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Defense Minister Liang: China still 20 to 30 years behind in terms of weaponry

If this is the case, then all the world government would know. The reality is that any slight achieve would be broadcasted from all the major indian media. And the foreign spies can gather the accurate information from the original source. Unfortunately, the Indian beauracracy, which leaded the news, exaggerate the news to the higher ups. As a result, western gov most likely know more about the capabilities of the Indian forces than the Indian president himself.

your are wrong. remember how secretly we developed and tested our first nuclear bomb and even US hadn't got wind of our nuclear bomb till we exploded it and we declared that we have successfully tested nuclear bomb.
Agree. Power corrupts. Like Imperium Japan. Or even better example,USofA.
You ware a hero to the people and wakeup one day, find more then half the planet hate you...
You are applying Anglo-American strategic thinking to China when China's history is opposite to what you just said. People should stop repeating dogmatic ideas and use realistic analysis. This is how misunderstandings happen and the reason why the USA is currently so xenophobic and paranoid over the idea that China will do Nazi-style militaristic expansion in Asia. Don't perpetuate the myth.
You are applying Anglo-American strategic thinking to China when China's history is opposite to what you just said. People should stop repeating dogmatic ideas and use realistic analysis. This is how misunderstandings happen and the reason why the USA is currently so xenophobic and paranoid over the idea that China will do Nazi-style militaristic expansion in Asia. Don't perpetuate the myth.

i blame religion and men who need to overcompensate for their small packages.
The major problems with Chinese SSN and SSBN are nuclear reactor and propulsion system, with weaponary and sensor being lesser concern. Once those are overcome, the gap can be quickly narrowed down to ~5 years. The biggest disastisfaction with the current 093 line is that it is too slow.
Even if nuclear propulsion and turbofans platforms caught up tomorrow, China is still very far behind in sensors and electronics. This gap will take well over 10 years to close. I think ~5 years for everything other than nuclear propulsion and engines is totally unrealistic and reminiscent of American right-wing chicken littles.
your are wrong. remember how secretly we developed and tested our first nuclear bomb and even US hadn't got wind of our nuclear bomb till we exploded it and we declared that we have successfully tested nuclear bomb.
uhm, according to reports from india and internationally, india building more need not be a sign of strength but the result of poor reliability (half their nuke might be dud). really we shouldn't speculate on such matters.
your are wrong. remember how secretly we developed and tested our first nuclear bomb and even US hadn't got wind of our nuclear bomb till we exploded it and we declared that we have successfully tested nuclear bomb.

the only reason why Indian government hided its nuclear bomb development program is because it was against the non-proliferation treaty of the international society and India's previous political promise. while everyone was trying to downsize its nuclear arsenal and make the world a better place , india escalated the tension. you do remember the west exerted military embargo on you due to it right?
Even if nuclear propulsion and turbofans platforms caught up tomorrow, China is still very far behind in sensors and electronics. This gap will take well over 10 years to close. I think ~5 years for everything other than nuclear propulsion and engines is totally unrealistic and reminiscent of American right-wing chicken littles.
That is a false notion many still retains. China has demonstrated several new sonar systems in the past 5 year. Eletronics are not difficult to "catch up" so to speak, as long as there is no generation gap. The challenge is to intergrate them into a network. These are not my views, but the perception of engineers working in the field in China.

Root of China's SSN and SSBN problem is nuclear reactor and propulsion. Everything else can be sorted out relatively quickly. The thought that China is still reliant on 60's Soviet designs should have died by early 2000's, but no.
it remind me of one of the - best south park series - when American come to attack china and then Chinese go.

o u almighty Americans we are small people with small ..D....K..- how dare can we achive big things like you ameircan with humangus .......

we are nowhere close to you big ......people.

american rednecks look at them - and forget what they came to do- instead saying - its ok,,,,, we are going now we are busy people with lot of stuff to do with our big ......


what china have done today is make american simply realise that we are not too far behind you. if you can do it we can bloody well do it too.

and they have forced American offensive stance to come defensive.

good going china rest of the world need to learn a lil from them.

Exactly same like India ... cry over 2 front war and make own people fool and spending money on the weapons!

so why not China ?
your are wrong. remember how secretly we developed and tested our first nuclear bomb and even US hadn't got wind of our nuclear bomb till we exploded it and we declared that we have successfully tested nuclear bomb.

US has no concern as it knows the bombs are duds. Its likely that CIA provides a faulty nuclear bomb blue print to India that produce duds with an occasionally success rate. But Indian media would call a successful test out of ten tries a monumental success. The worst thing is that many in Indian govenrment believe the media and formulate policies base on what they hear from the media.
You are applying Anglo-American strategic thinking to China when China's history is opposite to what you just said. People should stop repeating dogmatic ideas and use realistic analysis. This is how misunderstandings happen and the reason why the USA is currently so xenophobic and paranoid over the idea that China will do Nazi-style militaristic expansion in Asia. Don't perpetuate the myth.

Well said. We should be careful not to fall into the old patterns.
The major problems with Chinese SSN and SSBN are nuclear reactor and propulsion system, with weaponary and sensor being lesser concern. Once those are overcome, the gap can be quickly narrowed down to ~5 years. The biggest disastisfaction with the current 093 line is that it is too slow.

As far as NCW goes, they are doing bits and pieces of it. However, none of which suggested they successfully intergrated them. They are in the transition zone atm, and quick far behind United States.

The main problem with SSBNs is that they are too noisy. They have to work on materials that are quiet and engines that are quiet.

As for C4ISR, China has integrated the systems for ships, aircraft, missiles. The only area that needs a bit more networking is the army, particularly the soldiers. China currently has a few digital regiments, but this is not enough. And since soldiers take up most of the military, it needs a lot of work to be done.
The main problem with SSBNs is that they are too noisy. They have to work on materials that are quiet and engines that are quiet.

As for C4ISR, China has integrated the systems for ships, aircraft, missiles. The only area that needs a bit more networking is the army, particularly the soldiers. China currently has a few digital regiments, but this is not enough. And since soldiers take up most of the military, it needs a lot of work to be done.

well downsizing would help, china has officially stated it eventually wants an army closer to the size of the us and russia
US has no concern as it knows the bombs are duds. Its likely that CIA provides a faulty nuclear bomb blue print to India that produce duds with an occasionally success rate. But Indian media would call a successful test out of ten tries a monumental success. The worst thing is that many in Indian govenrment believe the media and formulate policies base on what they hear from the media.

ones own wishful thinking. :sniper: we build nuclear bomb with our own talent. we didn't export them from CIA as you are saying.
well downsizing would help, china has officially stated it eventually wants an army closer to the size of the us and russia

Not going to happen. The person who makes the decisions is General Liang and he said, without at least 2 million army China will be a weak nation.
Even if nuclear propulsion and turbofans platforms caught up tomorrow, China is still very far behind in sensors and electronics. This gap will take well over 10 years to close. I think ~5 years for everything other than nuclear propulsion and engines is totally unrealistic and reminiscent of American right-wing chicken littles.

The sensors and electronics are the part we're least behind on I think. My father worked on his PhD on piezoelectric ceramic sensors sponsonred by CSSC; he said that in 1999, we were 10 years behind the US on this, but the quality of recent publications has indicated we've basically achieved parity.

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