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World Media and Hysteria Over Pakistan's Collapse

we have .

1. ISI





that confuse alot whom to choose.
india on brink

inept leaders
religious extremism
naxal movement
127 so called freedom fighting groups
class division

damn we r still going strong. my pakistani friends dont worry. we both (india pak) will survive.
The thing with India i that they wil have to quit this ' I was born yesteday and i dont know jack ****' kind of attitude. All the things that india blames Pakistan for whether it the 26/11 or a fly in the PM's soup, are two sided. Indiots (opps i meant Indians :bounce:) conveniently deny everything, their presence in Baluchistan, creation and feeding the TTP etc etc can b receprocate easily by Pakistan. What has this solved ove the year?? They forget that we know that the silly old game they played with us in 1971 is no more valid.

1971, Cold Start, Baluchisan, TTP, all are representing India's foreign policy towards Pakistan, and still u got nerve to say u wanna talk and help. Quit the wolf in the sheep hide act. For crying ot loud! :rofl:

The Indians kept denying that they had no hand in Bangladesh for 30 yrs! talk about being scared! :P but now since everybody know that Indra was indeed behind the whole fiasco, they jus have to admit it and equivocate it. The same stunt thae ae trying to pull again in Balucitan and FATA via their embessied in Afganistan.

I only hope that Pakistan's conditions deteriarate even more and faster!. this will get the nation back in track. Order out of Chaos :yahoo: In light of this, this sellout gvernment wil be hanged along with the other traitors working to promulgate Indian/US/Zionist agendas and we will finlly be in a position to make some serious foreign policies to deal with India.:chilli:

It would take a fool to beleive that India wont benefit from this precariouspolitical sitution in Pakistan. India is happy to see Pakistan slow bleed, and is one of the architects of this ageda. Sadly, India only works with Israeli borrowed strategy and tactics, be it indution of Cold Start or sending its sabatours in Pakistan. Personally i beleve that India is waiting for Pakistan to bleed too much, and then it wll attack a weaker Pakistan when the US directs itto do so. thats why the US and Israel are arming India, to take care of Pakistan on the event of which an isolated China will be easie to tackle.

Before im branded as a 'war junkie', Im gonna repudiate it before hand. Im just of the opnion that Indian Hegemonic thinking cannot be changed and no amont of table talks will solve any problems until this age old scheming and dishonest Indian mentality is altered.... (As f tats ever going to happen) :coffee:

A hyena will always be a hyena, no matter what. Expecting it be behavelike a lion will only amount to foolishnss. thats wat our b!cth a55 foreign misinter is trying to do, act all decent.

Paistan's ONLY problem is thetraitos from within. We need to sort that out. India, extremist mullahs, TTP, Energy crisis, Onions, Sugar, will all become minuscule after that.

and oh, btw, more than the killer ninja mullahs from Pakistan, the Indians should pay heed to Kashmiri and Naxalite insurgents. They're really starting o rock big timenowadays :smitten:

@god of war :learn to give some respect to lady will you?

Didn't mean any disrespect, you cant deny that the display pic IS indeed lovely. In serious probability, it isnt even her own pic.

I just said that in a lighter mood, but if the lady did feel ofended because of my comment, then I'm sorry :angel:

regards, god of war...........

We dont want any outside help.

We only want that outsiders should stop supporting terrorists in Pakistan and should stop poking their nose in our affairs.

We aka Pakistanis are already doing great to improve the situation if you have any doubt please come over to Swat where first snowfall of the winter was enjoyed by Tourists from across Pakistan.


If situation is really better now, what about foreign tourists? Swat is a beautiful place, which should attract several foreign tourists.
If situation is really better now, what about foreign tourists? Swat is a beautiful place, which should attract several foreign tourists.

Duh!!! we dont know sir jee, can u please tell us what is happening in swat?? :woot:

Or are u guys helping ur TTP boy to regroup? send tem in again, jut be ready with coffins and alot of bangages for them aswell. The 7.62 projectile from a G3 ca hurt Big Time!!! :sniper:

Nobody really wants to destroy Pakistan, the problem is from people that want to keep Pakistan on the boil.

They will keep it simmering, as that way they can keep this going indefinitely. We are just too stupid to realize this and keep from improving our country by fixing its laws, removing corruption, voting for the right parties, taking away support from madrassas and educating our children.
I don't think so, I think we are on the right course of correcting our problems. Up until now we've only brushed such problems under the carpet but and avoided them but now as they're creeping up we are tackling them, be it terrorism, corruption or democracy.

We just have to let the political system run it's course and stop wishing for an overnight solution to our problems, that ain't happening. I chuckle at such articles painting a gloomy pictures about Pakistan and Indians gloating over it and meanwhile life is still thriving in Pakistan as strongly as ever, people are working, buying, investing, a small store we bought in lahore three years ago has gone up 30% in value and insh'allah buying more like many others.

