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Photos emerge of US soldiers posing with maimed bodies of dead Afghan insur

It's an isolated incident. The soldiers were under heavy stress due to over-deployment.

Remember Sgt. Bales? He was a victim of the system.

Remember the Haditha massacre of 24 civilians? Acquitted. Every last one of them!
So let me get this straight...

- The body parts belonged to a suicide bomber.

- The US soldiers were sent to investigate the post ka-boom event.

- They and their Afghan partners found the remains.

- They posed for the pictures.

So that mean they were responsible.

Got it...
The dead men are suicide bombers who indiscriminately kill the aged, children and women. They don't deserve any respect. Why Pakistanis are so worked up on the issue, unless these are their men.
I hope that suicide bomber hadn't killed any innocent people.

While this is bad PR and breach of discipline and the dead should be respected, lets not forget, a dead taliban is good taliban.
Where does it say that these bodies belonged to suicide bombers?

Note: the article simply says that suicide bombings were carried out in response to the 2011/2 urinating/Qur'an/massacre incidents. These photos are from 2010.
The dead men are suicide bombers who indiscriminately kill the aged, children and women. They don't deserve any respect. Why Pakistanis are so worked up on the issue, unless these are their men.
Because it is convenient. The way I see it...If this suicide bomber went after soldiers, then regardless of whether he succeeded in killing soldiers or not, he acted in a sacrificial manner against targets who were designed to mete out death and destruction, then it would be distasteful to display his remains in such a 'trophy' like manner. But since suicide bombers overwhelmingly chose non-combatants as their targets, then there is no reason to treat their remains with any respect.

Where does it say that these bodies belonged to suicide bombers?

Note: the article simply says that suicide bombings were carried out in response to the 2011/2 urinating/Qur'an/massacre incidents. These photos are from 2010.
This happened nearly two years ago.

US troops posing with corpses in Afghanistan photos from 2010 cause outrage | Mail Online
In one photograph, grinning soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division are shown holding up the severed legs of a suicide bomber whose remains they were sent to identify.

The photos, taken in 2010 in the Taliban stronghold of Zabul province, were among 18 passed to the Los Angeles Times by a soldier. The newspaper has published two so far.
Jump to conclusions much?

Wait...I forgot...Yes you do...
This happened nearly two years ago.

US troops posing with corpses in Afghanistan photos from 2010 cause outrage | Mail Online

Jump to conclusions much?

Wait...I forgot...Yes you do...

The LA Times article in the OP only calls them "insurgent bombers" and "dead insurgent". Based on the information provided in the OP, there was no reason to conclude they were suicide bombers.

This happened nearly two years ago.

US troops posing with corpses in Afghanistan photos from 2010 cause outrage | Mail Online

Jump to conclusions much?

Wait...I forgot...Yes you do...

The LA Times article in the OP only calls them "insurgent bombers" and "dead insurgent". Based on the information provided in the OP, there was no reason to conclude they were suicide bombers.
The LA Times article in the OP only calls them "insurgent bombers" and "dead insurgent". Based on the information provided in the OP, there was no reason to conclude they were suicide bombers.
The LA Times can understandably sanitize ONE article for fear of muslim backlash, but there is no sanitizing the truth.
Why would they want to take pictures with dead people? :confused:
The dead men are suicide bombers who indiscriminately kill the aged, children and women. They don't deserve any respect. Why Pakistanis are so worked up on the issue, unless these are their men.

Sorry but my religion has always taught me to give water to a thirsty enemy... Idk what your religion taught you... But this is inhumane it's more like barbarians. Even if he is worst criminal in world you should not cut off his head and take a facebook pic with him
I guess we've just all forgotten about the videos of beheadings and torture of UN soldiers the taliban was posting online a few years ago.
I guess we've just all forgotten about the videos of beheadings and torture of UN soldiers the taliban was posting online a few years ago.

Dnt know abt tht.. but we surely havent forgotten how us troops attacked n martyred our troops in our own posts... not once but several times...
Sorry but my religion has always taught me to give water to a thirsty enemy... Idk what your religion taught you... But this is inhumane it's more like barbarians. Even if he is worst criminal in world you should not cut off his head and take a facebook pic with him

If only people followed your religion perfectly as it was originally intended, there would have been no problem in the first place.

Anyway coming to topic, this is not what soldiers do. But then insurgencies tend to mess with your brain so much more than regular wars.
I guess we've just all forgotten about the videos of beheadings and torture of UN soldiers the taliban was posting online a few years ago.

That certainly doesn't give the right to anyone in the civilized world to retaliate with a tit-for-tat. I am sorry that such an incident has happened and it should rightly be condemned and the guilty punished to the fullest extent of the law.

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