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If you are implying to my language, I am sorry if you find my posts too blunt, but I will not make polite conversations with someone who calls me a Nazi who runs concentration camps. He should be treated in the appropriate degrading manner that he deserves!
If you are implying to my language, I am sorry if you find my posts too blunt, but I will not make polite conversations with someone who calls me a Nazi who runs concentration camps. He should be treated in the appropriate degrading manner that he deserves!

Anyone who calls another person an anti-semite just because that person opposes the israeli atrocities, anyone who says that what israel is doing is not wrong, is a disgrace, he is not part of the human race. These davis raymonds must not go unchallenged!
After I established that all your arguments are lies

You've established nothing but propaganda!

and that Israel treat its Arab people better than your country treat its own citizens,

The Arabs are 2nd class citizens in israel, there have been numerous BBC and Al Jazeera reports on that. BTW I'm not a second class citizen in my country!

I am pleased to see that an anti-Semite as yourself finally lost his words,

The words I'm using are not words but daggers to you I suppose!

and is forced to accept reality.

Your reality is evaporating in Tunisia, Egypt ..........

And please, save us any nonsense implying that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are against Israel or the Jews.

In that case you should not worry if Pakistan has 1 or 100 nukes.
You've established nothing but propaganda!

The Arabs are 2nd class citizens in israel, there have been numerous BBC and Al Jazeera reports on that. BTW I'm not a second class citizen in my country!

The words I'm using are not words but daggers to you I suppose!

Your reality is evaporating in Tunisia, Egypt ..........

In that case you should not worry if Pakistan has 1 or 100 nukes.

Since you did not answered any of my questions or presented any evidence for your pathetic arguments, then the only option is that you are a hack and all of what you said are lies. But this is all that can be expected from anti-Semite. As I said, your decease can be cured and you could become a civilised human being.

It seems that is better to be what you called a "second class citizen" of Israel than a first class one of the failed state of Bangladesh. Arabs in Israel enjoys living conditions which are 20 times better!!!

The vast majority of the people in the Muslim world are either oppressed by tyrannies or live on $2-$5 per day, and you are more concerned about Arab citizens in Israel who enjoys better life than your own people! Unlike all the Arab people in the Middle East, Israeli Arabs are equal citizens and can vote in free and democratic elections. The political freedom that they enjoy is far more wider than in your own country, not to mentioned in Arab countries. So I guess for a Muslim is better to be a "second class citizen" in a Jewish state than to live in a Muslim country!

As I guessed, you do not have any contribution to the subject but still you do not have a problem to write on issues which are higher than your intellectual capacity. I am pleased to see that you are going mad just by the fact that an Israeli knows more about Pakistan and its nuclear programmes than yourself.
Anyone who calls another person an anti-semite just because that person opposes the israeli atrocities, anyone who says that what israel is doing is not wrong, is a disgrace, he is not part of the human race. These davis raymonds must not go unchallenged!

You are an anti-Semite and you do not even know what it means.

I will try explain it in simple words that even you will understand: you believe that the Jewish people do not deserve their own state in their historic homeland because they are not equal to Muslims. You say to yourself: Who are they to have a state in what should be a Muslim territory. According to Islam, they should settle for second class citizenship in the Muslim Ummah.

It drives you mad that the Jews, this inferior people compared to Muslims, established much more successful country than any Muslim country in the world! Israel is a constant reminder for you and your kind how deep is the failure of the Muslims which in your vision should be the major power of the world. And this drive you crazy with envy, rage and anger.

You say to yourself: something is deeply wrong here - the Muslims should be the dominant force in the World, how is it possible for the Jews to defeat the Muslims and maintain their state in the heart of the Muslim world?

So, of course, you believe in all the usual anti-Semitic rubbish: that the Jews controls the world, they operate behind the screen to weaken the Muslims - all the foul notions that were used by the Nazi regime in Germany to justify the Holocaust.

As a result, you judge Israel in higher standards than any other nation, including your own country and your Muslim brothers. You gave numerous examples for your anti-Semitic: you compared the situation in Gaza and the West Bank to imaginative "concentration camps" that can offer better life to the people in Bangladesh, and while Muslim countries kills tens of thousands of their own people, you do not see anything wrong with it.

This is how a twisted logic of an anti-Semite looks like!

