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Thats why America and NATO is winning in Afghanistan !!!!



WHAT toy you have dont matter what is most important is you heart


WHAT toy you have dont matter what is most important is you heart

Source please how do you know its released by ISPR?
If you have cared to read the above link i have provided you would have got the direct path.anyway.


:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN


:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

ISPR and Photoshop
by SHAHID on MARCH 6, 2011
I wrote an extensive post on ISPR itself but withdrew it since I didn’t want fanboys polluting the comments. Just focusing on photoshop fail for now

Here are two examples of utter incompetence and bad photoshop. From last year:

No PR17/2008-ISPR Dated: August 21, 2008
The Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Swat today. He was given a detailed operational briefing by the General Officer Commanding. He met with filed commanders and also exchanged views with officers and men. He appreciated high morale of the troops.

Lieutenant General Muhammad Masood Aslam, Corps Commander accompanied the COAS during the visit.

Caption for the picture attached with the press release reads “Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani during his visit to Swat on Thursday”

Gen Kayani and everybody flying in the air
Sheer incompetence at faking a picture of the visit. Maybe the ISPR didn’t have a picture of the visit to a troubled area, so they decided to fake one. You have to be an idiot not to see the difference between the people and the background and how they’ve been cut out from one picture and pasted on another.

Here is a recent example of a photoshop fail.

No PR51/2011-ISPR February 23, 2011

A Special Award Ceremony was held for Pakistani UN Peace Keeping Mission serving at Minrovia, Liberia. Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Moustapha Soumare, Force Commander Major General Muhammad Khalid; Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) Command Officer-in-charge, Major General Suraj Abdurrahman; UN Police Commissioner Gautam Sawang; Director of Mission Support Hubert Price; and members of the Diplomatic Corps, as well as other senior UNMIL military officials also attended the medal award ceremony.
United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Pakistani peacekeepers performing their duties as UNMIL Force, and deployed at Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Maryland, Lofa, Bong, Bomi and Margibi countries.

Unlike the previous picture, there was nothing to fake here. It seems the usual touching-up of the picture lead to an inadvertent missing-arm syndrome. One of two pictures accompanying the press release:-

Missing Body Parts Syndrome
Major sahab in the background surely has a very big problem of missing an arm and torso.

ISPR and Photoshop
Please post a link to the "Marine sport killing". I'm not trying to insinuate that these things do not happen, war is people at their worst and these things happen. Americans don't condone it and this is certainly not the atmosphere projected by the US military. Sgt. Gibbs was convicted and given a life sentence. Sgt. Gibbs was a criminal before the Army, the Army didn't instill this in him. On this same forum people were applauding the Taliban suicide bomb that caused 70 Afghan civilian casualties. I am an American vet of multiple tours in Afghanistan and would never have stood by while this happened. Our goal was to assist the civilians in any way we could. Obviously mistakes are made, the US military is a huge organization and different units have a certain autonomy and conduct themselves in different ways. These crimes are an insult to anyone who has served honorably in any nation.
The least that bastard deserves is a Court Martial.

A lot of our Canadian troops and civilian staff died bravely fighting in Afghanistan and dumbasses like this ruin their hard work single-handedly.

Unfortunately as long as our beloved PM keeps rimming Obama's ***, our boys are still going to be stuck there till the Yanks decide to cash out.
Unfortunately as long as our beloved PM keeps rimming Obama's ***, our boys are still going to be stuck there till the Yanks decide to cash out.

Its time to take control over your own country. U.S. foreign policy is even bad for the United States. They could've done so much with the trillion dollars they spent in this war OF terror, and this war OF terror is not benefiting anyone especially not the Americans.
Please post a link to the "Marine sport killing". I'm not trying to insinuate that these things do not happen, war is people at their worst and these things happen. Americans don't condone it and this is certainly not the atmosphere projected by the US military. Sgt. Gibbs was convicted and given a life sentence. Sgt. Gibbs was a criminal before the Army, the Army didn't instill this in him. On this same forum people were applauding the Taliban suicide bomb that caused 70 Afghan civilian casualties. I am an American vet of multiple tours in Afghanistan and would never have stood by while this happened. Our goal was to assist the civilians in any way we could. Obviously mistakes are made, the US military is a huge organization and different units have a certain autonomy and conduct themselves in different ways. These crimes are an insult to anyone who has served honorably in any nation.

