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Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China’


Nov 15, 2009
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I would request the Chinese members to translate this report


Here is a published translation of this.. i just mean to confirm it through our Chinese members


The Chinese military has staged a massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to a build-up of U.S. troops in the region as a top Chinese government official warned that any threat to Pakistan would be taken as a direct threat to China.

Citing a report by China’s Central Television, Junshijia reports that an unnamed government official warned, “Any threat to Pakistan is a threat to China,” in response to increasing hostility directed towards Pakistan by both the US and NATO in the aftermath of a NATO bombing that killed 26 Pakistani soldiers last week.

Pakistan responded to the airstrike by sealing its border with Afghanistan, preventing supplies from reaching the US-occupied country.

According to the report, the United States is massing troops on Pakistan’s border in an act of aggression that China sees as a direct threat to its close alliance with the country. In response, China recently sent large numbers of Second Artillery PLA troops armed with sophisticated DF-21C and short-range DF-11A tactical missiles to China’s northwestern plateau near Pakistan for a huge military exercise designed to reflect China’s “attitude towards the US threat to Pakistan.”

The drill ran from the 14-27 of November and included Pakistani troops. It was also reported by numerous other Chinese news sources (1,2,3).

The report strongly emphasizes the Chinese position that its alliance with Pakistan represents a “brotherhood,” and that “China will never be in peace if Pakistan is lost.”

“Militarily, China will be conducting massive and heavy equipment desert warfare in Pakistan on the 16th,” states the translated report. “America has always desired Pakistan, especially in recent years. As the U.S. war in Afghanistan deepens, and military actions against Iran’s determination become stronger, (the threat of ) confrontation with China increases, Pakistan is the place for America to gain military advantage strategically and geographically.”

As we reported earlier, while China’s official rhetoric in English language media regarding hostilities towards the likes of Pakistan and Iran has taken on a concerned tone, discussions taking place inside China itself are a great deal more bellicose.

In response to increased western hostility towards Iran, Chinese Major General Zhang Zhaozhong remarked that “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” comments that have provoked much debate in China.

The subject of Iran is also discussed in the Chinese media report. A western-led military assault on Iran is strongly discouraged, a point China also hoped to stress by way of a show of force in its recent wargames. China’s ambassador to the UN has warned IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano not to create “unfounded” evidence to justify a military attack on Iran in the name of halting its controversial nuclear program.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
^ believe me I'm not a fan of Alex jones either that's why I put the original Chinese report in there ..now only of we could find some translators here
^ believe me I'm not a fan of Alex jones either that's why I put the original Chinese report in there ..now only of we could find some translators here

Whoever appear on Alex jones Show makes stupid Analysis especially people like Webster Tarpley. He Always reminds me of Zaid Hamid.
I would request the Chinese members to translate this report


Here is a published translation of this.. i just mean to confirm it through our Chinese members

Infowars » Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China’ » Print

The Chinese military has staged a massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to a build-up of U.S. troops in the region as a top Chinese government official warned that any threat to Pakistan would be taken as a direct threat to China.

Citing a report by China’s Central Television, Junshijia reports that an unnamed government official warned, “Any threat to Pakistan is a threat to China,” in response to increasing hostility directed towards Pakistan by both the US and NATO in the aftermath of a NATO bombing that killed 26 Pakistani soldiers last week.

Pakistan responded to the airstrike by sealing its border with Afghanistan, preventing supplies from reaching the US-occupied country.

According to the report, the United States is massing troops on Pakistan’s border in an act of aggression that China sees as a direct threat to its close alliance with the country. In response, China recently sent large numbers of Second Artillery PLA troops armed with sophisticated DF-21C and short-range DF-11A tactical missiles to China’s northwestern plateau near Pakistan for a huge military exercise designed to reflect China’s “attitude towards the US threat to Pakistan.”

The drill ran from the 14-27 of November and included Pakistani troops. It was also reported by numerous other Chinese news sources (1,2,3).

The report strongly emphasizes the Chinese position that its alliance with Pakistan represents a “brotherhood,” and that “China will never be in peace if Pakistan is lost.”

“Militarily, China will be conducting massive and heavy equipment desert warfare in Pakistan on the 16th,” states the translated report. “America has always desired Pakistan, especially in recent years. As the U.S. war in Afghanistan deepens, and military actions against Iran’s determination become stronger, (the threat of ) confrontation with China increases, Pakistan is the place for America to gain military advantage strategically and geographically.”

