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Nation to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day today: February 5th

Fehmida calls for diplomatic settlement of Kashmir row
Updated at: 0243 PST, Thursday, February 05, 2009
ISLAMABAD: Speaker National Assembly Dr. Fehmida Mirza termed the nonviolent and quick resolution of Kashmir dispute, standing between Indo-Pak, the only way to bring peace and stability in the region.

In her message on Kashmir Solidarity Day, she urged India to ponder upon the just rights of Kashmiri people and resolved government’s all out support extended on all platform for Kashmir cause.

She vowed to continue standing by Kashmiri people on fronts like diplomacy, politics and morality.

Speaker urged to let people of Kashmir become part of talks aimed at ending Kashmir dispute and called India for halting inhuman activities in held-Kashmir.

How about a Anti-Fundamentalism day, to drum up solidarity against Islamic fundamentalists?

Now that might actually help Pakistan, and for that matter, Kashmir.
Kashmir most important issue in South Asia: Ban Ki-moon

Islamabad, February 05, 2009
First Published: 10:12 IST(5/2/2009)
Last Updated: 11:46 IST(5/2/2009)

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has described the Kashmir stand-off as the most important issue in South Asia and expressed satisfaction over Pakistan's investigation into the Mumbai attacks, reports Geo TV.

Addressing a joint press conference with Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani in Islamabad on Wednesday, he urged Pakistan to cooperate with India in its probe into the attacks.

"Ban described the Kashmir stand-off as the most important issue of South Asia and also appreciated Pakistan's role in the war on terror," the report said.

Gilani said that Pakistan was against terrorism in all its forms and those who commit criminal acts outside the country would be brought to justice.

He added that Pakistan would not allow use of its territory for terrorist activities.

Some 170 people were killed in the November 26-29 Mumbai terror attacks.

Kashmir most important issue in South Asia: Ban Ki-moon- Hindustan Times
Hurriyat Appeals UN Chief on Kashmir

Srinagar, Feb 04, KONS: The Hurriyat M today held protest demonstrations at the city centre over the arrival of the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, in New Delhi.
Holding placards with slogans supporting azadi and the resolution of the Kashmir issue, scores of Hurriyat M activists assembled at the press enclave on Wednesday morning to call upon the UN chief to focus attention on the Kashmir issue.
Speaking to the press, Hurriyat leaders Javed Ahmad Mir and Hakeem Abdul Rasheed called upon the visiting UN chief to stress on the Indian and Pakistani governments to resolve the Kashmir issue.
They said that the long-standing issue, which had led to several UN security council resolutions, posed a threat to peace in the South Asian region, and asked the secretary general to take concrete measures to resolve it besides using his influence to halt what they described as the continuing violations of human rights at the hands of the forces in Kashmir.

Hurriyat Appeals UN Chief on Kashmir
I will post more news and pictures later...the day has just begun, Kashmir Solidarity Day 2009.
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How about a Anti-Fundamentalism day, to drum up solidarity against Islamic fundamentalists?

Now that might actually help Pakistan, and for that matter, Kashmir.
How about you stop making off-topic posts and crapping every thread?
Kashmir Solidarity Day

Thursday February 05, 2009 (0804 PST)

Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed on 5th February throughout Pakistan on both sides of the Line of Control and across the world to demonstrate that the entire Pakistani nation is united in its support to their Kashmiri brethren for their inalienable right of self-determination promised to them by the UN in 1948 and 1949.

As a matter of fact, due to the apathy shown by the UN and the big powers India has always refused to implement the UN Security Council resolutions for the last 60 years that gave Kashmiris the right through plebiscite to join India or Pakistan. The US and the West have double standards. Take the case of East Timor, which was carved out of the largest Muslim country of the world. A resolution was passed within months and implemented within weeks.

In 1991, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, once again UN Security Council passed the resolution to punish Iraq, which was implemented immediately because it was in the interest of the US and the West. It does not look like that they will do it because only when public protest fits into the geopolitical designs of the US and the West that they declare it a popular movement and honour it with the award of a `colour label`. The `orange revolution` of Ukraine, the `rose revolution` of Georgia, the `cidar` revolution of Lebanon and much earlier velvet revolution of Czechoslovakia would pale before the Kashmiris` movement for their freedom yet they were given colours by the colour-blind big powers. It has to be mentioned that in none of the above cases there was a UN mandate whereas Kashmiris have been given their inalienable right of self-determination by the UN in 1948 and 5th January 1949.

