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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

The point is why aren't those labeled as "honor killings"??

No one is defending it, unless you can prove me wrong by quoting anyone on this thread who was defending the murder of that girl.

---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

Besides, they shouldn't be forcing the girl to marry her cousin, i can't imagine marrying my cousin, she's like a sister to me.

By posting excuse links of killings done by westerners

So rather then condemning it the reaction is oh westerners do it 2.

If you read the links they are completely different from religious/ethnic honour killings.

They are about drugs and wackos hardly "honour killings"
Unfortunately this is how society is in Pakistan, in fact this way of thinking is embedded in our culture. Some People in Pakistan are so cheap and such hypocrites i don't even know where to begin!!!!!!!!! Man it just makes me angry from thinking about it......................:angry:
Brother this is how the Indian society is too, but most educated and inteligent parents are joining the main stream of not caring for what the society will brand them.
its you and me that are society, if i fear for your words then i won't be able to do any good to my familu or to the society.
the problem is I don't understand in the common Pakistanis.

Family ask sons to kill their sisters, why can't son speak up against family decisions ?? Sons are the worst people than Al Qeada terrorists in organized plans..... Intolerances family and sons. I speak some of them, not everyone in general.
Please limit yourself posting to defense related social problem is everywhere

I created a thread for such posting if people cant help it but still they spam with news that have nothing to do with defence forum.. moving it anyways.
Pathetic.. They could not raise their girl properly.. or instill these so called "family values" .. which is their own failure and not the girls fault. They kill her!
Hang them!
It was their responsibility to keep an eye on the girl and what she is doing in her life, if they were incapable of doing so.. then boo hoo.. they should have let go an let her live her life as she was.


I don't think there is any problem in the way she grew up.she just followed her heart.
I don't think there is any problem in the way she grew up.she just followed her heart.

If you start getting into drugs..is it not socially unacceptable?(I am not comparing this scenario to the news.. just an example).
First.. who introduced you to them? Who introduced you to those that encouraged you to take up addiction?
If you have responsible caring parents... they would go ahead and keep a check on your activities, your friends and advise when they feel it reflects badly upon you. So that you dont lose your identity that you are supposed to carry forward.

Here.. the parents seem to have neglected that entirely.. and then expected the girl to do something completely opposite to who she was... and tried to force her into it.
Im ready to bet that even her cousin was being forced into it to try and "save' the girl.
if you say that its a big case sure you have know of it and the Media has given due importance to the case so that you know about it.

The reason I know of it is because it was big news in the Indian community, the local Indian newspaper had reported it.
But the mainstream Canadian media all but ignored it. I have not met a single white person in Canada who knew of that case.
Ahmadis not only betrayed Islam but our country too. I saw many Ahmadis taking asylum in European countries saying that they are muslims and are facing persecution in Pakistan.

Errrm.....so Ahmadis don't face persecution in Pakistan? Is that what you believe?

They brought disgrace to our country.:angry::pakistan:

LOL... this is funny. So if it wasnt't for Ahmadis in Pakistan, everything would be hunky dory I suppose. Jahil irrational delusional people like you are who brought disgrace to Pakistan. Are you also banging your chest and demanding the "Holy Gun" LOL???
thegreensprite, Why Muslim nation didn't advance When Imam mahdi aka mirza ghulam ahmad came to world? why they are more divided after he came to world?

Isn't the purpose of mahdi to gather whole ummah to one platform and he would fill this earth with justice, peace and tranquility?
thegreensprite, Why Muslim nation didn't advance When Imam mahdi aka mirza ghulam ahmad came to world? why they are more divided after he came to world?

How old are you? Do you really think a person will appear and all Muslim nations will suddenly advance and become undivided overnight? Look at the Muslim nations currently, they have more than enough wealth and brains to advance, if they acted like real Muslims, they would be undivided and unbeatable by I any adversary. It's actually the love for money and power that has made Muslims weak, stop waiting for the Imam Mehdi to fix everything that you are incapable of sorting yourself. For us Ahmadi Muslims he came and went and left behind a valuable message and blueprint of how to spread the message of the Prophet(pbuh) globally through the true ways of Islam and education. We are not standing still, we make progress on a daily basis, unlike our majority Muslim masses who only seem to love fighting and show the power of Islam through violence.

Isn't the purpose of mahdi to gather whole ummah to one platform and he would fill this earth with justice, peace and tranquility?

