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Moscow warns Greece over ‘anti-Russian actions’

You will allow me to believe what ROKETSAN writes and not what you believe.
Woe to a missile with a range of 20-70 km to be considered.....ballistic a MLRS rocket.!!!

Rocket artillary is Ballistic by definition my son, it has nothing to do with Roketsan.

After all, of the ones Ucraine bought, it didn't have any left to fly.

Repeating Russian propaganda I see.. lol just b/c not every element of footage is being officially released doesn't mean they aren't being used. They wouldn't be constantly flying transport aircraft to Poland from Turkey otherwise. There is a reason those Laser guided ballistic missiles were ordered, they work in tandem.

From the claims to conviction, there is a long way to go. And in the USA, justice is independent, it will do its job

Doesn't seem like you understand the American justice system very well. He has about as much chance of going to jail as Mitsotakis for his illegal spying scandal.
Lol funny . Dont even know what Putin is thinking anymore. He really thought other European countries will see Russia in a benign light after his invasion of Ukraine? Seems he himself is faling victim to his own propaganda . 😅
Rocket artillary is Ballistic by definition my son, it has nothing to do with Roketsan.
Nope, Rocket artillery uses only Rocket missiles, has only rocket explosives as the projectile and fired from Barrel Rocket Launchers .
A ballistic missile is a type of missile that uses several warheads as the projectile, have variety ranges (150km until 5500 km) and fired from Erector Launchers .

There is a reason those Laser guided ballistic missiles were ordered, they work in tandem.
TRLG-230 rocket missile has only....20-70 km range.

Repeating Russian propaganda I see.. lol just b/c not every element of footage is being officially released doesn't mean they aren't being used.
not only russians.....

Ooh but I thought Erdogan was big bad Pro Putin guy? now Great Mitsotakis needs to have Erdogan send Leopards to send Leopards? lol.
And I thought Erdogan and Cavusoglu tried to convince everyone about how important Turkey is for NATO?

Rocket artillary is Ballistic by definition my son, it has nothing to do with Roketsan.
So you'd call a BM-21 Grad ....a "ballistic missile"? Lol
Lol funny . Dont even know what Putin is thinking anymore. He really thought other European countries will see Russia in a benign light after his invasion of Ukraine? Seems he himself is faling victim to his own propaganda . 😅
Man,you know I was pro-Russian before the war and at the start of the war,although I completely disagreed with the invasion.

But I don't know what the Russians are thinking all these months. They have no clear target,no real purpose,no morale. The government and political leadership is either corrupt or too stupid. They've been doing blunder after blunder.

Remember the prank that showed the entire world that Pskov's son didn't want to go fight? After that fiasco,if these supposedly self-righteous,benevolent leaders had any sense left,they would have told Pskov "Shut up,your son's going to the front. You screwed it up,he screwed it up,he's going to the front.We're making an example of him".

All I've seen is Putin changing generals and arresting any politician who disagrees with him.

And I liked Putin! Even though he had done many mistakes and bad things in his two decades of ruling Russia,I liked him because he also did a lot of good things. And I thought he would help Greece and the rest of the Orthodox world.

But look now! It's like an authoritarian regime again,fighting just to save face,having destroyed any relations that had been left between Russians and Ukrainians after 2014. And instead of protecting or annexing the Donbass and stopping there to find a diplomatic solution...he know made Ukraine EVEN STRONGER militarily.
And I thought Erdogan and Cavusoglu tried to convince everyone about how important Turkey is for NATO?

I mean no one needs to convince anyone, anyone who can read a map already understands. And the ones who can't read a map, aren't worth talking to. lol

not only russians.....

Lol, I mean you can believe whatever BS blog you want to believe, eurasiantimes is literally a BS Pro Russian blog. There is a reason why those flights from right next to Bayraktar's factory take place heading to Poland, and why TRLG-230 which is guided by a laser designator on TB2s keeps getting provided to Ukraine. Its no longer just loitering there and bopping the russians on the head like before and then having the footage released, but to say its not being used is incorrect, there are more narrow missions where its flying.
So you'd call a BM-21 Grad ....a "ballistic missile"? Lol

I mean these things are a bit more complicated than Katusha rockets. But Yeah lol

You made up some arbitrary definition regarding range and TELs(which technically the TRLG-230 uses) but really if we go by the wiki definition

A ballistic missile is a type of missile that uses projectile motion to deliver warheads on a target. The earliest form of ballistic missile dates from the 13th century with its use derived from the history of rockets. In the 14th century, the Ming Chinese navy used an early form of a ballistic missile weapon called the Huolongchushui in naval battles against enemy ships.

These things have a longer range than the old Soviet 2K6 Luna ballistic missiles.



