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What Happened to San Francisco? Drug overdoses killed more people than did COVID-19 in two years of the pandemic

Why you Indians are so worried about Chinese population decline all the time ? You people should be worried about the population explosion in your homeland India, soon all the slums will not be enough to house them.
This is the true time bomb, India doesn't have big manufacturing base to support these many working age population, I don't see any solution to this looming crisis in India.

You are right, but luckily for us China will have lot of empty land and no one around to use it. India population is on track for 2-2.5 billion and China’s is on track for 500 million 🤣🤣, we can snatch all the land we need.
May I know what you are smoking?
You are right, but luckily for us China will have lot of empty land and no one around to use it. India population is on track for 2-2.5 billion and China’s is on track for 500 million 🤣🤣, we can snatch all the land we need.
In your dream.
US population is increasing despite of drugs and China’s is decreasing despite it has no drugs. As long as you produce more than are getting killed you are doing ok. Chinese have no mojo and have lost the race, keep crying 🤣
Increasing by the rapid reproduction and/or mass immigration of the low iQ, poorly educated and savage people, not from the increasing birthrate of high IQ, educated and productive ones.

Mexico or Puerto Rico style future are awaiting the US. It already rivaled South America banana republic in some criteria, like intentional homicide rate per capita (check Wiki data). And with regards to quality of education, I would not want my daughter to be in the same class with these "population".
Increasing by the rapid reproduction and/or mass immigration of the low iQ, poorly educated and savage people, not from the increasing birthrate of high IQ, educated and productive ones.

Mexico or Puerto Rico style future are awaiting the US. It already rivaled South America banana republic in some criteria, like intentional homicide rate per capita (check Wiki data). And with regards to quality of education, I would not want my daughter to be in the same class with these "population".
Lmao do you think you and your daughter is gods gift to this world. Maybe these mexican and puerto rican wouldnt want to be near your daughter

Mexico and latin america is going through drug war phase which explains high homicide rate. It is like comparing death rate during vietnam war. South Americans are still killing way less tjan the way you vietnamese murdered each other 50 years ago, at that time there was no violence in latam.

You have no evidence that you are high iq so it is useless to talk abou it.
Lmao do you think you and your daughter is gods gift to this world. Maybe these mexican and puerto rican wouldnt want to be near your daughter

Mexico and latin america is going through drug war phase which explains high homicide rate. It is like comparing death rate during vietnam war. South Americans are still killing way less tjan the way you vietnamese murdered each other 50 years ago, at that time there was no violence in latam.

You have no evidence that you are high iq so it is useless to talk abou it.
Lol, your IQ is impressively remarkable, come to China's "empty lands", we'll be waiting for you.
She is African-American.
That is a mistake in US policy. They shouldn't let minorities hold too much power.

There is this notion by Liberals that shortcuts are suddenly going to solve all ills...unfortunately this is not how the world works...you end up making things worse.

In the US there is a specific life-blocker people can find themselves in. If you get convicted of a felony you will likely never work a corporate job. Most places run a background check on you...so they don't get sued for millions for negligence for hiring some felon who goes and commits some heinous crime while in their employment.

So this poses a huge quandary for Liberal political leaders. Many of the felony convictions are poor people who were prosecuted for grand theft or drug dealing. Now this isn't stealing a simple candy bar or smoking a joint..you normally would have to steal something over $250 or get caught with a few kilos of coke and be a repeat offender before a judge goes and slaps you with your first felony conviction.

Now how to solve this..
A normal person would say the solution would be to bring jobs to poor areas so the people wouldn't turn to stealing. We should encourage businesses to open up in these areas to give these people a good start.

However Liberals are not normal people and they aren't really into begging big businesses to hire poor people. Infact a better strategy to them is to simply raise corporate taxes and use that as a source of free money to handout. Those naughty businesses should be handing out more of their profits anyway right? Right!

But to them even that wouldn't solve all the problems. A better strategy is to simply raise the minimum you have to steal to get a felony conviction to some crazy high number and then the number of felony convictions will go down and these people can then get jobs!! What a great idea!! Let's raise it to ~$1000!! You'd really have to try super hard to steal $1000 worth of anything so this should give more people a chance to not screw themselves with a criminal felony record. Also just look the other way when it comes to drugs too! Plus you then tell the police not to chase after such "minor" things...heck just cut the police budget too to make sure they are just busy with "serious" crimes and don't have the manpower to go and investigate everything.

So what then do you think happens...

You end up creating a crime wave and drug havens...and guess what..businesses start moving out of the poor areas forever. The nerve of them!! If you are the local politician you say "Good riddance!! or they aren't "playing for the right team!!" and "they just are turning their backs on the neighborhoods" and "corporate GREEEEED!!".

A great way to ruin a city quickly.

Can Liberal Mayor London Breed list any jobs her administration has brought to her poor communities to help them? This is what would help them..not a bunch of stupid yapping coming out of mouths.

No, instead of bringing jobs to help people the Liberals doing the complete opposite and scaring away jobs to hurt people even more.

But this won't stop them from doing the usual next step. Hiring everybody as Government workers...and putting the city budget into severe debt as they will not be able to pay for it.
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Yes, just like you were waiting for mongol and japanese 🤣🤣, i am terrified.
Yeah, you Indians are like submitted inferior slaves while the Mongols were the toughest warriors in human history, no comparison. Keep your wet dreams, good for you people. 500 million Chinese are more than enough to kick the butts of 2 billion Indians, and with DFs and nukes. Want a repeat of 1962 war in 10 times ?

What Happened to San Francisco? Drug overdoses killed more people than did COVID-19 in two years of the pandemic

Drug Use Runs Rampant Throughout San Francisco​

View attachment 935438
Ah yes...Mayor London Breed claiming she wants to fix things....oh she fixed things alright..made life easier for criminals.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed announces cuts to police in new city budget​

The mayor announced a $120 million cut to the police and sheriff's department.

Breed says her own car was broken into, as CNN questions whether S.F. is ‘failed city​

San Francisco Mayor London Breed Claims Walgreens Is Only Shutting Five Stores to Cut Costs

..and more importantly

hmm...I wonder why there is an increase in shoplifting and drug use...can't think of a reason why...just eludes me...not like they would be stupid enough to greenlight it....

Do we think these nitwits will be smart enough to repeal Prop 47? Yeah right! They'll take things right to the bottom instead.

SCHADENFREUDE :rofl: :omghaha: :pleasantry:


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