International community should stop India from perpetrating atrocities on the people of Kashmir and also understand the gravity of the situation, as this conflict has the potential to big conflagration that could adversely impact the region and beyond. Historical evidence suggests that Kashmiris have passed through the longest ordeal and faced death and destruction. They had faced repression even before the partition when the British had sold Kashmir to Gulab Singh, a former governor of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, for 7.5 million rupees. Once again at the time of partition when people of Kashmir had dreamt of freedom from oppression, India accepted Lord Mountbatten as the first Governor General of India with a view to exacting undue favours from the `friend`.

The plan of annexing Kashmir was contrived and implemented by Lord Mountbatten and Nehru when Raja Hari Singh was coerced into signing the controversial document. According to another report, a fake document of annexation was prepared by them, and it was on the basis of this document that Indian forces entered the Valley and annexed Kashmir. It is an irrefutable fact that on 19th July 1947, Muslim Conference organised a convention and passed a resolution for merging with Pakistan, which stated: "This convention of Muslim Conference has reached the conclusion that geographical conditions, 80 per cent Muslim population, important rivers of Punjab passing through the state, language, cultural, ethnic and economic relations and contiguity of the state with Pakistan make it imperative to merge with Pakistan". According to the Partition of India, the accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir was to be decided in the light of its people`s wishes.

However, India occupied the State through military force and claimed it as an integral part of India. Earlier, changes in the Radcliff Award were made through intrigue by Lord Mountbatten by giving Gurdaspur to India otherwise India had no road link with Kashmir. When volunteers from Pakistan entered Kashmir to help Kashmiris in their struggle for freedom from illegal occupation, it was India that took the matter to the UN under Chapter VI of the UN Charter dealing with Pacific Settlement of Disputes.

According to Tashkent Declaration after 1965 War and Simla Agreement after 1971 War, both India and Pakistan had agreed to resolve all disputes through bilateral dialogue. Since then, India has always taken the position that Kashmir issue is a bilateral matter, and thus refuses to accept third party mediation. Former President Musharraf had more than once expressed Pakistan`s willingness to go beyond their stated position provided reciprocated by India. But India did not respond to these gestures; hence no progress could be made towards conflict resolution. He was of the opinion that the situation after 9/11 warranted a change in the strategy to resolve the issues, as the US had come out with the doctrine of pre-emptive strike. India mistook it as a carte blanche to all the `big and mighty` and thought it could apply the same in this region.

India has been harbouring the idea of limited war up to 2002 when it moved its forces close to the Pakistan`s borders. It was a war of attrition. And when India felt that Pakistan would not be cowed down, it ultimately withdrew its forces to the original positions. It was in view of post-9/11 scenario that Pakistan had hinted that both countries should go beyond their stated positions with a view to finding a solution of the Kashmir dispute, which was acceptable to India, Pakistan and the people of Kashmir.

There is no doubt that People on both sides of the Control Line want peace and wish that Kashmir dispute be resolved through dialogue, as they do not wish to live in trepidation and fear. The US and the West should, however, realise that India has been using bilateralism only as a ploy to retain its illegal occupation of the disputed territory. But with a view to appeasing India because of its size and population, they do not force India to implement the UN resolutions or resolve the Kashmir dispute through bilateral talks. It should, however, be borne in mind that if larger and stronger countries continued to turn a blind eye to their cohorts` hegemonic ambitions, the dream to make the world a safer place to live would never come true.

In an article published in the Asian Age - an Indian daily, the writer had discussed the possibility of resolving the Kashmir issue on the lines of an agreement reached over Andorra in 1993 between France and Spain. Andorra is a co-principality situated on the border of Spain and France in the Pyrenees Mountains, and co-princes are Bishop of Urgel (Spain) and the French President. It joined the United Nations as a member state in 1993, and is recognized as a parliamentary democracy. The other proposal was to make Kashmir Valley an independent state, Jammu and Ladakh to remain under India`s control whereas Azad Kashmir and northern areas to remain under Pakistan`s control. But the problem is that whenever in Indo-Pak dialogue the point of resolution of Kashmir dispute came, India did something to foil the dialogue, as it happened after Mumbai terror attacks in November 2008.

