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Gen Bajwa pressurized me to extend friendship with India: Imran Khan

The U-turn specialist :laugh:

IK is such a hypocrite that he knew very well that Military brought him in power, yet he accepted the pathway of coming in power through military. He is the biggest opportunist out there. IK will kiss doorstep of sufi dervish, will accept military bringing him in power and will give statements in favor of Taliban - the man will go to any lengths to become PM again using any means necessary.

IK is the prefect example of military boot-worshipper and military behind-kisser where it suited him.

one always reap what one sowed so willingly.

if you feel ashamed about it, just correct your wrongs humbly. otherwise this man can claim midday at 12am and you won't be able to do shit about it.
one always reap what one sowed so willingly.

if you feel ashamed about it, just correct your wrongs humbly. otherwise this man can claim midday at 12am and you won't be able to do shit about it.

Your Pakistan under PDM and the generals is doing so great. I understand your happiness.
The question is, is this the paradise that Bajwa was promised by the Americans? Is this yet another backstabbing by the Americans? If it is I am absolutely content with it. A Mir Jafar deserves humiliation.
Well Biden administration wasn’t promising any paradise, just easy access to funds and some western good will like unofficial Kerry-Luger. You know Democratic Party is full of yahodi and pro- banya. They played their game. Bajwa didn’t saw public backlash coming, neither did state dept, so Bajwa Mai baap went silent mode because they didn’t want to be labeled un-Democratic and hypocrite.
this thread has been an eye opener. We Indians (at least the ones I can relate to) have not heard of Bajwa. In fact I don’t think most of us have even know our army navy airforce chiefs.
Ofcourse we have always heard Pakistan is run by its military.
And Imran Khan is god in Pakistan - for his cricket wins and subsequent parlays into politics.
But it is very very surprising that so many here are bad mouthing their military presumably on the belief they shoved Imran Khan.

Don’t see one smidgen of proof for any of this here or in the press. Just what are you all basing this on ? Surely not just Imran’s speeches - he is one side
Kashmir is not an integral part of Pakistan but a cash cow for many who are milking it for far too long just for the sake of it . Even the vast majority of Pakistani kashmiris could care less about their ex home town when you see how vehemently the majority of them support n league and navaz despite knowing his ultimate soft corner for India.

Better make a deal with India involving international power brokers to create a unified Kashmir and leave it to the u.n forces to be defended/managed etc. Let's just put an end to the iok's miseries as everyone seems to be chilling around except the Indian Kashmiri.

Pakistan is a federation of ethnic groups bound by similar culture and history.

Kashmiris are probably 2% of Pakistan's total population and you think that makes difference to N-League in elections? Lol If you actually leave politics and politicians aside, an average Kashmiri is more educated compared to other ethnic groups in Pakistan. While Punjabis are farmers, Sindhis traders, Pashtuns and Baloch tribal people, the Kashmiris are scholars by blood.

For all issues related to Pakistan's geopolitics, common denominator is the Pak military establishment:

Ayub Khan had the chance to take Kashmir like a piece of cake when China and India went to war in 1962 and our Chinese friends asked us to take advantage of that situation. Have you ever asked the question why it never happened?

In 1971 Kashmiri separatists hijacked an Indian Air Force plane and forced it to land from Srinagar to Lahore. Rather than treating them as heroes, the Pakistan Army under Yahya Khan tried them in a criminal proceeding in a case called Ganga Case and sentenced them into prison.

It was agreed in principle between Pakistan and India in 1999 to resolve Kashmir as we were politically and economically on par with them and the nuclear tests added more pressure. It was agreed that Kashmir valley (the real Kashmir) and GB was going to be part of Pakistan and Ladakh and Jammu part of India. Then the whole Kargil and military coup thing happened.

