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Attacks to continue, say US officials: Pentagon terms June 10 strike ‘legitimate’


Jan 10, 2007
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Attacks to continue, say US officials: Pentagon terms June 10 strike ‘legitimate’

By Our Correspondent

WASHINGTON, June 12: The United States has regretted the loss of life in the latest air strike in Mohmand agency but senior US officials have also indicated that this was not a knee-jerk reaction but a planned operation, which may be repeated whenever militants try to enter Afghanistan.

The Pentagon has described the June 10 attack as “legitimate” and in “self-defence” while the State Department called the deaths “regrettable” and underscored the need for better communication between forces deployed on both sides of the Afghan border.

In a report posted on its website on Thursday, the Pentagon quoted a senior US military official in Afghanistan as saying that they were running company- and battalion-sized operations in the area where 11 Pakistani soldiers were killed on Tuesday.

“There’s a lot of infiltration that goes across the border either side,” the official said. “So we run operations on our side of the border in combination with the Pakistanis on the other side.”

On Tuesday, when US forces were targeting a Pakistani military post in Mohmand agency, America’s top military official, Admiral Michael Mullen, gave his take on the situation in Fata, which partially explains why the US military responded so strongly to prevent alleged militant incursions into Afghanistan.

Admiral Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, claimed at a gathering of defence correspondents in Washington that Al Qaeda was using Pakistan’s tribal belt for planning attacks against the United States and that Islamabad was unable to take immediate action to prevent such an attack.

“I believe fundamentally if the United States is going to get hit, it’s going to come out of the planning that the leadership in Fata is generating, their planning and direction,” the admiral said. “I’m not saying it is guaranteed it’s going to happen … but clearly we know the planning is taking place.”

A transcript of the admiral’s briefing, made available on Thursday, also quoted him as saying that peace talks between Pakistan and the insurgents were allowing fighters to cross more freely into Afghanistan.

This is so far the starkest assessment of the situation in Fata and of its implications for the United States by any senior US official.

While reporting on the admiral’s comments, the US media noted on Thursday that recently US defence officials have acknowledged a growing tension in the Pentagon over conditions in Pakistan.

They noted that the US administration has been pushing Pakistan quietly for months to accept its assistance in developing a counter-insurgency plan.

Admiral Mullen said that, as one of the first steps in that effort, the Pentagon expected to send 20 to 30 US military trainers to Pakistan. But he conceded that such moves were unlikely to produce immediate results, particularly because the new Pakistani government was beset by so many problems that it could not focus on the situation in Fata.

The admiral did not say that the United States will compensate for Pakistan’s lack of focus by ordering its own military strikes whenever there was a major militant activity in Fata, but other US officials have.

Meanwhile, the Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based conservative think-tank, warned on Thursday that the US military action in Mohmand agency “may strain” US-Pakistan relations.

“Given the constant crossing back and forth by the terrorists between countries and the lack of government control of the tribal areas in Pakistan, this type of incident does not come wholly unexpected,” the report said.

“Instead of engaging in tactical negotiations with militants to buy time, Pakistan needs to develop a strategic approach to dealing with the tribal areas that is closely coordinated with and supported by the United States.”

Attacks to continue, say US officials: Pentagon terms June 10 strike ‘legitimate’ -DAWN - National; June 13, 2008
We are once again slaves. Slaves to our own people. What excuse does this democratic government have today. President Musharraf has taken a backseat, the democrats are running foreign policy. They accused President Musharraf of selling out the country, this new government has sold us for a cheaper price.
So bhai Interceptor, comment please...

Sure Asim Bhai, all in good love:D.

Lets start looking at who put us in this position, from the new government perspective this attack was not Legitimized, and Asim we can agree on this? We all read the reaction, heard it on tv, it was not in favor of the WoT.

So where do we start, we start by legislating a Parliamentary debate on the WoT as was requested by the New Foreign minister.

Asfand just a few weeks back said that the tribal lords and Pakistani Taliban were targetting Pakistanis also on the basis when ever Musharraf appeared, in there persepective Musharraf is an American agent, lets impeach his powers first than go one step further of impeaching completly.
Sure Asim Bhai, all in good love:D.

Lets start looking at who put us in this position, from the new government perspective this attack was not Legitimized, and Asim we can agree on this? We all read the reaction, heard it on tv, it was not in favor of the WoT.

