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The rise of Pakistan's Televangelists


Jun 26, 2011
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The rise of Pakistan's televangelists
By Mobeen Azhar BBC World Service, Karachi

On any day of the week, television in Pakistan is a potent cocktail of soap operas, fiery political debate and, increasingly, pop-Islam.

This last strand of programming has a set format. Viewers call up to ask questions about Islamic rulings on everything from hair removal to ethical mortgages. The anchors - part celebrity, part religious leaders - dish out bite-size fatwas (theological rulings) for audiences with a seemingly insatiable appetite for religion on TV.

Controversy has surrounded many of these programmes and the pious presenters that front them.

Farhat Hashmi has been accused of embezzling funds from her television show and fleeing to Canada to avoid prosecution, although she denies any wrongdoing. And Mehar Bukhari, known for her political interviews, sparked outrage by declaring the politician she was speaking to was a heretic.

Another mullah clashed with a Bollywood actress on live television after condemning her behaviour - that clip subsequently became a viral hit.

But the best-known of all the TV evangelists is Dr Amir Liaqat. From a glossy television studio above a parade of run-down shops in Karachi, he had an audience of millions for Alim aur Alam, a live one-hour show that went out five days a week across Pakistan.

The programme allowed Dr Liaqat to play the role of a religious "Agony Uncle", remedying the religious dilemmas of his audience.

In September 2008, Liaqat dedicated an entire episode to exploring the beliefs of the Ahmedis, a Muslim sect which has been declared as "un-Islamic" by much of the orthodoxy. In it, two scholars said that anyone who associated with false prophets was "worthy of murder".

Dr Khalid Yusaf, an Ahmedi Muslim, watched the programme with his family, and says he was shocked that a mainstream channel would broadcast this kind of material.

"They talked about murder as a religious duty. A duty for 'good' Muslims."

The community in Pakistan has faced widespread persecution since 1974, when parliament declared that members of the sect were not considered Muslims under Pakistani law

In Pakistan, Ahmedis are not permitted to identify themselves as Muslim, publicly speak about their faith or refer to their places of worship as mosques.

Ahmedis believe the birth of spiritual leader Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad marked the return of Jesus. Although all Muslims believe in the second coming of Jesus, orthodox Islam rejects the notion that he returned in the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, leading some scholars to declare Ahmedis heretics

Physicist Abdus Salam (above) is Pakistan's only Nobel Prize winner, but has been written out of Pakistani history because he was an Ahmedi

Within 24 hours of the broadcast, a prominent member of the Ahmedi community was shot dead in the small town of Mirpur Kass. Twenty-four hours later Khalid Yusaf's father, another Ahmedi community leader, was killed by two masked gunmen.

Liaqat has distanced himself from the shootings. "I have no regrets because it has nothing to do with me," he says. "I'm hurt by what happened and I'm sorry for the families but it has nothing to do with me or anything that was said on my programme."

Although Liaqat attracted some criticism within the comment pages of Pakistan's broadsheets, the Ahmedi incident hasn't damaged his career. He's being paid to endorse a brand of cooking oil and he's soon to launch his debut album of religious songs.

He continues to present his television show and has this month returned to his old channel Geo, one of the most popular networks in Pakistan.

The surge in independently-owned television channels is the legacy of General Musharraf's presidency. The opening up of Pakistan's TV networks was welcomed as a democratisation of the press, but critics now claim the industry is in dire need of regulation and that celebrity-Mullahs are peddling a message of intolerance.

In principle at least, the Pakistani television industry must adhere to a strict code of practice. PEMRA, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority, is a government organisation entrusted with policing the nation's TV channels. One of their stated aims is to stop the broadcast of programmes that promote "communal and sectarian attitudes and disharmony".

Critics have branded the organisation as "toothless" after they failed to take any action against Liaqat. PEMRA's general manager said he didn't want to speak about the regulation of religious broadcasters as it would be like "starting a fire".

One person who has been vocal in her criticism of television evangelists is Veena Malik. She's a native Pakistani who became a major player in Bollywood. She faced the wrath of TV Mullahs for her appearance in Big Boss, the Indian version of the Big Brother franchise.

On returning to Pakistan, Malik was involved in a live television clash with a Mullah, who declared her conduct "shameful" and "un-Islamic". Malik's unrelenting defence turned her into a hero for some and a YouTube sensation.

