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China's Mars explorer launched

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China's Mars explorer launched


A Chinese Mars orbiter named Yinghuo-1 was successfully launched on Wednesday morning from Russian-leased Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, China's authorities said.

The orbiter was launched by a Zenit-2 booster rocket at 4:16 a.m. Beijing time Wednesday (2016 GMT Tuesday), hitching a ride on Russia's Phobos-Grunt (Phobos-Soil) craft, an unmanned probe on Phobos, a moon of Mars, said China's State Administration for Sciences, Technology, and Industry for National Defence.

China's Mars explorer launched, hitchhiking Russian mission
nice launching jobs to russians
fail again. waste of money..the chinese cz-3b rocket is more than capable of doing this alone.

Russian craft fails to head toward Mars moon
11/09/2011 05:20

MOSCOW - Russia's first interplanetary mission in more than two decades went awry on Wednesday when an unmanned spacecraft failed to take the proper course toward Mars after its launch, the Interfax news agency cited the head of Russian space agency Roskosmos as saying.

Roskosmos chief Vladimir Popovkin said an engine failed to fire on the Phobos-Grunt probe after it reached Earth's orbit, Interfax reported, leaving its mission to bring back a soil sample from the Mars moon Phobos in doubt.

In a forum on the mission's official website, Anton Ledkov of the Russian Space Research Institute said there was no telemetry from the craft, but Popovkin said space officials were in contract with it and had three days to set it on course before the batteries run out, Interfax reported.

"The engine did not fire, neither the first nor the second burn occurred. This means that the craft was unable to find its bearings by the stars," the agency quoted him as saying.

@ my Chinese friends: keep humble, don't raise that attitude, the Russians in many ways are better than yours especially in this space industry;indeed they are yours great teachers and friends, please wake up and don't step into the trap that your haters had made up to tear the relation between two great countries China and Russia. The Chinese as I known are very humble and kind heart, you are absolutely difference to your bad neighbors, ungrateful vietnam don't you!? I think the fail is not a big problem if said the Russians can fix it later easily. what a big deal, even Russian with great experiences and capacities in this field but still false sometimes, what if the Chinese making the same later!? humn you got a good reason to defend 4 yourself my Chinese friends!?

but there are some uncertain reasons I wonder about:

- is that caused by some political issues behind the backdoor? is that what the Russian had planned before? they knew it will be failed and they just planned that way! The symbol of cooperation between China-Russia!?

-is there any insurance cover for the satellites? would you get your money back?
based on the track record of russian mars mission, china is stupid..
The level of Russian bashing from Chinese fanboys never ceases to amaze me. While a few fanboys point to Soviet/Russian launch failures they fail to realize that the Soviet Union/Russia has one of the highest success per launch ratio's of any country, not to mention the most launches by any country.

A mission to mars is not easy, China would have experienced the very same things that Russia has. There is a reason that the Yinghuo-1 is hitching a ride on a Russian rocket, obviously the Chinese have confidence.

Some of the Russian bashing equates to high school drop-outs mocking engineers.
And why would the Chinese want to explore far away Mars at this juncture? They should concentrate on nearer space bodies instead, like the Moon. They are trying to run before they learn to walk. I think the Chinese are flush with too much money to waste on useless missions like the failed one to Mars.

What are they gonna discover on Mars that the dozens of probes sent by the Americans and Russians already have? Are they gonna be looking for Martians? Jeeez!

I think the Chinese have got their priorities all mixed up. This failed Mars mission was probably more of a publicity stunt. What are they planning next? A probe to Proxima Centauri?
The level of Russian bashing from Chinese fanboys never ceases to amaze me. While a few fanboys point to Soviet/Russian launch failures they fail to realize that the Soviet Union/Russia has one of the highest success per launch ratio's of any country, not to mention the most launches by any country.

A mission to mars is not easy, China would have experienced the very same things that Russia has. There is a reason that the Yinghuo-1 is hitching a ride on a Russian rocket, obviously the Chinese have confidence.

when you say such thing you have to look back at yourself too, how did you disgrace the Chinese and received the variant results in return!?

here is once again:

Some of the Russian bashing equates to high school drop-outs mocking engineers.

that tell how your Russian behavior to your Chinese partner, you always think you are the best and superior then them, just exactly what the West views on your "inferior" Russia, yet your whole "East European". If you deserve a respect form others then you must start that first with your sincere intention. as neutral observer, I think you is not different to the Chinese whom being criticized heavily by your "smart" ptldM3........sometime i can feel that you are having more cooky and arrogant attitude than anybody else in this forum! stop using the word "stupid" to insult others whom you don't agree with, that make you look more stupider!

so i don't surprise when people having that such negative views on your Russian, that's understandable and reasonable!

Well, hope it works next time

again we don't buy cheap loyalty from sockpuppet here! keep that 4 your masters when begging them 4 protection! be determined!
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