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US knows that Indians have Low Value

Can't read urdu and is clueless on Islamic history/studies...has proven time and again he's not a Pakistan...

The most logical explanation is that he's an Indian...

In fact the biggest give away is his name, completely wrong sytanx...Rahman and Majeed are both Allah's name, and Abdul is a prefix used when using Allah's name in someone's name, e.g. Abdul Rahman, Abdul Majeed, Abdullah, Abdul Wahab, etc. You don't use one Abdul with two different names of Allah...

Only a pajeet buffoon trying hard to come up with a muslim/pakistani name would make this stupid mistake...
He does incite people on both sides and brings the worst reactions. You have to give it to him for finding stories to invoke reactions of the worst kind. Troll 👑 king. 😂😂😂😂
In fact the biggest give away is his name, completely wrong sytanx...Rahman and Majeed are both Allah's name, and Abdul is a prefix used when using Allah's name in someone's name, e.g. Abdul Rahman, Abdul Majeed, Abdullah, Abdul Wahab, etc. You don't use one Abdul with two different names of Allah...

Only a pajeet buffoon trying hard to come up with a muslim/pakistani name would make this stupid mistake...
That is a good point, but doesn't prove he is Indian, Pakistanis can be ignorant of that as well. Lots of Pakistanis (wrongly) use Muslim as an ethnicity.
I wonder why people react to his threads. He enjoys in the misery of others.
He triggers people, sits back and enjoys the show. All those who try and reason with him should get the drift within few comments, but that doesn’t seem to happen.
Ignore his threads and he will find his place.

I love the fact that his flags are special. The way they try and disown him.
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Both Pakistanis and Europeans are white.

British always treated Muslims of South Asia with great respect unlike you pagans.

View attachment 953694


You did know the English did everything to sabotage Pakistan’s creation?


We Pakistanis have nothing to do with you piss drinking filthy Indians.

100% agree

So glad you are not in USA * otherwise those police dudes would have done a number on you.

* reason : visa rejected in application form, in the sex section, the question was Sex ? instead of ticking male or female you wrote “ Yes please “
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Can't read urdu and is clueless on Islamic history/studies...has proven time and again he's not a Pakistan...

The most logical explanation is that he's an Indian...

In fact the biggest give away is his name, completely wrong sytanx...Rahman and Majeed are both Allah's name, and Abdul is a prefix used when using Allah's name in someone's name, e.g. Abdul Rahman, Abdul Majeed, Abdullah, Abdul Wahab, etc. You don't use one Abdul with two different names of Allah...

Only a pajeet buffoon trying hard to come up with a muslim/pakistani name would make this stupid mistake...
That’s why I curse him out each time and he specifically avoids me unlike other members including some of the Indians who will respond and defend themselves. This guy is an Indian through and through
A comment on that video said this,
"As an Indian I am deeply concerned about Human Rights Violations in the USA 😡😡"

This is not human rights violation. It is not politically incited or supported by the government in any way. The victim's race, ethnicity, or religion are irrelevant as it was an accident and not deliberate. In America, such incidents are exposed and widely condemned. That is how it should be everywhere. The cop could be racist, but he doesn't mention race in the video. In any case, he will likely face consequence for mocking the victim as he is a public servant working on tax payer money.
Do you know that Pakistanis and Indians here in the US are united in their response to this incident? One day you will crawl out of your bubble and realize how skewed your world view was.
Ignore this troll, i don't know why he hasn't been banned yet.
That’s why I curse him out each time and he specifically avoids me unlike other members including some of the Indians who will respond and defend themselves. This guy is an Indian through and through
Then why is he not banned

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