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Mandatory Quran teaching teaching at schools

indians ku tu asay taqleef hui jaisay yeh india me apply huga. There is already islamic studies mandatory subject and even i studied Arabic as mandatory subject from 6th to 8th class. and as for non muslims, they are not and never will be forced to study islamic subjects, they have other choices already available to them. so apne secularism ka lecture pas rakhu please.
Good decision, it will be good if they teach with translation and employee qualified teachers so that kids get better understanding of their religion rather than relying on stupid mullahs, who are using religion as tool to achieve their personal objectives, and most important parents will not need to send their kids to mullahs to teach Quran to their kids.

@Indians - First of all it's Islamic Republic and it's the obligation of the government to educate Muslims about their religion and it has nothing to do with non-Muslims.
The Punjab Assembly and others need to understand reading Quran should not be mandatory or enforced by law. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said "There is no compulsion in religion." this resolution violates that tenet.

In fact it would be helpful if the Punjab Assmebly and it's politicians read the Qu'ran with understanding. In stead, of passing this resolution they should work to improve the education curriculum already in place in various academic fields.

If you haven't any brains yourself than at least look to the Madrassa syllabi of ages past. In Avicenna's 'maktab' they used to teach the Quran, Islamic Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Logic, Language, Literature, Ethics and Manual Skills ! And that was exactly the reason why the Muslim Empires during the Golden Age of Islam produced polymaths of unparalleled excellence.

Though, I personally believe, that language and literature along with civics and ethics should more than suffice in today's world of specialization...but even if you want to include religious indoctrination at the school level...you can't possibly teach someone the Quran in a bubble without equipping them with the relevant tools to critically analyze all that is being said, by understanding the nuances of the Arabic language and being able to relate it with secular sciences, and still claim that its an answer for everything because otherwise you'd end up with the same capri wearing morons that you see out on the street who think they are earning good deeds (naikis) every time they declare someone or some practice as Un-islamic, in much the same way our traffic wardens 'challan' people for the most ludicrous reasons because higher the number...higher their bonus.
Don’t know why it has been made mandatory. Most Muslim children of middle/lower middle class families of my generation learned to read Quran at home either thru a Mullah who was paid for his survives or by the parents. Less affluent children went to the mosque to learn to read the holy Quran.

I went to an English School in Rawalpindi (Headed by Catholic monks) but was taught Quran at home and had finished reading the holy book by the time I was 10 years old. There was no compulsion or coercion of any kind. It was done because all the families that we knew followed this practice.

Just reading the book doesn’t make you a good Muslim. Holy Quran is in Arabic and simple translation is not enough to understand it. One has to reads ‘Tafseer’ and even then there are different interpretations by different scholars. Suppose next stage will be compulsory attending the prayers and anyone not attending all the prayers will be failed? Of course a religious police on the style of Saudi Arabia becomes a ‘Must’ to enforce this.

In my opinion this is another act of Coercion by the Wahhabi/Disband/ Salaafi coalition. I believe that there is no ‘Coercion’ in religion. The whole idea of self-determination; that each one is responsible for his/her actions on the day of Judgement; becomes meaningless because you are forced into it in this world by the so called Thakedaars (Guardians) or religion.

Our problem however remains that so far we have failed to find a national identity and are being continuously torn apart by the differing tribal/ethnic values and laws. I have found an interesting article published in the Dawn if today which deals with the problem of which law should a Pakistan follow and how the people chose the laws and values that suit them at a given time. It is noted below:


