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Taseer murder case: Qadri sentenced to death

How does one explain the seat in hell?

Since this type of religiosity is hereditary and not based on reasoning, since emulation and obedience play the biggest role in perpetuating it, since it devotes itself to deeds rather than thought and reflection, and since it is constructed upon emotion and excitation rather than rational endeavor and inquiry, it gradually becomes tainted by dogmatism and prejudice and loses the capacity to tolerate dissent. It defends set habits and traditions dogmatically and sees people who tend to raise questions and reflect upon things as crooks and heretics. Hence, slowly but surely it goes down the path of casting out and excommunicating people.
(Reuters) - A Pakistani court sentenced to death on Saturday the killer of the governor of Pakistan's largest province after he had called for reform of a law against blasphemy, a defence lawyer and state-run media said.

Taseer was an outspoken critic of predominantly Muslim Pakistan's blasphemy law and Qadri is viewed as a hero by many people who thought Taseer himself was a blasphemer by calling for the law's reform.

Qadri had said he was enforcing divine law by murdering a blasphemer.

The killing highlighted a growing gulf between conservatives and more liberal elements in society.

Qadri's supporters took to the streets to denounce the sentence soon after it was handed down at a hearing in a jail where he is being held in the city of Rawalpindi.

"By punishing one Mumtaz Qadri, you will produce a thousand Mumtaz Qadris!" one man shouted through a megaphone outside the jail.

The court handed down two death sentences for murder and terrorism to Qadri, who has seven days to file an appeal, state television reported.

Several hundred supporters of Qadri blocked a road outside the jail after the sentence was handed down and chanted slogans. Some recited verses from the Koran while members of the hardline Sunni Tehreek religious group waved their party's green and yellow flags.

A Qadri supporter, wiping tears from his face, said: "We don't accept this. We don't accept this."

Police were deployed at the jail gate to prevent any break-in. After Qadri was sentenced, the judge left through the back door.

In Rawalpindi's Liaquat Bagh area, where former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in December 2007, about 1,000 angry Qadri supporters blocked a main road with burning tyres.

Shouting slogans against the government and the judge who sentenced Qadri, they forced shops to shut down. Stick-wielding protesters attacked passing vehicles.

"This decision was made to please the Jewish lobby,"
said Sahibzada Ata-ur-Rehman, a leader of the Sunni Tehreek.

Later, about 1,000 people protested against the sentence in the southern city of Karachi.

"Don't push us towards violence, because we're ready to give our lives for this," said Shahid Ghauri, a Sunni Tehreek leader, as he addressed the crowd.

"We reject this American decision!" he said as protesters raised their hands in agreement.

Liberal Pakistanis and rights groups believe the law is discriminatory against the country's tiny minority groups, and its vague terminology has led to misuse.

See read red highlights, these scums are really brainwashed and stupidity. It was decision made by Jewish or American, huh??

Get those Qadri supporters to the jail and punish them. Islam didn't allow or permit to kill other human being for whatever reasons. You have no right to take someone's life. :angry:

Dealth penalty is alright but jailtime in 100 years is better to feel guilty and crimes.
to be honest with you i wasnt surprised to see things in pakistan, becasue i am aware of the situation. but in this forum it was the first time to see such a thing.

Oh man, this forum is rife with such kinds, discounting those innumerable that come in everyday and get banned, yet so many still survive because they do it very subtly. They circumvent the hard & fast rules and manage to stay in but they are no less lethal, may be more.

People say education betters the character, makes one mature, or even smarter. It's a lie. Education only enhances the character - if it is bad, education will make it badder, if it is good, education will make it great. An educated extremist will not just go blow himself up in a crowd, rather he would employ many more to do so and keep going at it.

I would like you to go through the case of Omar Saeed Sheikh, once known as blue eyed baby of Osama, who left his lucrative studies at the London School of Economics to join al Qaeda.

And then of the internet bin Laden - Anwar al Awlaki, one shining example: All he had to do was send some mails, and a well educated psychiatrist goes on shooting rampage killing his own soldiers.

It would make us wonder why such people, with such great education, go against common sense and logical reasoning?

Well, it has to do a lot with the hardcore religiosity where their self-derived rules of the religion precede any reasoning or any sense. As long as the source of such rules and such twisted religiosity is out there, we will keep seeing people from all walks of life joining that force.

Elimination of OBL was a landmark achievement in that direction. We need some similar achievements in the same direction, and closing in on such educated and smart ones should be a priority.
a fair, and most befitting sentence for a criminal, a murderer --and nothing else

and a big blow to extremists who want to continue to give a bad name to Jinnah's Pakistan. A big blow to the small, non-representative lot of hypocrites and fundo-sympathizers who actually had the gall to support this 'man'

it's good that this case will now reach closure
"Since this type of religiosity is hereditary and not based on reasoning, since emulation and obedience play the biggest role in perpetuating it, since it devotes itself to deeds rather than thought and reflection, and since it is constructed upon emotion and excitation rather than rational endeavor and inquiry, it gradually becomes tainted by dogmatism and prejudice and loses the capacity to tolerate dissent. It defends set habits and traditions dogmatically and sees people who tend to raise questions and reflect upon things as crooks and heretics. Hence, slowly but surely it goes down the path of casting out and excommunicating people."

I always suspect your intentions...but i will take the risk and engage in a discussion. ;)

Dogma as in established facts are the basis of any system....not just islam.....
I think this particular paragraph is about "Jaahil kaa islam" ..
About Questioning islam...nobody discourages that....only if it is for really understanding islam with intention of practicing it...Questions for the hell of it are waste of time...
Sahaba would only learn the next thing is they had perfectly put the thing about islam already ,into their practical lives..
He is saying Imran will be in hell to repeatedly hang Qadri as many times as he wants :lol:

and for creating Human eating Birds...Because he also wants to feed Qadri to birds...
Reminds me of
I always suspect your intentions...but i will take the risk and engage in a discussion. ;)

Dogma as in established facts are the basis of any system....not just islam.....
I think this particular paragraph is about "Jaahil kaa islam" ..
About Questioning islam...nobody discourages that....only if it is for really understanding islam with intention of practicing it...Questions for the hell of it are waste of time...
Sahaba would only learn the next thing is they had perfectly put the thing about islam already ,into their practical lives..

tell me what is your haysiat to question anybody's intentions? Qadri's islam is Jaahilo ka Islam - it is unreasoned, emotion based, predicated on obedience and emulation, rather than reason and reflection

I don't know what rock you may have climbed from under that you imagine you can be the judge of peoples intentions, but I suspect that you have just misused a word whose meanings escape you.
tell me what is your haysiat to question anybody's intentions? Qadri's islam is Jaahilo ka Islam - it is unreasoned, emotion based, predicated on obedience and emulation, rather than reason and reflection

I don't know what rock you may have climbed from under that you imagine you can be the judge of peoples intentions, but I suspect that you have just misused a word whose meanings escape you.

Or may be its Ashiqoon ka islam...i am not sure...
But then again somebody once told me (and he was my sheikh) "“It's easier to die for principles rather than to live up to them"...People go for the easy way...
In this day and era,islam does not need fighters.....Islam desperately needs practitioners , as this type of muslims are now endangered species.
What about that other one dozen guards who inspite knowing the intentions of Qadri still enabled him to go for the kill.
Didn't they share the same intentions.

See See the thing is not that simple.

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