So let the haters hate, taking a shot at someone when they're down is a common practice, let it be and focus more on things that matter to us. Afterall, actions do speak louder than words.
The thing with India i that they wil have to quit this ' I was born yesteday and i dont know jack ****' kind of attitude. All the things that india blames Pakistan for whether it the 26/11 or a fly in the PM's soup, are two sided. Indiots (opps i meant Indians :bounce:) conveniently deny everything, their presence in Baluchistan, creation and feeding the TTP etc etc can b receprocate easily by Pakistan. What has this solved ove the year?? They forget that we know that the silly old game they played with us in 1971 is no more valid.

1971, Cold Start, Baluchisan, TTP, all are representing India's foreign policy towards Pakistan, and still u got nerve to say u wanna talk and help. Quit the wolf in the sheep hide act. For crying ot loud! :rofl:

The Indians kept denying that they had no hand in Bangladesh for 30 yrs! talk about being scared! :P but now since everybody know that Indra was indeed behind the whole fiasco, they jus have to admit it and equivocate it. The same stunt thae ae trying to pull again in Balucitan and FATA via their embessied in Afganistan.

I only hope that Pakistan's conditions deteriarate even more and faster!. this will get the nation back in track. Order out of Chaos :yahoo: In light of this, this sellout gvernment wil be hanged along with the other traitors working to promulgate Indian/US/Zionist agendas and we will finlly be in a position to make some serious foreign policies to deal with India.:chilli:

It would take a fool to beleive that India wont benefit from this precariouspolitical sitution in Pakistan. India is happy to see Pakistan slow bleed, and is one of the architects of this ageda. Sadly, India only works with Israeli borrowed strategy and tactics, be it indution of Cold Start or sending its sabatours in Pakistan. Personally i beleve that India is waiting for Pakistan to bleed too much, and then it wll attack a weaker Pakistan when the US directs itto do so. thats why the US and Israel are arming India, to take care of Pakistan on the event of which an isolated China will be easie to tackle.

Before im branded as a 'war junkie', Im gonna repudiate it before hand. Im just of the opnion that Indian Hegemonic thinking cannot be changed and no amont of table talks will solve any problems until this age old scheming and dishonest Indian mentality is altered.... (As f tats ever going to happen) :coffee:

A hyena will always be a hyena, no matter what. Expecting it be behavelike a lion will only amount to foolishnss. thats wat our b!cth a55 foreign misinter is trying to do, act all decent.

Paistan's ONLY problem is thetraitos from within. We need to sort that out. India, extremist mullahs, TTP, Energy crisis, Onions, Sugar, will all become minuscule after that.

and oh, btw, more than the killer ninja mullahs from Pakistan, the Indians should pay heed to Kashmiri and Naxalite insurgents. They're really starting o rock big timenowadays :smitten:


Well as I got too much time in hand I thought i shall reply to some ******** and you made my day!

And be happy these politicos up there arent anything like me or else the 127 'freedom fighting' groups and the Kashmiri seperatists would not have existed...the orders will be simple 'Kill them all'

I have a simple logic "Your enemy is fit to negotiate only if he is seven feet under the ground" or as ashes.

Naxalites have already been dealt with down south and it did not take Kerala and Tamilnadu a whole week to finish it off.

We dont need any saboteurs to finish off Pakistan..It already has more than a 100 million like minded people like you.

Yeah we are helped by the US and the Israel because our government has cash in its pockets unlike yours which claims to be bankrupt every single day and asks for loans and loan waivers from every international organization in existence.

Traitors from within?...who are they?

And yes we are denying that we are not supporting TTP, BLA, or whosoever thinks that by blowing oneself up is the shortest route to an harem of 72 virgins for eternity (I think the number is too small). So isn't it your duty to prove the world that India is involved or persuade the world that we are destroying your country.

And talking about bleeding, remember this phrace: 'Bleed India by a thousand cuts' or ' We will wage a thousand year war against India' some hero in your country yelled...see where this has led you to? Kashmir is still a part of India and you couldn't do jack about it. Why dont you look at your fellow leader Nasser of Egypt...He accepted Israel and Egypt became a peaceful country...Gaddafi sold you out to help his country.

Above all denial is something that all countries have done for the past many centuries...US denied that it supported Taliban against the USSR, Pakistan denies its support for the Kashmiri Militancy, Iran denies support for Hezbollah, Syria denies support for Hamas....and the list goes on.

And please dont call yourself a 'war junkie' because being one i find it insulting.
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Indian idiots should focus on own Hindu terrorism instead of poking their nose into our affairs.

i wonder if tavleen singha has even thought of writing about saffron terrorism and killing of innocent Pakistanis in Express train on Indian land??
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