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Ex President and Ex COAS General Pervez Musharraf Passes Away

Musharraf did a lot of mistakes. Particularly in the last few years of his tenure. Giving NRO was the biggest one of them

But one thing I can't understand is that what other options Pakistan had after 9/11 if it opted to not support USA? Even countries like Saudi Arabia and China would have supported it? This is something that even IK doesn't answer property when he is trying to justify terrorism of TTP
Low IQ Islamists and Afghan bootlickers don't understand this.

Having low intellect paired with being an Islamist is genuinely a disaster in the current gepolitical-social environment of today.
He may have made very bad choices; allowing the WoT to flop so insanely badly, drone strikes and not accepting the bodies after Kargil.

But he never gave up on the goal of Kashmiri freedom. He wasn't afraid to fight for it, even though it was ultimately a losing battle.

Who knows, maybe his heart was in the right place, but he just wasn't able to enact the good that he wished to enact.

Only Allah knows, and indeed Allah is the fairest of judges.
Excuse me, are you smoking something? He totally sabotaged kashmir freedom movement. Wasn't afraid?? He was terrified!!!

He is one of the main culprits due to whom we have all but lost kashmir today.

Wait, how old are you? Maybe you didn't witness that part of history like we did so maybe you don't know the reality.
Excuse me, are you smoking something? He totally sabotaged kashmir movement. Wasn't afraid?? He was terrified!!!

He is one of the main culprits due to whom we have all but lost kashmir today.

Wait, how old are you? Maybe you didn't witness that part of history like we did so maybe you don't know the reality.
I am from Azad Kashmir, but forget Kashmir, you would have lost your entire country if it wasn't for him.

He didn't even have any other choice when it came to it.

At least right now you still have some hope of recovery to get back to focusing on Kashmir. Otherwise today you would have no Kashmir, and probably no Pakistan, or some Al Qaeda ruled Pakistan.

I don't know if this is low IQ or just people overestimating their capabilities thinking they are capable of doing everything without compromise
I am from Azad Kashmir, but forget Kashmir, you would have lost your entire country if it wasn't for him.

He didn't even have any other choice when it came to it.

At least right now you still have some hope of recovery to get back to focusing on Kashmir. Otherwise today you would have no Kashmir, and probably no Pakistan, or some Al Qaeda ruled Pakistan.

I don't know if this is low IQ or just people overestimating their capabilities thinking they are capable of doing everything without compromise
You are from UK so kindly don't preach to me about my country. Also kindly don't talk to me about choices, as if you know anything. I have no tolerance for brainless people like you who have a wish to discuss everything under the sun without having enough information or making any effort to gather enough information.
Though he inflicted Kargil on us but he was a soldier so I have condolences for him. May he rest in peace and May Allah (SWT) give sabr to his family.
I am from Azad Kashmir, but forget Kashmir, you would have lost your entire country if it wasn't for him.

He didn't even have any other choice when it came to it.

At least right now you still have some hope of recovery to get back to focusing on Kashmir. Otherwise today you would have no Kashmir, and probably no Pakistan, or some Al Qaeda ruled Pakistan.

I don't know if this is low IQ or just people overestimating their capabilities thinking they are capable of doing everything without compromise

I am glad you are pushing back against the utter stupidity expressed here! Drone attacks, my A$$!! Do you guys recall that a certain Maulana Sufi, shortly after 9/11, had gathered hundreds, if not thousands of Jihadis from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to take them to Afghanistan and fight the Americans there? That was long before the damn drones. I don't know how many of those poor souls got killed in that futile battle. How many parents lost their kids? The extremism was rampant in northern parts of Pakistan before the drones and before the military bases given to the Americans. That extremism is not much different from the Taliban rule of the 90s in Afghanistan, the TTP rule in Swat in 2009, and the current Taliban rule in Afghanistan.
Yes, that's the core problem!! Religious extremism which arose in the already conservative parts of Pakistan due to Pakistan's involvement in the 'Jihad' against the Soviets in the 1980s. But for educated Pakistanis to come to this forum and utter utter non-sense?? That's the heart breaking part!
You are from UK so kindly don't preach to me about my country. Also kindly don't talk to me about choices, as if you know anything. I have no tolerance for brainless people like you who have a wish to discuss everything under the sun without having enough information or making any effort to gather enough information.
This entire comment is quite ironic considering this:

Begging for money for "your country" from the same people you don't want to preach about it. 🤣

And "brainless" 😂 - says the guy who's own house was burning down but is instead focused on trying to capture something he previously failed to multiple times lmfao

