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FROM AFP NEWS: Pakistan's Comeback King Nawaz Sharif Returns Again


Jan 21, 2015
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Pakistan's Comeback King Nawaz Sharif Returns Again​

October 19, 2023


Photo: Arif ALI

Despite a graft conviction hanging over him, a court this week granted ex-prime minister Nawaz Sharif protective bail until Tuesday -- paving the way for a welcome home rally​

Three-time Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif will return from exile eager to make yet another comeback in a country mired in political and economic chaos.

The 73-year-old is one of the nation's wealthiest men, with a fortune earned in the steel business, but is admired by supporters for his approachable "man of the soil" demeanour.

Often draped in a red Gucci scarf, his political fortunes have risen and fallen on his relationship with Pakistan's powerful military establishment –- the country's true kingmakers.

Fans call him "the Lion of Punjab", the eastern and most populous province where his support is strongest, and he is known to parade big cats at extravagant political events drumming up support.

Despite a conviction for graft hanging over him, a court this week granted him protective bail until Tuesday -- paving the way for a welcome home rally that has been on the cards for months.

After four years of self-imposed exile in the United Kingdom, it will be a major test of clout for one of the big beasts of Pakistani politics.

Sharif is widely believed to have continued pulling the strings of his Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz party, even after his brother Shehbaz led them to power last year in a coalition ousting Imran Khan.

Nawaz first took power in 1990 with the blessing of the establishment, but was forced out three years later by corruption allegations -- a theme that has dogged his career.

He has lived for years in Saudi Arabia and London -- where the Sharif family have extensive luxury properties -- only to return to Pakistan each time with renewed zeal.

Stung by the nationalisation of the family steel business -- which he later regained control of -- Sharif is a fiscal conservative and champion of economic liberalisation and free markets.

He oversaw the privatisation of several key state enterprises -- including banks and energy producers -- in a process critics say was riven by corruption.

He was also one of the key drivers of the $60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) that underpins relations between Islamabad and Beijing.

During his various stints as premier he was accused of stacking courts with loyalist judges, tinkering with the constitution, and rigging provincial elections to shore up his party's power bases.

His second reign of power lasted two years and ended in 1999 with him deposed in a military coup after plotting to sideline his army chief of staff, Pervez Musharraf.

Sharif narrowly avoided the death sentence in a hastily convened trial before being sent into self-imposed exile.

More than a decade later and he was back in power, in part because of his brother's diligent performance as chief minister of Punjab, regarded Pakistan's most powerful constituency.

But fresh graft allegations emerged when his children were named in the Panama Papers leak for holding offshore companies.


Sharif is one of the nation's wealthiest men but is admired by supporters for his approachable "man of the soil" demeanour Arif ALI

He was later convicted over separate corruption allegations and disqualified from office for life. It was the third time that he failed to complete a full term.

Less than a year into a seven-year prison sentence he was granted permission to travel to the United Kingdom for medical care and then declined to return.

But with Khan falling spectacularly out of favour with the military, Sharif's fortunes began to change last year.

His return has been smoothed by legal changes downsizing the period lawmakers can be barred from elections.

Analysts also say there has likely been a deal with the establishment to prevent further court challenges.

But the "Lion of Punjab" must also win over a population weary of dynastic politics and weighed down by economic crisis.

Somebody has to explain to what role did Sharif played in improving Pakistan's Economy

Otherwise I see no reason for people Cheering him on like some sort of Marvel Superhero

Also this is the first time I am reading about His steel Business and how it was Nationalized.

Was the Bankrupt Pakistan Steel Mills , originally a Sharif family company
Everyone gets optimistic whenever Mr. Sharif is allowed to return to Pakistan.

The conservative masses in Pakistan may very well be ready to let Mr. Sharif lead another round of skirmishes with India.
Somebody has to explain to what role did Sharif played in improving Pakistan's Economy

Otherwise I see no reason for people Cheering him on like some sort of Marvel Superhero

Also this is the first time I am reading about His steel Business and how it was Nationalized.

Was the Bankrupt Pakistan Steel Mills , originally a Sharif family company

There were two competitors in Punjab for steel business, Ittefaq Steel and BECo (Batala Engineering Company), they were producing sugar mills, flour mills, jee, truck engines in 1960s. They would have been competitors of TATA and Birla, if they would not have been nationalised in 1970s.



Somebody has to explain to what role did Sharif played in improving Pakistan's Economy

Otherwise I see no reason for people Cheering him on like some sort of Marvel Superhero

Also this is the first time I am reading about His steel Business and how it was Nationalized.

Was the Bankrupt Pakistan Steel Mills , originally a Sharif family company

Nobody is cheering him apart from his own corrupt politicians and the workers they hire.

Check this out - this is a local meeting, where the political worker is telling his fellow idiots that by travelling to Lahore to greet Nawaz Sharif they will be rewarded with a place in Heaven. In fact he says they will be rewarded with a place in heaven just for attending his meeting.

Anyone who watches this video will be amazed at the level of stupidity, even the most illiterate person will laugh at the notion presented, but there are some corrupt who's hearts are corrupt who will believe this BS.
Official protocol, seriously??

From When the corrupted leaders start getting such honors in Pakistan?

It's a standard for ex PM if he/she is not incriminated by the courts. Government cannot refuse such obligation.

In India, Mr. Sharif is only known to have brought a bad omen. Be it lighting up Kashmir or conducting nuclear strikes in the 90s or accelerating ties with China.
Somebody has to explain to what role did Sharif played in improving Pakistan's Economy

Otherwise I see no reason for people Cheering him on like some sort of Marvel Superhero

Also this is the first time I am reading about His steel Business and how it was Nationalized.

Was the Bankrupt Pakistan Steel Mills , originally a Sharif family company

The Sharifs outsource everything to foreign consultants. They are incompetent, always have been.

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