Israel is not perfect and makes mistakes, but there is no perfect country, every nation has its own problems. Judging Israel on twisted standards from the bottom of human development that your country achieve, and blaming it with imaginative crimes or criticising it for giving more rights and better living conditions than in your own country and in the Muslim world is so preposterous that only a rotten anti-Semite like yourself cannot be ashamed for saying it.

In order for your healing process to begin, you should apologise for saying all these lies and condemn anti-Semitism.

Should I expect another evasive manoeuvres by you? Or for the first time you will say something that is not a complete lie and your reply will have some sort of remote connection to reality? Please surprise me!
everybody is equal nobody is superior ok jews are also human being our holy quran gives everyone its freedom ... its somewhat extremism saying these things that to kill all jews i never believe that jews may live long .... its their right.
everybody is equal nobody is superior ok jews are also human being our holy quran gives everyone its freedom ... its somewhat extremism saying these things that to kill all jews i never believe that jews may live long .... its their right.

Unfortunately, this other guy disagree with you.

I wish all Muslims to live long and prosper. I can only hope that the Middle Eastern countries and Pakistan will make a shift and adopt constructive thinking and contribute to global peace and security.
You are an anti-Semite and you do not even know what it means.

I will try explain it in simple words that even you will understand: you believe that the Jewish people do not deserve their own state in their historic homeland because they are not equal to Muslims. You say to yourself: Who are they to have a state in what should be a Muslim territory. According to Islam, they should settle for second class citizenship in the Muslim Ummah.

It drives you mad that the Jews, this inferior people compared to Muslims, established much more successful country than any Muslim country in the world! Israel is a constant reminder for you and your kind how deep is the failure of the Muslims which in your vision should be the major power of the world. And this drive you crazy with envy, rage and anger.

You say to yourself: something is deeply wrong here - the Muslims should be the dominant force in the World, how is it possible for the Jews to defeat the Muslims and maintain their state in the heart of the Muslim world?

So, of course, you believe in all the usual anti-Semitic rubbish: that the Jews controls the world, they operate behind the screen to weaken the Muslims - all the foul notions that were used by the Nazi regime in Germany to justify the Holocaust.

As a result, you judge Israel in higher standards than any other nation, including your own country and your Muslim brothers. You gave numerous examples for your anti-Semitic: you compared the situation in Gaza and the West Bank to imaginative "concentration camps" that can offer better life to the people in Bangladesh, and while Muslim countries kills tens of thousands of their own people, you do not see anything wrong with it.

This is how a twisted logic of an anti-Semite looks like!

Israel is not perfect and makes mistakes, but there is no perfect country, every nation has its own problems. Judging Israel on twisted standards from the bottom of human development that your country achieve, and blaming it with imaginative crimes or criticising it for giving more rights and better living conditions than in your own country and in the Muslim world is so preposterous that only a rotten anti-Semite like yourself cannot be ashamed for saying it.

In order for your healing process to begin, you should apologise for saying all these lies and condemn anti-Semitism.

Should I expect another evasive manoeuvres by you? Or for the first time you will say something that is not a complete lie and your reply will have some sort of remote connection to reality? Please surprise me!

You’re screaming at everybody that you’re a LIAR because everyone can read what I’ve said and what you say I’ve said. Slander is the last resort of those who are morally bankrupt. I can see that you’ve blown your top!
Since you did not answered any of my questions or presented any evidence for your pathetic arguments, then the only option is that you are a hack and all of what you said are lies. But this is all that can be expected from anti-Semite. As I said, your decease can be cured and you could become a civilised human being.

It seems that is better to be what you called a "second class citizen" of Israel than a first class one of the failed state of Bangladesh. Arabs in Israel enjoys living conditions which are 20 times better!!!

The vast majority of the people in the Muslim world are either oppressed by tyrannies or live on $2-$5 per day, and you are more concerned about Arab citizens in Israel who enjoys better life than your own people! Unlike all the Arab people in the Middle East, Israeli Arabs are equal citizens and can vote in free and democratic elections. The political freedom that they enjoy is far more wider than in your own country, not to mentioned in Arab countries. So I guess for a Muslim is better to be a "second class citizen" in a Jewish state than to live in a Muslim country!

As I guessed, you do not have any contribution to the subject but still you do not have a problem to write on issues which are higher than your intellectual capacity. I am pleased to see that you are going mad just by the fact that an Israeli knows more about Pakistan and its nuclear programmes than yourself.