So where do we start, we start by legislating a Parliamentary debate on the WoT as was requested by the New Foreign minister.

Asfand just a few weeks back said that the tribal lords and Pakistani Taliban were targetting Pakistanis also on the basis when ever Musharraf appeared, in there persepective Musharraf is an American agent, lets impeach his powers first than go one step further of impeaching completly.
But what will you do about Americans?

Why are you worrying about the militants? This was an attack on the FC and just because America says its militants does not make it militants. America will continue to attack the FC.

What will you do about the Americans? Fine kill Musharraf or whatever. Suppose you successfully mutilated him. Keema ban gaya Musharraf ka... Now what will you do about the Americans that will continue to attack you?
Well the Americans weren't invited by the new government, and neither can we kick them out, they have vested interest in our country, after all they paid billions to a military regime to do its job.

This what I would suggest as the following that should happen.

1. Legislate new debate on WoT in Parliament.
2. Do a joint investigation in the attack so Pakistanis can now what happened and who is responsible.
3. Pakistan and the US need to have open communications so further incidents like this dont occur.
4. Pakistan and the US need to have joint sittings on intelligence gathering on suspected militants and future operations.
Well the Americans weren't invited by the new government, and neither can we kick them out, they have vested interest in our country, after all they paid billions to a military regime to do its job.

This what I would suggest as the following that should happen.

1. Legislate new debate on WoT in Parliament.
2. Do a joint investigation in the attack so Pakistanis can now what happened and who is responsible.
3. Pakistan and the US need to have open communications so further incidents like this dont occur.
4. Pakistan and the US need to have joint sittings on intelligence gathering on suspected militants and future operations.
But they said they will continue to attack whenever an attack originates from Pakistan. That INCLUDES an attack of defending Afghan encroachment of our territory.

So you will sit together with them and what will you say to them? Look straight question. They are saying they will continue to attack. What will you say to them that will make them change their minds and not attack us?

What is the PPP prefered result of the WoT debate?

Give me concrete steps like I said disallow Americans airspace over Pakistan. Why? Because THEN America would realize wow something bad happens when we piss of Pakistanis. It's not as drastic as attacking Americans, but its not as wimpy as condemnation either.

So I ask again, what will you do about the Americans and make them start saying the attacks WONT continue?
They have just given a feeler if you don't do it, this is what we can do.
What really happened?

Any links to what really happened and then it led to this?
Hey this is ridiculous you just can't hit and kill people of another country just like this.

Sincerely, what happened before the air strikes?

How did it start and then escalate and then the strikes came.

Sincerely, what happened before the air strikes?

How did it start and then escalate and then the strikes came.
Some Adm. Mullen dude declared that the next attack would come from FATA. Some think tank group said at times FC has collaborated with the militants.

Hence as someone said above, this is a feeler given by the US on what could happen.

Nonetheless there are fundamental flaws to the US thinking.

1. The next attack on US soil can be planned pretty much from anywhere. The resources needed to carry out those attacks would probably come from western countries themselves and not from villagers and tribals for FATA!!

2. FC collaborates with tribals as the tribals have family within the FC and/or vice versa. There's a difference between tribals (whose autonomy is recognized by Pakistani law) and Taliban. The tribals are fighting for Pakistan, the Taliban are fighting against Pakistan. Some elders issued a joint statement that they are preparing to fight for Pakistan after this attack (as I said they lost family too). The US think tank cannot see beyond bearded indviduals and they group them all as one.
This has nothing to do with military dictatorship or democracy. It is a simple matter of the power dynamic which was established many decades ago. It's not really fair to blame the current governments for acquiescing to US demands.
This has nothing to do with military dictatorship or democracy. It is a simple matter of the power dynamic which was established many decades ago. It's not really fair to blame the current governments for acquiescing to US demands.

I agreed Energon, its not the matter to blame to any one of the power players.

The situation is worst then never ever before, but its was expected ultimatly and the time is reach upto no return situation now.

Its a dire need to sit togather appart from any sort of differences, and make joint efforts to think for appropriate solution to get rid of the situation, .

We are supposed to have matual conclusion to maintian our independent integrity, think and have sincere debates in parliament to find the way out of it that, how to overcome the ulimate consequences of continue attackes of NATO forces which obviously not just attacks Extremeists but in fact the attacks on the integrity of Pakistan!
God Bless Pakistan:pakistan:
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