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If the wife works family is ruined, the veil is ruined. If the wife works, society is ruined : Bangladeshi bowler Tanzim Hasan Sakib

You want women to be baby making machines and you don't see any potential in them.

C'mon man - we all know (regardless of where in South Asia we are) that this all depends on education, wealth and class.

Don't lump Muslims as backward.

Good luck on Ganesh Chaturthi and Visarjan - which is this weekend.

Go help the women doing all the arrangements.

Ok Moron, do you have a point of view? Other wise f**c off.

Like I said, stop writing crap here. You have Ganpati Puja to attend to.
C'mon man - we all know (regardless of where in South Asia we are) that this all depends on education, wealth and class.

Don't lump Muslims as backward.

Good luck on Ganesh Chaturthi and Visarjan - which is this weekend.

Go help the women doing all the arrangements.

Like I said, stop writing crap here. You have Ganpati Puja to attend to.
I have all the time in the world. On paid sabbatical. You are wasting your time.
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