As we reported earlier, while China’s official rhetoric in English language media regarding hostilities towards the likes of Pakistan and Iran has taken on a concerned tone, discussions taking place inside China itself are a great deal more bellicose.

In response to increased western hostility towards Iran, Chinese Major General Zhang Zhaozhong remarked that “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” comments that have provoked much debate in China.

The subject of Iran is also discussed in the Chinese media report. A western-led military assault on Iran is strongly discouraged, a point China also hoped to stress by way of a show of force in its recent wargames. China’s ambassador to the UN has warned IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano not to create “unfounded” evidence to justify a military attack on Iran in the name of halting its controversial nuclear program.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
1st : Its by unnamed person so no need to relly completely on china,suggestion to pakistan because no country can save other country as u have an example in 1971 and v have saw in 1962..
Depend only on yourself..
2nd : "Pakistan will be lost.....!!!!" which kind of statement he is making...???
^ indians trying so hard to defend the killers of Pakistani troops.

Dont worry india, your time will also come.

To be America's friend is far more dangerous than to be America's enemy.
Whoever appear on Alex jones Show makes stupid Analysis especially people like Webster Tarpley. He Always reminds me of Zaid Hamid.

Webster Tarpley is a well-known historian. And all his predictions so far has come true. Since Obama became President, U.S. is creating more and more problems with Pakistan, Russia, and China.

Hear his predictions before Obama became president of america:

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1st : Its by unnamed person so no need to relly completely on china,suggestion to pakistan because no country can save other country as u have an example in 1971 and v have saw in 1962..
Depend only on yourself..
2nd : "Pakistan will be lost.....!!!!" which kind of statement he is making...???

I think its common for govt sources not to be named. happens all the time
Webster Tarpley is a well-known historian. And all his predictions so far has come true. Since Obama became President, U.S. is creating more and more problems with Pakistan, Russia, and China.

Hear his predictions before Obama became president of america:

What is new about it, even Bush was doing the same thing. Anyone can predict that. Most of his fancies are fairy tales only.
china cant mess with US when it comes to playing in blooody battle field...chinese sound better in their regional mouthpiece and countires like pak....abt their powers and superpowers....alll dirty copied junk and blue collar slaves....the day western countries stop trading with china...their economy will collapse like cards and then CCP will see the wrath of civilain uprise...china is nothing but just contractor for america and wetern countries....no innovations no technology no quality.....Japan is d best example of innovations and quality...chinese companies are just junk yards...
What is new about it, even Bush was doing the same thing. Anyone can predict that. Most of his fancies are fairy tales only.

When Bush was President of the U.S., NATO/American troops never killed any Pakistani soldiers. And we had only a dozen or so drone attacks. We all know what happened to Pakistan, as soon as Obama came to be President.

And Obama is causing problems with Russia over missile defence, and he's giving China problems over the South China Sea and its only getting worse.

Russia may drop NATO summit over missile defense — RT

What Webster Tarpley said 3 years ago is happening today.
Whoever appear on Alex jones Show makes stupid Analysis especially people like Webster Tarpley. He Always reminds me of Zaid Hamid.

lol, tarpley is like zaid hamid?

i dont agree with everything he says, and he is in the conspiracy business so he adds masala, but he predicted during obama's democratic candidacy bid what us policy towards pakistan will be, he was 10000% correct, and he is the person who first tweaked my interest in politics at all, else i would have never seen this forum.

tarpley has brilliant knowledge and understanding, i have not seen anyone match his eloquence and breadth.
Whoever doesn't agree with india and america is like Zaid Hamid. Whoever doesnt agree with the enemies of Pakistan is like Zaid Hamid.

I will stick to my words,Webster Tarpley is American Zaid Hamid. I have listened many of his videos and most of them sounds mosty fantasies.
I will stick to my words,Webster Tarpley is American Zaid Hamid. I have listened many of his videos and most of them sounds mosty fantasies.

Think all you want. Its a fact that what he predicted 3 years ago before Obama became president, is coming true today.

No other American historian/analyst had made such an accurate prediction.

You indians want Pakistan to be blinded because you know this war OF terror is destroying Pakistan. Nothing else will make you happier.

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