"I was speaking for myself when I said it is up to every woman what she chooses to wear," she says. "The struggle for women's rights in Pakistan is completely linked to religious minority rights. There are few people that can speak out like this. I can so I did."
Veena Malik poses in front of photographers in 2012 Veena Malik has become a darling of Pakistan's left

The "Veena vs the Mullah" incident turned Malik into a symbol of struggle for Pakistani liberals. Mansoor Raza from Citizens for Democracy, a campaign group that has openly supported religious minorities, says Malik's new-found status as a darling of the left is a sign of the times.

"I know housewives who wear the hijab," he says. "They call Veena Malik a hero. She said what we all wanted to say. Our politicians are failing us and so it's left to film stars like Veena Malik to speak out."

But not everyone in Pakistan believes that there's a problem with television evangelists. The channels that broadcast religious programming claim that they are just responding to the demands of the audience, and they are providing accessible answers to complex theological problems.

Liaqat says these programmes have appeal because they educate. "I want to spread a message of love. Despite all the controversy I am still here and audiences love me because people want to learn about religion. That's why people watch these programmes. People want to learn."

Badar Alam, editor of the Karachi Herald, believes that television could be changing the way Islam is practised in Pakistan - for instance, more women wearing the niqab.

He believes that middle-class housewives who tune into the religious shows are learning cultural practices that are quite alien to Pakistan.

The flux between mainstream Pakistani Islam and a more hardline version of the faith is being fought out on Pakistani TV screens each day.

Dr Khalid Yusaf believes his father was a casualty of this battle. "I just want these people to think about what they do. For the sake of humanity, don't make programmes like this.

"My father was someone that everyone loved. We lost him because of a television programme. I hope no-one ever has to go through this."
Liaqat says these programmes have appeal because they educate. "I want to spread a message of love.

In September 2008, Liaqat dedicated an entire episode to exploring the beliefs of the Ahmedis, a Muslim sect which has been declared as "un-Islamic" by much of the orthodoxy. In it, two scholars said that anyone who associated with false prophets was "worthy of murder".

According to some.

Though I wanted to point out that I have a hard time picturing spreading the message of love in the same context with anyone worthy of murder. :angel::devil:

When some people say ''''peace'''' its a veiled (no pun intended) threat. I've discovered, meanings of words like peace, humanity, proof etc change drastically on this forum.
British mouthpiece speaks of what the hungover Ex colonial power , thinks of its ex-colonies. 100s of examples can be given from the western media where evangelicals and extremist right speaks openly against Muslims , which goes under the blanket of 'free speech'. When same thing happens in Pakistan it becomes a scandal.

What a brainfarting waste of time was this article!
British mouthpiece speaks of what the hungover Ex colonial power , thinks of its ex-colonies.(....)

What a brainfarting waste of time was this article!

Even the Saudi(!) based Al-Arabya is placing question marks on the integrity and soundness of media culture in Pakistan.

Is Pakistan’s TV evangelism sprouting a dangerous creed of intolerance?


Pakistan's private television channels offer a host of programs in current affairs and entertainment but in the absence of an effective regulatory body, talk show hosts can get away with murder. (Photo courtesy Geo TV)

Pakistanis credit General Parvez Musharraf for liberalizing the media when he assumed power in a bloodless military coup in October 1999. In a few short years thereafter, Pakistan’s private TV industry boomed and channels sprouted everywhere, from news to entertainment, cooking and fashion shows to regional channels and religion channels.

After decades spent watching state controlled TV, even under democratically elected governments of Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, Pakistanis woke up to a new era of no holds barred TV. Politicians were grilled by fearless journalists, events were reported live with no censoring of content -- at times making the average person squirm as scenes of death, destruction were beamed live into living rooms.

But as print journalists became media superstars, and film actors or super models became household names with day time talk shows, so did religious scholars and Islamization came to the forefront on screens, almost reflecting the rise of anti-American sentiment and religious zealousness that just didn’t have room for tolerance.

One man that stands out among a plethora of talking heads on TV is Aamir Liaquat, whose foray into televangelism began at Geo TV, Pakistan’s largest media house. There, Liaquat held forth on an array of issues, answering queries on seemingly inane matters like whether a prayer mat could be washed in a washing machine to bigger issues on spiritual matter. He was as reviled as he was beloved.

Liaquat has been a subject of intense scrutiny in the media, from his “fake” PhD (allegedly bought online just a few weeks after he reportedly got a Masters degree) to leaked video outtakes in which he was seen cursing profanities prior to coming on camera for a show. He was also hauled up by the police for driving a car with tinted windows in Karachi a few years ago, when it was illegal, but as a then parliamentarian, he was let off scot free, not before the press reported that he was caught with a woman in the car.

