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Afghans tell of the Taliban's return to their old torture playbook


Mar 21, 2007
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Afghans tell of the Taliban's return to their old torture playbook​

By Zahid Mahmood, CNN

April 19, 2023

(CNN) Mohammad Zafri says his memory is patchy after surviving relentless beatings by the Taliban.

But one event that's hard to forget is being summoned last spring to the militant group's headquarters to collect documents he had left behind, having been an employee of the previous, internationally-backed administration. Not wanting to cause trouble, he went -- only to realize too late that it was a trap.

Zafri -- whose real name CNN is withholding for security reasons -- said he was outside the Taliban's offices when he felt a sharp punch to the back of his head. He fell to the ground and was then dragged indoors, he recalled.

"There were about 12 Taliban members surrounding me, they tied me to a chair and started beating me from all sides," Zafri told CNN.

The 36-year-old claimed he was then detained and tortured for nearly four months, after the Taliban accused him of conspiring against them by working with the National Resistance Front (NRF), a guerilla group waging war against the Taliban.

"They tried to choke and suffocate me by tying a plastic bag across my face, telling me to confess to working with the NRF," he said. "But as I was never part of it, I didn't confess ... Then they hung me upside down, one time by my feet, another by my hands."

He added: "I screamed so loud, I blacked out because of the trauma."

Zafri -- who remains in Afghanistan and spoke under the condition of anonymity -- had tried unsuccessfully to leave the country when the Taliban seized control, fearing what might lie ahead. He now lives in hiding with his family.

Returning to their old playbook​

At the time of their lightning takeover in August 2021, the Taliban were quick to present a new, reformed image, one that was relatively progressive, inclusive and restrained in comparison with their previous repressive rule, from 1996 to 2001.

One of the promises the group made was that it wouldn't seek retribution against its political enemies. But this and other pledges have since been discarded, as the Taliban have mounted a sustained attack on women's rights, persecuted minority groups and forcibly made ex-officials disappear, according to human rights groups -- striking fear into the hearts of most Afghans.

In a move straight from the pages of their old playbook, in November the Taliban ordered judges to impose a strict interpretation of Islamic law under which penalties for perceived offenses can include public executions, flogging and amputations, the kind of brutal corporal punishment that was a notorious feature of their past rule. Weeks later, the Islamist group carried out the country's first known public execution since returning to power.

While no official figures are available, a report this year by the United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, said authorities reportedly carried out floggings of more than 180 people between November 18, 2022 and January 15. According to the report, men, women and children were among the number accused of crimes including theft, illegitimate relationships or "violating codes of social behavior."

The report, published on February 9, notes that the systematic violation of human rights of women and girls in the country has "deepened even further" since Bennett's initial presentation of his findings and accuses the Taliban of using "fear and repressive policies" to suppress communities.

CNN approached other Afghans who had allegedly been victims of the Taliban's regime, but they refused to speak on record due to fear of reprisals. With media restrictions within the country severely affecting journalists' ability to hold power to account, the Taliban face no real accountability for their actions.

CNN has reached out to the Taliban for a response on the figures detailed in Bennett's report and victims' claims of detention, torture and being forced into silence, but has yet to receive a response.

Necessary to 'reform society'​

Despite the Taliban's tight control on media outlets and people's use of social media, videos still manage to surface online shedding light on life under their rule.

Afghan Witness, an independent human rights group which verifies information on current events in Afghanistan, told CNN that, while some cases of human rights abuses in the country have come to light, the true scale is likely much greater.

"Sometimes, the victims aren't identified, sometimes the perpetrators aren't identified. Overall the actual numbers are probably much higher," said David Osborn, team leader of Afghan Witness.

In January, a video shot in Kandahar's football stadium that showed men and women being publicly flogged in front of thousands of onlookers caused shockwaves when it was published online. The public punishment was approved by Afghanistan's Supreme Court, which said nine "criminals" were being punished for theft and adulter.
The video in Kandahar was recorded on a mobile phone by an Afghan for whom CNN is using the pseudonym Sibghatullah, for safety reasons. He said about 5,000 people were there to witness the flogging and that, before it began, Taliban authorities said the punishment was necessary to "reform society."

"I felt that those who were punished, they were ashamed [of what they did] that's why they weren't yelling whilst being punished ... I wasn't happy that they were punished publicly," he said.

Sibghatullah added that he started recording so that as many people as possible could see what was happening, even though phones were prohibited and he himself risked punishment if caught.

"Countries around the world know how the Taliban are, because they still have relations with them, and the international community can see everything with their own eyes," he said. "I only made this video for (ordinary) people to see (what was happening)."

