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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

Nothing happened after the Peshawar attack, nothing will happen after this.

Interesting how they don't attack Iran or India, just Pakistan. There is not even a narrative or logic anymore. Obviously its Talib backed militant group to destabilize Pakistan.

One MOAB on their wife and childrens head in Afghanistan will shut them up for good.
For starters, given the problems that the average Pakistani is facing, in terms of lack of job opportunities, problems related to overpopulation, increasing urbanization etc., tons of unemployed people, population growth etc. the last thing Pakistan is in need of ,is immigrants and least of all Afghans, mostly traumatized people who themselves are escaping due to Afghanistan being in an even worse place. I am not a proponent of Afghan Pashtuns, Indian Punjabis, Iranian Baloch, Kashmiris based in Kashmir under Indian occupation, Muslim Biharis etc. to be flooding Pakistan, unless arriving legally and with qualifications that can help Pakistan.

My point is, outside of a overall small problematic Pakistani Pashtun community within Pakistan, some examples that you have mentioned and others that I mentioned, there is no Pakistan within the Pakistani Pashtuns. Therefore rhetoric equaling Pashtuns (this includes Pakistani Pashtuns) with Afghans is a huge problem as it does nothing but create division.

Call me crazy or whatever, but not all Afghans in Pakistan, illegal or legal, are a problem either. Many have integrated and consider themselves Pakistanis.

Let us address the obvious problems (they should not be ignored) but do it rightly, by targeting those responsible for it and stop the idiotic generalizations that don't do anything positive, rather the opposite.

The terrorist killed today, should be eliminated whenever they are hiding and with no mercy.

My two quick cents.

I think it is important to differentiate pashtuns into 2 groups.

1. Anti pak pashtuns- primarily afghan refugees + pashtun residents of North Waziristan who serve as a 3rd column for taliban

2. Pakistan pashtuns (not including tribal areas) who are very well integrated and nationalistic ie part or the pakistani nation.

Baloch unfortunately cannot be be seperated at this point they are mostly anti-national and should be dealt with similar to how chinese deal with uiyghars
Dude get lost.
You get lost and go to irani or indian defence forum you are all the time spreading propaganda twisting facts and spreading missinformation and disinformation here and also people who run this forum check his language
I think it is important to differentiate pashtuns into 2 groups.

1. Anti pak pashtuns- primarily afghan refugees + pashtun residents of North Waziristan who serve as a 3rd column for taliban

2. Pakistan pashtuns (not including tribal areas) who are very well integrated and nationalistic ie part or the pakistani nation.

Baloch unfortunately cannot be be seperated at this point they are mostly anti-national and should be dealt with similar to how chinese deal with uiyghars

Lets just go with Afghan Pashtuns. The ones living in FATA can't be verified if they are Pakistani as there has been free movement for decades. Its a no brainer Afghans would have settled there, had children and families all of them are basically Afghans. Its what happens when you leave a border wide open. They have claimed the area. Thats why it always has sympathizers when in fact they aren't sympathizers they are either Afghans or their relations. We can safely say Afghan Pashtuns are ideological enemies of Pakistan. Should have cut a deal with the commies to destroy them.
Nothing happened after the Peshawar attack, nothing will happen after this.

Interesting how they don't attack Iran or India, just Pakistan. There is not even a narrative or logic anymore. Obviously its Talib backed militant group to destabilize Pakistan.

One MOAB on their wife and childrens head in Afghanistan will shut them up for good.
They dont attack them because this is barely an ideological fight. This is pure and simple an Intelligence joust between different countries. Given Paksitan weak federation, center and corruption we are unable to manage it and our land and our blood is free for every Tom, Dick and Harry to play with. What we are witnesses is complete ineptitude and poor governance at every level especially.
I think it is important to differentiate pashtuns into 2 groups.

1. Anti pak pashtuns- primarily afghan refugees + pashtun residents of North Waziristan who serve as a 3rd column for taliban

2. Pakistan pashtuns (not including tribal areas) who are very well integrated and nationalistic ie part or the pakistani nation.

