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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Pakistan closing supply routes does not come as a surprise to many.

Fact :USA does not use Pakistani supply routes to transport high-value/ lethal / high priority equipment. Toilet papers ? Yes. Beyond that , no.

Fact : NATO supply trucks occasionally do get ambushed in Pakistan.

Fact : Pakistan is the life support for most, if not all, terror entities.
In addition to what Irfan Baloch said, a white flag was also raised clearly on a tree branch thing.

it is not clear if it was raised during attack or after the attack to stop them from Attacking when Army was picking up the bodies of the murdered soldiers.

there was always a chance that they would have attacked again like they have done in Afghanistan so many times by attacking the funerals. so many stories remain untold because there is no media coverage when Americans go out for killing in the name of WoT
US starts vacating Shamsi airbase in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The US on Sunday started pulling out its nationals from Shamsi airbase, reportedly used by CIA- operated drones, on the orders of Pakistan government after a deadly NATO cross-border airsrike killed 24 of its soldiers.

An American aircraft arrived in Pakistan to fly out US nationals. After the aircraft landed, the US nationals boarded it amidst strict security, TV news channels reported.

Officials from the Federal Investigation Agency were present at the airbase, the reports said.

Residents living around Shamsi airbase were told not to leave their homes while the American nationals were being taken to the aircraft. There was no official word on the development from Pakistani or American officials.

Pakistan asked the US to vacate the remote airbase in Balochistan within 15 days and blocked routes used to transport supplies to US and allied forces in Afghanistan after a cross-border NATO air strike on two military posts killed 24 Pakistani soldiers on November 26.

Reports have said the Shamsi airbase, located about 300 km from Balochistan capital Quetta, has been used by US drone to target militants in Pakistan's restive tribal belt.

Pakistan reportedly leased the base to the United Arab Emirates in 1992, and the US was given access to the facility after the 9/11 terror attacks.

This is the third time Pakistan has asked the US to vacate Shamsi airbase. Similar demands were made after CIA contractor Raymond Davis gunned down two men in Lahore in January and after the US military raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May.

The Express Tribune quoted a US government source as saying that the Americans had spent months preparing for a possible eviction from Shamsi by building up other drone launching and staging capabilities.

US starts vacating Shamsi airbase in Pakistan - The Times of India
Pakistan closing supply routes does not come as a surprise to many.

Fact :USA does not use Pakistani supply routes to transport high-value/ lethal / high priority equipment. Toilet papers ? Yes. Beyond that , no.

Fact : NATO supply trucks occasionally do get ambushed in Pakistact : Pakistan is the life support for most, if not all, terror entities.

Usual :blah::blah::blah: from yankees :wave::wave::wave:
Pakistan closing supply routes does not come as a surprise to many.

Fact :USA does not use Pakistani supply routes to transport high-value/ lethal / high priority equipment. Toilet papers ? Yes. Beyond that , no.

Fact : NATO supply trucks occasionally do get ambushed in Pakistan.

Fact : Pakistan is the life support for most, if not all, terror entities.

Who the **** are YOU SOBS to label others as terrorists!!!! you RAT! :angry:

Fact : Americans are murderers and liers

Fact : Americans are thieves , the whole country was stolen from Native Americans

Fact : America is responsible for millions of deaths around the world

Fact : You are being kicked out of Pakistan


and No , most of your supplies go through Pakistan , the northern route is longer is goes through Russia , it goes over rail , it goes over sea( the Caspian sea ) and on land route also .. You can go take that route and I hope the Russians do payback for what America did to it when they were in Afghanistan
A deliberate and planned attack
Posted on December 3, 2011
By Mohammad Jamil

