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(Western dictatorship on display) Parents of child protesters could face jail, French minister warns

Oh what an important piece i have missed.

Your so called one party conducted a nationwide referendum and won people's vote by 99%. All the western observers confirmed it and non of them dared to challenge the result.

technically said that was a plebiscite not referendum now some may say that also is type of referendum but well who care, its something that each side of the argument can claim they are right .
that said i wonder what would be the result if we ask the question right now after governments led by Ahmadinejad , Roohani and Raesi ?

You name me a western country that has conducted a similar referendum.
Scotland, several time held referendum on independence in that period
Scotland, several time held referendum on independence in that period
Wasn't that a plebiscite in Scottish case? Do you really believe in their jokes? How is that possible that 54 percent of them voted no to independence given Scottish opposition against Brexit?

Do you know the irony? Brits cannot choose their PM directly. But you make them an example of referendum. A kingdom that controls governments and parliament through MI5 and Masonic forces called shadow government. Britain was the worst example that you could find out there.

I don't believe in their non sense.

France: Macron Shuts Down Internet and Fines Protesters’ Parents​

JULY 3, 2023

Imagine someone punishes me because of my child's rightful demands from government and the government calls a young protester a criminal!!!

What is the definition of dictatorship?

This is what i would label as a lawless jungle in France. I punish you for someone else's protests.


France to shut internet services to control riots

Nonsense . Protest all you want subject to :
1) no violence no burning and destruction
2) if you’re a minor your parents are responsible

No reference to part abt Iran
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Wasn't that a plebiscite in Scottish case? Do you really believe in their jokes? How is that possible that 54 percent of them voted no to independence given Scottish opposition against Brexit?
Britain doing its usual fearmongering and dirty tricks and divide Scottish people over the matter by warning them that they may face problem for joining EU.(meaning England using its power and barring their entry into EU)
joke on Scottish people as the first thing England did was Brexit and leaving EU
about plebiscite as I said its an argument that both side can use and claim victory.
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