Despite the drubbing he received, his popularity was not affected until a show in September 2008 in which he castigated Pakistan’s minority Muslim community, the Ahmadis, The two guest scholars he invited on the show said anyone who called Ahmadis Muslims were “waajib al qatl” (worthy of death).

One day later, an Ahmadi was shot in Sindh, the following day another prominent Ahmadi was killed.

“I have no regrets because it has nothing to do with me,” he told BBC Magazine on July 14. “I’m hurt by what happened and I’m sorry for the families but it has nothing to do with me or anything that was said on my program.”

Not everyone brought it. The Asian Human Rights Commission filed a complaint against him saying his cajoling led to the death of the two men following his TV show.

Liaquat was also sacked from the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, of which he was a member and had won an election ticket in 2002 with, for the anti-Ahmadi TV outburst, saying his beliefs clashed with the secular party’s ideology.

But Geo only suspended his live programs.

None of that has dented Liaquat’s popularity, or credibility, who, after a brief spell with a rival TV network where he hosted another religious talk show, signed up with Geo last month to return to his alma mater. Not just as a TV host but also in senior management position -- much to the chagrin of season senior journalists and management at GEO, one of whom, popular political analyst Sana Bucha, resigned in protest.

But it appears that Liaquat will ride the waves of this controversy out too, as he is now a brand, loved by cooking oils that he endorses to housewives who wait eagerly for his sermons, for which no one can verify his religious qualifications.

Who will take on the TV mullahs?

Liaquat is not alone in using TV as a platform to air views that cater to right-wing Islam in Pakistan whose presence is felt by the growing numbers of women wearing the niqaab on the streets to the rise in dars (religious sermons) especially tailor made for the elite.

Intolerance is evidenced in the collective silence of a democratically elected secular government of the Pakistan Peoples Party which has lost two of its stalwarts to violent and gruesome murders: Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer in January 2011 by his armed guard who murdered the man for the governor's support of a Christian woman languishing in jail on trumped up blasphemy charges to the death of the country's minorities minister a few months later, Shahbaz Bhatti.

Weeks prior to his death, Taseer appeared on a TV show with host Meher Bukhari who practically accused the governor of blasphemy as he tried to explain his defense of a Christian woman languishing in jail on what he said were trumped up charges. Taseer was leading a case for a presidential pardon before he was killed in broad daylight.

Then the politicians retreated to their corners, ostensibly sensing the mood in the country which had no room for tolerating anything perceived as blasphemous.

An innumerable amount of people have been charged in false cases of blasphemy that have led to murders, extra judicial killings and constant threat to lives.

Blasphemy is punishable by death in Pakistan.

Earlier this month a mentally ill man was dragged from a police station, beaten to death and his body burned by a group of vigilantes on charges that he had burned the Quran. The police stood by helpless.

“Very few people come out alive once there is a suspicion,” chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan Zohra Yusuf told the Washington Post on Friday. “Even if they are not formally charged, they are killed. They have been killed in prisons, in hospitals. We’ve reached a stage where even talking about it is blasphemous.”

In this hostile environment, who will take the mullahs on? Lawyers hesitate before taking on blasphemy cases as their lives too are under threat.

Ask Pakistani actress Veena Malik who gained fame when she was called on a live TV show and challenged a cleric for his derision towards her. Malik was a contestant on an Indian version of a Big Brother in which she caused shock and outrage for her seemingly close relationship with an Indian contestant. On the show, she was attacked for defaming Pakistan but she fought back -- and attracted the usual ire but also support from the small group of liberals and seculars.

“I was speaking for myself when I said it is up to every woman what she chooses to wear,” she told BBC. “The struggle for women’s rights in Pakistan is completely linked to religious minority rights. There are few people that can speak out like this. I can so I did.”

Where are the authorities?

Pakistan Electronic Media and Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), has a code of ethics that critics accuse it of not applying. It is seen by many as a “toothless organization” as BBC reported for its failure to take strict action.

It fails to implement its policy on not showing images of death and destruction and it does not haul up people on TV for inciting hatred and intolerance -- issues it has the right to do.

While sex sells elsewhere in the world, in Pakistan it’s religion. So moderate scholars who want to promote peace and progressive values take a backseat, unable to find sponsors for a show that TV executives believe won’t sell. Instead management at stations like Geo are willing to put back on air a man like Liaquat who has been disgraced time and again but ultimately proves himself as the comeback king.