I've replied to all your craps, it's just that you don't have the courage to admit that, a typical nazi tecnique!
You’re screaming at everybody that you’re a LIAR because everyone can read what I’ve said and what you say I’ve said. Slander is the last resort of those who are morally bankrupt. I can see that you’ve blown your top!

Yes, another escape, as I expected.

You do not deny that you are an anti-Semite because you are not even ready to do the simplest thing and condemn anti-Semitism. You do not deny that you think that Jews are inferior to Muslims and do not deserve their own country. You do not deny that you believe in all the anti-Semitic crap about the Jewish people which was published by the Nazi regime.

You find simple things difficult to understand. I have asked you several times how you can compare the situation in the PA to "concentration camps", while I proved to you that the situation there is 100% better than in you own country.

I have showed you that you are an anti-Semite because of your double standards towards Israel. I have asked you why you judge Israel more severely for its relations with Arab regimes while your country did more than that; I asked you about your country's achievements and received lies against Israel; I have proved to you that you know nothing about history and you continued to reaffirm it by deceitfully comparing Nazism to Zionism.

I have to mention that during our conversation you did improve your skills in running away from any argument I have presented and trying to support your lies with zero facts.

And again, let me emphasis that you did not even try to defend your country or the Muslim world for their failures and atrocities that I have mentioned.

It was a real pleasure to unmask your hatred and your racism, and your lack of ability to handle reality. All you can think to do in reply is to repeat over and over the same distorted slogans or to attack me personally.

You are a very sick man, and because of people like you in the Muslim world, it deteriorated to its current level and your country can barely has 5% of the economic and social strength of Israel.

Go ahead, blame Israel, the US, the West for the failures of your civilisation and keep your long journey to the bottom of human development. This pathological behaviour reaffirm Israel's moral stand and its ability to face this primitive bigotry. Israel is on its way to prosper and to become one of the leading nations of this world, and there is nothing that you and your kind can do about it.
I've replied to all your craps, it's just that you don't have the courage to admit that, a typical nazi tecnique!

You are an anti-Semite, but you do not have to be so obtuse. I am ready to admit what ever your want as long as you bring solid evidence for that from reliable sources. And no, Mein Kampf is not a reliable source.

Lets begin with these "concentration camps" that you hallucinate about. Very simple question with very simple words: D-o y-o-u h-a-v-e a-n-y p-r-o-o-f?
Yes, another escape, as I expected.

You do not deny that you are an anti-Semite

Not to those who have conscience, I can see that you don't have one! Thus we hear your zionist craps!

You do not deny that you think that Jews are inferior to Muslims

Slandering is in your blood!

You do not deny that you believe in all the anti-Semitic crap about the Jewish people which was published by the Nazi regime.

Your state has been applying the nazi techniques upon the Palestinians.

I have showed you that you are an anti-Semite because of your double standards towards Israel.

You and the israeli politicians are champions of double-standard and you think that it's okay!

I have proved to you that you know nothing about history and you continued to reaffirm it by deceitfully comparing Nazism to Zionism.

You've proven your skill in evading, lying and deviating from the topic!

I have to mention that during our conversation you did improve your skills in running away from any argument I have presented and trying to support your lies with zero facts.

That's what you think but you've forgotten that this forum is not your CNN, what you think is rejected by all except zionists from israel.

It was a real pleasure to unmask your hatred and your racism, and your lack of ability to handle reality. All you can think to do in reply is to repeat over and over the same distorted slogans or to attack me personally.

No, I don't take pleasure in talking to hate monger like you but I'm doing a great service to the human race by exposing your hatred and hypocrisy.

Go ahead, blame Israel, the US, the West for the failures of your civilisation

The native indians in america do it, at least 150 countries out of 188 do it and you cannot do anything about it unless your country decides to stop robbing and singing the hymns to cover up its dirty deeds.

and keep your long journey to the bottom of human development. This pathological behaviour reaffirm Israel's moral stand and its ability to face this primitive bigotry. Israel is on its way to prosper and to become one of the leading nations of this world, and there is nothing that you and your kind can do about it.

Your arrogance is extra-ordinary, we'll see how long it lasts. 60-70 years is not a very long period in history, so don't be so sure of israel's bright days.

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