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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

Sorry Sir but Islam doesn't agree with you in Islam anyone who commits blashmey his punishment is Death also anyone who murders a innocent person his punishment is also death and in some other cases to punishment is DEATH and as ISLAM is from GOD sir its nor Barbaric its justice

please then dont call non-muslims (like hindus and chritsinas) as kafir, because a kafir is onw who does not believe in god. Also you should support to not insult idols as idols are sacred in hinduism.
Dont go crying when some rednecks get a hold of you reading the namaz in their backyard. That day is coming soon with the likes of people like you generating like a virus.

Sir he is right blashmer can't be tolerated in Islam
please then dont call non-muslims (like hindus and chritsinas) as kafir, because a kafir is onw who does not believe in god. Also you should support to not insult idols as idols are sacred in hinduism.
Sir for your kind information Kafir is the one denies Islam not GOD Kafir in english means Non Muslims all who are not Muslims are kafirs
Sir he is right blashmer can't be tolerated in Islam

Neither should blasphemy over minority Gods be acceptable and there should be a clear law in Pakistan for that.

Would that not be fair?

All citizens being equal in their rights?
Sir Tolerance in Islam has a limit not everything can be tolerated in Islam

What is that limit and who has defined that limit. Just asking. Please do not take me in negative sense.
Sir Tolerance in Islam has a limit not everything can be tolerated in Islam

Only thing you can do with Islam is prey on the weak. The more I hear these comments from people like you the more I know there is no future for this religion in the long run.
What is that limit and who has defined that limit. Just asking. Please do not take me in negative sense.

Anyone who will abuse our PROPHET SAW or burn our Quran will be considered blashmer making cartoons also come in blashmey
Dont go crying when some rednecks gets a hold of you reading namaz in their backyard. That day is coming soon with the likes of people like you generating like a virus. If you are free to say whatever you want and not get harassed, then that is also what other humans expect in return as well.

And when did we (Muslims) use this freedom to insult a Prophet??? :what:
Only thing you can do with Islam is prey on the weak. The more I hear these comments from people like you the more I know there is no future for this religion in the long run.

For your information Islam is the fastest growing Religion in the world with all the propaganda done by people still it is growing the fastest
Why?? Why are the people in so much need to insult the Prophet. People in Pakistan are allowed to live according to their wishes but that does not give them the right to insult the Prophet.

Please read my post carefully.. I am referring to accidental or misinterpreted insults due to ignorance of people of non muslim religion.
Anyone who will abuse our PROPHET SAW or burn our Quran will be considered blashmer making cartoons also come in blashmey

I am not asking what is the blasphemy and what is to be done with the person.

I am just asking what are those limits when crossed, a person is liable for death sentence. and Who has made that limit.
please then dont call non-muslims (like hindus and chritsinas) as kafir, because a kafir is onw who does not believe in god. Also you should support to not insult idols as idols are sacred in hinduism.

No. Kafir does not means people who don't believe in God. "Kafir" is an Arabic word which means the one who denies. So you are Kafir according to us because you deny our God. And in the same way we are Kafir according to you because we deny your gods. .
Sorry Sir but Islam doesn't agree with you in Islam anyone who commits blashmey his punishment is Death also anyone who murders a innocent person his punishment is also death and in some other cases to punishment is DEATH and as ISLAM is from GOD sir its nor Barbaric its justice

No. In Islam a blasphemer who violates the "right of Man" must seek forgiveness from the person insulted. In the case of an insult to Muhammad, the Muslim community is considered to be under an obligation to avenge the insult because the possibility of forgiveness expired upon the death of Muhammad. Avenging the insult does not automatically translate to sentencing the person to death.
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