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Only call yourself MUSLIM(Answer these qustions if you are a Muslim)


Mar 14, 2008
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If you are a Muslim answer these questions honestly.

1. Are you a Muslim?

2. What is your sect?

3. Do you know that Al Quran forbids Division in to sects like Shia Sunni or any other sects in Islam?

Read this Ayat from Al Quran.

Sura Al-An'am

[6:159] Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you. Their judgment rests with Allah, then He will inform them of everything they had done.

4. Isn't it Fard to follow what is in Al Quran?

Read this Hadith

Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171:

The Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said, “My Umma will be fragmented into seventy-three sects, and all of them will be in Hell fire except one group.” The companions asked Allah’s messenger which group that would be. Where upon he replied, “It is the one to which I and my companions belong.”

5. By What Sect did Prophet Muhammad (s) called himself? Shia, Sunni or any other sect?

6. By What Sect did the companions of prophet (s) used to call them self? Shia, Sunni or any other sect?

7. If we follow Prophet Muhammad (s) shouldn’t we call our self what he called himself & told us to be rather then what later people created.

8. Do you think you shuld call your self by sects like Shia, Sunni, Wahabi, or any other Sect ?

Call you self only "MUSLIM". Not by any other thing. Not by Shia, Sunni, Wahabi, or any other Sect.
sects is not accepted by islam and neither is hadith or sunnah
it states in the quran that the quran is complete, perfect, fully detailed, and shall be the only source of religious guidance.
and hadith and sunnah go against that
are you out of your mind in islam their are no shia and sunni these things has been created after MOAHMMAD P.B.U.H and every muslim is is muslim not shia and sunni
sects is not accepted by islam and neither is hadith or sunnah
it states in the quran that the quran is complete, perfect, fully detailed, and shall be the only source of religious guidance.
and hadith and sunnah go against that

Young man you are just 17. You need a lot to learn in what way Quran is perfect and fully detailed. And what is the status of Hadith and Sunnah.

For you...I suggest get some CD's of Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri on this topic...brother.

Then...you'll learn what is sect and what is fiqh.
Young man you are just 17. You need a lot to learn in what way Quran is perfect and fully detailed. And what is the status of Hadith and Sunnah.

For you...I suggest get some CD's of Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri on this topic...brother.

Then...you'll learn what is sect and what is fiqh.

age is nothing but a number
there are man of 40+ years of age and have a mentality of 2
thats one big problem in south asia as well as the world; people judge other people
by their age and not their knowledge
i have read the quran several times and did the research myself
dividing ourselves into shia and sunnis is not accepted by god and is against the quran
Age is nothing but a number...ok

But avoid giving big statements. You can't understand Quran without Hadith or Sunnah. Like Quran says 700 times about offring Salah, but how to offer Salah...no where in the Quran.

This is my point...thanks
Age is nothing but a number...ok

But avoid giving big statements. You can't understand Quran without Hadith or Sunnah. Like Quran says 700 times about offring Salah, but how to offer Salah...no where in the Quran.

This is my point...thanks

but dont u violate the quran's saying that it should be the only source of religious guidence?
sunna and hadith were written by man [not even a prophet] and after the death of prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him] while the quran was sent by god
whose word are u gonna trust god's or man's?
and if the our prophet didnt follow hadith and sunna why should we?
and the quran does tell u how to perform the salat
check sura 1, al-fateha
whose word are u gonna trust god's or man's?
Isnt it a belief that quran is gods word and not mohammeds? How does bringing logic to it make any difference?

There is either belief or there is logic. For example if logic says that xyz cant be true or is a mundane thing which can be said by anyone not necessaily word of god would it change your belief? if not then the logic didnt have any value in the first place.
Age is nothing but a number...ok

But avoid giving big statements. You can't understand Quran without Hadith or Sunnah. Like Quran says 700 times about offring Salah, but how to offer Salah...no where in the Quran.

This is my point...thanks
Which is why there are 700 ways of offering Salah. Do you believe one way has dominion over the other?