In case, India continues to balk at resolving the Kashmir dispute, and does not reciprocate with Pakistan to reach a solution acceptable to India, Pakistan and the people of Kashmir the only way out for Pakistan would be to invoke the UN Security Council resolutions. The international community has to understand that Tashkant and Simla agreements were signed by Pakistan under duress. One should not ignore the fact that Article 103 of Chapter XVI of the UN Charter clearly states: "In the event of a conflict between the obligations of the members of the United Nations under the present Charter and any other international agreement, their obligation under the present charter shall prevail".

India is focusing on confidence building measures to enhance people-to-people contact, cultural exchanges and economic cooperation, but these are not alternatives to the resolution of the Kashmir dispute over which both countries had three wars. International community should, therefore, help resolve the Kashmir dispute to avert the impending disaster.

Kashmir Solidarity day to promote kashmir issue: Mirwaiz

Wednesday February 04, 2009 (1739 PST)

The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said that Pakistan`s observance of the Kashmir Solidarity Day will further promote the Kashmir issue.
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq talking to media men in Srinagar on the eve of Kashmir Solidarity Day, said that the observance of the Day would help further highlight Kashmiris` cause at the international level, KMS reported.

Senior Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani in a statement in New Delhi expressed confidence that Pakistan would continue its moral, political and diplomatic support to Kashmiri`s just struggle.

A seminar to discuss the latest developments on Kashmir will be held in Srinagar tomorrow, which will be presided over by the APHC Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq.

On the occasion of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon`s visit to India and Pakistan, the APHC leaders and activists held a rally at Press Colony in Srinagar.

They told media men that Ban Ki Moon or his representative must visit occupied Kashmir to take stock of the horrible situation due to the gross human rights violations by the troops.

The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (R), Farooq Siddiqi in a statement urged India to adopt positive approach by taking international community`s involvement in resolving the Kashmir dispute as an opportunity for working towards durable peace in South Asia.

Meanwhile, in London, the Executive Director of Kashmir Centre, Professor Nazir Ahmad Shawl in an appeal to all peace-loving nations of the world urged them to raise an effective voice against continued denial of the fundamental freedoms to the people in occupied Kashmir.

Kashmir Solidarity Day from previous years:

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Pakistan must Extend Political Support to Kashmiris, I think it will be more useful as compared to arming Mujaheddins in Kashmir.

Independence can be gained through Peaceful means and Political Way is the best way. Pakistan must increase her support to Hurriyat Leadership.
Thousands rally for Kashmir in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD (AFP) — Thousands of Pakistanis took to the streets on Thursday to denounce Indian rule in Kashmir, the disputed Muslim-majority Himalayan state divided between India and Pakistan.

A public holiday, Kashmir Solidarity Day supports the region's right to self-determination under UN resolutions that call for a plebiscite in Kashmir on whether it should be ruled by Hindu-majority India or Muslim Pakistan.

Relations between nuclear neighbours India and Pakistan, who fought two of their three wars since independence over Kashmir, have become increasingly tense after 10 gunmen killed 165 people in Mumbai last November.

Some 2,000 people formed a human chain and demonstrated in the capital Islamabad opposite parliament, an AFP photographer said.

The rally was organised by Pakistan's main Islamist party, Jamaat-i-Islami (JI).

"We will never accept Indian occupation of Kashmir and tell India that it cannot enslave people by force," JI chief Qazi Hussain Ahmed told the rally.

In Lahore, Pakistan's second-largest city, political parties and human rights organisations arranged several rallies. More than 4,000 people attended one at Lahore's main Mall Road, an AFP reporter said.

Carrying placards and banners, protesters shouted slogans such as "Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan" and "the struggle will continue until the liberation of Kashmir."

Kashmir was split into two zones in the bloody aftermath of independence in the subcontinent from Britain in 1947.

Both India and Pakistan claim the region in full.

A Muslim insurgency broke out in Indian Kashmir in 1989 although militant violence fell sharply after India and Pakistan began a peace process in 2004, aimed at settling all issues including the future of Kashmir.

Last year, the Kashmir valley witnessed the biggest pro-independence demonstrations since the revolt in 1989, triggering a violent crackdown by Indian security forces.

AFP: Thousands rally for Kashmir in Pakistan
Kashmir Day being observed today

05/02/09 LAHORE :Kashmir Solidarity Day symbolising Pakistan's continued moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiris' cause is being observed today across the length and breadth of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir with a pledge to continue support to Kashmiris in their just struggle.

The day dawned with special prayers in all major mosques for liberation of Kashmir from Indian subjugation. Rallies, walks, human chains, exhibitions, seminars and special gatherings will be held across the country to demonstrate an unequivocal support to the Kashmiris in their just struggle.