@Meengla No wonder Pakistan is in such a failed state, their own house which they live in is burning down but they are more worried about saving the one next door. (Which they failed to do so even in peace time!)
I am glad you are pushing back against the utter stupidity expressed here! Drone attacks, my A$$!! Do you guys recall that a certain Maulana Sufi, shortly after 9/11, had gathered hundreds, if not thousands of Jihadis from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to take them to Afghanistan and fight the Americans there? That was long before the damn drones. I don't know how many of those poor souls got killed in that futile battle. How many parents lost their kids? The extremism was rampant in northern parts of Pakistan before the drones and before the military bases given to the Americans. That extremism is not much different from the Taliban rule of the 90s in Afghanistan, the TTP rule in Swat in 2009, and the current Taliban rule in Afghanistan.
Yes, that's the core problem!! Religious extremism which arose in the already conservative parts of Pakistan due to Pakistan's involvement in the 'Jihad' against the Soviets in the 1980s. But for educated Pakistanis to come to this forum and utter utter non-sense?? That's the heart breaking part!

We need to face the reality there are people in Pakistan who would love to suck on Bin Laden's toes and will give their life for him because they are nothing more than cucked degenerate slave minded traitors. They were the first ones to offer their daughters and wives during the invasions of ancient Pakistan. I guarantee you their parents or their grandparents in India during partition were calling for Pakistan not to be made. This sh*t runs in their DNA for centuries.
I am glad you are pushing back against the utter stupidity expressed here! Drone attacks, my A$$!! Do you guys recall that a certain Maulana Sufi, shortly after 9/11, had gathered hundreds, if not thousands of Jihadis from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to take them to Afghanistan and fight the Americans there? That was long before the damn drones. I don't know how many of those poor souls got killed in that futile battle. How many parents lost their kids? The extremism was rampant in northern parts of Pakistan before the drones and before the military bases given to the Americans. That extremism is not much different from the Taliban rule of the 90s in Afghanistan, the TTP rule in Swat in 2009, and the current Taliban rule in Afghanistan.
Yes, that's the core problem!! Religious extremism which arose in the already conservative parts of Pakistan due to Pakistan's involvement in the 'Jihad' against the Soviets in the 1980s. But for educated Pakistanis to come to this forum and utter utter non-sense?? That's the heart breaking part!
They set fire onto their own home and then look to blame everything else under the sun; Amreekan conspiracy, establishment conspiracy.

Then once their own house is already on fire, they are still focused on the house next door instead of their own. (Which they set on fire)

But criticise the man trying to save their own house.
A good leader, solid soldier (SF officer) and a decent man. He defended Pakistan till his deathbed literally. He will be missed.

He is one of only few, in a land of shameless self-promoters, who owned up to his mistakes and asked for forgiveness of the nation:

"I hope the nation and the people will forgive my mistakes,” Musharraf, struggling with his emotions, said in an hourlong televised address.

God bless him and grant him maghfirah, ameen.

SSG will be at the funeral for their former officer and Col-in-chief.
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This entire comment is quite ironic considering this:

Begging for money for "your country" from the same people you don't want to preach about it. 🤣

And "brainless" 😂 - says the guy who's own house was burning down but is instead focused on trying to capture something he previously failed to multiple times lmfao

@Meengla No wonder Pakistan is in such a failed state, their own house which they live in is burning down but they are more worried about saving the one next door. (Which they failed to do so even in peace time!)
Listen Mr.Retard I am among the people who Give that money so keep your retarded bakwaas to yourself.

'My' country is in this position because of traitors like musharraf. If my house is burning it's burning from the match that musharraf lighted and others after him stoked.

I have no wish to discuss anything with a retard like you who doesn't know anything , seems only semi-educated but thinks he's an Einstein.

Stay in your 'bleek' world and don't bother us.
I am glad you are pushing back against the utter stupidity expressed here! Drone attacks, my A$$!! Do you guys recall that a certain Maulana Sufi, shortly after 9/11, had gathered hundreds, if not thousands of Jihadis from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to take them to Afghanistan and fight the Americans there? That was long before the damn drones. I don't know how many of those poor souls got killed in that futile battle. How many parents lost their kids? The extremism was rampant in northern parts of Pakistan before the drones and before the military bases given to the Americans. That extremism is not much different from the Taliban rule of the 90s in Afghanistan, the TTP rule in Swat in 2009, and the current Taliban rule in Afghanistan.
Yes, that's the core problem!! Religious extremism which arose in the already conservative parts of Pakistan due to Pakistan's involvement in the 'Jihad' against the Soviets in the 1980s. But for educated Pakistanis to come to this forum and utter utter non-sense?? That's the heart breaking part!

What a shock and horror to some of my fellow Pakistanis on here . Our Pashtuns went to help their brethren Pashtuns in Afghanistan. Maybe Karachi people . Should do the same man up and go and help oppressed Urdu speakers in india. Instead always whining and hiding in shadows . Americans officials have said many times on the record they were totally taken back by our Late COAS( mushraf) إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ co-operation went far more than they expected. It’s a fact . Unfortunately his defenders are blind to it

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