Nawaz like Imran and every other politician in Pakistan wants trade with India and what's wrong in that? Turks and Arabs trade with Israel, Chinese and Indians trade, Chinese and West trade. That has no bearing affect on fundamental issue of disputed territory. In Pakistan it's the Army that holds that back. NOT because they are anti-India or patriots but because they fear their own empire like real estate, fertilizer, sugar and agriculture businesses would lose out to the private sector.

If Pakistan army is going to treat them as a tool, Kashmiris should have every right to ask for independence from both Pakistan and India as it was before in history
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Bajwa secured the release of Abhi-none-done overnight. Like one politicians said in parliament, Bajwa ki G phat gai thi.

And what was IK & PTI doing? SMQ was openly pleading to release Abhinandone.

IK is really pushing Kasmir issue through out his rule. IK also claim there is genocide happening in Kasmir. Many PDF member even believe with that IK claim.

This policy is dangerous for Pakistan. This may lead to Bajwa sacking IK.

Just empty words.

IK gives good speeches and does nothing.

As India was taking away autonomy of Kashmir, All IK did was talk talk and more talk.

China gave a opportunity with Galwan clash but IK did not join China to fight India.

He broke Pak relations and trust with China by sharing confidential CPEC details with the IMF.
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Has not happened in 76 years and there is no real effort to try. Maybe try for another 24 years and 5 new DHAs.

Your post reflects your losers and slave mentality towards India.

We will fight another 1000 years but will not compromise.

Pakistan will prevail. and India will be balkanized.

Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan said that when the Supreme Court first restored the National Assembly through suo moto, then it was right, and now when the top court wants elections through it, the suo moto became wrong.

Talking to journalists in Lahore, he also said that Gen ® Bajwa had pressurized him to develop a friendship with India. He said that Bajwa was not a man of principles.

PTI Chief declared that if elections are not held in 90 days, there will be no constitution in the country.

Read Also: PDM chief Molana Fazl rules out negotiations with PTI on elections

The former Prime Minister said that the attack on his house in his absence had no justification. The caretaker government should have played the role of a neutral which it was not doing. He also alleged that CM Mohsin Naqvi, IG Punjab, and CCPO Lahore were criminals.

Mr Khan further said that Dr Arif Alvi is no longer playing any role between the establishment and the party. If elections are not held in 90 days, we will take to the streets adding they have been completely blacked out by the media.

He said that the ruling people are trying to control social media as well. He also questioned under what law the dissolved assemblies of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa would be restored.

The ex-premier further said that they are also trying to control social media. Bajwa, Imran said, says something one day and denies it the next. Accountability against Bajwa should be initiated from within the army, Mr Khan desired.
Everything was bajwas doing, I was his blowup doll.
-Imroon Khan

it seems only kunnis can reach the echelons of power in Pakistan, I wont even spit on his face
How do you think IK became the PM?

I stopped supporting this guy years ago, in 4 years all he and his party did was cry.

Pmln nay yeh Kiya PPP nay yeh Kya...
O boss tumnay Kya Kiya?

Bajwa nay sub Kutch Kiya, peepeepee nay Kiya noonitoons nay Kiya.. tum Bajwa ki Pari ban k us ki gaud mein hi baithay rahay?

Your Pakistan under PDM and the generals is doing so great. I understand your happiness.
Hahahaha aunty gormint yaad agai.

Ap IK say bantay Raho.
The US/NATO are propping up India both economicaly and militarily. Pakistan should have been extremely cautious in such circumstances. What Bajwa did is intentionally weaken relations with China. At such a critical time Pakistan should have intensified it's economic and military engagement with China. Today US/NATO are further cementing relations with India. Leaving Pakistan in tatters.

Pakistan is weakened economically and politically. The military is playing dangerous games through political engineering. Appeasing the Americans. PDM is wrecking Pakistan and unable to stabilise the economy.

India is the real winner here and all Bajwa did is wreck Pakistan. Pakistan is today more divided. Expats don't want to support a corrupt and unstable PDM. It doesn't take a fortune teller where things are headed. There is not a single country willing to assist a corrupt imported regime. Even the IMF has backed off.