US Soldier Describes Thrill Kill of Innocent Civilians in Afghanistan - ABC News
Being the great democracy that America is, I'm sure they will enquire into any human rights violation and take the correct action.

They have punished the guilty of Abu Ghraib in the past too.

So this is how a conspiracy theory works:

The boy in the picture is Gul Mudin from Maywand District in Afghanistan.

Picture is of Spc Jeremy Morlock who became famous last year for being part of the group of US Army soldiers, who liked to call themselves "Kill Team", and were led by Sgt. Gibbs.

The pictures were first published in Der Spiegel and Rolling Stone for the people to see, however, the proceedings against the soldiers had already started.

How the procedure went ahead, and the results (to the dismay of the conspiracy theorists here) can be read on Wikipedia.

So what about the conspiracy theory?

Someone in remote Pakistan publishes the image and, fully knowing that a lot of the people might not have seen it or forgotten by now, adds his/her self-styled caption with lies.

The most prominent lies - The boy is 9 years old (nau saal ka larka). That lie is printed solely to invoke the emotions - murdered preteen (child) ya know... But the age of the boy in the picture is 15, and not 9. Then one step ahead - calling the kill and getting photographed as some sort of US Army protocol. But they got life sentences for that... protocol?

While it was a big crime, a heinous one indeed, why print it a year later and shove in some lies as well?

There's a conspiracy in there - for the uneducated, and the educated fools to buy.

All those claiming the soldiers would go unscathed, can read about the court proceedings on that Wikipedia article I linked above. The proceedings had begun even before the pictures had been published for the general public.

That CENTCOM spokesman, Maj. David Nevers, did not want to go deep into the matter and merely pointed out to conspiracy theories, but it seems the enthusiastic members here are too blind to see anything beyond the colorful pictures.

Now waiting for those who will try their best to portray my pointing out to the real story as endorsing those soldier's acts...
Its time to take control over your own country. U.S. foreign policy is even bad for the United States. They could've done so much with the trillion dollars they spent in this war OF terror, and this war OF terror is not benefiting anyone especially not the Americans.

Unfortunately, 34 other million Canadians decided they wanted the Conservatives rather than the Liberals or the in-betweens. Don't get me wrong, some of the policies the present government have implemented have worked out great whether your a natural Canadian or a naturalized Canadian like I am, but then there are always certain policies that make you want to scream out 'WTF?!?!?!".

Ces't la vie mon ami.
So this is how a conspiracy theory works:

The boy in the picture is Gul Mudin from Maywand District in Afghanistan.

Picture is of Spc Jeremy Morlock who became famous last year for being part of the group of US Army soldiers, who liked to call themselves "Kill Team", and were led by Sgt. Gibbs.

The pictures were first published in Der Spiegel and Rolling Stone for the people to see, however, the proceedings against the soldiers had already started.

How the procedure went ahead, and the results (to the dismay of the conspiracy theorists here) can be read on Wikipedia.

So what about the conspiracy theory?

Someone in remote Pakistan publishes the image and, fully knowing that a lot of the people might not have seen it or forgotten by now, adds his/her self-styled caption with lies.

The most prominent lies - The boy is 9 years old (nau saal ka larka). That lie is printed solely to invoke the emotions - murdered preteen (child) ya know... But the age of the boy in the picture is 15, and not 9. Then one step ahead - calling the kill and getting photographed as some sort of US Army protocol. But they got life sentences for that... protocol?

While it was a big crime, a heinous one indeed, why print it a year later and shove in some lies as well?

There's a conspiracy in there - for the uneducated, and the educated fools to buy.

All those claiming the soldiers would go unscathed, can read about the court proceedings on that Wikipedia article I linked above. The proceedings had begun even before the pictures had been published for the general public.

That CENTCOM spokesman, Maj. David Nevers, did not want to go deep into the matter and merely pointed out to conspiracy theories, but it seems the enthusiastic members here are too blind to see anything beyond the colorful pictures.

Now waiting for those who will try their best to portray my pointing out to the real story as endorsing those soldier's acts...

Disregarding the fact that the article is a sham, a soldier is supposed to be nothing but a heavily armed gentleman. Note the word gentleman. Now if only all soldiers behaved this way. Which is why it's good to see atleast a little bit of accountability from the Yank armed forces. Now if only there was a sure fire way to keep out the nuts from signing up.

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