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Good news for BrahMos lovers: Ukrainian ADS unable to intercept barrages of Onyx missiles

I agree, strategic air defenses are all located in and around Kiev.
Earlier they've intercepted many Kalibr land attack cruise missiles with German made IRIS-T ADS and Cheetah anti aircraft guns. Then, how come they're not able to do the same now?
It’s classified as hypersonic missile and was designed specifically to evade THAAD & other advanced U.S. air defense systems. It’s ludicrous to call Kinzhal as a “ballistic missile.” While all ballistic missiles achieve hypersonic speeds during reentry, no one calls the Shaheen or Agni missile series hypersonic missiles - because they aren’t. The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal is classified as a hypersonic by both Russian and Western experts.

Kinzhal is a hypersonic missile because it does not follow standard ballistic trajectory but depressed trajectory and maintains its flight in endo-atmospheric conditions. These so-called experts are unnecessarily downplaying the missile.
Ballistic missile which deviates from Parabolic trajectory using control surfaces or thrust vectoring can be classed as Quasi ballistic.

Depressed trajectory is a ballistic trajectory, which doesn't deviate from Parabolic path, but the parabola is more flat .

That's because missile follows a shallower angle during boost phase and has to use more fuel for the same range as an ME or Minimum energy trajectory missile, which used a bit lofted trajectory, or taller parabola.
The authors
The authors are wrong in their claims of the kinzhal not being hypersonic.

Funny how you ignored the rest of the same article you screenshot which deviate from your original claims and which state that Russian missiles have proven a dud against Ukrainian air defense systems - which was my original point. As I said earlier, if Brahamos was such a magical weapon, the Russians would have used to turn the war i their favor. The fact they didn’t says a lot about the supposed capabilities of the Brahamos.
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rather like your akash sam being a cheap knock off of the SA-6 :sarcastic:


All of a sudden you indians are finally admitting that the brahmos is nothing more than a cheap Onyx knock-off?
The BrahMos is actually slightly faster at Mach 2.8 than the P-800.
Future Brahmos NG will have max speed of Mach 3.5 due to the use of digital fuel injection system which increases its thrust


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Ukraine War: BrahMos Variant Achieves 100% Kill Rate; Russian Missile Evades All Defenses & Pounds Odesa

In one of the worst attacks on the port cities of Odesa this month, Russia launched its most formidable missiles, including at least seven Oniks (or Onyx) cruise missiles from its Bastion coastal missile system stationed in Crimea

The Ukrainian Air Force published the information on Facebook.

“The occupiers attacked the southern oblasts of Ukraine again on the night of 19-20 July! In this attack, Russian missiles hit Odesa and Mykolaiv. The enemy fired 38 projectiles in total: 19 cruise missiles and 19 kamikaze drones.”

According to the information provided by the Air Force, Ukraine’s air defense forces managed to destroy at least 18 of the total 38 projectiles that Russia launched on Odesa on the intervening night of 19 and 20 July.

As per information provided by the Ukrainian Air Force, the Russian troops launched Oniks cruise missiles and five Iskander-K land-based cruise missiles from Crimea, four Kh-22 air-based cruise missiles and Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles from the Black Sea region, and over 19 Shahed-136/131 attack drones.

The service stated that it managed to destroy some 18 targets, including two Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles, three Iskander-K land-launched cruise missiles, and 13 Shahed-136/131 attack drones.

However, none of the P-800 Oniks were shot down.

In the aftermath of the attack, some tweets started to surface on social media quoting the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Air Force as saying that the service could not shoot down the P-800 Oniks missiles that targeted Odesa.

These reports quoted Yuriy Ihnat as saying that Ukraine cannot yet shoot down the P-800 Onik missiles since it flies at a speed of more than 3,000 kilometers per hour. He also allegedly stated, “When approaching a target, Onyx can fly at a height of 10-15 meters above the water.”

The attack comes as Russia nixed the grain deal that had been in place since 2022, sparking concern about food security. The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced on July 20 that it launched “retaliatory strikes” on the production and storage areas of Ukrainian drone boats in Odesa.