Meanwhile, the safety and wellbeing of Afghan journalists is under increasing threat.

Since August 2021, there have been 245 registered cases of rights violations against the press, including 130 instances of detention, according to Bennett's report. Many local journalists face harassment, attacks and detention, leaving them afraid to speak out or publish anything contradictory to the Taliban's message.

It's something Zabihullah Noori, who worked as a journalist for about eight years with Radio Takharistan, knows too well.

Zabihullah Noori, 27, shows bruises to his legs he says were inflicted by the Taliban.

'I thought I was going to die'​

Noori told CNN he was with his family when up to 30 Taliban members stormed into his home in Taloqan city, northeastern Afghanistan, in December and beat Noori and his brothers. He said they hit them with rifles over reports he'd produced, which Noori said included an "anti-Taliban message" published before their return to power.

"Once I got to the intelligence department (Taliban offices), they started beating me with electric rods, whips, and tied a black plastic bag over my face trying to suffocate me," Noori said.

"I tried to tell them I am a reporter and I report on all realities, whether that's against the Taliban or on the previous government," he continued. Noori said his reasons didn't satisfy the Taliban members and they continued to say he was working with the "infidels" and "spreading propaganda."
"They told me to call my mother, just so she could hear me scream; I thought I was going to die," he said.

Noori says he was hit by his Taliban captors on the legs and back with a metal rod.

On the first night, Noori said, his captors tied his hands behind his back and hit his legs with a metal rod, which left him with extensive bruising. After hours of torture, the Taliban left him in a cell overnight, and tortured him again the next day, he added.

On the third day, the 27-year-old was released after community elders -- whom the Taliban held in high regard -- wrote a letter on behalf of his mother, seen by CNN, begging for his return.

After his release, Noori escaped with his family to Pakistan. He now lives under the shadow of fear, dreading what could happen if he is ever forced to return to Afghanistan or is tracked down where he's sought refuge.

"I don't feel safe here, the Taliban can do anything, even in Pakistan," he said.

Former journalist and UN employee Torpekai Amarkhel, 42, died off the coast of Italy in February after fleeing Afghanistan.

Former journalist and UN employee Torpekai Amarkhel, 42, died off the coast of Italy in February after fleeing Afghanistan.

Many other Afghans have sought to flee the country since the Taliban reclaimed power, but not all of them have survived.

Among those to lose their lives while trying to start a new life is former Afghan female journalist and UN employee Torpekai Amarkhel, 42, who was one of more than 60 migrants who died after embarking on the perilous journey to Italy's Calabria coast in February with her family. After her death, Amnesty International's Secretary General Agnes Callamard tweeted "her drowning symbolizes the betrayal of a nation."

Fereshta Abbasi, a researcher at Human Rights Watch, told CNN that, since the Taliban's comeback, a local journalist told her how bleak the media landscape is, threatening free speech.

"We had a huge number of media outlets in Afghanistan, we had a lot of newspapers, TV [programs, where] women were involved," Abbasi said.
"Freedom of speech and media in Afghanistan was one of the country's biggest achievements, which has now unfortunately gone."

Meanwhile, Zafri remains stuck in Afghanistan despite repeated attempts to leave following his detention and torture by the Taliban. He said he has now lost hope in trying to leave even though he and his family are living in dire conditions.

He added, though, that if he did ever manage to reach safety, he would like to write a book about his time in prison.

"If I tell you all about the atrocities of the Taliban in prisons and the oppression of the prisoners that I witnessed with my own eyes, maybe no one will accept it or maybe they will say that I am crazy," Zafri said.

Ehsan Popalzai contributed to this report.

@ghazi52 Brother don't you really have other things to talk about on the forum except Afghanistan and whatever is happening over there because all your posts are centered around a topic that doesn't interest the forum and on top of that you are qouting western media that is still bitter over the exit how can we take them as reliable source
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while Taliban’s behavior isn’t surprising, the best thing that happened is that there are no more terrorist attacks in Pakistan after Pakistan successfully defeated and kicked out NATO, US, Israel and India from Afghanistan.
while Taliban’s behavior isn’t surprising, the best thing that happened is that there are no more terrorist attacks in Pakistan after Pakistan successfully defeated and kicked out NATO, US, Israel and India from Afghanistan.
Good one. I am sure you indians are laughing all the way to your consulate. Oh wait, you don't have one, do you?

On a serious note, that has more to do with our domestic BS, than anything else.

Good one. I am sure you indians are laughing all the way to your consulate. Oh wait, you don't have one, do you?

