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Pakistan and Israel should step up as Mutual Friendship and Cooperation

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You are one VERY naive person. The Republicans in Washington D.C. are ready to fight all of Isreal's wars. Israelis for the Christians here are God's chosen people. If you have travelled to the U.S. you would know that.

Israel and America are in the same bed, and now they are inviting India over to their bed.

If anything, India likes to sleep on a bunk bed. :P
Are you sure that the Koran is talking about Pakistanis who sponsor and shelter terrorists, elect corrupt politicians, and hold the threat of extra-judicial blasphemy killings over Muslim and Christian alike?

shelter terrorists? yep it was bad idea that we helped usa who killed thousands of innocents.
I think, Pakistan and Israel must start a new chapter as Mutual Friendship. Since US continuely pressure Pakistan and Israel as their common goals and interests.

US humiliate Pakistan in whole medias and harrassing them even killing our soldiers, US pressure Israel to accept Two-States, settlements issues, and medias playing drum against Israel step by step.

Both Pakistan and Israel not willing cooperation with Obama Administration, both hate Obama as well as dealing against huge neighbors aggressors. Few years, both countries share same concerned with US' growing bully. US probably plan to cut foreign aids if these countries didn't respect regards their plans.

Since US attack Pakistan and its Afghan borders, Pakistan must praise Israel's massive success against its Master similar to Pakistan success against its Master in Afghanistan war.

Feel free your thoughts.

after what CIA is doing into our country, and there are doubts of mossad's possible involvement, i dont think pakistan should persue such relations
Well, before you start the process of forging "Mutual Friendship", you need to deal with the insecurities of the people. With half of Pakistanis shouting "Zionist Conspiracy" at the first whif of trouble, even when we have no diplomatic relations with Israel, one can only begin to imagine how out of hand this situation will go IF(and that's a big if) we do decide to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations.

well, you liberal people first said, black water and CIA involvement in pakistan as conspiracy theories, please get you arrogant attitudes right, common pakistanis actually 'understand' what is actually happening in pakistan because they know the streets, the 'actual' pakistan, and not that 5% elite pakistanis who are eating pakistan's economy to make palaces, how dare you say like 'insecure pakistan' after what is happening in pakistan, are you so dumb to look what pakistan has become are you living in 1990s???
Pervez Musharraf was about to recognize Israel but it was bitterly opposed by the people................

BWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, now you are speaking pro musharraf, musharraf was a nut head, every liberal pakistani speaks of that now
Very much possible to open an Israeli embassy in Islamabad if they go back to the areas of pre-1967.

Whatever the case is, trust me, if ever a common man in Pakistan comes to now about ISRAELI Embassy, forget Embassy, even the parliament which will endorse this decision will be destroyed in a day.
Personally I think the Pakistanis have gone beyond the point of no return in hating the Israelis due to various events and propaganda.

It would be political suicide for any political party attempting to do that.

its because israel, wanted to attack, pakistan nucler sites

the fact that israel protects india, and arm it with all weapons india needs and dont look to pakistan for the military concers etc
Pakistan should have relationship with all countries based on mutual benefits and respect.

why we share relations with terrorists???, arnt you anti taliban??
why we share relations with terrorists???, arnt you anti taliban??

So by your logic, why do arabs have diplomatic ties with India?

Heck, why do we have an Indian High commission in Islamabad?

Are you more arab than Pakistani?
So by your logic, why do arabs have diplomatic ties with India?

Heck, why do we have an Indian High commission in Islamabad?

India never tried to bomb any Arab country.

And even India is not that brutal as the Zionsist state of Israel:

India Thwarts Israeli Destruction of Pakistan's "Islamic Bomb"

There is some evidence that Iraq was not the only nuclear peril to Israel that Begin saw in the early 1980s. Nor was the Osirak reactor in Iraq his only intended target. He also feared the Pakistani nuclear effort because Israeli intelligence had found evidence that Libya and other Moslem states were helping Pakistan, supplying both money and uranium to their effort. (Note 52) Pakistan's leader, Bhutto, was therefore under some obligation to share the nuclear fruits of Pakistan's bomb effort with other Moslem states such as Libya.

According to an Indian official, Subramaniam Swamy, a former Janata Party member, Israel in 1982 asked him to sound out other Indian leaders to see if India would grant Israeli warplanes landing and refueling rights were they to undertake an Osirak-type raid against the Kahuta nuclear reactor in Pakistan. (Note 53) India refused, probably for a combination of reasons. As one expert on South Asia speculated:

"First, the Kahuta facility is well-protected and is thus a hard target to destroy. Second and more important, India expects that any first strike by India against Kahuta would be swiftly followed by a Pakistani attack against India's nuclear facilities. Such an exchange would leave India worse off, since any potential deterrent capability against China would thereby be eliminated. Finally, India would be wary of launching such an attack against Pakistan as it would cause not only great death and destruction to Pakistan, but could blow radioactive fall-out back over India. Such an attack against Pakistan would also alienate the Muslim Middle Eastern states whose amity India has assiduously cultivated." (Note 54)

In 1991, India and Pakistan signed a treaty pledging that neither would preemptively attack the nuclear facilities of the other.