And I liked Putin!

you know I was pro-Russian

Why you play this double game and try to act all Atlantician when trying to do driveby hits on Turkey? then say you are Pro Russian? lol

My Mans out here with the Turko Bad, Turko not letting Poor Sweden into NATO To Protec from Big Bad Russiliya and Turko Bad holding meetings with Putin narrative one minute, then talking about simping for donbass seperatists and Pooty Poo. I guess whatever narrative is advantageous at whatever moment. 😂
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Why you play this double game and try to act all Atlantician when trying to do driveby hits on Turkey? then say you are Pro Russian? lol

My Mans out here with the Turko Bad, Turko not letting Poor Sweden into NATO To Protec from Big Bad Russiliya and Turko Bad holding meetings with Putin narrative one minute, then talking about simping for donbass seperatists and Pooty Poo. I guess whatever narrative is advantageous at whatever moment. 😂
Did you read the whole post? Because if you had read the whole post,you wouldn't be saying all this. My government and a lot of Greeks support Ukraine. I wanted us to be neutral in this conflict,but as the war progressed and it became obvious that the Russian leaders were sacrificing lives and dragging this war on just to save face,I stopped supporting or defending the Russian narrative. Especially if you add the fact that they sold S-400s to Turkey and are building two nuclear plants there. And if you add to this that Putin is friends with Erdoğan who is threatening us with war every day...

That doesn't mean I hate Russia. But I think it's time for them to stop this madness.

When it comes to Turkey,they boast about how important they are to NATO,but are working with the Russians and pissing off the Alliance with their nonsense.

I mean no one needs to convince anyone, anyone who can read a map already understands. And the ones who can't read a map, aren't worth talking to. lol
Just because they have strategic position doesn't mean they are the most reliable allies. Erdoğan could have given hundreds of M48 and M60 tanks to Ukraine.
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are building two nuclear plants there.

Why do you keep mentioning nuclear reactors? Its for electricity lol, and Russia sells Reactors everywhere. Turkey was in the process for Buying French reactors(in partnership with Japan) as well, but the price-point for the Russian reactors was less, so it went with that. Bulgaria has the same russian reactors(older model VVER), As do the Czeck, Finland, Germany(shut down), Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia(planned to buy before war).

When it comes to Turkey,they boast about how important they are to NATO,but are working with the Russians and pissing off the Alliance with their nonsense.

Turkey is probably responsible for more dead russians and most NATO members, and was certainly #1 before the Ukraine war moved into transfer of heavy weapons from the US. It has been fighting Russian in several different conflicts, via proxy or directly. Turkey provides a significant service to NATO, and other members acknowledge it, it might be a point of inconvenience for Greeks, but its true. What NATO needs from Turkey whether its in Central Asia, Black Sea region, Ukraine, and other mediums, Turkey delivers.

Erdoğan could have given hundreds of M48 and M60 tanks to Ukraine.

lolwut? These things need export approvals from the US, they are old, and not much of an upgrade from T-72s, the largest stockpile of these tanks is sitting in the US, and Ukraine never requested them. You trying your best to come up with BS to fling Foinikas, but you are going to need to try harder. lol
Why do you keep mentioning nuclear reactors? Its for electricity lol, and Russia sells Reactors everywhere. Turkey was in the process for Buying French reactors(in partnership with Japan) as well, but the price-point for the Russian reactors was less, so it went with that. Bulgaria has the same russian reactors(older model VVER), As do the Czeck, Finland, Germany(shut down), Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia(planned to buy before war).
Because it's a big cooperation between Turkey and Russia. It's not like building a factory or something.

Turkey is probably responsible for more dead russians and most NATO members, and was certainly #1 before the Ukraine war moved into transfer of heavy weapons from the US. It has been fighting Russian in several different conflicts, via proxy or directly. Turkey provides a significant service to NATO, and other members acknowledge it, it might be a point of inconvenience for Greeks, but its true. What NATO needs from Turkey whether its in Central Asia, Black Sea region, Ukraine, and other mediums, Turkey delivers.
We're not in the 2000s anymore,where Turkish bases and help was valuable to NATO countries operating in Iraq.

On this specific matter,how much Turkey actually contributes to NATO (rather than hinders NATO),I believe @Akritas could answer better,he's more familiar with the topic.

lolwut? These things need export approvals from the US, they are old, and not much of an upgrade from T-72s, the largest stockpile of these tanks is sitting in the US, and Ukraine never requested them. You trying your best to come up with BS to fling Foinikas, but you are going to need to try harder. lol
lolwut? You think USA would not approve the donation or sale of all that? They are sending Abrams tanks. Why would they care about M48s and M60s?

Not much of an upgrade,but probably better than old T-72s donated from Czechoslovakian,Polish and Bulgarian stocks which are more or less basic models(I'm not talking about the upgraded Czech and Polish versions).

Turkey is just next to Ukraine and could potentially provide hundreds of M48T1 and M48T2 tanks,as well as M60A3 TTS.
Don't they want to get rid of that and exchange it with something else? They could do that. I'm not talking about the Leopard 1A3 and Leopard 1T Volkan,because they have relatively few of those to spare.

