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Pakistan Army commits treason in Presidents Office

I meant experience in governance, its easy to criticise when your not in power but once your in power you will have to work with all political players, institutes, international players, you may not like them but you have no choice because you represent Pakistan now. I assume the PM must have advisiors including the IB, military who give you intelligence. Look at Joe Biden, he must have loads of advisors who tell him what to do, otherwise Usa would be screwed.

Like I said many times, IK made alot of mistakes which cost him power. Nawaz Sharif who everyone is calling establishment agent, he came to power 3x and was toppled, also had problems, during Rahel Sharif time he had major issues with the military. Unfortunate what happened to Bhutto, this is why those who keep pushing IK need to calm down, think hard and support IK to make a deal, maybe even leave Pakistan. I am sure even you don't want him hanged.

ZAB never had the advantages like Imran. Being a non-Punjabi is itself a big risk in Pakistan, which even senior Punjabi analysts, admirably, are saying now.

Imran took Pakistan in 2018. He had more favorable situation than Erdogan had in 2003. Both took power from a discredited old order and both faced Establishment or the Deep State. In case of Erdogan, he came from a more humble background and decided to be humble: He didn't have half-naked pics on European beaches or dining with Princess Diana or claiming the Cricket World Cup. Erdogan put his head into 'governance', instead of witchhunting. Imran, in the guise of 'accountability' and 'corruption', went after everyone who was not with him: The trait of Imran in the 70s/80s as a cricketer was dictatorial and that certainly became his 'policy' when he thought he was irreplaceable after assuming power.

I am not talking about 'mistakes' here. I am talking about a severe personality disorder which has become the downfall of Imran.
Imran took Pakistan in 2018. He had more favorable situation than Erdogan had in 2003. Both took power from a discredited old order and both faced Establishment or the Deep State.

Discredited old order??

But Imran Khan took power from Nawaz sharif. Same Nawaz sharif who according to you has fought the biggest crusade against military establishment so how come his order was discredited??
Discredited old order??

But Imran Khan took power from Nawaz sharif. Same Nawaz sharif who according to you has fought the biggest crusade against military establishment so how come his order was discredited??

Okay, this does worth a reply:
Nawaz a psycho who thought he really had the 'authority' and there is a reason he has been kicked out of power and in fact in real prison for a while and twice exiled. Nawaz the dictator Amir ul Mominoon while Imran the Khalifa of Riyasat e Medina. Both should be Mullah Umar's brothers!

But the psycho Nawaz, like the psycho Imran, thought/thinks he can control the Establishment. So again and again Nawaz butted head with the military and again and again he was thwarted.
What's so hard to understand?

The old order discredited itself after the fall of ZAB: They made lots of legal cases against each other, ably aided by the Establishment, the pliant media, and that perception has stayed with Pakistanis as a discredited order and that's the basis of Imran's rise (aided by the military, of course).
Okay, this does worth a reply:
Nawaz a psycho who thought he really had the 'authority' and there is a reason he has been kicked out of power and in fact in real prison for a while and twice exiled. Nawaz the dictator Amir ul Mominoon while Imran the Khalifa of Riyasat e Medina. Both should be Mullah Umar's brothers!

But the psycho Nawaz, like the psycho Imran, thought/thinks he can control the Establishment. So again and again Nawaz butted head with the military and again and again he was thwarted.
What's so hard to understand?

The old order discredited itself after the fall of ZAB: They made lots of legal cases against each other, ably aided by the Establishment, the pliant media, and that perception has stayed with Pakistanis as a discredited order and that's the basis of Imran's rise (aided by the military, of course).

So as per you an old jiyala

Everything got ruined after fall of Bhutto

By the way do you have any idea about crimes that Bhutto committed? The civilian martial law administrator who used to torture his opponents using his private militia

What does an old jiyala like you has to say about that. Wasn't Bhutto a psycho too which he was obviously
These sneaky army tactics are exposing them everyday.

With this act of undermining the President, military has displayed it does not accept law. It does not accept any authority.

The way these two bills were sent and passed through the assembly shows they were sent by military's legal branch. PPP and PMLN, who will soon act pro democracy, played their due role in boot polishing.

As per Shehbaz Gill, it was President's military secretary who did this. President has been under immense pressure to consent to these bills. He did not.

Imagine how depraved this military establishment is. To bring down one man and assert its illegal authority, this military of cowards has fallen so low.

All of a sudden, military prostitutes in the profession as journalists, started a campaign to ask President to resign. If President resigns, military has full authority. It will bring in Sajid Sanjrani, a military tout. To remove President legally, there must be elections and new assembly will elect a new President.

We should all stand firmly with President Alvi. The media is part of this conspiracy which we all know is under military control.

ZAB never had the advantages like Imran. Being a non-Punjabi is itself a big risk in Pakistan, which even senior Punjabi analysts, admirably, are saying now.