On a serious note, that has more to do with our domestic BS, than anything else.

Exactly, Pakistan successfully closed down our ‘terror launchpads’ aka consulates and as a result, not a single terrorist attack has taken place in Pakistan ever since Taliban took over. I’m sure you agree.
Exactly, Pakistan successfully closed down our ‘terror launchpads’ aka consulates and as a result, not a single terrorist attack has taken place in Pakistan ever since Taliban took over. I’m sure you agree.
Don't hog all the credit. There was some terrorism before your consulates too.
I chuckled as I was reading this. What a bunch of amateurs.
They should learn from the best of the best.



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That they are so bad at it. Esp when they saw the best in the biz from up close But the reality is afghans would still try to come here to US, whatever the difficulty they have to face. Just yesterday, one of my students from Afghanistan told me that they are trying to get their grandparents here. They are in Pakistan now, after they fled from Taliban. Grandpa worked for US as an interpreter.
Yet Afghans would prefer to come to US over staying in Afghanistan. One of my afghani student told me that her parents are trying to bring their grandparents from Afghanistan. Grandpa worked for US as an interpreter. They are now safe in Pakistan.
I chuckled as I was reading this. What a bunch of amateurs.
They should learn from the best of the best.



View attachment 925395

That they are so bad at it. Esp when they saw the best in the biz from up close
You're comparing two evil acts. Both are wrong. The report of one no matter the source does not invalidate the other. Even in this I'm sure you'd agree the scope of scale as far as detainee torture is concerned is vastly different in both cases. Ones a prison complex and the others a prison complex masquerading as a nation.

The problem is one sits next to us while the other can squeeze our necks anytime.
You're comparing two evil acts. Both are wrong. The report of one no matter the source does not invalidate the other. Even in this I'm sure you'd agree the scope of scale as far as detainee torture is concerned is vastly different in both cases. Ones a prison complex and the others a prison complex masquerading as a nation.

The problem is one sits next to us while the other can squeeze our necks anytime.
You are right. Two wrongs don't make a right. But, I am just warning against trusting the Wolf in sheep's clothes again. It was this same left-wing US media that built the narrative for the Iraq war, which is what gave us these pictures I shared that make us proud of humanity.

I sugguest america to leave the savages to their own devices. And focus on the next cash cow, ukraine.

Or maybe, do some work for the welfare of their own citizens, if they are feeling so concerned for humanity. Don't have to look thousands of miles away. Charity begins at home

Yet Afghans would prefer to come to US over staying in Afghanistan. One of my afghani student told me that her parents are trying to bring their grandparents from Afghanistan. Grandpa worked for US as an interpreter. They are now safe in Pakistan.
I am sorry but I get really triggered by this really low-effort and dumb example that the ball lifters of the west use.

Do you love your country? I assume you do. But you still left it to come to the US, right?

Does the mean you don't love your country? Or you don't want to fix it's problems?
Does IT mean you support the brutal with the colonization of your country if you go the the UK?
Or that you can't go to the UK if you think it was bad?

Read my reply to kryptonite to see what I meant by this post.
You are right. Two wrongs don't make a right. But, I am just warning against trusting the Wolf in sheep's clothes again. It was this same left-wing US media that built the narrative for the Iraq war, which is what gave us these pictures I shared that make us proud of humanity.

I sugguest america to leave the savages to their own devices. And focus on the next cash cow, ukraine.

Or maybe, do some work for the welfare of their own citizens, if they are feeling so concerned for humanity. Don't have to look thousands of miles away. Charity begins at home
No country is a monolith. How can one attribute one news outlet to speak for an entire nation.

You're basis is fundamentally flawed, the American government exists to serve the interests of its own populace, and it will take action however horrible to safeguard those interests. That is the governing rule of modern polity, espouse universal human values, obligatory (statutarily if not practically) for own citizens and entirely optional for everyone else.

That doesn't imply that its media, citizens or polity wont have views adversarial to their governments stand.

We live in the age of corporate Media good sir, everyone's reporting everything according to own self interest, it forms no basis to stop reports of actual acts of human right violations.
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You're basis is fundamentally flawed, the American government exists to serve the interests of its own populace, and it will take action however horrible to safeguard those interests. That is the governing rule of modern polity, espouse universal human values, obligatory (statutarily if not practically) for own citizens and entirely optional for everyone else.

ALL countries do that equally. It is not like ISI (and nearly all other intelligence agencies) do not use similar coercive measures, when it comes to their own respective national interests. Geopolitics 101: Relentless pursuit of national interests.
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