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Iranian diplomat accused of Brazil child molestation

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Nov 27, 2008
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Iranian diplomat accused of Brazil child molestation

Brazil says it will seek an explanation from Iran after an Iranian diplomat was accused of molesting underage girls at a swimming pool in Brasilia.

The Iranian official was questioned by police following complaints from parents but released after invoking diplomatic immunity.

Iran's embassy denied the allegations, and said they were the result of a "cultural misunderstanding".

Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota called them "very worrying".

The un-named Iranian diplomat was accused of inappropriately touching girls between 9 and 15 years old at a pool in a private club last weekend, Brazilian media reported.

The father of one of the girls told the G1 website that the diplomat was almost lynched by angry parents before security staff intervened.

"People wanted to kill him," the unnamed father said.


The Iranian embassy said the allegations were the result of "a misunderstanding resulting from differences in cultural behaviour".

It also accused the Brazilian media of deliberately sensationalising the incident.

But Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota said he was taking the allegations very seriously and would ask the Iranian embassy for clarification before deciding what action to take.

"Personally I would consider it unacceptable if any Brazilian diplomat conducted himself in this manner in the country in which he was accredited," Mr Patriota said.

BBC News - Iranian diplomat accused of Brazil child molestation
This is propaganda as usuall.
he would e killed for this sort of thing.
I don't think you know what happens to anyone who does this sort of things.

It isn't propaganda. It's a news report from Brazil about events that happened in Brazil. What IS propaganda is the Iranian "embassy" dismissing it as a "cultural misunderstanding". As for being killed for doing it (if he did), is that because the underage victums were girls and not boys? If they were boys, would he still be killed or is that OK?
every iranian is pretty excited these days and these guys are either doing bomb blast in other countries or doing child molestation.

every country has good and bad dont try to make this an Iranian thing. That is if it isnt propaganda

I saw this like a day ago wanted to post it here but then said to myself I won't sink down to the level of some people here.

Well done mate but American scumbags can get low. I believe Americans cause a lot of what is wrong with the world
So how did USA cause Iranian pedophilia in Brazil?

The Bush Administration's nominee for ambassador to Thailand conspired with pedophiles and traffickers in children while charge d'affaires at the American Embassy in Thailand in the mid-1990's.

Diplomats in Pedophile Scandal

Mate there are good and bad all over the world. Even if it was true so what the guy is a bad apple. Lot more bad apples in America
Just as planned by the CIA! Cheap propaganda to demonise another victim of the U.S. colonialists and secure support from the dumb masses in the states.
Er... I mean...
Oh what coincidence! This wont help Iran at all!

This reminds me of the Kuwait Girl. Poor girls.
Wait... No it doesn't! Forget it!
Mate there are good and bad all over the world. Even if it was true so what the guy is a bad apple. Lot more bad apples in America


But let's allow each sovereign country to control their own bad apples. Your single-minded obsession with USA is actually counter-productive.

I hope some day you will realize that.
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