Imran took Pakistan in 2018. He had more favorable situation than Erdogan had in 2003. Both took power from a discredited old order and both faced Establishment or the Deep State. In case of Erdogan, he came from a more humble background and decided to be humble: He didn't have half-naked pics on European beaches or dining with Princess Diana or claiming the Cricket World Cup. Erdogan put his head into 'governance', instead of witchhunting. Imran, in the guise of 'accountability' and 'corruption', went after everyone who was not with him: The trait of Imran in the 70s/80s as a cricketer was dictatorial and that certainly became his 'policy' when he thought he was irreplaceable after assuming power.

I am not talking about 'mistakes' here. I am talking about a severe personality disorder which has become the downfall of Imran.
Erdogan vs Imran khan . Turkey is one nation one language one culture vs Imran Khan ...............two totally different scenarios ..
Erdogan vs Imran khan . Turkey is one nation one language one culture vs Imran Khan ...............two totally different scenarios ..
Unfortunately, Turkey is also a deeply stratified society:
  • Secular vs religious
  • Liberal vs conservative
  • Socialist vs nationalist
  • Etc,
But, during the 07-15-2016 coup, strangely, these divisions got merged into a solid opposition against the NATO coup serviced via the FETO (Fethullah terrorist org) gangs within the military. Even the folks coming out of the bars throw themselves under the tanks....
It is just speculation and bias of the PTI folks to malign our Military.

Bas is dunya main har aik cheez hamari azeem fauj kay khilaf aik yahoodi sazish hai.

Bomb blast? Sazish
Corruption case? Sazish
Human rights issue? Sazish
Misue of authority? Sazish
Imran Khan ki pedayesh? You guessed it...saazish

I have tried googling but there is no clarity on what happens, when

The President doesn't convey his objections for the first time itself (intentional or unintentional, which is a separate argument altogether). This is only out of curiousity on my part given the reading of course.

However The bolded part isn't exactly true right?

Dawn's article talks of what a caretaker govt can and cannot do. https://www.dawn.com/news/1768033

Read the 4th paragraph of the article you posted.

And also have a look at Salman Akram Raja's twitter, he might have mentioned this there too, but I recall him mentioning this in an interview.

He is an unbiased, independent lawyer.

As defined in Chapter XIV of the Elections Act 2017

  1. A caretaker government shall:

  • perform its functions to attend to day-to-day matters which are necessary to run the affairs of the government;
  • assist the Commission to hold elections in accordance with law;
  • restrict itself to activities that are routine, non-controversial and urgent, in the public interest and reversible by the future government elected after the elections
  1. The caretaker government shall not:
  • attempt to influence the elections or do or cause to be done anything which may, in any manner, influence or adversely affect the free and fair elections
This bill violates the yellow parts in principal but not letter again (as it has to be argues otherwise), but not the red part. The caretaker govt can pass bills on usual stuff as per constitution.

No, no no no no.

There is no legislature in the country right now, so how can you pass a bill? How can the caretaker pass a bill when there is no assembly to begin with?

The bill in question was moved from the NA before it got dissolved, a couple of days before the dissolution.

Again, the caretaker govt can pass NO bills, AT ALL.

But this isn't the issue here.

Legal recourse is the way I guess, but pretty hard to prove it before a bench to reverse this bill in future.

This is such an open and shut case, but again, the constitution does not exist in Pakistan anymore, it's all what our Highness Asim Munir the exhalted wants.

it was President's military secretary who did this.

He is the ONLY one who can do this.
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Only that the Robber and the son are the same.

It is President's staff who did not return the Bill.

I can also speculate and say that President may have not asked the Bills to be return and now changing his tune by throwing his staff under the bus.

Baat wohi, ya to aap samajhtay ho ham sab kay mathay par chay likha hai, ya phir aap apnay aap ko bauhaut bara aflatoon samajhtay ho.

Ok, so let's go with your wild west conspiracy theory for a moment.

The President did not return the bill.

So how did it become a law when he did not sign it?
He is the ONLY one who can do this.
How can Pak go into a Jenk with such officers? Last time, it were the tribals who achieved something worthy by liberating a significant part of Kashmir.....

Military secretaries with PM and President are snitches of the army.

Inshallah when we soon have people's rule, we must ensure all military creep into civilian institutions are eliminated.
The first thing Reis Erdo'an did after the 07-15-2016 NATO coup was to remove the military ADCs. Do you know why these officers have a rope embedded into their uniforms? If they do a treachery they will be hanged with this very rope....
Bacha Khan was a towering giant and Imran is a pigmy. I wouldn't speak about the two in the same breath.

"Pashtun"? Imran is a PUNJABI and maybe that's why he has been given so much freedoms!! A Zardari or Bugti or a Wali Khan or an Altaf would have been toast long time ago.
Gandhi and Nehru were giants, Bacha Khan was their little subordinate in the far flung frontier backwaters who didn't even capture the support of the majority of his fellow pushtun, leave alone wider Pakistani populace and leave further alone a united India.

IK may not be a giant in the wider historical context, but he's the biggest political figure to come out of the lands that constitute the modern day Pakistan since Jinnah.

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