What law and whose rule?
Iqbal Jafar | Opinion | From the Newspaper
22 hours ago
A QUESTION has been waiting to be asked for a long time, but hasn’t yet been formulated. Let me try: why do our collective thought processes work in such devious ways that twisted logic, perverse defence of patently criminal acts and misplaced sympathy for the guilty, find easy accommodation in our legal and moral universe?
This is not an idle question in a society where vocal support for, or partisan silence over, suicide bombing, faith-based murder, massive corruption, open defiance of the law, or even making fun of the superior courts is not uncommon.
Two factors could be at the root of this moral and legal disorder. First, the lingering colonial mind set where defiance of the laws of the state is not only permissible but even laudable, and free of social stigma. Second, the different laws, values and practices of pre-Muslim, Muslim, and of the modern origin, that have coalesced into a mishmash of hybrid morality.
Defiance of the laws of the state is a residue of the colonial period of our history where persons charged or punished by the agencies of the government were our compatriots and the punishers were the alien rulers or their native mercenaries.
Hence, sympathy for the punished and antipathy for the punishers sounded justifiable. That behaviour pattern survives as a baggage of history that we’ll have to carry as long as our ruling class remains alienated from the people and retains a
pre-Independence adversarial relationship with them.
The other factor has even deeper ramifications, and is profoundly complex. First, this hybrid morality is not the end product of an evolutionary development where the old is replaced by the new. The three different strains of hybrid morality that emerged at different times, separated by hundreds of years, continue to run parallel to each other, and remain largely unaffected by each other.
Secondly, each of these three strains has its own source of sanction. The pre-Muslim (tribal, feudal, customary) laws, values and practices, have the sanction of history and community; Muslim values, laws and practices have the sanction of religion and tradition; modern laws, values and practices, codified and compiled during and after the colonial period, have the sanction of the state, unsupported as yet by any social, religious or moral pressure, except the coercive power of the state, where the state
is willing and able to exercise that power.
Since there are three different flavours of morality on offer, the choice of one instead of the other is often motivated by self-interest or considerations other than what is just and what is unjust. This can happen at the highest level of public discourse.
Consider, for example, the debate on the question of presidential immunity under Article 248 of the constitution. Since the case against the president appears rather weak within the confines of the constitution, it has been argued at the highest level that the president cannot claim immunity as it is against the traditions of Islam.
The example cited is that of the second caliph who presented himself before a court to answer a charge against him. But one could, then, argue that by the same token, the president could claim to be the chief justice as well, as was the case with the second caliph and the one before him and those after him. I am sure the claim will be rejected out of hand on the basis of perfectly sound reasoning that this cannot be done without amending the constitution. This is a good example of how the hybrid nature of our laws and values allows a person to be selective, inconsistent, even dishonest, and yet remain credible.
Another example, taken from the highest rung of the social and intellectual ladder, is that of Ghulam Ishaq Khan. In his famous letter to Sardar Shaukat Hayat, about a matter relating to their two families, he took pride in his own belief in Pakhtunwali and Islamic values, that he adhered to, but advised Sardar Shaukat Hayat to seek redress through a court, knowing full well that the courts administer mainly the British-made laws based on the Anglo-Saxon notions of justice.
This shows how deeply these three strains are embedded in our hybrid morality. Our conscience would be satisfied by resorting to any one of them.
The third example is that of a senator who wouldn’t hesitate waxing eloquent on the virtues of modern democracy, rule of law and human rights, but did choose to defend a tribal practice whereby women suspected of adultery could be buried alive.
These three examples, taken from the highest strata of society, show that we are truly a lawless society in a very subtle way, for we do allow three different, often conflicting, laws and values to prevail wherever they may. Worse, each of the three strains grows weaker by the day for different reasons.
While the sanctions behind the tribal, feudal and Muslim laws, values and practices do command voluntary acceptance, their hold on the people grows ever weaker due to the sectarian and linguistic polarisation of society. But there is nothing to replace them. The modern laws (codified during and after the colonial period), on the other hand have the sanction of the coercive power of state, but are subject to the rule that weaker the state, weaker would be the enforcement of laws; and more rapacious a state, more hostility there would be to its laws. It so happens that the state of Pakistan is both weak and rapacious.
The stage is thus set for complete legal and moral anarchy, both in concept and in enforcement. Hence, the question: what law and whose rule?
The writer is a former civil servant.
What law and whose rule? | Opinion | DAWN.COM


The topic dealt in the above article is different but the dilemma is the same. With due respect to law makers: We have had this march of Wahhabiism since the days of the bigot Zia and have seen an increase in crime, lawlessness and corruption ever since. For heavens’ sake leave religion out of politics. Our fathers were better Muslims and forefathers even better. We don’t want and don’t need anyone to tell us how to become better Muslims least of all by the corrupt and dishonest politicians with fake degrees.
here in UK in primary schools there are mendatory church visits and preist lecture....
even muslim children have to attend......

but if in pakistan Quran is taught in a 90%
muslim majority country...to muslim children...the whole workd including the stupids among us muslims erupt in protest....
I have no problem if u teach Quran in ur schools but will Hindu and christian students be taught their respective Holy books or will they be forcefully indoctrinated about Islam?..

EastWest, I didn't read the article... but when I was in Pakistan... in our schools, during mandatory "Islamiyat" class, Christian students were let go and were never forced take that class... but I am from a town which has 99% literacy rate and that was almost a decade ago, I can't speak about current situation in Pak.

---------- Post added at 01:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:21 AM ----------

The Punjab Assembly and others need to understand reading Quran should not be mandatory or enforced by law. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said "There is no compulsion in religion." this resolution violates that tenet.

In fact it would be helpful if the Punjab Assmebly and it's politicians read the Qu'ran with understanding. In stead, of passing this resolution they should work to improve the education curriculum already in place in various academic fields.

You are right, religion shouldn't be forced.. or else Pakistan will become another Iran .. where many hate Islam as it is forced..
Its habbit of you tunnel minded indians that whatever good happens in Pakistan u all become king cobra n start spiting venom. It is a good infact the best thing ever done by Pakistan govt, u c evil people always twist the verses of Quran to give wrong msg to masses .
This is unacceptable - If a Muslim student studying engineering doesn't want to learn Quran - why force him?
This is unacceptable - If a Muslim student studying engineering doesn't want to learn Quran - why force him?

most engineering universities already have this subject of Professional Ethics which is most of the time transformed into Islamic Studies and any one asking any controversial out of the box question risks being labelled a blasphemer... Good for me, i got through it without any incident :D

Now make URDU as first language and Arabic as compulsory second language. It's the only way to diminish indifferences by setting a precedence to lay a basic foundation of better communications.
Nothing wrong in reading Quran or having in the curriculum... but it is a sensitive book... you need well trained teachers who can interpret Quran and answer the questions in the best way as possible. Misinterpretation of Quran because of some fundoos have created enough trouble for muslims all around the world. I hope there won't be increase in blasphemy cases in pakistan.

Now make URDU as first language and Arabic as compulsory second language. It's the only way to diminish indifferences by setting a precedence to lay a basic foundation of better communications.

though one needs to get Urdu into main stream and enhance it but how on earth will Arabic get the differences eliminated... We just need to shun our obsession with the Arabs and move on..

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