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Russia hopes for a contract to deliver 197 light observation helicopters to

Sep 8, 2011
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Russia hopes for a contract to deliver 197 light observation helicopters to India | Russia & India Report

Russia’s chances of winning the tender are very high, Igor Chichikov, Deputy General Director of the Russian Oboronprom defence technology company, incorporating the Vertolety Rossii (Russia’s Helicopters) Holding, said during the Defexpo-2012 exhibition.

“Only two bidders remain in this tender – the Ka-226T and a Eurocopter model. Our chances are considered higher, because the helicopter meets all of the tender requirements”, Chichikov said. “The tender will be decided in the first half of the year and we hope to win the contract.”

The deputy head of Oboronprom noted that the tender envisaged a 50% offset programme, “in the scope of which Russia has a very interesting offer for the Indian side.”

Chichikov declined to specify how many Mi-17V5 military transport helicopters had already been handed over to the Indian side under the previous contract for 80 helicopters made by Kazan helicopter plant. He only said that the Russian contractor was well on schedule.

Previously, Vertolety Rossii Holding Director Dmitry Petrov said that Russia was involved in all Indian tenders for helicopter supplies and remained on the shortlists for three of them. Specifically, the Ка-226Т has been shortlisted for the tender for 197 light observation helicopters (together with Eurocopter) and the Mi-26T2 is currently on the shortlist for the tender for heavy-lift helicopters, alongside the Boeing CH-47 Chinook.

Furthermore, Russia is participating in the Indian Defence Ministry tender for modernisation of 108 Mi-17 helicopters for the Indian Army and 15 Ka-28 helicopters for the Indian Navy.
India buys so much things.......

Yup i agree. We do import a lot of our defence hardware.

I am just hoping that these offset policies make some change and more local private players get in to the Indian defence market with joint ventures with global defence firms.

I think India will buy Fennec and not the Kamov

i think this deal should be for europeans.They are already frustrated from mmrca.
India buys so much things.......

Because for decades India couldn't because of financial and political restrictions. Now both is gone and we have to modernise our forces rapidly, as simple as that.

i think this deal should be for europeans.They are already frustrated from mmrca.

Strange and I thought France is in Europe. ;)
We should have encouraged our private sector a decades ago, even today our babus still want to hold all the cards. I'm not saying private sector has magic, but they have hunger and profit motive.

Works pretty well normally.

Well it is good if the government has the upper hand, because then developments in Indian will be focused on the requirements of Indian forces. Private companies main focus is selling their products, no matter if Indian forces or foreign forces. If Dhruv for example had been made by a privat company only, it might not have such a service ceilling, because that is not required by many forces around the world, or might not be tested in such diverse climates, because not every country has this. So there is nothing wrong in government control in certain areas.
The mistake was, that DRDO and ADA for example wanted to build anything on their own, but without experience and know how, things obviously get delayed or failed. On the other hand, look at TATAs proposal of FICV now, the turret is German and they have obviously consulted the Germans for other parts of the development via a JV. Mahindra, L&T or Ashok Leyland are doing the same with other foreign partners, because they want to benefit from the experience and know how of these companies. At the end their offers will be indigenous developments as well, because they are developed and produced in India, but might have or be based on certain foreign parts. Who cares? As long as we get highly capable arms and techs and our indigenous industry improves on a much faster rate than if they try it alone? But we have to get rid of this mindset, that we can be self reliant only if we develop every single nut and bolt on our own first!

The total requirement is of nearly 400 helicopters. Half is planned to be imported and half to be made.

No, Apache wins hands down. Better situational awareness and wide range of weapons and can be operated at much higher altitudes while Ka-52 can't. Till now an order of 22 Apaches has been placed but in future orders can exceed 60-80.

Not really. 180 orders of LCH has already filled the IA and IAF's kitty with attack helos. The Apaches would be complementing the LCHs in combat. We don't need too many heavy attack helos because of our region of conflict can't be handled easily by heavy gunships.

Not gonna happen, Fennec has got this easy.

Depends. Looking at what happened in my region last year, Ka-226 may take the kitty away. Also reports suggest that Kamov is in lead.

India buys so much things.......

Ours is very Soviet-ized mindset and our corrupt politicians woke up to indigenization only in the last 1 decade. Tejas fighter's first flights started happening only after 2001 when first model took to the sky even though program was first planned in 1983.

Whatever progress you are seeing in our indigenous fighter program only happened in last 11 years. The years before that were nothing with almost nothing being done due to sanctions and political corruption.

But we will slowly emerge. :)

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