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France starts ban on full-face veil

I am not against the ban. I can't say that I am in favour of the ban, but I am definitely against those hypocritical Muslims criticizing it.
How can that be case when Jews were chased after in Europe since thousands of years ago to about a mere seventy counting back from now? It is and will be the Greco-Roman civilisation. They shredded and battered Christianity to fit their own culture, and you shouldn't be proud but alarmed that they have now added Judeo- to the equation.

I am neither proud nor care what they call themselves nowadays, it just happens to be their choice of words after persecuting Jews for centuries. European countries deserve exactly what they are getting if you ask me. I know one thing though, islamiphobia will grow to much larger scales in the years to come.
And Solomon, did not ever say Inshallah because Solomon was Jewish. In the Qoran, he might have, but in reality... he didn`t.

---------- Post added at 04:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 AM ----------

Their fear goes deeper than that.
I am aware of that, that is their problem. I have no love for European countries.
How can that be case when Jews were chased after in Europe since thousands of years ago to about a mere seventy counting back from now? It is and will be the Greco-Roman civilisation. They shredded and battered Christianity to fit their own culture, and you shouldn't be proud but alarmed that they have now added Judeo- to the equation.

Easy. Just read the Bible..oops..nvrmind...
They will spare nothing to ruin you; they yearn for what makes you suffer. Hatred has been expressed by their mouths, but what their hearts conceal is still greater. Thus have We made clear to you the revelations (or signs), if you possess understanding. Ah! You love them, but they do not love you....(3:118-119)
read the French revolution.
They burnt down every 'cross' in their country.
'no religious identity' is one of the base of their revolution and also base of their constitution.
Do you want them to break that pillar just because few immigrants don't like it?

If they claim to be a secular country then they should allow peoples from different religions to wear their religious symbol or should allow them to practice teachings of their religion as long as these religious practices don't harm any other person in society. Telling someone what to wear and what not to wear is oppression. Another evil show of democartic oppression of minorities and a war against women.

I don't know how wearing hijab or cross hurt any other person. It is not right for state to dictate peoples what they can wear and what they cannot. its peoples personal choice to wear whatever they want to wear. Just like women are free to wear bikini in west they should be free to wear veil. what will come next then ..peoples should not be allowed to offer prayers or keep fasting because French constitution consider them as useless things. Constitution should be there to protect the right of peoples
Tbh, I'm not against this ban, especially with the high security risk in the world today. I personally believe the Niqab is un-Islamic, & people who do that don't represent Islam the way it should be.
Tbh, I'm not against this ban, especially when there is a higher security risk in the world today. I also believe the Niqab is un-Islamic, & people who do that don't represent Islam the way it should be.

I dont think that any burqa was ever used for suicide attacks . so next we will not be allowed to wear jacket because there may be a bomb inside jacket lol Its your personal assumption that Niqab is unislamic but those who wear it for religious reasons they find it islamic.. dont forget that peoples have different interpretation of parda so we should not impose our interpretation on others...
I dont think that any burqa was ever used for suicide attacks . so next we will not be allowed to wear jacket because there may be a bomb inside jacket lol Its your personal assumption that Niqab is unislamic but those who wear it for religious reasons they find it islamic.. dont forget that peoples have different interpretation of parda so we should not impose our interpretation on others...

It is my personal opinion, & I am not imposing it on anyone. There are plenty of religious clerics who say the Niqab is un-Islamic, while there are plenty of clerics that say it's Islamic as well. However, you tell me, why are Muslim women not obligated to cover their faces when they read Namaz or perform Hajj?
It is my personal opinion, & I am not imposing it on anyone. There are plenty of religious clerics who say the Niqab is un-Islamic, while plenty of clerics that say it's Islamic as well. However, you tell me, why are women not obligated to cover their faces when they read Namaz?

You are imposing it when you said peoples who wear niqaab dont represent islam? Where did you get this from? Even if according to you they don't represent islam but still you have no right to judge their intentions for which they choose to wear niqab. Who know they may wear niqab to please ALLAH?

what you are talking about is minimum requirement of hijab which is obligatory for muslim women i.e covering their body except face; hands and feet etc if woman wear burqa she still satisfy all these requirement so why you think it is unislamic?

is it obligatory to show ur face in islam?
No other religion can build places of worship in Saudi Arabia except for islam.

Saudia Arabia is the Vatican City of the Muslim World. Can you have a Hindu Temple in Vatican City? Why there's no fuss about that?
You are imposing it when you said peoples who wear niqaab dont represent islam? Where did you get this from? Even if ccording to you they don't represent islam but still you have no right to judge their intentions for which they choose to wear niqab. Who know they may wear niqab to please ALLAH?

I was saying it is my personal belief that people who wear niqaab do not represent Islam in the right way, & I stand by my opinion. A lot of people do a lot of things to please Allah, doesn't mean Allah is necessarily pleased by their actions. Let Allah be the Judge, Allah knows the best. I'm not judging, but just giving my personal opinion. No need to take offense from my statements, it's just my opinion.

what you are talking about is minimum requirement of hijab which is obligatory for muslim women i.e covering their body except face; hands and feet etc if someone wear burqa she still statisfy all these requirement so why you think it unislamic?

Islam is about moderation, about modesty & not standing out & attracting unwanted attention from others. Women in veils do not observe modesty, but stand out like a sore thumb in public & attract everyone's attention when they dress like that. Islam has also commanded Muslims to abide by the laws of the country they reside in, to be useful citizens & work for the betterment of the society. The veil doesn't help women do any of that. If Muslim women feel hard done by the laws of the country that has banned the Niqaab are always free to relocate to Saudi Arabia or some other country to please Allah.



Eh surely seeing protests like these have no effect on the psyche of Europeans? Show me any other any other religious group which does protests like these in foreign or even their own countries.

These "radical Islamists" are the major reason for the rising Islamophobia.
Silly me! Action has been taken against ALL religions. Muslims are the only one making noise and making it sound like it's all about them.

Really, have the nuns been told to wear bikinis?
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