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Dirty Hafiz Stopped PTI to protest against Israel

Nonsense again. Secondly, being a jew is not a crime. Many jews are against Israel and zionism. Don’t be a complete duffer and spit non sense - Jews ARE NOT equal to Zionists.

If not all Jews are Zionists then not all Palestinians are Hamas and Hezbollahs.
Asim Munir and his colleagues are working for foreign agenda.

100%. Only a total treacherous minds could do the regime change op for foreign power interests. They did exactly that. First ISPR lied on the face of the nation that Cipher do not exists and once they were caught with their pants down they jailed nation's most popular leadership. Basically saying, that no one is allowed to defame or even name our masters (US deputy secretary) and more.

Actually he doesn't want to hurt the lobbying moeed and other minions are doing for him in west.

Arshad Shareef shaheed, Moeed, IRK and likes are the most patriotic journalists this country has ever received. You can also see that if you think rationally.

Bro, please read in detail. Why all die hard fans of PA, many who even in this forum and everywhere were always ready to defend the army are gone against it. I never listened to IK speeches, very few and in those he never said a word against army except saying "this is our army" and "avoid confrontation", so how come entire generations who were not even fans of IK are now filled with hatred against the institution? The answer is very simple, when they saw what happened to Arshad shareef, when they saw their public representatives being abducted and tortured without any regard of law or ethics. without regarding the fact that civilians and nation are the reason why country was made, The country works with their tax, the nation is real owners of the country. Army's entire job is of "chaukidaar". Nothing more. Quad had ordered Pak Army to remain servants of the people. That's how you are servants by abducting people and torturing them and by force asking them to change political parties? This is the lowest level any armed force can go. AFter doing such actions no army should expect respect. This is all on COAS and agency cheif. The whole generations have developed serious enmity with high ranks and this all blunder is on no one else but the military top command. Its basic common sense.

For a patriotic Pakistani, the only thing that should matter is Pakistan. Being a brainwashed loyal puppet for generals (who 100% clearly have went rogue by suspending law and constitution of Pakistan). How on earth a 22 grade govt officer (COAS) can put nation's leadership in jails and decide which journalists to be abducted, which pol leader to be tortured, or the due elections (nation's basic right to vote) to be taken away? Or do forge signatures on behalf of President. OR topple an elected govt OR make new pol parties on gun point. These ALL are seriously treacherous crimes. In any other country such officer's would have faced capital punishment long ago. I just can't comprehend how come sensible people such as you can support such treachery. Patriotism is to stand with Pakistan and its laws and its constitution which protect ordinary Pakistani under laws and give rights to every Pakistani and concept of state. Patriotism is certainly not to support an army which is accepting orders from generals who were involved in regime change to every other possible crime mentioned above. The real patriotism will be to raise your voices in your capacity against the injustices and against any govt officer which crosses their constitutional boundary.

Can you imagine Pakistan railway chairman uses its 70,000 employees to abduct national leaders, torture pakistanis in his ego, force people at gun point to change political parties. Pakistan railway chairman would be same 22nd grade officer. So how come another govt officer is allowed to go rouge ?? This is unthinkable in any society except where military occupies its own country or imposes marshal law.
Chaato Is10k likes wali tweet ko that only talks only on behalf of him. Khans own statement missed it ..no matter how much you sit here and cry out loud.. khan missed talking about the issue in the statement.. purposefully..

Again, there's not much point discussing this with someone who has profound comprehension issues, is ignorant of all the documented evidence in front of him, and has been exposed so badly that he has to keep peddling lies through desperation.

You go on your merry way given everyone in this thread has shown you to be the ignoramus that you are.
Whisky Munir's desire is for Pakistan to suffer destruction like Gaza, that's why he's preventing PTI from demonstrating for Palestinians.

This is seriously so good, stealing it.
*سعد رضوی اور فضل الرحمان کا پتہ کرو؟* 🙄
*بندے دونوں ہی جذباتی ہیں، کہیں اکیلے ہی فلسطین جہاد کے لیئے نہ نکل پڑے ہوں

* Search for Saad Rizvi and Fazlur Rehman?* 🙄
*Both the servants are emotional, they might have not gone out for Palestine Jihad alone !!!
For too long Pakistanis have been living under delusions. Israel have right to exist just like Pakistan. Arab world literally got rid of its jew population thanks to Israel.

Palestine state should also exist. What Israel is doing now is ethnic cleansing in best case scenario or genocide in worst.

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