Baloch unfortunately cannot be be seperated at this point they are mostly anti-national and should be dealt with similar to how chinese deal with uiyghars

Which was the main point of my post. There are a small minority of Pakistani Pashtuns who are anti-Pakistan and who would prefer the utopia of a landlocked Pashtunistan but such ideologies can also be found among Sindhis (Sindhudesh) etc.

I would not equate BLA and such groups with all Pakistani Baloch people. There are plenty of well-integrated, patriotic Baloch people, in particular in Sindh.

I am sorry, but this is exactly this type of rhetoric that helps destroy the social fabric of Pakistan and the idea of Pakistan not based along ethnic lines first but the idea of a Pakistani identity being the supreme one.

If Pakistan was a prosperous and succesfull state no amount of ethnic utopia etc. would even remotely close make the majority of Baloch people in Pakistan, have the urge to leave Pakistan.

I hate to say it but look at freaking India with their 1.4 billion large population and 100's of different ethnic groups, language families etc. How many genuine ethno-nationalistic succession movements are there? Have you ever heard Gujaritis that want to break away from India or Biharis or whatever?

Why is a much smaller Pakistan, with a much more homogenous population in every way (culturally, linguistically, geographically, historically, genetically etc.) this divided in comparison? And why were such problems marginal at best during the "good old days" (better days in other words) post-1947? BLA was not a thing back then, the only anti-state activity in say Balochistan was that of the rich feudal elite who wanted to run things outside of Islamabad's control and who would not share the cake.

Anyway each to their own, honestly as things stand right now, I don't see much hope for the future of Pakistan, unless things drastically change.
I think it is important to differentiate pashtuns into 2 groups.

1. Anti pak pashtuns- primarily afghan refugees + pashtun residents of North Waziristan who serve as a 3rd column for taliban

2. Pakistan pashtuns (not including tribal areas) who are very well integrated and nationalistic ie part or the pakistani nation.

Baloch unfortunately cannot be be seperated at this point they are mostly anti-national and should be dealt with similar to how chinese deal with uiyghars
Previous Chief minister of Punjab was a Baloch tribal leader and spoke Balochi as his mother tongue, South Punjab is full of Baloch tribes some assimilated some not
half of Sindh is Baloch

Turning Pakistanis into Uyghurs is like such a bad idea and the very thaught of doing it to fellow Pakistanis and if you're Muslim than that's even worse

Baloch from Balochistan proper are an issue... But following constitution to the tee overtime can fix it

people especially on internet don't realize how interconnected Pakistanis are on each other economically , historically, geographically, when you hurt one, it'll hurt you back (same message to ethno centrists, you just complicate our issues further, hurting other's intrests would hurt you back)cause you are all one, interconnected but most are ignorant of this or shortsighted to see it-
We are not a big country, we are a country of 220 million people, our issues are one, our solution is one and bitching, fighting each other complicates our issues instead of fixing it
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For starters, given the problems that the average Pakistani is facing, in terms of lack of job opportunities, problems related to overpopulation, increasing urbanization etc., tons of unemployed people, population growth etc. the last thing Pakistan is in need of ,is immigrants and least of all Afghans, mostly traumatized people who themselves are escaping due to Afghanistan being in an even worse place. I am not a proponent of Afghan Pashtuns, Indian Punjabis, Iranian Baloch, Kashmiris based in Kashmir under Indian occupation, Muslim Biharis etc. to be flooding Pakistan, unless arriving legally and with qualifications that can help Pakistan.

My point is, outside of a overall small problematic Pakistani Pashtun community within Pakistan, some examples that you have mentioned and others that I mentioned, there is no Pakistan within the Pakistani Pashtuns. Therefore rhetoric equaling Pashtuns (this includes Pakistani Pashtuns) with Afghans is a huge problem as it does nothing but create division.

Call me crazy or whatever, but not all Afghans in Pakistan, illegal or legal, are a problem either. Many have integrated and consider themselves Pakistanis.

Let us address the obvious problems (they should not be ignored) but do it rightly, by targeting those responsible for it and stop the idiotic generalizations that don't do anything positive, rather the opposite.

The terrorist killed today, should be eliminated whenever they are hiding and with no mercy.

