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Bangladeshi woman Sanya Akhtar travels to India to be with husband Saurabh Kant Tiwari sees him with another wife


Sep 20, 2014
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A Bangladeshi woman travelled to India with her one-year-old child to be with her husband, a Noida resident, whom she married in 2017. However, when she reached India, she found him already married.

The woman, identified as Sanya Akhtar, got married to Saurabh Kant Tiwari, during the time he was working in Bangladesh between 2017 and 2021. Following this, he left her to return to India.

However, when the woman reached India to be with him, she learned that Saurabh had remarried and did not want to continue their relationship.

In response to this, Sanya lodged a complaint at the women's police station.

Police are currently investigating the case. Further details are awaited.

He wouldn't have a problem if he was in BD. But Hindus follow Western law and values (not having their own law), so he's going to get into trouble I guess.
May be it’s time for Saurabh to go to jail.

She shouldn’t have a problem even if he had another 3 wives. Seems her parents didn’t give her proper guidance of the right way of life.
Uneducated dumb buffoons .
Dumb **** had to bring in his low toilet dig as if he’s a know it all 😁
A typical street shitters trait .
Did they teach you this in your slum ? For sure it weren’t a higher education facility .
Sexist , racist , bigoted reply makes you feel a man lol

Nothing better to do than post sly digs on a forum which despises you for what you just proved about you & your ilk .
And your equally dumb fellow street shitter thanking your post 😂😁

Google * Muslim marriage laws for what you know not of

Ducking jungle bunnies
He wouldn't have a problem if he was in BD. But Hindus follow Western law and values (not having their own law), so he's going to get into trouble I guess.
Better to lose all wealth and have a million problems than live in shithole like BD 🤣. Why would one chose to live in a smelly swamp where the only job available is chaddi stitching. This Sanya girl most likely only married the guy so she could escape the mythical land of you 5 footer pygmy lungies. Living in BD is the no. 1 problem, once thats sorted out everything else is trivial.

He wouldn't have a problem if he was in BD. But Hindus follow Western law and values (not having their own law), so he's going to get into trouble I guess.
This guy should be in jail irrespective of rule of law. It seems like his intent was to cheat.if he like to remarry then he could have separated in a proper legal way
Why would one chose to live in a smelly swamp where the only job available is chaddi stitching.

Ask the slumdog who came here and was kicked out when his visa expired. You subhumans seem to have quite a struggle keeping yourselves within your borders.

This guy should be in jail irrespective of rule of law. It seems like his intent was to cheat.

Cheating is a moral issue, not a criminal issue. The dude's problem is he didn't divorce before remarrying.
Ask the slumdog who came here and was kicked out when his visa expired. You subhumans seem to have quite a struggle keeping yourselves within your borders.
Says the pigshit Lungi who would sell his mother and sister in Daulatdia to bribe guards to allow him to pole vault. Indians are trying to get to US/Canada- countries with 50,000 per capita income and you piss ugly lungi shitters are trying to get to India - 2700 per capita income 🤣, that is the aukaat of you chaddi stitchers.

The illegal immigration path for indians to get to the US is to fly to mexico/colombia/el salvador/guatemala etc and then go on from there, but you ugly scrawny subhuman lungi termites dont even manage to get the visa to these countries 🤣, even mexicans would deport your pygmy black asses on the first flight back to the brothels and shit covered streets of dhaka.

Deported from India, deported from Myanmar, no one wants you lungi pests. Keep stiching and street shitting

He will definitely go to jail.

No one is allowed to marry more than one woman in India, especially Hindus. If one wife objects, he must be put in jail.
Majority of the prostitutes in Bangladesh are Hindu women from different parts of India like Rajasthan, Bihar, Maharashtra etc. They are not even trafficked, all of them come willingly and live in the red like districts of major cities in BD. @RealDeal we are happy to help your mother earn a living. Get a paternity test done when you get the chance. :lol:


Everyone is disgusted by your shithole..
Majority of the prostitutes in Bangladesh are Hindu women from different parts of India like Rajasthan, Bihar, Maharashtra etc. They are not even trafficked, all of them come willingly and live in the red like districts of major cities in BD. @RealDeal we are happy to help your mother earn a living. Get a paternity test done when you get the chance. :lol:


Everyone is disgusted by your shithole..
Yes, and Americans illegally migrate to Mexico, you Lungis stay in your own little imaginary world. Indian cities are full of trafficked Lungi women, and it iss scrawny creepy smelly lungi men who are involved in trafficking :lol:

Now why dont you post some news reports showing indian women being trafficked to your swamp

Why would indian prostitutes move to your poo covered smelly *** ratshit country, earn half of what they would in india, and on top of that, **** some subhuman who looks like this :lol:even the ugliest ones wouldnt do it, even rats are better looking than you Lungis

A Bangladeshi woman travelled to India with her one-year-old child to be with her husband, a Noida resident, whom she married in 2017. However, when she reached India, she found him already married.

The woman, identified as Sanya Akhtar, got married to Saurabh Kant Tiwari, during the time he was working in Bangladesh between 2017 and 2021. Following this, he left her to return to India.

However, when the woman reached India to be with him, she learned that Saurabh had remarried and did not want to continue their relationship.

In response to this, Sanya lodged a complaint at the women's police station.

Police are currently investigating the case. Further details are awaited.

This guy will go to jail for cheating a girl . His job will also go because a guy can not marry another girl when he has already a wife . Govt of India is introducing a bill of common civil code so that muslims will also come under the law . Only one wife allowed in Indian law .
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