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Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal is Safe- SMQ


Jan 24, 2010
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In a rally yesterday Shah Mahmood played the nuclear card i.e. it is not safe etc

here is a video in which he states that they are absolutely safe and if I am right nothing has changed between then and now except he is no longer the FM and to the best of my knowledge a FM has no role in safeguarding the nuclear arsenal
watch from 2:55 onwards

Also he is a dynastic politician and I believe sadly that Imran Khan's movement has been or will be hijacked and we will see a return to the same old political musical chairs
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Yesterday he said nuclear arsenal is not safe from Zardari it means that Zardari can help US to destroy or disarm our nuclear arsenal .... In this video he means that our nuclear arsenal is safe from terrorists
i think these are two different things and are not as complicated as you think
Yesterday he said nuclear arsenal is not safe from Zardari it means that Zardari can help US to destroy or disarm our nuclear arsenal .... In this video he means that our nuclear arsenal is safe from terrorists
i think these are two different things and are not as complicated as you think
I think you are mistaken, if he really stands for morals and other things that he claims to stand up for than he should have resigned before...
At the time of this video Zardari was president and a slave of the US as he is now.....
One more thing I would like to clear out he did not resigned from his party as soon as he was dismissed from his post as FM for his stand on Raymond Davis but waited to see what ministry he would get and whether it would be lucrative.....
He is the same as all the other politicians who want a high status rather than serving the people
It meant that under Zardari , anything can happen, and he is even willing to sell a national asset for his own personal thinking.
It meant that under Zardari , anything can happen, and he is even willing to sell a national asset for his own personal thinking.
I am not arguing with that point we all know what zardari is like but he was the president at the time of the video and is just as capable of compromising the nuclear arsenal as he was on that day.
Yesterday he said nuclear arsenal is not safe from Zardari it means that Zardari can help US to destroy or disarm our nuclear arsenal .... In this video he means that our nuclear arsenal is safe from terrorists
i think these are two different things and are not as complicated as you think

What does this means?

He said Nuclear Assets are not safe because of zardari. And he think Nuclear assets are safe. But zardari is still present, nothing has been changed..

Stop backing false things!!

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