The question arises. Was it worth it?
Bhai sb if you don't remember.
It was IK that spoiled relations with China.
With Saudis and america.

Now same IK who was lambasting america for his ouster is blaming Bajwa and lobbying in Washington.

Unstable ? Bhai sb what is Imran doing nowadays ? PDM to chutiyon ki toli ha, per andho mein kana kaisay raja ban gaya ?
Modi is bad. Modi hates Muslims. He is a Hindu extremist.

True but unfortunately IK and PTI disagrees.

Pakistan PM Imran Khan sees better chance of peace talks with India if BJP wins election​

By James Mackenzie, Martin Howell

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said he thinks there may be a better chance of peace talks with India if Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wins the general election due to begin there on Thursday.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan speaks at the opening ceremony for the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, China, November 5, 2018. REUTERS/Aly Song/Pool/Files
Khan said that if the next Indian government were led by the opposition Congress party, it might be too scared to seek a settlement with Pakistan over disputed Indian-controlled Kashmir, fearing a backlash from the right.
“Perhaps if the BJP - a right-wing party - wins, some kind of settlement in Kashmir could be reached,” Khan told a small group of foreign journalists in an interview.
This was despite the massive alienation that Muslims in Kashmir and Muslims in general were facing in Modi’s India, said Khan, who took office last August.
“I never thought I would see what is happening in India right now,” said the former international cricket star. “Muslim-ness is being attacked.”
Khan said Indian Muslims he knew who many years ago had been happy about their situation in India were now very worried by extreme Hindu nationalism.

He said Modi, like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was electioneering based on “fear and nationalist feeling”.
The BJP’s pledge this week to propose stripping decades-old special rights from the people of Jammu and Kashmir, which prevent outsiders from buying property in the state, was a major concern, though it could also be electioneering, Khan said.
Khan did appear to offer India an olive branch, saying that Islamabad was determined to dismantle all Pakistan-based militias in the country, and that the government had full support from Pakistan’s powerful army for the programme. Those to be dismantled include groups involved in Kashmir.
Nuclear-armed neighbours Pakistan and India both claim Kashmir in full but rule in part.
Khan said Kashmir was a political struggle and there was no military solution, adding that Kashmiris suffered if armed militants from Pakistan came across the border, leading to Indian army crackdowns.

Relations between Pakistan and India, which have fought three wars since gaining independence from Britain in 1947, two over Kashmir, reached a crisis point in February after a suicide bombing killed 40 Indian paramilitary police in Kashmir.
Islamabad denied responsibility for the Feb. 14 attack, which was claimed by Pakistan-based militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed, but the bombing prompted India to carry out a cross border air strike against what it said was a militant training camp in Pakistan.
Pakistan responded with air strikes of its own.
Pollsters say Modi and the BJP’s re-election bid got a boost from a wave of patriotism after the suicide bomb attack and the Indian government’s fast response.
Khan said there was still the possibility if the polls turn against Modi in the next few weeks that India could take some further military action against Pakistan.

The rolling election is held in phases and does not finish until May 19. The result is not due until May 23.
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi warned on Sunday that Islamabad had “reliable intelligence” that India would attack again this month. India described the claim as irresponsible.
Khan said that it was vital for Pakistan to have peace with its neighbours, Afghanistan, India and Iran, if it was to have the kind of economy needed to pull 100 million people out of poverty.
Reporting by James Mackenzie and Martin Howell; Editing by Nick Macfie and Mark Heinrich

Everything was bajwas doing, I was his blowup doll.
-Imroon Khan

How do you think IK became the PM?

I stopped supporting this guy years ago, in 4 years all he and his party did was cry.

Pmln nay yeh Kiya PPP nay yeh Kya...
O boss tumnay Kya Kiya?

Bajwa nay sub Kutch Kiya, peepeepee nay Kiya noonitoons nay Kiya.. tum Bajwa ki Pari ban k us ki gaud mein hi baithay rahay?

Hahahaha aunty gormint yaad agai.

