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Iranian border patrols kill 6 for crossing over from Pakistan

if they were smugglers then they met their fate ....... but if they were victims of human trafficking then Iranian patrol guards should be careful in taking any kind of action .....................
I have read about many incidences when Iranian arrested Pakistanis ( who were being smuggled ) and then handed over to Pakistani authorities ...............
Shooting on Turkish-Iranian border

December 13, 2010 | 00:17

Iranian forces opened fire injuring three Turkish citizens on Turkish-Iranian border, TRTRussian reports.

According to the source, the incident occurred near the district of Van province Bashkale.

Two of the wounded were taken to a public hospital, one of them, Mehmet Keskin died from his injuries. Another wounded man was detained by Iranian security forces.

Investigation is underway.

Shooting on Turkish-Iranian border | Armenia News - NEWS.am

This happens all the time on our border with Iran, the victims concerned are local Kurdish smugglers.
RIP to innocents

Assalam alaikum

Brother they r not just frustrated they do it out of joy

Shut up you zionist stooge. We are the leading force against drugs in the entire world according to the UN. We also lost almost 4000 security personnel fighting those bastards who spread their crap all over the world,including our country.
Hussein, what is the punishment for drug use in Iran.

i know drug traficking is death penalty, but does the amount have something to say?

This happens all the time on our border with Iran, the victims concerned are local Kurdish smugglers. But ofcourse this doesn't give them the right to kill them.

well it is their country, so their rule. however what they cant do is shoot from their border towards our. Iran has a lot of problems with drugs, and i dont mind them killing. pkk is active in the drug salethat goes through Turkish soil. i hope you've heard about famous kurdish mafia gangs that supported pkk some years back. I support Iran in this war on drugs!
drug traffickers not only destroy the life of one person but the whole family ... every single person that is close to drug user is effected............ drug user faces health issue , social and economical issues
Drug traffickers are destroying the society and causes severe damage to moral values too ...
they must be dealt with iron fist show them no mercy
Hussein, what is the punishment for drug use in Iran.

i know drug traficking is death penalty, but does the amount have something to say?

well it is their country, so their rule. however what they cant do is shoot from their border towards our. Iran has a lot of problems with drugs, and i dont mind them killing. because pkk uses the money they get from drugs to buy arms and stuff. so i support Iran in this war on drugs!

I dont care if they're Kurdish, Pkk or smugglers, they're Turkish citizens and Iran atleast should be warned to becarefull about this.
RIP to innocents

Shut up you zionist stooge. We are the leading force against drugs in the entire world according to the UN. We also lost almost 4000 security personnel fighting those bastards who spread their crap all over the world,including our country.

Cool down man, believe me u r more close to zionists then me

I dont care if they're Kurdish, Pkk or smugglers, they're Turkish citizens and Iran atleast should be warned to becarefull about this.
no. if people doing drug trafic inside our country this is a matter of our country. they know what they do by doing this.
i will never defend an Iranian who is selling drug in Turkey !
I dont care if they're Kurdish, Pkk or smugglers, they're Turkish citizens and Iran atleast should be warned to becarefull about this.
brother may be i am wrong but i think it does not matter the smuggler is turkish or pakistani if he is involved in crimes against humanity he must not be spared any cost ...... i saw many patients who uses drugs and i saw the condition of their families because of these smugglers thousands of lives have been ruined
Drug traffickers are the enemies of humanity .......
What are the charges, they have proof? These people are at least entitled to a fair process. Iran don't respect all of that..
I dont care if they're Kurdish, Pkk or smugglers, they're Turkish citizens and Iran atleast should be warned to becarefull about this.

you look at pkk as Turkish citizens... ?

they do nothing but harm our people. and i dont say i support them killin our people inside our border, but when they cross the border they have to obey Iranian laws a "i didnt know it" doesnt help here.

What are the charges, they have proof? These people are at least entitled to a fair process. Iran don't respect all of that..

they do this with almost everyone, chill bro! i like their way of handling terrorists

look at pjak, they torture them in prison. there isn't a geneve convension there! "you harm my country i harm you and your people"!

as far as charges i think it was happening in the border area. so they where killed by border guards...
brother may be i am wrong but i think it does not matter the smuggler is turkish or pakistani if he is involved in crimes against humanity he must not be spared any cost ...... i saw many patients who uses drugs and i saw the condition of their families because of these smugglers thousands of lives have been ruined
Drug traffickers are the enemies of humanity .......

Perhaps they are innocent people how would you know?
Perhaps they are innocent people how would you know?
you did not read my previous posts brother .... i mentioned there if they are drug or human smugglers then i described what should be done to them in my further posts....
i also mentioned that if they were victims of human trafficking then Iran should be careful about that and i gave an example that Iran handed over hundreds of Pakistani who were innocent........
if they killed innocent people then everyone should condemn this act and my Iranian friends i hope will agree with me about this
What are the charges, they have proof? These people are at least entitled to a fair process. Iran don't respect all of that..

We dont need to see any proof when we see someone as a threat to our territorial borders

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