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Should Pakistan abolish dual citizenship law?

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What do you think sir?

In my humble opinion Saad i feel that the dual nationality process is flawed, when i was studying in the UK i was very impressed with the way Indian's travel to foreign nations but if they want to have a foreign nationality they will have to surrender their Indian nationality and all their property.

This is been a protective measure to avoid brain drain, Pakistan has tried a softer approach such as the POC/OPA and the President's Programme for the. Care of Highly Qualified Pakistanis.

However this does not go far enough, because there is no assurances that remittances returned by overseas Pakistanis are actually going thorough the national economy as most people still use Hundi.

There is desire for the government to effectively reverse the brain drain or human capital loss, and this also breeds an identity crisis in the 4th/5th and 6th gen Pakistani children living in foreign countries.

Their parents say they are Pakistani, they see themselves as (US/UK/EU whatever citizens) but then at times fell out of place... So you see there is a genuine Identity crisis.

One thing i found funny, when i was training with the London Ambulance Service back in 2004 the Pakistani celebrating eid in Luton made a point of showing off their flags (Pakistani) and swearing at "gora's" in urdu (not sure what Pakistan has to do with Eid)...

But when the same Pakistani wannabe's come to Pakistan and land at the airport they refuse to speak a word of urdu and carry an air of superiority around themselves because they have the lal pata..

Rebel's without a cause.

So in conclusion, the dual nationality system requires a careful study and amendment, since it is detrimental to our national identity in the longer run.
"This is been a protective measure to avoid brain drain, Pakistan has tried a softer approach such as the POC/OPA and the President's Programme for the. Care of Highly Qualified Pakistanis."

Yep, I also highlighted that in earlier post.

"most people still use Hundi."
Example of someone I know...

Everyone suffers from identity crisis after living abroad for about three to four years.

"So in conclusion, the dual nationality system requires a careful study and amendment, since it is detrimental to our national identity in the longer run."

Questions the basic---Why do people leave their country? Is not it another form of national identity crisis? The difference is--You have your passport--Which is not that much important if you don't contribute..

Ok, don't abolish dual nationality law but charge $50 from people every time they visit Pakistan..
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We have to realize that our country is bankrupt. We need to raise money and not beg!!!!

Guys we can't even afford to get top notch weapons because of economic conditions. We do not have free health care for our citizens. We do not have free education system. Our country is deep in debt. Look at the value of rupee. Look at inflation...employment..
Credit ratings..

If there was no America, IMF or few others, we would have declared bankruptcy!
Or at least would have stopped any defence procurement and there would be mobs and daggers.

We need to earn money and not ask from other countries!
You know who mostly benefits from this?

Politicians who have stakes elsewhere...

Let alone this law, parliament should pass a law tomorrow that no politician will be allowed to run for elections if he/she has dual nationality.

I think that ninety percent of parliamentarians would resign the next day.

or would be ineligible to run for elections.
Do you have Pakistani Nationality?

No.. Then please leave this discussion to Pakistani with dual nationality.

God Bless.


You force me---the job of the think tank is to lead in the discussion---truthseeker is a great asset on this board---there is no reason to insult.

Dual citizenship is an asset to the parent country---our ambassadorship abroad can never be paid back by our motherland if we represent our motherland right.

Secondly----we send enough funds home to be charged any extra fee----at one stage a few years ago----pakistan was afloat due to the foreign exchange that the ex-pats sent home.

The motherland needs to come with practises and securities to provide to its ex-pats in a better, professional and pro-active manner.
Ex-pats don't ask for anything special---just basic respect and security----and not to be target by highway robbers on the way home from the air ports in pakistan---our children not kidnapped for ransom---us---ourselves not kidnapped for ransom and blackmail---.

The police station in cohoots with the culprits---pakistan and pakistanis have other issues that they need to take care of rather than charge any money to ex-pats.

Now as for as handling of jobs to dual citizens---pure red blooded pakistanis are standing in line to sell their souls to the highest bidder---each one of them wanting to out bid the other for power----so what damage can the ex-pats can do---the commander in chief of the pak army visits u s of a before he gets his job and so does the president of the country---.

Pakistan and pakistanis need to take care of its character issues first and foremost---that is where the problem lies---.

You force me---the job of the think tank is to lead in the discussion---truthseeker is a great asset on this board---there is no reason to insult.

Dual citizenship is an asset to the parent country---our ambassadorship abroad can never be paid back by our motherland if we represent our motherland right.