</title><meta name="CreatedBy" content="WP Internet Publisher 6.1"></head><body><title>McNair Paper 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995
So by your logic, why do arabs have diplomatic ties with India?

Heck, why do we have an Indian High commission in Islamabad?

Are you more arab than Pakistani?

india is based on indians, the native indigenous population, israel is based on imported population, israel is a potential danger to every muslim country, thats what i believe in, how do you know every visiting israeli diplomat in pakistan will not have mossad agenda?? just like americans
The Republicans in Washington D.C. are ready to fight all of Isreal's wars. Israelis for the Christians here are God's chosen people. If you have travelled to the U.S. you would know that.

Israel and America are in the same bed, and now they are inviting India over to their bed.

Yes, I am aware as I went to US before many times. Israel and US are same in the governments bed, not citizens. I know, mostly christian nuts support Israel due to Jesus' return. India and Israel started diplomatic relations in 1990s, why not Pakistan before?

Nothing at all. It will cause more harm to Pakistan than any good. Many of Pakistan's population will then become more angry at the Pakistan government and that will create more divisions in Pakistan.

And Israel is the last country Pakistan should trust. No one should forget the Israel-Indian joint operation in trying to destroy Pakistan's nuclear program. Israel is not too happy that a Muslim country is a Nuclear Power.

Regarding nuclear program, we are passing now and it is old story. Israel's concern is that nuclear going to attack them again after Holocaust history. Thanks to India's cancel plans. There is no chance for Israel to make it backwards as Pakistan is officially Nuclear Power today.

Let's move to new chapter. Just like Russia move on second thought basic relation with Pakistan after 38 years, you understand how Russia full of angers at Pakistan in the past.

after what CIA is doing into our country, and there are doubts of mossad's possible involvement, i dont think pakistan should persue such relations

You are right. Pakistan should request Israel to make clarify their involvements and mutual communications. US and Russia get along despite mouse and cat games. Pakistan and India get along despite funny mouse and cat games. :D

Israel embassy is what we have Indian Embassy, our old-rival long times neighbor. Why Indian Embassy? Why US Embassy? Why Paksitani Taliban Embassy or OBL embassy? :D
So by your logic, why do arabs have diplomatic ties with India?

Heck, why do we have an Indian High commission in Islamabad?

Are you more arab than Pakistani?

Thats what I've always wondered: Why are Pakistanis okay with having relations with India ( a country which broke apart east Pakistan, goes around the world trying to defame Pakistan, committed atrocities in Kashmir, Samjhota express bombing, etc)

But are so anti-Israel who hasn't done any harm to Pakistan really?

We need more friends then enemies, why should we go around supporting Arabs when they have never supported us?
well, you liberal people first said, black water and CIA involvement in pakistan as conspiracy theories, please get you arrogant attitudes right, common pakistanis actually 'understand' what is actually happening in pakistan because they know the streets, the 'actual' pakistan, and not that 5% elite pakistanis who are eating pakistan's economy to make palaces, how dare you say like 'insecure pakistan' after what is happening in pakistan, are you so dumb to look what pakistan has become are you living in 1990s???

They have forgotten the entire Raymond Davis case my brother.

Once the zionist state of Iseael gets into Pakistani soil, they will do everything to destroy the threats to Zionism. Then start a drama like this:
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India never tried to bomb any Arab country.

Good lord, have you forgotten East Pakistan?

or is it you're so oblivious and blinded by the love you have for your "ummah bros".

And even India is not that brutal as the Zionsist state of Israel:

India Thwarts Israeli Destruction of Pakistan's "Islamic Bomb"

There is some evidence that Iraq was not the only nuclear peril to Israel that Begin saw in the early 1980s. Nor was the Osirak reactor in Iraq his only intended target. He also feared the Pakistani nuclear effort because Israeli intelligence had found evidence that Libya and other Moslem states were helping Pakistan, supplying both money and uranium to their effort. (Note 52) Pakistan's leader, Bhutto, was therefore under some obligation to share the nuclear fruits of Pakistan's bomb effort with other Moslem states such as Libya.

According to an Indian official, Subramaniam Swamy, a former Janata Party member, Israel in 1982 asked him to sound out other Indian leaders to see if India would grant Israeli warplanes landing and refueling rights were they to undertake an Osirak-type raid against the Kahuta nuclear reactor in Pakistan. (Note 53) India refused, probably for a combination of reasons. As one expert on South Asia speculated:

"First, the Kahuta facility is well-protected and is thus a hard target to destroy. Second and more important, India expects that any first strike by India against Kahuta would be swiftly followed by a Pakistani attack against India's nuclear facilities. Such an exchange would leave India worse off, since any potential deterrent capability against China would thereby be eliminated. Finally, India would be wary of launching such an attack against Pakistan as it would cause not only great death and destruction to Pakistan, but could blow radioactive fall-out back over India. Such an attack against Pakistan would also alienate the Muslim Middle Eastern states whose amity India has assiduously cultivated." (Note 54)

In 1991, India and Pakistan signed a treaty pledging that neither would preemptively attack the nuclear facilities of the other.

</title><meta name="CreatedBy" content="WP Internet Publisher 6.1"></head><body><title>McNair Paper 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995


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