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Report: India may attack Pakistan

This in all likelihood may just be a FALSE ALARM. Sorry to disappoint you. If India were to conduct such secret operation then I doubt "Sify.com" some unknown incredible source would know about it. I highly doubt India would want to conduct operations at this time, and want to fight Pakistan during this winter season, you know the snow tends to bog the troops down in the mountains and cuts off supply routes or make them even more hazardous. I doubt any strictly Air Force operations can be conducted, because once India engages in Air Strikes, Pakistan will reply with air strikes, and eventually the snow ball will roll and troops will get involved...

However, if it were true India is going to have this "New Year's Eve War" (I'm the first to say this :)) with Pakistan, then I advise Pakistan if it has CREDIBLE and RELIABLE sources that India is prepared to attack within 48 hours or more (Dec. 26th dead line or before New Years Day) then Pakistan should go ahead with Pre-Emptive Strikes. A BOLD DECISION I know.

There is simply no negotiating with India.
Everything else is fine, but wth do you mean by "sorry to disappoint you"?

And I'm a strong proponent of pre-emptive strikes... If I were in charge I would give India a deadline for the 25th of December and say unless it does not step down, we'll attack.
Can anyone confirm if this photo posted by GS is a file photo or one where tornadoes were spotted?

While many have seen these planes flying higher and faster than the F-7s of the PAF

Its funny though that those 'many' who cannot differentiate between an A-5 and Tornado were however able to judge the height and speed of Tornado and then compared it with the F-7s too….

Our correspondents have confirmed with "90%" confidence that these are in fact Tornados

90 % certain? How do they come with these figures? While increasing the hysteria to optimum, the writer is still playing safe and keeping some margin to make a U turn on his report…

Off the record, there are no Tornado’s or any other foreign fighter in Pakistan right now…While A-5s were confused with Tornadis, be prepared to get our own F-7s and Mirages mixed with Indian Mig-21s and Mirage 2000s…..

Next time you read news about IAFs Mirage 2000s flying over Sargodha, know that what they are talking about…:)
but we need f-15 from ksa not tornado.


But honestly I think we don't need their equipment, if they just keep the "oil in time of need" clause intact that will be more than enough. SU30 threat is hyped up beyond imagination. If Sir Flanker was going to do anything, the first airspace violation would have been the best time.
I found some conflicting reports (referring to my last report where I doubt India will not strike) here that I would like to share, that suggest India is actually preparing to do strategic strikes in Pakistan and Kashmir region.

Report: India readied to attack Pakistan

"WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 (UPI) -- India's air force was preparing for a likely strike against Pakistan following the Mumbai terror attacks, Pentagon sources told CNN.

The report quoted three Pentagon officials as individually confirming the Untited States has information about Indian air force personnel preparing for a possible mission against Pakistan."

To read the entire article visit this link. Report: India readied to attack Pakistan - UPI.com

Another source reinforces the first report I posted here.

Report: India may attack Pakistan

Sat, 20 Dec 2008 15:27:30 GMT

Indian military has prepared operations against targets in Pakistan and awaits the signal to go forward, a US intelligence report says.

"These most likely would take the form of unilateral precision strikes inside Pakistan-administered Kashmir, along with special forces action on the ground in Pakistan proper," Global Intelligence Service, Stratfor said in its latest report.

Source:Press TV - Report: India may attack Pakistan

These sources strongly suggest that India will attack, however the mystery remains, and indeed it is in this mystery the War Clouds Loom above...
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no i think pak should take there jets and some air defence like mim23 howk.f-15 is very good if we get 10 or 15 at war time saudia have 98 f-15s and if we get apachi for few days what you guys say.
no i think pak should take there jets and some air defence like mim23 howk.f-15 is very good if we get 10 or 15 at war time saudia have 98 f-15s and if we get apachi for few days what you guys say.

And iam sure they will hand over any thing asked for right away as they have a history of doing so.:rofl:
A1Kaid, in two days we'll find out whether India's bite is as good as its bark.
Well I dont know If KSA will loan Tornadoes, but they will keep up the Oil Supply, and can be trusted on that. But the Problem starts when India starts preparation for a Naval Blocade!

Preemptive strikes by Pakistan are a wholly different Ball game, coz lots of other factors come in like aggressor tag etc. Frankly both countries cant afford a War right now, but then Pakistan will be under a lot of pressure from U.S too. The Pak govt is just a US puppet. Its with this Puppet that the US plans to rein in the Army. Lets see where it leads too.
Well the possibility of an attack is certain. A very reliable source of mine has told me that IAF is planning to attack some camp and villages (In the name of WoT) to aggravate Pakistan. In return, we would be forced to target their military installations.

But if you think about it, there's ALOT that's being said right now. All you can do is sit tight and watch how it all unfolds. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
well attacking terror camps is not that easy, because they dont have neon lights displaying "Terror Camps". It will need big Preparations and Intel from many countries, the CIA, Mossad etc would be involved if such a strike is to be done. Israel has already vowed to avenge the killers of Baby Moshe's Parents! Lets just wait and watch!
Israel has already vowed to avenge the killers of Baby Moshe's Parents! Lets just wait and watch!

Ha! And his parent's are more important than escalating a war with 167 Million people?

Lol. Don't take israel too seriously. They're on the map for a vacation. Nothing more.

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