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31 get life sentence for Gujarat Riots

The Indian Judiciary does not have the Kahones to hang the GENOCIDAL MANIAC NARENDRA MODI. Just putting few small criminals behind bars is making a mockery of the judicial process.


The Indian Judiciary does not have the Kahones to hang the GENOCIDAL MANIAC NARENDRA MODI. Just putting few small criminals behind bars is making a mockery of the judicial process.

It is not just putting behind bars. They got ife sentence. It is difficult to prove case against NaMO. Court doesnt go by hearsay, Does it ?
The Indian Judiciary does not have the Kahones to hang the GENOCIDAL MANIAC NARENDRA MODI. Just putting few small criminals behind bars is making a mockery of the judicial process.

Life imprisonment can only be awarded for murder. Narendra Modi did NOT murder anyone. His fault was that he did nothing to stop the massacre. Not to mention there is not much proof against him. The only witness against Narendra Modi is a police officer that has spoken against him. Also , his credibility has been reduced since he has spoken out almost 10 years after the riots. And small criminals? You are funny aren't you. These small criminals murdered 33 people. That is not considered a small crime in India , maybe elsewhere it is.
Life imprisonment can only be awarded for murder. Narendra Modi did NOT murder anyone. His fault was that he did nothing to stop the massacre. Not to mention there is not much proof against him. The only witness against Narendra Modi is a police officer that has spoken against him. Also , his credibility has been reduced since he has spoken out almost 10 years after the riots. And small criminals? You are funny aren't you. These small criminals murdered 33 people. That is not considered a small crime in India , maybe elsewhere it is.

Dont worry !! these users are just pissed becoz Indian Judiciary just took one reason out of them to bash INDIA. ignore them..

Anyways, its a very good development. The perpetrators of those heinous crimes should be booked..
Considering Court is blind and judge the things only on the basis of evidences (which have been already tempered), it is difficult to prove guilt of NaMo. Moreover, he did nothing to stop riots while allowing it to accelerate. Therefore, even he got caught he would not be behind bars for more than 5 years as per law.

What I feel sad is that conspirator are sitting in the AC Hall while small elements coming with emotions are now facing life sentence. Feel sorry for both the parties involved.
Tehelka:: Free. Fair. Fearless

that is what your Indian media says.

You can't be self selective. You blame Indian Media when we post about Pakistan but when it comes to Gujarat, you support it.

Moreover, at least from our heart we know Modi is somewhere involved if not directly than indirectly. One more thing, you should know, that our courts are trying their best to punish it. We have set up trial court, special riot court, high court for riot case, supreme court case and also Special Investigation Team. But to prove in court, one need to substantial proof. I think the day Modi looses election in Gujarat, a next day you will see all whistle blower coming out and stating the truth putting Modi behind bar. Just wait and watch. You should not criticize India for that when its totally internal matter.
The Indian Judiciary does not have the Kahones to hang the GENOCIDAL MANIAC NARENDRA MODI. Just putting few small time criminals behind bars is making a mockery of the judicial process.

yet the people who you guys support in Kashmir that are responsible for the genocide and internal displacement of Kashmiri Pandits you continue to support them till this day may i remind you about how many "camps" there are on your side of the LoC not only that but NaMo had nothing to do with the riots rather his gov't acted in a slow manner which caused the damage to be done it was really police and apathetic local officials who let rioters go on without doing anything to stop them
The Indian Judiciary does not have the Kahones to hang the GENOCIDAL MANIAC NARENDRA MODI. Just putting few small time criminals behind bars is making a mockery of the judicial process.

How many Muslims Hang for murdering Hindus.

You hate Hindus, chritians, Non islamics, Sikhs, Jews, Ahmedis, Siya Muslims etc.

If some hindu group kill muslims what u would do. will u go to court your leader will support to ur action.

Oh u already use to kill innocent Baluchis. kasmiri muslims were killed in bombblast which were more than 30,000. Bangladesi were killed too.

If some one slap u what should be ur reaction u will slap once or u might kill him too?

The all hell started affter GODHRA KAND where no. of impotants gathered and kill innocent children and woman. there r many activities done by many muslims which raise grivance against them. its true majority of musli. like peace bit minority not in less no.

If after Godhra good muslims like to raise objection or contempt act this could not happen however no muslim group contempt act immediately make people to act. well all were under temporary madness to take revenge.

Namo is held responsible but how many immpotant punish in court Even there were hundread of immpotents only few below 100 were held responsible.

people aware that without evidence no responsible were punished and hence they took revenge by thereself.