I believe the Hadiths are a good source of very well documented academic and theological study of the life of the Prophet, his sayings and largely his sunnah too. Of course since this "sunnah" is documented by MAN and not by God and without the involvement of the Prophet (saw), its validity should be held many levels below the divinity awarded to the Holy Quran.
I hope it will clear very much.

1...Holly Quran says 700 times for offering Salah, not 700 ways. It is emphasis on offering Salah.

2...You can't extract rules directly from Quran. See... Quran says cut the hands of the thief. If someone steals your chocolate, you'll cut his hands? Of course not.
How will you set the parameters for this? These parameters are Hadith, Sunnah and Fiqh.

3...If the Holly Quran was enough for guidance of humanity, there was no need for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to come. An angel would have given you the Quran and said read it and act upon it. Prophet (peace be upon) him acted as a teacher of his companions. He told how to offer Salah, what to recite in it, when to shorten it like in journey etc.

4…Holly Prophet (peace be upon him) said not a single word with his own will but with the will of God. Then he said these are the words, write them as Quran and these are the words, just remember them. What was the logic to categorize same words as Quran and as not Quran…? Just for the convenience of the Ummah. Basic Laws are separated as Quran. And its explanation as Sunnah and Hadith.

Now…what is Fiqh? It is jurisprudence… the science of Islamic law extracted from detailed Islamic sources the Quran, Sunnah and Hadith. It is work of expertise. Not a common man could do this job. So the four scholars in the history of Islam did this work. They became four schools of thoughts. These four classical Sunni schools are, in chronological order: the Hanafi school, the Maliki school, the Shafi'i school and the Hanbali school. They represent the generally accepted Sunni authority for Islamic jurisprudence. This is the beauty of teaching of Islam. We can follow any of these scholars.
For more detail about Fiqh, please see
Fiqh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And in the last…Sects…of course no room for sects in Islam. Almighty Allah save us from this disease. Amen.

I hope it will clear very much.

1...Holly Quran says 700 times for offering Salah, not 700 ways. It is emphasis on offering Salah.

2...You can't extract rules directly from Quran. See... Quran says cut the hands of the thief. If someone steals your chocolate, you'll cut his hands? Of course not.
How will you set the parameters for this? These parameters are Hadith, Sunnah and Fiqh.

3...If the Holly Quran was enough for guidance of humanity, there was no need for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to come. An angel would have given you the Quran and said read it and act upon it. Prophet (peace be upon) him acted as a teacher of his companions. He told how to offer Salah, what to recite in it, when to shorten it like in journey etc.

4…Holly Prophet (peace be upon him) said not a single word with his own will but with the will of God. Then he said these are the words, write them as Quran and these are the words, just remember them. What was the logic to categorize same words as Quran and as not Quran…? Just for the convenience of the Ummah. Basic Laws are separated as Quran. And its explanation as Sunnah and Hadith.

Now…what is Fiqh? It is jurisprudence… the science of Islamic law extracted from detailed Islamic sources the Quran, Sunnah and Hadith. It is work of expertise. Not a common man could do this job. So the four scholars in the history of Islam did this work. They became four schools of thoughts. These four classical Sunni schools are, in chronological order: the Hanafi school, the Maliki school, the Shafi'i school and the Hanbali school. They represent the generally accepted Sunni authority for Islamic jurisprudence. This is the beauty of teaching of Islam. We can follow any of these scholars.
For more detail about Fiqh, please see
Fiqh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And in the last…Sects…of course no room for sects in Islam. Almighty Allah save us from this disease. Amen.


so ur saying that the quran [the guidence that allah gave us] is not perfect, and complete and not ur only source for religious guidence?
it states it itself in the quran that it is
so why object to the word of god and believe men that might or might not be wrong
as far as prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him] is concerned
he came to this world to deliver the quran and do what every other prophet in this world came to do: save people from satan's evil ways
I hope it will clear very much.

1...Holly Quran says 700 times for offering Salah, not 700 ways. It is emphasis on offering Salah.

