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Diabetes various degrees

Are there various degrees of diabetes?

Some of my relatives, who are diabetic, eat rice (it's glycemic index is high) everyday. Nothing happens to them. Their blood sugar levels doesn't increase considerably. Only negligible increase is seen in them despite eating something like rice.

Some diabetic people eat low glycemic index millets yet their sugar levels increase. They have to take insulin injection.

Why such variations in response to foodstuffs?
It’s the food, as much as a person’s body’s ability to process the food. A Type 1 diabetic maybe injecting themselves with insulin a few minutes before they eat and may not appear to be affected. Type 1 diabetics are also thinner to normal weight, but regardless of what they do their pancreas doesn’t make insulin or very little insulin to allow their cells to process the carbohydrates they consume.

A type 2 diabetic (non-insulin dependent diabetes) can develop over time, as the body stil continues to produce insulin but cells become insensitive or unable to respond to the insulin and glucose circulate in the blood (which is what you detect when you check someone’s glucose levels), and is not used appropriately by the cells. Metformin is initially given to help the cell re-sensitive in the pre-diabetic and early stages of type 2 diabetes. Usually within an A1C of 6.5-8.5.

Your relatives could be taking Metformin and walking a lot as well as doing some muscle building work to manage their body’s response to the high glycemic food.

Have your A1C checked. Eat lower glycemic index foods, increase your walking/jogging and muscle building regimen.

But before you take advice from the internet, consult your primary care provider (doctor).
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Doctors just regurgitate what ever they were brain washed in their school.

Diebetes is a hit series. We have 1 , 2 , 3 and more coming...

One day all human diseases will be classified as some diabetes number.
Cancer has no cure Aids has no cure and few other diseases have also not cure
as far as I know, in type 1 insulin is extracted through Pancrase by taking medicine. In type 2, Pancrase stops producing and then you need external insulin.

If your relatives don't get enough sugar pikes by eating rice, then it is genetic and due to optimise metabolism. Subcontinent people are good at digesting grain, lentils, vegis but not meat. Mainly, it is due to slow metabolism. Perhaps, they are taking in a lot of fibre too which also slows down digestion. Watch Dr Berg videos.

Interesting post.
I don't know much about Diabetes anymore; once I know some. I did study endocrinology and even a dedicated course on Diabetes Mellitus way back at the University of Karachi. The numbers even then were shocking about the prevalence of Diabetes in Pakistan. Mid 80s.
I have forgotten most of my knowledge from that time. I vaguely recall some students injecting rabbits with sugar via syringes into ears to cause some pancreas burn, leading to Diabetes. It was cruel and kind of pseudo-science. I had my own share of cruelty done to animals then.
But I don't have my 'Silence of the Lambs' moment about some slaughter. I should.
Are there various degrees of diabetes?

Some of my relatives, who are diabetic, eat rice (it's glycemic index is high) everyday. Nothing happens to them. Their blood sugar levels doesn't increase considerably. Only negligible increase is seen in them despite eating something like rice.

Some diabetic people eat low glycemic index millets yet their sugar levels increase. They have to take insulin injection.

Why such variations in response to foodstuffs?
Depends upon type of carbohydrates
But it depends upon type of diabetes (burned out or not burned out & cellular resistance)

This is too complicated topic.Simple thing is keep your body weight low (less then 23 BMI if you are lean OR LOW FAT PERCENT(9-10%) and do more exercise.

Nothing else really matters
Are there various degrees of diabetes?

Some of my relatives, who are diabetic, eat rice (it's glycemic index is high) everyday. Nothing happens to them. Their blood sugar levels doesn't increase considerably. Only negligible increase is seen in them despite eating something like rice.

Some diabetic people eat low glycemic index millets yet their sugar levels increase. They have to take insulin injection.

Why such variations in response to foodstuffs?

Get Methalyation Genetic Testing.
I am prediabetic. Just borderline. My doctor told me to
1.reduce the portions of what I eat,
2. Avoid sugary stuff
3. Keep a active lifestyle
Not sure man, my mom has Diabetes but its been under control. She eats purely rice, and has never had any problem.

When you check with doctors, they saw you shouldn't eat polished rice as it is high on carbs. My mom though, has never had any issue.

If am not wrong, there are two types of diabetes. In blood and In Urine

Guess its the one in Blood, that is more dangerous where dietary changes have to be done. My mom's I guess is in Urine. Few years back when my family was in rented house, our Owner Aunty was also diabetic. She had to take regular Insulin, and hers was in blood.

She had problems like suddenly collapsing without realizing etc, and had one or two accidents even. Very sweet woman she is, but she too eats purely rice. I mean am from South so its staple here.
Are there various degrees of diabetes?

Some of my relatives, who are diabetic, eat rice (it's glycemic index is high) everyday. Nothing happens to them. Their blood sugar levels doesn't increase considerably. Only negligible increase is seen in them despite eating something like rice.

Some diabetic people eat low glycemic index millets yet their sugar levels increase. They have to take insulin injection.

Why such variations in response to foodstuffs?
It depends on the Pancreas and how much Insulin it can produce to deal with the sugar.

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