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Lockheed May Pitch F-35 to Rejoin $11 Billion India Jet Contest

Yes the highlited part is true,Israel has already stated that they would make some modifications once they buy the JSF.I wonder what kind of modifications they would be.

Ability to fire Israeli missiles , Maybe Use Israeli Avionics and E/W suites
F-35 and Indian Air force an unlikely combination


Pratik Sawerdekar on June 22, 2011

Lockheed Martin’s push to win a contract in India with its F-35 JSF looks unlikely as the Ministry of Defense is unlikely to bend backwards and start the competition all over again. If India decides to consider the F-35 for the MMRCA competition than the aircraft will have to perform various evaluation trails which will take another 1-2 years. Also it must be noted that the F-35 is still underdevelopment so it won’t be able to perform on various parameters.

We also know that the IAF placed great deal of importance on kinematic performance of the aircraft with basic requirement of 9G’s. The F-35 is designed primarily to use its sensors and stealth to achieve its targets rather than go around dog fighting. At the end the F-35 is unlikely to match the kinematic performance of Eurofighter Typhoon or the Dassault Rafale, though the F-35A variants can achieve 9G’s.

Second issue is that of the time-frame, the F-35 program if all goes well from now is likely to be combat ready only around 2016 where as the IAF wants MMRCA fighters in service by around 2014. Also given the hundreds of billion already spent and thousands of units already on order, IAF is unlikely to get preferential delivery.

Also MMRCA requirements states that atleast 108 aircraft’s to be manufactured in India along with 100% transfer of technology. Given the American sensitivity to such high profile weapons, its unlikely that Lockheed Martin will be allowed to do so. Such a privilege is not even available to existing partner nations. Also existing issues with CISMOA and LSA are not going to help the cause.

The fundamental mistake which Lockheed Martin did was not to offer the F-35 for MMRCA 2 years ago when MMRCA trials were about to begin along with the F-16. If it was done so than the IAF would have got a chance to analyse the aircraft and its advantage.

F-35 also has a very little chance of being with the IAF even outside the MMRCA competition as IAF has already pledged resources in the AMCA and FGFA programs and rumors are also in the air that India is likely to take interest in MiG’s 5th generation program.

With a firm 5th generation aircraft plan there is no room for F-35 with the Indian Airforce. The only other way the F-35 could sport Indian roundels is if the Indian Navy selects it for the IAC-2 which will be catapult equipped carrier so the F-35C could have a chance here but than again the order is not expected to be massive like MMRCA.

F-35 and Indian Air force an unlikely combination | Angle of Attack | Defence Aviation
India is not an ally. In India's own words, its a strategic partner. US government recognizes India as a potential candidate to maintain Chinese hegemony in check and be a beacon of democracy in a region surrounded by non-democratic states. The sales will mean more to LM Corporation who will get a good cashflow for future fighter prototype development to jumpstart over Boeing.

with all the weapons developed so far, is it not possible to rip the planet apart many times. so with such destructive weapons why is LM and other arms manufaturers interested in taking lives by building more of it.
and do not counter the Chines for their governance but befriend them for their attitude for growth, befriend India for her non aligned strategy and befriend Pakistan for its loyalty. Do not develop any of the nations to counter the other for the sake of keeping your supremecy.
We would be dumb to accept your logic. Our military desevces the best regardles of timelines and procedures. If the threat is immient, do you suggest , waiting and selecting sub par equipment? SOrry boss, you hatred for America is quite evident, you're not fooling us.

Sorry boss, we are developing our arsenal for our defence not to provoke some one to go for a preemptive strike on us as we are about get superior with some tech and timelines matter as this will cause strained diplomatic relations with the French and the partner countries of the EFT project. we don't want to be an oppertunist in this case of defence procurment, we are mature in taking what is good for the entire planet and are not self centered just to run after a super tech that you are about to offer
Pratik Sawerdekar's whole article is based on assumption that IAF will not consider buying it before trials..
No plan to buy F-35: Govt

New Delhi: India has officially put a full stop to the frantic US pressure to enter the $10.4-billion race for 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA).
Reacting to media reports that the US may offer F-35 fighter jets to re-enter the MMRCA race, the official spokesperson in the ministry of defence (MoD), Sitanshu Kar, told FE that, “We have progressed a lot in the MMRCA programme, we have crossed a lot of stages that have become part of history.”