Ap IK say bantay Raho.
Wasay hy thora bywakoof (bhola) IK. Thora sa pathno wala demag hy.
True but unfortunately IK and PTI disagrees.

Pakistan PM Imran Khan sees better chance of peace talks with India if BJP wins election​

By James Mackenzie, Martin Howell

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said he thinks there may be a better chance of peace talks with India if Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wins the general election due to begin there on Thursday.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan speaks at the opening ceremony for the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, China, November 5, 2018. REUTERS/Aly Song/Pool/Files
Khan said that if the next Indian government were led by the opposition Congress party, it might be too scared to seek a settlement with Pakistan over disputed Indian-controlled Kashmir, fearing a backlash from the right.
“Perhaps if the BJP - a right-wing party - wins, some kind of settlement in Kashmir could be reached,” Khan told a small group of foreign journalists in an interview.
This was despite the massive alienation that Muslims in Kashmir and Muslims in general were facing in Modi’s India, said Khan, who took office last August.
“I never thought I would see what is happening in India right now,” said the former international cricket star. “Muslim-ness is being attacked.”
Khan said Indian Muslims he knew who many years ago had been happy about their situation in India were now very worried by extreme Hindu nationalism.

He said Modi, like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was electioneering based on “fear and nationalist feeling”.
The BJP’s pledge this week to propose stripping decades-old special rights from the people of Jammu and Kashmir, which prevent outsiders from buying property in the state, was a major concern, though it could also be electioneering, Khan said.
Khan did appear to offer India an olive branch, saying that Islamabad was determined to dismantle all Pakistan-based militias in the country, and that the government had full support from Pakistan’s powerful army for the programme. Those to be dismantled include groups involved in Kashmir.
Nuclear-armed neighbours Pakistan and India both claim Kashmir in full but rule in part.
Khan said Kashmir was a political struggle and there was no military solution, adding that Kashmiris suffered if armed militants from Pakistan came across the border, leading to Indian army crackdowns.

Relations between Pakistan and India, which have fought three wars since gaining independence from Britain in 1947, two over Kashmir, reached a crisis point in February after a suicide bombing killed 40 Indian paramilitary police in Kashmir.
Islamabad denied responsibility for the Feb. 14 attack, which was claimed by Pakistan-based militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed, but the bombing prompted India to carry out a cross border air strike against what it said was a militant training camp in Pakistan.
Pakistan responded with air strikes of its own.
Pollsters say Modi and the BJP’s re-election bid got a boost from a wave of patriotism after the suicide bomb attack and the Indian government’s fast response.
Khan said there was still the possibility if the polls turn against Modi in the next few weeks that India could take some further military action against Pakistan.

The rolling election is held in phases and does not finish until May 19. The result is not due until May 23.
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi warned on Sunday that Islamabad had “reliable intelligence” that India would attack again this month. India described the claim as irresponsible.
Khan said that it was vital for Pakistan to have peace with its neighbours, Afghanistan, India and Iran, if it was to have the kind of economy needed to pull 100 million people out of poverty.
Reporting by James Mackenzie and Martin Howell; Editing by Nick Macfie and Mark Heinrich

Modi is a good friend of Amritsari Sharif family.
Wasay hy thora bywakoof (bhola) IK. Thora sa pathno wala demag hy.
Bhai yeh sub bhoolay haien, chutiye tou awam hai.

Yeh sb BC kursi kursi khel rahay haien aur log atta k line mein mar rahay haien.
BC haven't seen such situation in my entire life.

In sb bhencdo k pait Bharay Huway haien.

Modi is a good friend of Amritsari Sharif family.
Bhai sb, IK was wishing victory to the same modi during his elections.
Ap bol ya ary dekhna chordo.
Your post reflects your losers and slave mentality towards India.

We will fight another 1000 years but will not compromise.
Pakistan will prevail. and India will be balkanized.
This guy deserves a "PDF THINK TANK:CONSULTANT" title as well
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