The government has already declared February 5 as a holiday to mark solidarity and commitment to the Kashmir cause. All Federal and provincial governments' offices and public and private institutions will remain closed.

Banners, posters, flags and screens have already been displayed on all vantage points highlighting the Kashmir issue. A ceremony will be held at all five bridges linking Pakistan and AJK where a human chain comprising Pakistanis and Kashmiris' will be formed expressing solidarity with each others.

The people of Pakistan will be reminding the United Nations its long overdue pledge of resolving the Kashmir issue in accordance with the will of the Kashmiri people by observing Kashmir Solidarity Day. The Foreign missions of Pakistan abroad will hold receptions, photo exhibitions and screening of documentaries on Kashmir.

Pakistani and Kashmiri communities abroad will also hold rallies in different capitals of the world. TV channels and Radio will broadcast special programmes to highlight Kashmir issue. The print media would publish special supplements to highlight the Kashmir issue.

Declamation contests in schools and colleges would also be held. All the federal and provincial governments have planned to organise various functions at federal, provincial, divisional and district levels. In Lahore, Jamaat-i-Islami Pakistan has also arranged a rally from Nasir Bagh to express solidarity with the Kashmiris'.

Local Kashmiri leaders told Business Recorder that Pakistan and Kashmir were inter-dependent and both could not exist without each other. They further said that the Quaid-i-Azam had rightly described Kashmir as the jugular vein of Pakistan as its entire irrigation depends upon rivers, which had their sources in Kashmir.

They said that observance of Solidarity Day on February 5 is proof of Pakistan's continued support. They said Kashmiris' were particularly grateful to Pakistan and Pakistani people who persistently support Kashmiris' just struggle, politically, morally and diplomatically. 'Kashmiris would continue their struggle and the unique sacrifices they were offering for their right of self-determination would bear fruit in the near future', they added.

Kashmir Solidarity Day observed in Malaysia

KARACHI, Feb 5 (APP): Like other parts of the world “Kashmir Solidarity Day” is also being observed in Malaysia on Thursday to mark the just struggle of Kashmiris for their right to self-determination and to remember the countless sacrifices of those Kashmiris who had laid their lives for the cause.
To express solidarity with people living in occupied Jammu and Kashmir a talk titled “A Human Dilemma” was organized by Global Peace Mission (GPM) of Malaysia, in collaboration with Pakistan High Commission at a local hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

As a mark of respect to the valiant struggle of Kashmiris in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, one minute silence was observed and, messages of President and Prime Minister of Pakistan for the occasion were read out.

On the occasion, renowned Malaysian scholars and human right activists including Dr. Chandra Muzafar, President of International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Dr. Christoph W. Marcinkowski of International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies of Malaysia (IAIS), Prof. Dr. Abdullah Ahsan of International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) and Dr. Rohanas Harun, of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM), addressed a select gathering including students, teachers, business community, representatives of NGOs and cross section of civil society.

According to a message received here, the Day is being observed with an objective to convey a message to the international community with respect to the just struggle of the Kashmiris for their right of self determination in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and urge it to play an active role in pursing the peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute in accordance with the various resolutions of United Nation Security Council.

The GPM has also planned to hold an exhibition at the same venue wherein various posters, brochures and other relevant material on Kashmir dispute are being exhibited.

Kashmiris form `Human Chain' at Kohala

Updated at: 1440 PST, Thursday, February 05, 2009

MUZAFFARABAD: A large number of people from various walks of life including children, students and women braved chilly weather and heavy rain on Thursday to form `Human Chain' as a symbol to express solidarity with the people of Occupied Kashmir on Kashmir Solidarity Day.

The participants expressed whole-hearted support to the just cause of freedom as well as right of self-determination to their brethren besieged by India for over half a century.

United Nations, the world body having the mandate to settle disputes among the nations, was also urged not to act as silent spectator over the miseries of Kashmiris and honour its promises it had made to hold plebiscite in Kashmir.

The participants strongly condemned illegal Indian aggression on Kashmir and called upon the international community to tame India for living humbly with its neighbours as well as comity of nations.

They also condemned untold atrocities committed against innocent civilians in Indian occupied Kashmir, deployment of over 800,000 troops, extra-judicial killings, torture and other blatant violations of human rights that were sponsored by India.

Kashmiris form `Human Chain' at Kohala

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