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Why do you think, India surrounds us from three sides, and why do not you think that the effective BD-india border is only in our west with west Bengal? In times of conflicts, your military presene in the NE will be untenable for India. These troops will be isolated into many pockets in that region, because BD will not allow any supply connections of these isolated troops with the rest of india.

A marvellous deduction!

What exactly can Bangladesh do to ensure that it will not allow logistics to the NE?

It will be worth knowing!

That is, the reality beyond the daydreams!
Here is the Chinese Navy

Size 250,000 personnel
1 Aircraft Carrier [1]
26 destroyers
50 frigates
5~7 SSN
56 SSK
58 amphibious warfare ships
~80 coastal warfare vessels(missile)
27 Large Landing Ships
31 Medium Landing Ships
200+ fast attack craft

I could not find Indian navy size but wiki concludes

Size 78,000 personnel
175+ Ships
275+ aircraft

Chinese Aircraft carrier is for training purpose. Yes, They will build more for military and CBG.

We will be operating 3 CBG by 2014. For Blue Navy, 3-4 things are most important, 3 CBG + Nuke Submarine BM + Air Superiority over ocean and we will have all these in next few years. even today, we have some. We are buying/building almost all important Warships/Missiles to make it Blue Navy by 2020.
If you will say, I will Buy Submarine which will be used against India. then what you expect me to reply sir ? I never said India will attack any country, check all my post. But if anyone will attack us, we will reply very hard which i think is fair enough. I am sure you will agree. :tup:
He never mentioned that sumbarines will be used against some particular country..All he said is that Bangladesh should acquire some submarines and it got your panties in a bunch.
Jeez nobody asked you to waste your 5 minutes in this post.. It's so humorous as to how the dumb such as yourself doesn't have anything to say but comments made of sheer jealousy.So you think they should not get subs just because India has Anti Submarine Air Craft..LOL.

The day India is jealous of Pakistan, that will be the day!
@ The offshore natural gas deposits have attracted dozen western oil companies into Bangladesh, a basket-case economy now in the process of transformation. Initially the estimate was that the deposit would not exceed 10 trillion cubic feet. Now the Anglo-American
energy explorers have struck 100 to 120 trillion cubic feet.With a changing economic profile Bangladesh is emerging as a key player in south Asian geo politics. The Americans are playing on Dhaka’s desire for a higher international profile. The deal is that Washington would help Dhaka get a regional UN institute for peace-keepers, if Dhaka agrees to lie on the American SOFA. A section of the media reported that during their meeting in New Delhi, Prime Minister A. B. Vajpayee advised Sheikh Hasina, the then Prime Minister against entering into such an agreement with the U.S.The Sheikh Hasina Government also viewed SOFA from another perspective.

In its view, Bangladesh, as an active member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, owed it to the region not to allow the entry of foreign forces “which may have profound and far-reaching consequences.” The Government has elaborately, but cautiously, explained that the stationing of foreign troops or their frequent entry into the country might have an “adverse impact” within and utside the country.


My inquiry to Mr. Akmal or any other PDF member if it is true that BoB in Bangladesh zone holds 100 to 120 trillion cft of natural gas? If true, then certainly it is a big reserve. Its nominal market value is about $600 billion. Can any one find out a link that supports the quantity. Although I believe unless it is not true, then why should there be tug of war among the countries, and why USA proposes a SOFA agreement to Bangladesh?

With this much of fuel, BD will certainly become an important nation. This importance will far outstrip its size, because it will be much larger in the economic map.
He never mentioned that sumbarines will be used against some particular country..All he said is that Bangladesh should acquire some submarines and it got your panties in a bunch.

Ya.. well why these Indian shits their pants, with an idea of BD havin submarines or any ofensive weapon system. Does not make sense for a mighty Indian army which they try to prove.
Here is the Chinese Navy

Size 250,000 personnel
1 Aircraft Carrier [1]
26 destroyers
50 frigates
5~7 SSN
56 SSK
58 amphibious warfare ships
~80 coastal warfare vessels(missile)
27 Large Landing Ships
31 Medium Landing Ships
200+ fast attack craft

I could not find Indian navy size but wiki concludes

Size 78,000 personnel
175+ Ships
275+ aircraft

The more people quote from wikipedia, the more misinformation is spread.

Anyways, I didn't say that PLAN is inferior to IN. You should realize that China's coastline is huge. One of their primary interests is the Taiwan issue. And they'll try to get every inch of Taiwan in the event of a re-capture alright. Then there are also the issues with Japan. Even the Japanese Navy can give PLAN a hard time.

What I was talking about was the Bay of Bengal which is in our neighborhood. If PLAN ever plan :-)lol:) to try to get into the BoB, it'll be a difficult task, albeit almost impossible if the USN interferes.
Indian Navy will be 2nd strongest in the world by 2020 after USN. Now, IN and USN also have very good relation. Also, UK and France navy which are in Top 5 also have very good relation with India. US is ready to sell anything to India. They already offered F-35, P8i Poseidin, Patriot System. We can buy anything from any country. We will have best of best by 2020. :tup:

Also, do remember for China navy, Their priority is east sea near Japan to Vietnam. For us, 100% Indian Ocean. :tup:
The day India is jealous of Pakistan, that will be the day!
Everything I've said in this thread hasn't been relevant to Pakistan whatsoever but typical of Indian to bring Pakistan in every thread but hey whatever floats your boat.
Here is the Chinese Navy

Size 250,000 personnel
1 Aircraft Carrier [1]
26 destroyers
50 frigates
5~7 SSN
56 SSK
58 amphibious warfare ships
~80 coastal warfare vessels(missile)
27 Large Landing Ships
31 Medium Landing Ships
200+ fast attack craft

I could not find Indian navy size but wiki concludes

Size 78,000 personnel
175+ Ships
275+ aircraft

Yea.chinese will deploy all of this to protect BD from India! :rolleyes:
It is not going to happen in 100 years.

Air superiority means, you need to have Fighter Jets superior than India for Dogfight or maintain Air-superiority. We will be operating top 4 out of Top 10 Fighter jets of the world by 2020. Even if you spend some 20 Billion $, then also it won't happen. Period !! :coffee:

@ I told you earlier also we need not to buy all the equipments, things will come automatically if we desire or during the times of emergencies. You have not seen USA had already gifted 4 x C-130 transport aircraft to BAF. Till India does not have these transport plane.
Yea.chinese will deploy all of this to protect BD from India! :rolleyes:

even if they do, How they will reach Bangladesh ?

We are standing @ Malacca Strati (Andamaan & Nicobaar) Enemy at Gate in War. :tup:
@ I told you earlier also we need not to buy all the equipments things will come automatically. You have not seen USA had already gifted 4 x C-130 transport aircraft to BAF. Till India does not have these transport plane.

Forget about C-130, We purchased Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules more advance vesion:tup:

We also have better one than C-130J Boeing C-17 Globemaster III . We bought 10 C-17 with 4.1 Billion $ with an option for 6 more.

We even have more transport aircraft, But i am mentioning US one only.

Ya.. well why these Indian shits their pants, with an idea of BD havin submarines or any ofensive weapon system. Does not make sense for a mighty Indian army which they try to prove.

Who told you that ? Buy as much you can. We don't give Sh!t to Bangladesh purchase. When we are capable for 10 times more than who will worry about BD. but Since, most of the BD posters here are Day-Dreamers, We need to show the mirror with capability. :wave:

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