They could even transport them through Bulgaria to Romania to Ukraine or by sea to Romania. That's easier and faster than looking into the American stockpiles,restore them to working condition and transport them all the way from USA to the Balkans.
Because it's a big cooperation between Turkey and Russia. It's not like building a factory or something.

Why are you acting like they are giving them nuclear weapons or some shit? Its electricity production, and its a commercial sale to produce electricity, nothing more. I literally cited all the states that have bought reactors from Russia, and even small little states like Slovakia. If the Greeks want one, they could ask Russia and no one else would blink, b/c its electricity production. lol

I believe Akritas could answer better,

Why you gotto bring your boyfriend into every conversation? lol, you tagging him and summoning him to all sorts of threads, did you call him into this thread as well at the beginning? I noticed no one commented on the thread until, someone tagged you about the orthodox question, and then magically he appeared right after. lol

lolwut? You think USA would not approve the donation or sale of all that?

Ukraine never requested, it was never a discussion. and before that the conversation around western tanks wasn't even present, they are old and offer no significant upgrade over T-72s, which Ukraine was already familiar with, the Strategy was for Eastern Bloc states to first rapidly transfer T-72s and derivatives from their stock, so no training for Ukraine would be required, and the other states would get replacements from Germany and others.

You trying too hard to dig for an angle Foinikas, the M48s and M60s aren't it, if you trying to be a proper hack, I would recommend instead gaslighting over Hawk Batteries or Leopard tanks or something that Ukraine would need, but I suspect you left those off b/c Greece also operates those things and would be reluctant to part with, so you picked something Turkey operates that Greece already liquidated its stock of. lol
I literally cited all the states that have bought reactors from Russia, and even small little states like Slovakia. If the Greeks want one, they could ask Russia and no one else would blink, b/c its electricity production. lol
Man,Putin's cooperating with Turkey on big projects and then they're nagging about us not supporting Russia.

Besides...Erdogan has stated that he wants nukes. No matter what,I don't like having Russians complain about us taking NATO's side against Russia,when they have taken Turkey's side against us,years now.

Why you gotto bring your boyfriend into every conversation? lol, you tagging him and summoning him to all sorts of threads, did you call him into this thread as well at the beginning? I noticed no one commented on the thread until, someone tagged you, and then magically he appeared right after. lol
Why you gotto be disrespectful like a biatch? Who tagged me? I don't remember. We're just two Greeks left on the channel. There were 2 more,one who rarely posted and a half-greek half-german nutcase who got banned.

Ukraine never requested, it was never a discussion. and before that the conversation around western tanks wasn't even present, they are old and offer no significant upgrade over T-72s, which Ukraine was already familiar with, the Strategy was for Eastern Bloc states to first rapidly transfer T-72s and derivatives from their stock, so no training for Ukraine would be required, and the other states would get replacements from Germany and others.
And they probably won't ask for them now that they got spoiled with better toys. Leopard 2,Challenger 2,Abrams...they're demanding the best now :P

You trying too hard to dig for an angle Foinikas, the M48s and M60s aren't it, if you trying to be a proper hack, I would recommend instead gaslighting over Hawk Batteries or Leopard tanks or something that Ukraine would need, but I suspect you left those off b/c Greece also operates those things and would be reluctant to part with, so you picked something Turkey operates that Greece already liquidated its stock of. lol
Oh no,we are willing to give them to Ukraine if they want. In exchange for a better system of course. I read last night that the Americans asked Israel to send some HAWK batteries to Ukraine,but they refused.
On this specific matter,how much Turkey actually contributes to NATO (rather than hinders NATO),I believe @Akritas could answer better,he's more familiar with the topic.
Just one word.....Javelin
Turks think they have become an air superpower by producing a cheap UAV.
Why you gotto be disrespectful like a biatch? Who tagged me? I don't remember. We're just two Greeks left on the channel. There were 2 more,one who rarely posted and a half-greek half-german nutcase who got banned.
Because members of a forum exchange information, help each other, socialize.
Boyfriend is a stupid characterization.
Man,Putin's cooperating with Turkey on big projects

They will sell you reactors too, its not some exclusivity. its for electricity, Turkey doesn't like France, but even France was willing to sell reactors, it doesn't mean much. The rest is all conspiracy, the only reasonable point is over the s-400.

And they probably won't ask for them now that they got spoiled with better toys. Leopard 2,Challenger 2,Abrams...they're demanding the best now :P

And they didn't ask for them before either, b/c there is no real advantage over the T-72 with an M60, and only disadvantages regarding unfamiliarity with the system, and training required.

In exchange for a better system of course.

lol, You so Atlantician bro, why you ask for stuff in return. Give it for Free. 😉

Because members of a forum exchange information, help each other, socialize.
Boyfriend is a stupid characterization.

He always calling you in whatever discussion he has with me. lol

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