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Indian hegemonic wishlist in South Asia

Hey iDune! You forgot something... a picture is worth a thousand words remember? Here let me illustrate it for you to complete what we truly intend to do:

Oh BTW, I just added that saffron color to get the right effect... if you know what I mean :D.

Try stopping us...:devil:
^^^^ Very good Tshering. India should be united like many many centuries ago. This wish may come true soon.
Hey iDune! You forgot something... a picture is worth a thousand words remember? Here let me illustrate it for you to complete what we truly intend to do:

Oh BTW, I just added that saffron color to get the right effect... if you know what I mean :D.

Try stopping us...:devil:

You are so evil! Indian ceremony (hegemony) is already the worst nightmare for him, now he may have a heart attack after watching the map! Have some sympathy. :partay:
Hey iDune! You forgot something... a picture is worth a thousand words remember? Here let me illustrate it for you to complete what we truly intend to do:

Oh BTW, I just added that saffron color to get the right effect... if you know what I mean :D.

Try stopping us...:devil:

Where is Bangladesh in that map......??
Hey iDune! You forgot something... a picture is worth a thousand words remember? Here let me illustrate it for you to complete what we truly intend to do:

Oh BTW, I just added that saffron color to get the right effect... if you know what I mean :D.

Try stopping us...:devil:

That, my man was Nasty,Pure evil.
In one post you have taken away his rozi-roti.:rofl:
Hey iDune! You forgot something... a picture is worth a thousand words remember? Here let me illustrate it for you to complete what we truly intend to do:

Oh BTW, I just added that saffron color to get the right effect... if you know what I mean :D.

Try stopping us...:devil:

Thats the way it should be...
We must build dykes of courage to hold back the flood of fear.

Some people are more fear crazed than applying themselves to build dykes of courage.

They are so fear obsessed that they fear their own shadow!

Pity them!
We must build dykes of courage to hold back the flood of fear.

Some people are more fear crazed than applying themselves to build dykes of courage.

They are so fear obsessed that they fear their own shadow!

Pity them!

i think we should enjoy them rather than pity them. These guys have extreme hatred towards other's religion and people they does not deserve pity. As their boundary of fear and hatred is the internet we should continue to enjoy it and add some more fear to them if possible.
My 6th sense said something was cooking with sweeping tamil victory in Lanka. India no wonder is has hegmonic ambitions and it envisions itself as the regional "dada geer" and will resort to terrorism to persure its aims. India therefore, could be world largest exporter of state terrorism in near future.
India as a regional power is far more peaceful than imagining some of our neighbours as the regional power. just imagine it!
even for fun, if someone imagined Akhand Bharath(A failed dream of Some Rightwing People about annexing of middle eastern countries to India to Champion Hindutva Ideology by reverting Unbelievers to Hinduism?)
Hope that BJP&Sanghies be kept away from Power. Real Secularism comes with the Acceptance of Minorities rather than assuming this is the Land of Dharma and We Will Retain Hindutva on to the throat of every infidel living in India.

Akhand Bharat if any one(rightwing) is wet dreaming, He must not be aware of the current geo political scenario. These Propagandists!

What is the difference between them and YOU?
Them- Zaid Hamid(pak), BNP,Jama atis(Bangladesh) etc

take it easy! This is just adding some extra fuel to already burning losers. :cheers: But sure this made his fear to nightmare. lol
My 6th sense said something was cooking with sweeping tamil victory in Lanka. India no wonder is has hegmonic ambitions and it envisions itself as the regional "dada geer" and will resort to terrorism to persure its aims. India therefore, could be world largest exporter of state terrorism in near future.

Nothing 5th or, 6th sense in that..RAW sponsored them and they won..Just like MQM won in Kashmir..:P

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