Secondly----we send enough funds home to be charged any extra fee----at one stage a few years ago----pakistan was afloat due to the foreign exchange that the ex-pats sent home.

The motherland needs to come with practises and securities to provide to its ex-pats in a better, professional and pro-active manner.
Ex-pats don't ask for anything special---just basic respect and security----and not to be target by highway robbers on the way home from the air ports in pakistan---our children not kidnapped for ransom---us---ourselves not kidnapped for ransom and blackmail---.

The police station in cohoots with the culprits---pakistan and pakistanis have other issues that they need to take care of rather than charge any money to ex-pats.

Now as for as handling of jobs to dual citizens---pure red blooded pakistanis are standing in line to sell their souls to the highest bidder---each one of them wanting to out bid the other for power----so what damage can the ex-pats can do---the commander in chief of the pak army visits u s of a before he gets his job and so does the president of the country---.

Pakistan and pakistanis need to take care of its character issues first and foremost---that is where the problem lies---.

Why did i force you? Are you a moderator? Where did i insult him, can you quote please?

Ex-pats don't ask for anything special---just basic respect and security----and not to be target by highway robbers on the way home from the air ports in pakistan---our children not kidnapped for ransom---us---ourselves not kidnapped for ransom and blackmail---.

Don't i have children, don't they go to school, are your ex-pat children deserving of any more security then my children get? Are you deserving of any more security then my family gets?

As for the rest of the post... Point duly noted.
Dual nationality is a convenience that people living abroad have to acquire.You dont know how difficult it is to travel anywhere on the green passport. So it is availed not out of choice but as a necessity. Our remittences have contributed to the growth of this country.We already feel punished enough because inspite of repeated efforts some of us cant come back and settle down in our own country(lack of jobs,lack of corruptness required to be in a job, and lack of personal safety to name a few) I dont think we should be punished more by inflicting fees on us to enter pakistan.
In my opinion the law should be changed so that people who hold dual citizenship should not be allowed to contest the elections.
Ok, don't abolish dual nationality law but charge $50 from people every time they visit Pakistan..

Being a national means visa free access, and charging another "tax" for holding another nationality legally would be discriminatory and would therefore violate equal treatment under the law.

A general hike of airport/travel/security charges etc. that are applicable to all passengers may generate more revenue, but there is a tipping point where traffic will begin to reduce, leading to diminishing returns.
Dual citizenship should be abolished ,when some one doesnt want to stay in pakistan why need the passport. Infact a lot of pakistanis abroad will start behaving once they are stuck with single nationality a pakistani passport is more used like a ghetto clause .... Pakistan should tax them as well and since they are all pakistani origin they will have to come here either way
Dual citizenship should be abolished ,when some one doesnt want to stay in pakistan why need the passport. Infact a lot of pakistanis abroad will start behaving once they are stuck with single nationality a pakistani passport is more used like a ghetto clause .... Pakistan should tax them as well and since they are all pakistani origin they will have to come here either way

Fair enough.

I think that abolition will have much higher costs, direct and indirect, than the alternative, but that is just my opinion. :D
Fair enough.

I think that abolition will have much higher costs, direct and indirect, than the alternative, but that is just my opinion. :D

I dont think abolition of Dual nationality will favour pakistan in any way.Most ExPats who hold dual nationalities do so out of necessity . When we come to Pakistan we spend currency earned abroad, and I need not emphasize the role of Remitences. All you are doing by abolishing dual nationalities are preventing your own people to come back and see their loved ones in Pakistan. People would just stop coming or come less frequently. Do you really want that?
People who have dual nationalities can send home remittances which can potentially contribute a lot to the economic growth of the recipient state.
Fair enough.

I think that abolition will have much higher costs, direct and indirect, than the alternative, but that is just my opinion. :D

In my view very precisely its like having two different religions or names which in the end creates more confusion and not natural at all. There are millions of incentives govts can give for pakistani origin people to increase their investment , abolishing Dual citizenship will only hit the elites
In my view very precisely its like having two different religions or names which in the end creates more confusion and not natural at all. There are millions of incentives govts can give for pakistani origin people to increase their investment , abolishing Dual citizenship will only hit the elites

Stop and go incentives will never have the desired effect for economically productive investments.

Trained manpower, proper infrastructure, access to raw materials, growing and stable markets: these are the real important things that create investments.

Pakistani emigres are only one small piece of the process. The majority of the effort has to be internal.

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