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Again: Imran Khan hopes army chief will ensure 'transparent' elections

undercover JIX

Dec 6, 2008
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Why IK Keep asking Army Chief to interfere in Elections and Politics? What he really want?

IK needs to insist that the army should keep out of politics, and keep up the public pressure . The establishment has done irreparable damage to the psyche of the nation, and not to mention what they and their minions have done to the nations economy.
Pragmatism. All help welcome to sit on the throne.
There is a bit more to this - massive rigging is the norm for in Pakistani elections with everything from ID cards being stolen to stuffing ballot boxes by thugs.

So while the Army did “engineer” the elections last time by pushing electables PTIs way they also ensured a lot of the ballots were genuine and people were not pressured nor fake ballots stuffed into boxes. From that processes perspective it was comparatively fair
Why IK Keep asking Army Chief to interfere in Elections and Politics? What he really want?

He wants to be picked up and placed on throne...
So peerni can run tosha Khana and army shud change his pampers like before
He needs to make up his mind, if he can.

In one speech / Interview blaming, accusing, crying that Army is bad for political engineering and everything., and next day asking same Army to use Political engineers.

I do not think, public is so stupid to accept both narratives, question is what is his bayania, he wants Army to interfere or no.

If yes, than dont cry when it goes against him.
He needs to make up his mind, if he can.

In one speech / Interview blaming, accusing, crying that Army is bad for political engineering and everything., and next day asking same Army to use Political engineers.

I do not think, public is so stupid to accept both narratives, question is what is his bayania, he wants Army to interfere or no.

If yes, than dont cry when it goes against him.

During the first long march to remove Nawaz Sharif, IK used to call on the establishment to save Pakistan, to remove the corrupt etc. Once he was in power, he gave alot of high positions to the army people but after his removal he called the generals traitors and mir Jafers. Then started to request them to be neutral but now is calling for army chief to ensure free and fair elections.

Fact is - All political party leaders try to blackmail or pressurise the establishment to grant them the seat of PM. PDM also does the same. Imran Khan wants the army chief to ensure PTI wins the elections.

We also need to keep in mind the army is not as powerful as we believe otherwise General Musharaff would have stayed in power for a very long time. It was under the PDM and Judiciary pressure he had to remove his uniform and then had to leave power. The same way General Raheel Sharif could not make PMLN government to announce military operations against the militants so he announced them without government support, the same way he set up military courts to prosecute the terrorists as the judiciary was incompetent, the military courts lasted not for too long.

The judiciary and political parties have international connections and they can pressurise and blackmail the military establishment. IK has no international backing so he is only looking towards the army to help him.
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During the first long march to remove Nawaz Sharif, IK used to call on the establishment to save Pakistan, to remove the corrupt etc. Once he was in power, he gave alot of high positions to the army people but after his removal he called the generals traitors and mir Jafers. Then started to request them to be neutral but now is calling for army chief to ensure free and fair elections.

Fact is - All political party leaders try to blackmail or pressurise the establishment to grant them the seat of PM. PDM also does the same.
I understand very well what you are saying. But my issue is, IK went out full guns blazing against Establishment and now openly asking them to interfere.

At least others are doing behind doors mostly and not making the Nation against Army and fight, hate. I know there is no difference, but which one is causing more damage to Pakistan.

I know, but was expecting better from IK.

If this is the case, than Army is innocent and just being used as qurbani ka baqra by all political parties.

Now the real question is, Who to blame in this whole kut khana?
because without them its not possible. What happen in karachi? pure dhanli, Ucs change 5 member of a family have 2 votes in 1 UC and 3 votes in other Ucs.

then thappa happening, late result, political engineering.

So yes he is right.
Why IK Keep asking Army Chief to interfere in Elections and Politics? What he really want?

Because that's the reality..
Army is the main player in conducting elections....you need a referee in a 22 player match.. this is a then a match of 220 million... you have places in pakistan where elections can't happen unless security agencies provide the environment and manpower.
In this tribal society people don't accept each other's supremacy they raid and destroy results if the result is not as per their wishes..how can such an activity complete when governance is so weak..
I understand very well what you are saying. But my issue is, IK went out full guns blazing against Establishment and now openly asking them to interfere.

At least others are doing behind doors mostly and not making the Nation against Army and fight, hate. I know there is no difference, but which one is causing more damage to Pakistan.

I know, but was expecting better from IK.

If this is the case, than Army is innocent and just being used as qurbani ka baqra by all political parties.

Now the real question is, Who to blame in this whole kut khana?

You see this is exactly why IK and the establishment had a fall out. The establishment supported him but once the support stopped he called them traitors. He had disagreements with them regarding foreign and internal policy. The establishment hasn't suddenly become mir jafers, they're always been like this.

I wouldn't say they're innocent, they always want to control the foreign policy and relations. The civilian government needs to reach some kind of agreements with them. If you look at the western world, their establishment and civilians are on one page but behind the doors they also have issues and disagreements.

The blame goes on PTI aswell as establishment, PTI lost the vote of no confidence, IK wanted the establishment to pressurise the MNAs to not vote against him but instead Bajwa decided to back off and allow PDM to take on IK and Zardari did the rest. PTI MNAs were lotas and corrupt and it wasn't easy for Zardari to buy them, we all knew that.

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