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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
He is not arguing with me. He is asking a question as a sane person and not accusing me for the wrongdoings of some in the leadership positions within the army.

Instead of shooting from the hip, try to understand the gist of what I am saying. My opinion isn't very different from the general sentiment but I do differentiate assignment of guilt instead of charging ahead like a frenzied mob with everyone in the cross-hairs which you do quite easily.

Yes but the gang is not a monolith. There are and will be cracks in the senior command as the public pressure and demonstrations mount. All I say is that keep the rank and file on your side instead of baying for their blood. Which is why I was for doubling down on demonstrations for desired effect in the short term vs. letting things linger over a long term which works to the advantage of the gang in place.
I understand what you're saying. You and the ISPR are quite quick to label us as a frenzied mob and terrorists.

What you need to understand is that you can't expect to kill peaceful protestors and expect them to shower roses on you. The hate is indiscriminate. It is against any and all who are or were associated with the uniform. That is the sentiment I am trying to make you understand. The sentiment is not against the army high command. It is against ALL of you. The rangers who arrested and dragged and beat up IK were not Generals. They were foot soldiers. Do not expect any leniency when we judge you. To the common man, sitting in the UK or protesting and getting killed in Pakistan, you are all judged the same.
Again, were they given their time? You should add that in your post. Khan has given what and how economy can be fixed.

Was he going to be successful? Who knows but haramkhor General and PDM has no vision.

So now you are telling us WHY were not able to fix anything, which is very different than claiming they fixed it.
homos and pederasts are two different kinds of perverts. he is not a homo but a pederast
Were you also denied? So much inside info?

Maybe you should offer yourself to haramkhor general, since they are looking for gandos
Yes but the gang is not a monolith. There are and will be cracks in the senior command as the public pressure and demonstrations mount. All I say is that keep the rank and file on your side instead of baying for their blood. Which is why I was for doubling down on demonstrations for desired effect in the short term vs. letting things linger over a long term which works to the advantage of the gang in place.
We have seen how it has played out over the last year. The indoctrination of sanctity of chain of command is beyond reason and question even when it’s clearly against the constitution and law of land (which is technically treasonous) but the internal capacity just doesn’t exists to act otherwise, probably due to British colonial legacy.

Of course, to add to that there are personal interests of promotions, perks, plots and so forth.

So no matter what, the course set will be followed. Come what may. Short and sharp protest or otherwise.
Remember it when next time company fanbois sell u Kashmir mantra and that Indian army is evil.
Kashmiris do not need duffers help and should not have any hopes on Pak army. There’s is there struggle against Indian army oppression, and our is ours against Pak army duffers and FA pass officers oppression..
How do you want things to play out given the realities of Pakistan? Where junta has decided come what may they will continue the course. Not I rhetorical question.

What should people do in your opinion?
Keep taking it up arse for the next 1000 years so that the elites can continue enjoying their perks in perpetuity
So now you are telling us WHY were not able to fix anything, which is very different than claiming they fixed it.
They didn’t fix it 100% but they were in the process and proof is readily available. What they did achieve gave confidence to investors. No one has a magic wand , it’s a process and they were on the right track
more interesting .... lollll

Love in Lahore

Badar Alam Published December 31, 2011

The curious encounters in 2008 between former Chicago Tribune reporter Kim Barker and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz chief read like the story of an ordinary girl who could have been Cinderella but chose not to.  —Illustration by Feica

The curious encounters in 2008 between former Chicago Tribune reporter Kim Barker and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz chief read like the story of an ordinary girl who could have been Cinderella but chose not to. —Illustration by Feica

If you can make a direct call at will to a country’s most sought-after opposition politician, you are a skilful reporter. If he happens to be a two-time former prime minister, expecting to get the job for the third time, you definitely have enviable access. But if he calls you Kim and you call him Nawaz, something is seriously amiss.
The curious encounters in 2008 between former Chicago Tribune reporter Kim Barker and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz chief read like the story of an ordinary girl who could have been Cinderella but chose not to. When Barker approached Nawaz Sharif’s handlers for an interview, she was allotted 15 minutes. Then came the Cinderella moment — he wanted her to ask more questions, and then some more, even when his handlers were frenetically tapping their wristwatches. Over the next few months he appeared to have courted her quite seriously, offering to find her a boyfriend, insisting on buying her a slick new iPhone and finally proffering himself as her “friend”.
But when she narrated the details of her text messages, phone calls and meetings with Sharif in her 2011 book, The Taliban Shuffle, he managed to avoid embarrassment. Anyone else could have attracted treason charges for revealing the identity of the 26/11 Mumbai attacker to an American reporter much before Pakistan officially acknowledged him as a Pakistani. That this did not happen is as much a comment on the effectiveness of his media management as it is a function of the busy politics of the country, which leaves little time to waste on the alleged dalliance of a former prime minister with a foreign correspondent. Or perhaps, as Sharif himself admitted to Barker, he is too pudgy and not tall enough to qualify as a real or imagined Prince Charming.
— Badar Alam is the editor of Herald

Wow, won't be surprised Cinderella turns out to be a CIA agent
I don't love politicians at all. But i hate Imran Niazi. For the last 12 years this menace has divided Pakistan on every single level. His "We the Pure" vs "They the Traitors, Choor Daku" mentality has f####D every tender mind. Otherwise your eye brows should have been raised when he appointed Pervez Ellahi as Presiddent of PTI, Usman Buzdar as CM or Punjab and all others corrupt bastards he appointed on key strategic positions.....Kia log ho tum ?

But u enjoy a good old shafting by noon league and pee pee pee
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