“It is too late in the day for any new entrant,” said a senior Indian Air Force (IAF) officer on condition of anonymity.

Industry sources, agreeing with the government’s decision not to allow any new entrant in the already closed race, said: “It is a very interesting situation. The trials are over. The commercial bids are expected to be open shortly. Discussions on offset commissions are progressing well. While one government is offering its best machine,...

it will be India’s call finally.”
However, the source added that “it will be unfair to the shortlisted contenders”.

The government has shortlisted the European consortium Eurofighter’s Typhoon and the French Dassault’s Rafale fighter aircraft.

Lockheed Martin’s offering, the F-16IN, was eliminated from India’s $10.4 billion, along with rival Boeing’s F-18IN Super Hornet offering. The MMRCA deal was touted as the ‘mother of all defence deals’ in the international defence industry.

Though the Indian Air Force never seemed very interested in the F-16 Falcon from the US-based Lockheed Martin, one of the several reasons for the aircraft not being in the race could be the fact that fact that Pakistan also flies F-16s. Also Lockheed Martin could have run into problems in meeting the industrial offset provisions, given its lack of penetration in India.

India has been invited to F-35 events. With potential US order numbers dropping, India could have joined the elite programme. However,...

India chose to join hands with Russia for its Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) programme, which offers a semi-indigenous alternative.
The F-35 jet is still in development and the planes would cost about $133 million each. The Pentagon plans to buy more than 2,400 of them, which means that at an estimated $382 billion, it is Pentagon’s most expensive weapons programme ever. A rough estimate has it that at $133 million per unit, the cost of acquisition for the MMRCA would go up by 50 per cent should the IAF opt for the F-35. This would inflate the $11-billion MMRCA tender to $17 billion....

No plan to buy F-35: Govt

Sorry boss, we are developing our arsenal for our defence not to provoke some one to go for a preemptive strike on us as we are about get superior with some tech and timelines matter as this will cause strained diplomatic relations with the French and the partner countries of the EFT project. we don't want to be an oppertunist in this case of defence procurment, we are mature in taking what is good for the entire planet and are not self centered just to run after a super tech that you are about to offer

Mature? Opportunist? Listen up, when you wake up from your fantasy to reality, you will see the world is not as picturesque as you may believe. Defence and offence go hand in hand. I cant believe you just stated "not to provoke some one to go for a preemptive strike on us." Are you kidding? So by building up our military, we have to take into consideration the feelings of other countries? Wrong. Our priority is India, for India, by India! Any past or future war scenario involves the use of preemptive strike to gain the upper hand. What do you think the CHinese did in 1963? They attacked us becaue we provoked them? Your thinking is the reason why India stagnates and takes longer to catch up.
Come on this is such a joke! They are going to pitch a 5th generation stealth fighter that not only meets our technical requirements but also TOT requirements!!? :lol: They didn't even let BAE have the critical tech for the jet and they're going to give it to us? JSF partners will eat the Americans apart if that happens.

The requirement is in the coming two years and we cannot wait till JSF comes in freed of its prime partners. This is just a spicy article, guys. Ignore it. A JSF would cost $ 132 million apiece at the least. Not to mention TOT. Go figure.

Yeah you;re right.
Now way will MoD go for F-35 now, the aircraft is not ready for the trials yet and will not be able to offer any ToT. The Indian parliament will make an issue of Govt capitulating to American pressure. In the near future however, F-35 carrier version can be considered for the Indian Navy's IAC-2.
Now way will MoD go for F-35 now, the aircraft is not ready for the trials yet and will not be able to offer any ToT. The Indian parliament will make an issue of Govt capitulating to American pressure. In the near future however, F-35 carrier version can be considered for the Indian Navy's IAC-2.

It should not be political in nature.....Clearly we should choose based on the best weapon regardless of lateness, USA, or whatever BS reason. i understand the INdian gov't hindrance due to past history but forgive and move on. Look towards the future with an open mind
It should not be political in nature.....Clearly we should choose based on the best weapon regardless of lateness, USA, or whatever BS reason. i understand the INdian gov't hindrance due to past history but forgive and move on. Look towards the future with an open mind

be brave dnt loose hope, this is not END. JOURNEY will continue, there will be no END.

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