My two quick cents.
I agree with your assessment entirely, and I also agree that there may be Afghans who are respectful, law abiding and have integrated into the nation/cities. But the problem here is you can't use this extreme minority when talking about the problem as a whole.

Secondly, our problem here is specifically with criminals and terrorism as a whole. I don't want to tag any of our own ethnicities as a problem because that's counterproductive and also invalidates crime committed by other ethnicities, which they do commit.

But I would also emphasise that when it comes to dealing with certain crime we must also accept that certain crimes will be higher in certain communities due to historical and sociocultural/economic influence. We shouldn't shy away from saying this. This doesn't mean we alienate or antagonise a group. We should accept it in a respectful manner and address it to find a solution.

I am strongly against any forms of blanket racism towards any ethnicity of Pakistan, be it Pashtun, Sindhi, Baloch, Kashmiri, Gilgiti, Punjabi. I find it incredibly unproductive.
Last overall comment about this specific topic, a Sindh that is unstable or in unrest, equals a Pakistan in unrest, because Sindh is a small amalgam of Pakistan. Sindh is the historical heart of Pakistan and the soul of the country IMO.

And Sindhis are the most tolerant and peaceful people of Pakistan, PPP incompetent mafia gang excluded.
At the time of attack, 20 to 23 were present there in the building, only clerical staff.


Important developments

  • Terrorists breached the 5-storey KPO building near Saddar Police Station on Sharea Faisal at 7:10pm
  • Operation completed; clearance under way
  • 4 people martyred; 19 injured
  • TTP claims attack
lol the idiots on twitters going across the board at calling the attackers every name in the book.
Sindhudesh TTP, BLA, BRA, Taliban, lmao
Oh but they forget 1 group name called (PPP) witch is the main root of all the crises in whole PAKISTAN...
Corrupt police officers appointed by ppp are under attack. No one cares, psl should immediately called off. Pakistani forces are rather more busy in purging Imran Khan party rather than terrorists. Seriously such is the mood that people even dont have any sympathy for the security forces.
100%, no one has any sympathy for PPP/wadera thug force AKA Sindh police backed by colonial sepoys of GHQ.
100%, no one has any sympathy for PPP/wadera thug force AKA Sindh police backed by colonial sepoys of GHQ.

Most of those guys are not the problem but just trying to make a living in a already desperate (in many ways) situation and circumstances.

Your local average PPP supporter is no more brainwashed/deluded/lied to than all the other mainly ethnic-centered/regional-entered political parties within Pakistan, sadly.

Heck, there are many rotten elements within the PTI and mind you, I am pro-PTI and pro-IK even though both are not perfect and in many ways IK was deluded/ignorant/too weak/part of the same system that elected him/put him in power in the first place, but the alternatives are even worse.....

At the end of the day, it is the same neutrals etc. who are running the show and appointing their public punching bags (so-called politicians) while enriching themselves and their families and whenever an opportunity is given or it is convenient because the overall lethargic and passive awam have finally realized the reality, they are escaping abroad (Bajwa etc.) to live off their stolen wealth. The same story keeps repeating itself.
Most of those guys are not the problem but just trying to make a living in a already desperate (in many ways) situation and circumstances.

Your local average PPP supporter is no more brainwashed/deluded/lied to than all the other mainly ethnic-centered/regional-entered political parties within Pakistan, sadly.

Heck, there are many rotten elements within the PTI and mind you, I am pro-PTI and pro-IK even though both are not perfect and in many ways IK was deluded/ignorant/too weak/part of the same system that elected him/put him in power in the first place, but the alternatives are even worse.....

At the end of the day, it is the same neutrals etc. who are running the show and appointing their public punching bags (so-called politicians) while enriching themselves and their families and whenever an opportunity is given or it is convenient because the overall lethargic and passive awam have finally realized the reality, they are escaping abroad (Bajwa etc.) to live off their stolen wealth. The same story keeps repeating itself.
It would be fair to celebrate if they were apprehended by the law or any other group, but they are celebrating and cheering on a group that doesn't care about their political bias, but just wants to target and hurt anything it can get its hands on in Pakistan.

Entirely illogical or foolish because when they come for a school or mosque again or worse, will you still cheer?

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