As the nation is mourning the death of its brave sons in last week’s Nato attack on a Pakistani border posts, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey has declined to offer an apology stating that he did not know enough about the incident. This was, indeed, naked aggression – plain and simple, deliberate and planned. The posts were set up for the US-led Nato forces’ inaction to hobble fugitive Pakistani militants, safely ensconced, under their very noses, in Afghanistan’s Kunar and Nuristan provinces from where they freely planned and launched deadly attacks on our security posts and returned to their bases unchecked. Nato couldn’t be unaware of these posts. By going through the statements of USA’s civil and military leaders, it is not difficult to conclude that the attack on border posts was not an act in isolation. Since, they have been threatening Pakistan of a unilateral action, if evidence of Al-Qaeda’s high-profile leaders was available. But there was neither an Al-Qaeda operative, nor ‘smoking gun’ to justify the attack on the border posts.
Anyhow, Pakistan has lodged a strong protest with the US and closed down supply routes used for the Nato forces in Afghanistan, and also asked Washington to vacate the Shamsi Airbase within a fortnight. Likewise, Pakistan has done well to boycott the Bonn Conference, since the previous meeting in Istanbul was an exercise in futility. Although US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, during her last visit to Islamabad, had asked Pakistan to help bring the Taliban to the negotiating table in a veiled reference to the Bonn Conference, but the problem is that there is a clash of interest between Pakistan and America, and this is the major reason for the trust deficit. Also, going by the propaganda blitz and statements of American think-tanks, members of the Obama administration and US commanders, it is not difficult to reach the conclusion that they want to disgrace Pakistan’s military and ISI in the public’s eye.
Nevertheless, America wants Pakistan to help it win the war in Afghanistan, but all the rewards are bestowed on India in the form of reconstruction constructs and strategic partnership. Of course, it is in the interest of Pakistan that Afghanistan is stable, independent and strong, but the country’s desire to see a government that is not hostile to it is natural and genuine.
DGMO Major General Ishfaq Nadeem in a briefing to the editors and columnists, has termed the strikes on Pakistani posts by Nato and Isaf as “unprovoked act of blatant aggression”, adding that they were not unintended in which all coordination procedures were violated. “The positions of the posts were already conveyed to the Isaf through map references and it was impossible that they did not know these to be our posts,” he said, while giving details of the attacks on the border posts. Then referring to the reports of the Afghan media about “the shelling of Afghan territory by Pakistani military”, he said that they were totally incorrect and baseless. So, Pakistan’s civil and military leadership has rightly toughened up its act, which is emblematic of a sovereign country, and the measures taken now should have been taken and followed up in execution long time ago.
It is a matter of great satisfaction that all strata of society have expressed their determination to stand by the armed forces to deal with the threats and challenges facing Pakistan. Public protests and rallies are being held throughout the country to express their solidarity with them. Yet, there are some politicians and analysts, who, instead of lauding the efforts of the civil and military leadership to get out of American servility, are trying to denigrate the military and ISI. One of the analysts on a renowned TV channel remarked that Pakistan cannot resist the superpower’s pressure, and ultimately will have to do its bidding. Another one tried to create fear in the minds of the people that in the event Pakistan resists and insists on vacating the Shamsi Airbase, and does not allow resumption of supplies to the Nato forces in Afghanistan, America will consider it as an act of war. A few others say that the elected government is doing what the military tells them, just to prove that the civilian and military leaderships are not on the same page and the army is calling the shots.
Former President Pervez Musharraf had buckled under US pressure after 9/11, but it is no divine canon that we have to provide the supply routes for the American and Nato forces in Afghanistan. In fact, we have been stupidly generous in extending this facility, all for free. Even the northern route that Afghanistan’s US-led Nato occupiers have explored and established as an alternative for their supplies is not for free. They pay for every liable levy. They have been using our routes over the past 10 years without paying even a dime in tax, and the aid they have given is not enough to refurbish the roads they have damaged. What, indeed, have we got for all our sacrifices, except that they have shown us only malice and rancour?
More so, they want to make Pakistan a whipping boy to cover up their own cowardice, spinelessness and acute deficit of fighting spirit that has led up to their debacle in Afghanistan. We have sacrificed 35,000 innocent citizens; and 5,000 brave officers and soldiers have laid down their lives in this spurious US-led war on terror in Afghanistan. We have had enough of it! And we must have no more of it!

The writer is a freelance columnist and a regular contributor
Pakistan closing supply routes does not come as a surprise to many.

Fact :USA does not use Pakistani supply routes to transport high-value/ lethal / high priority equipment. Toilet papers ? Yes. Beyond that , no.

Fact : NATO supply trucks occasionally do get ambushed in Pakistan.

Fact : Pakistan is the life support for most, if not all, terror entities.

so you guys are crying for toilet papers?? :lol::lol::lol: i didnt know americans cant survive without toilet papers lol
Who the **** are YOU SOBS to label others as terrorists!!!! you RAT! :angry:

Fact : Americans are murderers and liers

Fact : Americans are thieves , the whole country was stolen from Native Americans

Fact : America is responsible for millions of deaths around the world

Fact : You are being kicked out of Pakistan


and No , most of your supplies go through Pakistan , the northern route is longer is goes through Russia , it goes over rail , it goes over sea( the Caspian sea ) and on land route also .. You can go take that route and I hope the Russians do payback for what America did to it when they were in Afghanistan

Learn more American history before you think Americans are the ones who stole land. I can claim Spain, Portugal, Britain, France, etc. all took the lands in North America. Afterwards we bought it from them.
Pakistan closing supply routes does not come as a surprise to many.

Fact :USA does not use Pakistani supply routes to transport high-value/ lethal / high priority equipment. Toilet papers ? Yes. Beyond that , no.

Fact : NATO supply trucks occasionally do get ambushed in Pakistan.

Fact : Pakistan is the life support for most, if not all, terror entities.

So 40 % of NATO supplies consist of toilet papers ? :rofl: and Your troops cant conduct operations without them , thats why they are crying and pleading for co-operation even now ? :lol: Where does the fuel comes from ? :P Hyper space tunnel to Kabul probably ? :rofl:

The fact is **s**** even Russia is threatening to stop the NDN now so good luck saving your face in Afghanistan ... :lol:
So 40 % of NATO supplies consist of toilet papers ? :rofl: and Your troops cant conduct operations without them , thats why they are crying and pleading for co-operation even now ? :lol: Where does the fuel comes from ? :P Hyper space tunnel to Kabul probably ? :rofl:

The fact is **s**** even Russia is threatening to stop the NDN now so good luck saving your face in Afghanistan ... :lol:

Kind of reminds me of Hitler and the Uboats. As well as Soviet Union aka Russia that blockaded Berlin. Can you tell me what happened on those events please?:coffee:
How U know about the facts....First they vacated the base after Raymond Davis arrest then they vacated the shamsi airbase after OBL raid . Now they vacating after this attack on our posts incident....I'm sure about the same thing happening within the near future too after next attack.....Sir! We don't care what the media sayz cuz they working for $$$ too.....:smokin:

Bhai please give a break to your conspiracy theories. You are over doing it now. :disagree:

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