If modi was genocoder yes he was. But still I support him cause it was time not now.
There r no of acts done by muslims( minority but not few in no.) which raise grievance example on any quarrel they gatthered as he was apnewala. many dilogs againast hindus made there.
they teace hindu girls do s...x and leave her.

well note one more thing all punished in Godhra were not responsible. inocent muslims r also punished or who acquited pass imprisonment before judgement however court act on evidence bad luck heid them guilty.

The cruel and jangli unhuman, uncivilised Gunda like people of both community kill innocent muslims and hindus. There were only innocent people were killed responsible do act and run away.

There r Good People and bad in both community but only good were killed in riots by bad muslim and hindus.

U see ur own self. Its only India where it possible hindus punish not in Ur country full of poision of cruelty.

If ur dispute regarding Kasmir limit till that. and war with military why ur impotant ISI attack on innocants. Limit ur war to kasmir and against military. If u have Allah, Islam, Kuran, Humanity, civilisation, mankind, wisdom, Brain, , mind etc. etc. which is not doubtful but i m sure not there.
How many Muslims Hang for murdering Hindus.

You hate Hindus, chritians, Non islamics, Sikhs, Jews, Ahmedis, Siya Muslims etc.

If some hindu group kill muslims what u would do. will u go to court. your leader will support to ur action.

Oh u already use to kill innocent Baluchis.

If some one slap u what should be ur reaction u will slap once or u might kill hom also.

The all hell started affter GODHRA KAND where no. of impotants gathered and kill innocent children and woman. there r many activities done by many muslims which raise grivance against them. its true majority of musli. like peace bit minority not in less no.

If after zGodhra good muslims like to remain silent this could not happen however no muslim group contempt act ommediately make people to act. well all were under temporary madness to take revenge.

Namo is held responsible but how many immpotant punish in court Even there were hundread of immpotents only few below 100 were held responsible.

people aware that without evidence no responsible were punished and hence they took revenge by thereself.

If modi was genocoder yes he was. But still I support him cause it was time not now.
There r no of acts done by muslims( minority but not few in no.) which raise grievance example on any quarrel they gatthered as he was apnewala. many dilogs againast hindus made there.
they teace hindu girls do s...x and leave her.

well note one more thing all punished in Godhra were not responsible. inocent muslim r also punished or who acquited pass imprisonment before judgement.

The cruel and jangli unhuman, uncivilised Gunda like people of both community kill innocent muslims and hindus. There were only innocent people were killed responsible do act and run away.

There r Good People and bad in both community but only good were killed in riots by bad muslim and hindus.

U see ur own self. Its only India where it possible hindus punish not in Ur country full of poision of cruelty.

If ur dispute regarding Kasmir limit till that. and war with military why ur impotant ISI attack on innocants. Limit ur war to kasmir and against military. If u have Allah, Islam, Kuran, Humanity, civilisation, mankind, wisdom, Brain, , mind etc. etc. which is not doubtful but i m sure not there.

The murderer is murderer irrespective from religion.

56 ppl killed in train who was CM ? MR. Murderer he cant stop that
after that thousands of ppl killed who was CM ? MR. Mass Murderer why would he even stop this he was on rampage.

The murderer is murderer irrespective from religion.

56 ppl killed in train who was CM ? MR. Murderer he cant stop that
after that thousands of ppl killed who was CM ? MR. Mass Murderer why would he even stop this he was on rampage.


Right Bro. But attack from hindus were imediate within one weak only then after only attacks from muslims were there for two months. the contempt of media make people feel shame on act but not to muslim. however they were not responsible.

it would not possible to stop act as killing done were police militery were not available. even military came then also killing were not stopped.

Well modi might be responsible for act immediate after Godhra for death of muslims. but not for later where only hindus were killed. for killing 56 in train how he could be responsible? If its so then he should be responsible for all types of crime whether he involved or not. did manmohan responsible for all types crime whether theft, robbery, murder, rapes etc. etc?

Well for Gujarat Modi is like Hitler. Yes he was responsible but take revenge on behalf of group.
For ur kind information modi is not elected here for that but on Development. we vote for it irrespective to other thing.

Rajiv Gandhi was also murderer of Sikhs.
well If some one of ur family member mother sister were there and killed what should be ur reaction(sorry for involving family but it rquies here sorry heartly again). well most of take revenge whether hindu or muslim.

this r only riot were still both community hate each other. and "citizen for peace" like group add more poison to it.
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