I'm not sure this earth will ever be 100% fulfilled with justice, peace and tranquility, I think you have been taking too many of your pills and living in fantasy world. This is the problem you hit when you don't educate yourself. Have you ever read any books on anything but jihad. The Qur'an is a very simple to read yet complicated at the same time, each verse has many meanings, you can not take stuff literately or out of context, you need to read it fully and understand it before coming to childlike fantasist conclusions like above.
How old are you? Do you really think a person will appear and all Muslim nations will suddenly advance and become undivided overnight? Look at the Muslim nations currently, they have more than enough wealth and brains to advance, if they acted like real Muslims, they would be undivided and unbeatable by I any adversary. It's actually the love for money and power that has made Muslims weak, stop waiting for the Imam Mehdi to fix everything that you are incapable of sorting yourself. For us Ahmadi Muslims he came and went and left behind a valuable message and blueprint of how to spread the message of the Prophet(pbuh) globally through the true ways of Islam and education. We are not standing still, we make progress on a daily basis, unlike our majority Muslim masses who only seem to love fighting and show the power of Islam through violence.

I'm not sure this earth will ever be 100% fulfilled with justice, peace and tranquility, I think you have been taking too many of your pills and living in fantasy world. This is the problem you hit when you don't educate yourself. Have you ever read any books on anything but jihad. The Qur'an is a very simple to read yet complicated at the same time, each verse has many meanings, you can not take stuff literately or out of context, you need to read it fully and understand it before coming to childlike fantasist conclusions like above.

Stop trying to teach us our religion.

We believe Imam Mehdi will come, and we will stick to the signs of Mehdi as prescribed by the Last prophet Muhammad S.A.W (Ref: Medina) him self.

Thus this shall be a good example of why a Qadyani should be called just that and NOT a muslim.

He has a certain set of belief, fine he shall practice and continue on with that, but DO NOT call your self Muslims for we believe in something else.
you like to cherry pick dont you?

Pakistan is an Islamic state which was created for Muslims only But allows Minorities to live in peace and co existance.

But it is crystal clear that ahmadis are a cult of propegenda created by their British dadies to divide Muslims and they succeeded to do so.

we the Pakistani muslims can live in peace with all religions but not with ahmadis as they are not exactly a religion but a bunch of thugs who dont even know what they are upto.

Thus they do not deserve a minority status of a proper religion and they are allowed to do whatever the sh!t they have to do ie worshiping their satanic masters in Rabwa and do not bring their crap in rest of the country.

Again the words are simple ahmadis are not very much wanted in Pakistan because they defy fundamentals of Pakistan.

if they cant live in Pakistan like normal citizens and within their limits they should bring few more fake cases to seek asylum in UK and Canada where they can live happily ever after.


Over Generalising BS. The average ahmedi is the same as the average muslim apart from his beliefs, people are the same whatever creed they belong to.

I think most want to live fine, like you they have kids and mothers they're not aliens.

After people saying the same about us being terrorists I thought some of us would understand but no carry one with the same hate filled ignorant rants.

Bunch of muppets, getting sick of all the hate and lies in our community.

And then you wonder why no one likes us, why we are infamous for all the wrong reasons.
another false propaganda items, minorities in Pakistan have much better standards of living, rights and security than in the country on our eastern border.

No they don`t. Maybe the condition of minorities are better than our western neighbours but not our neighbour to the east. When a country denies it`s minority citizens from becoming the President or PM then it loses all it`s credibility when it comes to equal rights for minorities. Historic century old temples are lying in a pathetic state. It is perfectly OK to demolish a temple or church but people will sh-t their pants just thinking about what would happen if a mosque (most likely built on stolen land) is demolished. A person from a minority religion is put on death row under blasphemy for not converting to Islam, is this what you call great security?

But judging from your avatar it seems you like to live in a world full of delusion. Happy wet dreams!
Stop trying to teach us our religion.

We believe Imam Mehdi will come, and we will stick to the signs of Mehdi as prescribed by the Last prophet Muhammad S.A.W (Ref: Medina) him self.

Thus this shall be a good example of why a Qadyani should be called just that and NOT a muslim.

He has a certain set of belief, fine he shall practice and continue on with that, but DO NOT call your self Muslims for we believe in something else.
if sunnis are one flavour of muslims ahmadis are another. a vanilla and chocolate icecreams aer different but they are still icecreams

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