installed by the "pious" Taliban in the mosques and maybe the bazaars too to make azaan. The Taliban tells the people to convince their stomach and soul to forget hunger by the body doing prayer. And of course these "pious" burqa'ed females from outside can wear the divine burqa to their heart's content, even without the house.

I do not think more than a few Afghan females and the rational males want to stay on in the great "Islamic" Emirate. Here's three Afghans interviewed in Delhi last year after the Taliban takeover. The first is a girl :

The second part of the population exchange is that all those females who reject the burqa and hijab they do hijrat to various parts of the progressive world which naturally is not under dominance of NATO because NATO enables the filths who enforce the burqa. So the rationals do hijrat to maybe Syria, Russia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Cuba etc. Here's Asma, the wife of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. She doesn't cover up which is why she and her husband and the progressive Baath movement they represent is hated absolutely by NATO which since 2011 has sent in tens of thousands of Al Qaeda, "Muslim" Brotherhood and Tableeghi Jamaat from all over the world to overthrow the progressive Syria and install mullah rule where there will be burqas everywhere and Syria will become another possession in the Capitalist empire of NATO. Here is Asma then :





The last pic where she wears a "hijab" is because her hair was lost to chemotherapy because she was afflicted with breast cancer but which is now gone.

Must say she really must chubby up. She's quite thin.

She was a traitor to her county and she died, who cares

Hijab is something all Muslims must defend in a world that is becoming degenerate
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