2...You can't extract rules directly from Quran. See... Quran says cut the hands of the thief. If someone steals your chocolate, you'll cut his hands? Of course not.
How will you set the parameters for this? These parameters are Hadith, Sunnah and Fiqh.

3...If the Holly Quran was enough for guidance of humanity, there was no need for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to come. An angel would have given you the Quran and said read it and act upon it. Prophet (peace be upon) him acted as a teacher of his companions. He told how to offer Salah, what to recite in it, when to shorten it like in journey etc.

4…Holly Prophet (peace be upon him) said not a single word with his own will but with the will of God. Then he said these are the words, write them as Quran and these are the words, just remember them. What was the logic to categorize same words as Quran and as not Quran…? Just for the convenience of the Ummah. Basic Laws are separated as Quran. And its explanation as Sunnah and Hadith.

Now…what is Fiqh? It is jurisprudence… the science of Islamic law extracted from detailed Islamic sources the Quran, Sunnah and Hadith. It is work of expertise. Not a common man could do this job. So the four scholars in the history of Islam did this work. They became four schools of thoughts. These four classical Sunni schools are, in chronological order: the Hanafi school, the Maliki school, the Shafi'i school and the Hanbali school. They represent the generally accepted Sunni authority for Islamic jurisprudence. This is the beauty of teaching of Islam. We can follow any of these scholars.
For more detail about Fiqh, please see
Fiqh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And in the last…Sects…of course no room for sects in Islam. Almighty Allah save us from this disease. Amen.


also check sura 1, al -fateha, the holy quran
if u dont know the meanings of those words [from the quran]
translate them somehow
Which is why there are 700 ways of offering Salah. Do you believe one way has dominion over the other?

I believe the Hadiths are a good source of very well documented academic and theological study of the life of the Prophet, his sayings and largely his sunnah too. Of course since this "sunnah" is documented by MAN and not by God and without the involvement of the Prophet (saw), its validity should be held many levels below the divinity awarded to the Holy Quran.

first of all, to underestimate the sincerity of sahabas to document the prophet saying and his deeds, is real stupidity, second, quran was itself documented under supervision of prophet with many sahabas, and he was a man!!, third yes there r some suspected hadits but the hadits r themselves distinguished into weak hadits, i-e those saying which r generally considered unauthentic by islamic scholars. and u have no idea abt the process of documenting the prophet words, prophet used to repeat a thing several times before the sahaba could have actually learnt what he said, and sahabas was hell serious abt every single word prophet said, and they tried very hard to imitate him exactly!!

and finally, one cannot in anyway understand quran without consulting the hadits or back ground of prophet's deeds, its meaning can be taken wrong many times and unclear!!

so ur saying that the quran [the guidence that allah gave us] is not perfect, and complete and not ur only source for religious guidence?
it states it itself in the quran that it is
so why object to the word of god and believe men that might or might not be wrong
as far as prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him] is concerned
he came to this world to deliver the quran and do what every other prophet in this world came to do: save people from satan's evil ways

man u r under the influence of Khalifa rushud, ok, learn some thing and then involve ur self into discussion

Isnt it a belief that quran is gods word and not mohammeds? How does bringing logic to it make any difference?

There is either belief or there is logic. For example if logic says that xyz cant be true or is a mundane thing which can be said by anyone not necessaily word of god would it change your belief? if not then the logic didnt have any value in the first place.

u r trolling, OK, get some education!!, the thing u say r normally said by those who r in islamophobia, get knowledge abt islam and come back

[6:159] Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you. Their judgment rests with Allah, then He will inform them of everything they had done.

this also implies to the racial division, those who discriminate other muslim bros with their race and colour, islam believes that v r all brothers irrespective of our racial back ground!!, v cant b gud muslims if v r too much racist, look at the condition of muslim world, muslims dieing and other muslims dont even have any guts to speak out or even condemn this by heart!!! let alone proper action and reaction, very different to muhammad bin qasim at his time, when muslims got struck in sub continent by evil elements and a young lad headed for their rescue!!!
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