"Tonight, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continued to deliver retaliatory strikes with high-precision sea and air-based weapons against production shops and storage sites for unmanned boats in the regions of Odesa and Ilyichevsk, Odesa region,” the ministry said.

In the 16 months old ongoing war, carrying out missile strikes on Ukraine has remained Russia’s favorite tactic. While most missile strikes in recent times have been conducted using Tu-22, Tu-95, and Tu-160 bombers, as well as the Su-24 and Su-25 attack aircraft, there has been some fair share of attacks using sea-based missiles such as Kalibr and P-800 Oniks launched by sea-based platforms.

Supersonic P-800 Oniks anti-ship cruise missiles have been fired against Ukrainian land targets by Russian Bastion-P coastal defense systems since March 2022.

The employment of P-800s, which have active radar seekers and are designed to attack heavily defended vessels, raised concerns that Russia was running low on precision-guided weapons.

P-800 Oniks Missiles Are Giving Ukraine A Hard Time
P-800 Oniks is a high-supersonic anti-ship missile used often against ground targets in Ukraine which has a speed of Mach 2.5. The Oniks missile is notorious for following predetermined trajectories with the capability to bypass enemy air defenses.

Adding more teeth to this, it has cutting-edge features like a ‘fire-and-forget’ guidance system.

The US Army’s Foreign Military Studies Office said, “One of the Onyx missile’s most interesting characteristics is its guidance system. The guidance system can work with other missiles, allocate and classify targets based on their importance, and then select an appropriate attack scheme.

"Following the destruction of the primary target, the remaining missiles attack other ships, so no target is attacked by more than one missile.”

The inability of Ukrainian air defense systems to intercept and shoot down the P-800 Oniks in the recent spate of attacks has raised some questions about its supposed “invincibility.”

Some military watchers said that sea-skimming missiles are comparatively challenging to intercept since they require different types of air defense systems, often mounted on ships, to defeat them.

Ukraine uses some of the best missile defense systems acquired from the West, including the PAC-3 Patriot missile defense systems, the NASAMS, the SAMP/T, and the IRIS-T air defense systems. However, with the Russian missile onslaught continuing, more of these systems are slated for delivery to Kyiv.

Since last year, Russian forces have launched the P-800 Onik on Ukrainian targets in Odesa. In fact, in August 2022, the Russians launched one of these missiles, which could not reach the ground and exploded mid-air instead.

In December 2022, however, the attack launched using the P-800 Onik was massive. After a pause of some two months, the Russians launched two P-800 “Oniks” supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles from the “Bastion” coastal defense system.

However, the sporadic use of these missiles led to speculations that Russia had fewer of them left in its stockpiles. The data published by Ukrainian General Staff later stated Russia had spent many Oniks missiles. As of November 18, Russian forces had used 123 Oniks out of 470, or roughly 25% of the total.

Meanwhile, India’s BrahMos missile, built by an Indo-Russian joint venture BrahMos Aerospace, is a derivate of the Russian P-800 Onyx and Yakhont series of missiles. The splendid performance of P-800 Onyx in the Ukraine war must have reassured the Indian military of the ‘invincible’ BrahMos.
You have absolutely no idea of the main reason why the Brahmos/Onyx is considered as the most dangerous Anti Ship cruise missile in the world. It's not the speed of Mach 3, it's not even the fact that it has enough kinetic energy to literally break a destroyer sized ship in half, it's not even the fact that it has an accuracy of 1 m and as if all this was not enough, it's not even the fact that it has 3 redundant systems of every single electronic part inside it, which means that even if it's jammed or hit by an EMP or 2, it can still keep going as if nothing happened. No. The main reason that Brahmos is so respected and feared is because it has the ability to perform 3 dimensional S Maneuvers in the terminal phase at Mach 3 which makes CIWS systems useless and most Missile defence systems very very difficult to counter it. A missile that flies straight is easy to counter with current technology. But a missile that moves randomly in a Zig Zag manner is very difficult to stop especially when it moves at Mach 3.

You have absolutely no idea of the main reason why the Brahmos/Onyx is considered as the most dangerous Anti Ship cruise missile in the world. It's not even what you have said.

The main reason is "India has it". :rofl:

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