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Khamenei: No Arab State Can Stand Iran's Power for One Week

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Mar 15, 2011
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Fars News Agency :: Khamenei: No Arab State Can Stand Iran's Power for One Week

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Supreme Leader's brother underlined the regional Arab nations' discontent with their pro-western governments, but reiterated that Iran has never had a hand or interfered with popular uprisings against these regional rulers, otherwise such Arab rulers would be toppled in less than a week.

"As a western researcher has said 'if Iran intended to interfere in the neighboring states and helped them (their opposition forces), no government would survive (even) one single week'," Head of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute (Hekmat Sadra Foundation) Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Khamenei told FNA on Monday.

"All strategists know that the ideological power is more important than the military power," he underlined, and added, "And Iran is united with all the regional Arab nations only ideologically" but only ideologically and this does not mean physical interference in their affairs.
I think, one week is way......tooooo optimistic time frame!!!!!!!!
I think one entire week is a bit over stretched

if IRAN does it 1 week

2 week for others
Iran is becoming infamous for its warning nowadays :(
I lik Iran afterall, but people should be responsible, instead of talking or threatening of war, as it makes only american presence larger !!
And if USA joins with local Arab states(it already have), i doubt Iran can survive a week(no offence to Iran)!!
Iran is becoming infamous for its warning nowadays :(
I lik Iran afterall, but people should be responsible, instead of talking or threatening of war, as it makes only american presence larger !!
And if USA joins with local Arab states(it already have), i doubt Iran can survive a week(no offence to Iran)!!
The moment usa joins in i believe russia and china will come to iran's aid but i dont believe usa would directly get involved
Iran is becoming infamous for its warning nowadays :(
I lik Iran afterall, but people should be responsible, instead of talking or threatening of war, as it makes only american presence larger !!
And if USA joins with local Arab states(it already have), i doubt Iran can survive a week(no offence to Iran)!!

Passivity is enough ...
We are not threatening them.
but what he says is very true.
GCC do not have the capability to wage war with Iran. they only have their airforce.
but Iran can mass produce it missiles like candies and launch at them.

these pussies do not have the balls to make a move. we are waiting for them.
We are not threatening them.
but what he says is very true.
GCC do not have the capability to wage war with Iran. they only have their airforce.
but Iran can mass produce it missiles like candies and launch at them.

these pussies do not have the balls to make a move. we are waiting for them.

You should at least learn from the mistakes of your previous enemy when he underestimated your strengths, yet you are here repeating his mistake. I hope Iranian generals don't have the same mindset as you guys here.
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