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Report: India may attack Pakistan

well the hezbollah said the same thing when they kidnapped 3 israeli soldiers for Bargaining and killed them!!!! The last thing heard was that, Hezbollah chief saying he wouldnt have ventured into such a mess if he knew Israel would Destroy Lebanese cities the way they did!! Trust me Israel is to be taken seriously! Never Underestimate anyone.

I say the same things to my Indian friends, never underestimate. A war with Pakistan will be no walk in the park! Pakistan is no Lebanon!

Lastly, Baby Moshes parents were not killed by Commandos. They were murdered long before the team got there. Baby Moshe and his nanny escaped. And In relating to the death of a person, Humor should be left out I believe. Its the least we can do to the Dead. Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or others, Life is the same, death is the same.
well attacking terror camps is not that easy, because they dont have neon lights displaying "Terror Camps". It will need big Preparations and Intel from many countries, the CIA, Mossad etc would be involved if such a strike is to be done. Israel has already vowed to avenge the killers of Baby Moshe's Parents! Lets just wait and watch!

YOU see Israelis knows we have more then stones to defend ourselves so i doubt they will try any thing second CIA provides Intel on targets with in Pakistan we move our soldiers out of Fata + NATO supply line cut off iam sure:usflag: Americans will have there dogs(mossad) on leash just to make sure.
well the hezbollah said the same thing when they kidnapped 3 israeli soldiers for Bargaining and killed them!!!! The last thing heard was that, Hezbollah chief saying he wouldnt have ventured into such a mess if he knew Israel would Destroy Lebanese cities the way they did!! Trust me Israel is to be taken seriously! Never Underestimate anyone.

I say the same things to my Indian friends, never underestimate. A war with Pakistan will be no walk in the park! Pakistan is no Lebanon!

Lastly, Baby Moshes parents were not killed by Commandos. They were murdered long before the team got there. Baby Moshe and his nanny escaped. And In relating to the death of a person, Humor should be left out I believe. Its the least we can do to the Dead. Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or others, Life is the same, death is the same.

And during that war israel got her azz whopped but i am sure thats not the part they want us to remmebr.:angel:
And during that war israel got her azz whopped but i am sure thats not the part they want us to remmebr.:angel:
well Israel did loose a number of soldiers/civilians countable in the fingers! and a few merkavas I was recently in Lebanon, so dont tell me that they gained a lot! Cluster munitions is the only gain, maybe the kids can play with it, what say? God Speed

Please be careful in divulging your guts out on a public forum. Let PAF do what they have to do and its best that careless remarks (which folks here would think are of no consequence) are held back.

What PAF puts up in the air should be left to the other side to guess. Why are folks here offering information on a platter just to prove a point that they know or have seen things?

Please avoid putting up the entire picture in the air for any or everyone to come and read here. Even mentioning places where the aircraft are conducting sorties is problematic in my view.

I only suggest/state the above with Pakistan in mind otherwise I have no business telling anyone anything here. I end with reminding everyone here that discretion is the better part of valor.
i would be very glad if we get military help from SA,Iran and Turkey.BTW i strongly believe that ummah will come.
i would be very glad if we get military help from SA,Iran and Turkey.BTW i strongly believe that ummah will come.

Well you better then change your believe and stop living in a state of fantasy. There is no such thing as ummah, this concept is long gone. This is our war and we will have to fight it on our own and alone. Never rely on anything else other then what you have got.
SA helping Pakistan militarily?
Yeah right..;)
The might aswell help their palestinian brothers who have nothing to eat and walk around bare footed fightning Zionists.
Oh no, instead they go around investing in everything except in their religious counterparts.
They're swimming in cash, while brothers are swimming in blood trying to survive.
Well I dont know If KSA will loan Tornadoes, but they will keep up the Oil Supply, and can be trusted on that. But the Problem starts when India starts preparation for a Naval Blocade!

And you think Pakistan has only one port which can be blocked????????? Oh by the way, even if hypothetically speaking we consider such a situation, you seem to be forgetting that better part of NATO supply to af-tan comes through the same port....... will your master allow you to play these games.....

Preemptive strikes by Pakistan are a wholly different Ball game, coz lots of other factors come in like aggressor tag etc. Frankly both countries cant afford a War right now, but then Pakistan will be under a lot of pressure from U.S too. The Pak govt is just a US puppet. Its with this Puppet that the US plans to rein in the Army. Lets see where it leads too

Either you dont know the Pakistanis or your recent visit to lebanon has made some impact on your judgement.......... when it comes to security of Pakistan, any and everything is possible including preemptive strikes. unpredictablity is the quality for which Pakistanis are better known. Before calling the kettle black, it is always better if the pot has a look on itself. Two votes against Iran in UNSC at the behest of your master, giving up so called non-alligned status and much more indicates who is the real puppet playing in US hands these days........ if anything india is nothing more than a fully compliant and favored client of USA these days.....:cheers:
Well you better then change your believe and stop living in a state of fantasy. There is no such thing as ummah, this concept is long gone. This is our war and we will have to fight it on our own and alone. Never rely on anything else other then what you have got.

correct me if i am wrong,Ummah will come thats in Koran @ the end of the world all muslims will unite sir.
well attacking terror camps is not that easy, because they dont have neon lights displaying "Terror Camps". It will need big Preparations and Intel from many countries, the CIA, Mossad etc would be involved if such a strike is to be done. Israel has already vowed to avenge the killers of Baby Moshe's Parents! Lets just wait and watch!

Well, israel is not as stupid as you seem to give them credit for. they are threatened (a mild word) by Iran which still does not possess either nuclear weapon or strike capability, you think they want to mess with someone who has both. they already have enough on their platter and it is only people like you who don't have the guts themselves, counting on israel to do something for them. :lol:

Rest assured, when Pakistani airforce takes off towards its target, they will not be requiring neon signs for their targets. :enjoy:
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