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Russia snubs India; cancels navy, army war games

They refused to sell the good stuffs to us decade ago, but it doesn't matter, we have developed our own. Today, we don't need their gadgets anymore, a good sign of relief. :wave:

But your bought their second class weapons when denied bests. Who say you do not need? If Russia ready to sell then you can buy. Their ships , submarines , missiles, radars ,aircrafts are much better than you.
But your bought their second class weapons when denied bests. Who say you do not need? If Russia ready to sell then you can buy. Their ships , submarines , missiles, radars ,aircrafts are much better than you.

You can keep thinking in that way, but our PLA generals don't think anymore about their gadgets.

Heck, they even beg us to purchase their PAK FA, but the result will still be the same.
They refused to sell the good stuffs to us decade ago, but it doesn't matter, we have developed our own. Today, we don't need their gadgets anymore, a good sign of relief. :wave:

@off topic
remembered me when US denied the supercomputer to india , now we have indigenously built some of the top most supercomputers :cheers:
You can keep thinking in that way, but our PLA generals don't think anymore about their gadgets.

Heck, they even beg us to purchase their PAK FA, but the result will still be the same.

OK, did the generals tell this to you ? How old are you ?
@off topic
remembered me when US denied the supercomputer to india , now we have indigenously built some of the top most supercomputers :cheers:

What do you mean?

I suppose they did sell their Intel or AMD chips to you to power your supercomputer, am i right?

BTW, good luck with that.
@off topic
remembered me when US denied the supercomputer to india , now we have indigenously built some of the top most supercomputers :cheers:

that's news to me which 'top most supercomputer' is indigenous?
that's news to me which 'top most supercomputer' is indigenous?

He's talking about the time we weren't allowed to import a Cray

India unveils huge supercomputer-BBC

Tuesday, 1 April, 2003

India has launched an advanced supercomputer known as Param Padma.

IT professionals in Bangalore
India's IT industry is highly respected
The move places India in a leading position in the field of supercomputing, normally led by the US and Japan.

There are plans to market the supercomputer internationally and build on existing markets in Europe, North America and the Far East.

India began developing supercomputers in the late 1980s after being refused one by the US.

Arun Shourie, the information technology minister, said the development of the Param Padma at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) showed India's technological capabilities.

Huge power

The advanced supercomputer was launched in the southern city of Bangalore on Tuesday.

The Param Padma has 1 teraflop of power, which means it can make 1 trillion processes per second.

Infosys headquarters
Computer technology is one of India's fastest growing industries
Such power has previously only been available to countries such as the USA and Japan.

Mr Shourie, said there was a great sense of pride that the Param Padma had been developed locally at the C-DAC.

The Param Padma has been developed at a cost of $10 million and has a storage capacity of 5 terabytes which can be increased to 22 terabytes.

Mr Shourie added: "The development of Param Padma would address India's security concerns enhancing the security preparedness.

"It could also be used for defence and space applications."

The thrust of India's supercomputing work, however, will be in areas such as bio-technology, nanotechnology, weather forecasting, climate modelling, seismic data processing and structural mechanics.

Increasing market

Professor N Balakrishnan of the Indian Institute of Science said the Param Padma had put India into a leading position in supercomputing in the world.

India plans to market the Param Padma internationally and officials predict that the domestic market for supercomputers will triple from $0.5 billion to $1.6 billion by 2006.

India's earlier version of the supercomputer 'Param 10,000' with 100 gigaflop (floating point operations per second) memory has been sold to 8 countries including Russia, Canada, Singapore, and Germany.

India began developing a supercomputer after being denied a Cray supercomputer by the United States in 1987.

The US decision was based on fears that it could be used for military purposes.
They refused to sell the good stuffs to us decade ago, but it doesn't matter, we have developed our own. Today, we don't need their gadgets anymore, a good sign of relief. :wave:

Right so the road to your success started when denial came up. As a result, expect India to rise....it already is
Right so the road to your success started when denial came up. As a result, expect India to rise....it already is

Both India and China still have a long way to go. In this regard, China is a little more advance than India. But compare to the western countries, both are still very back ward. Both India and China also face internal problems that would derail their rise. So don't count the chicken before they are hatched. In this, India also face more problem than China. So overall, the likelihood of China advance to a developed nation status is higher as they are farther along and they face less problems than India does.
Both India and China still have a long way to go. In this regard, China is a little more advance than India. But compare to the western countries, both are still very back ward. Both India and China also face internal problems that would derail their rise. So don't count the chicken before they are hatched. In this, India also face more problem than China. So overall, the likelihood of China advance to a developed nation status is higher as they are farther along and they face less problems than India does.

Reading your post is always like reading the fairytale from an old storyteller.

Wake up, the World is changing quickly.

Since you like to behave and to think like a white man, so this is up to you.

But your own opinion has no weight to the reality.
Both India and China still have a long way to go. In this regard, China is a little more advance than India. But compare to the western countries, both are still very back ward. Both India and China also face internal problems that would derail their rise. So don't count the chicken before they are hatched. In this, India also face more problem than China. So overall, the likelihood of China advance to a developed nation status is higher as they are farther along and they face less problems than India does.

100% convinced about what you have written as I feel the race has just begun. Initial lead is nothing when seen on a scale of the next 4 decades. Let us hold our horses and wait and see what happens. Chaos theory can upset the best projection and India and China are just two lamps in the wind. Both could succed or go to war and perish. India could lose its way to corruption and ill governance. China could lose to other factors internal or external. It is too early to put my money. I will bet on India just because I am an Indian and I would have bet on China if I were a Chinese. However, I would bet on India if I was an American just to hedge my bets that I have already made.

Reading your post is always like reading the fairytale from an old storyteller.

Wake up, the World is changing quickly.

Since you like to behave and to think like a white man, so this is up to you.

But your own opinion has no weight to the reality.

Just because it does not suit your narrow view does not mean his opinion has no weight.
Just because it does not suit your narrow view does not mean his opinion has no weight.

This guy married to a white woman, and his children are now all whiter, so it is his duty to defend his white master.

Both rise of China and India would be an imminent threat to his white master because the natural resources on Earth are not unlimited. So according to him, it is to better for China and India to kill each other or just stay poor like Africa forever is the best interest for his white master.

This faithfulguy is always a joke, next time i would request a ban due his repeating straw man argument.

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