Is Pakistan
Plese post some videos, so that we can know what we are talking about. :)
Even the Saudi(!) based Al-Arabya is placing question marks on the integrity and soundness of media culture in Pakistan.

Is Pakistan’s TV evangelism sprouting a dangerous creed of intolerance?


Pakistan's private television channels offer a host of programs in current affairs and entertainment but in the absence of an effective regulatory body, talk show hosts can get away with murder. (Photo courtesy Geo TV)

Pakistanis credit General Parvez Musharraf for liberalizing the media when he assumed power in a bloodless military coup in October 1999. In a few short years thereafter, Pakistan’s private TV industry boomed and channels sprouted everywhere, from news to entertainment, cooking and fashion shows to regional channels and religion channels.

After decades spent watching state controlled TV, even under democratically elected governments of Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, Pakistanis woke up to a new era of no holds barred TV. Politicians were grilled by fearless journalists, events were reported live with no censoring of content -- at times making the average person squirm as scenes of death, destruction were beamed live into living rooms.

But as print journalists became media superstars, and film actors or super models became household names with day time talk shows, so did religious scholars and Islamization came to the forefront on screens, almost reflecting the rise of anti-American sentiment and religious zealousness that just didn’t have room for tolerance.

One man that stands out among a plethora of talking heads on TV is Aamir Liaquat, whose foray into televangelism began at Geo TV, Pakistan’s largest media house. There, Liaquat held forth on an array of issues, answering queries on seemingly inane matters like whether a prayer mat could be washed in a washing machine to bigger issues on spiritual matter. He was as reviled as he was beloved.

Liaquat has been a subject of intense scrutiny in the media, from his “fake” PhD (allegedly bought online just a few weeks after he reportedly got a Masters degree) to leaked video outtakes in which he was seen cursing profanities prior to coming on camera for a show. He was also hauled up by the police for driving a car with tinted windows in Karachi a few years ago, when it was illegal, but as a then parliamentarian, he was let off scot free, not before the press reported that he was caught with a woman in the car.

Despite the drubbing he received, his popularity was not affected until a show in September 2008 in which he castigated Pakistan’s minority Muslim community, the Ahmadis, The two guest scholars he invited on the show said anyone who called Ahmadis Muslims were “waajib al qatl” (worthy of death).

One day later, an Ahmadi was shot in Sindh, the following day another prominent Ahmadi was killed.

“I have no regrets because it has nothing to do with me,” he told BBC Magazine on July 14. “I’m hurt by what happened and I’m sorry for the families but it has nothing to do with me or anything that was said on my program.”

Not everyone brought it. The Asian Human Rights Commission filed a complaint against him saying his cajoling led to the death of the two men following his TV show.

Liaquat was also sacked from the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, of which he was a member and had won an election ticket in 2002 with, for the anti-Ahmadi TV outburst, saying his beliefs clashed with the secular party’s ideology.

But Geo only suspended his live programs.

None of that has dented Liaquat’s popularity, or credibility, who, after a brief spell with a rival TV network where he hosted another religious talk show, signed up with Geo last month to return to his alma mater. Not just as a TV host but also in senior management position -- much to the chagrin of season senior journalists and management at GEO, one of whom, popular political analyst Sana Bucha, resigned in protest.

But it appears that Liaquat will ride the waves of this controversy out too, as he is now a brand, loved by cooking oils that he endorses to housewives who wait eagerly for his sermons, for which no one can verify his religious qualifications.

Who will take on the TV mullahs?

Liaquat is not alone in using TV as a platform to air views that cater to right-wing Islam in Pakistan whose presence is felt by the growing numbers of women wearing the niqaab on the streets to the rise in dars (religious sermons) especially tailor made for the elite.

Intolerance is evidenced in the collective silence of a democratically elected secular government of the Pakistan Peoples Party which has lost two of its stalwarts to violent and gruesome murders: Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer in January 2011 by his armed guard who murdered the man for the governor's support of a Christian woman languishing in jail on trumped up blasphemy charges to the death of the country's minorities minister a few months later, Shahbaz Bhatti.

Weeks prior to his death, Taseer appeared on a TV show with host Meher Bukhari who practically accused the governor of blasphemy as he tried to explain his defense of a Christian woman languishing in jail on what he said were trumped up charges. Taseer was leading a case for a presidential pardon before he was killed in broad daylight.

Then the politicians retreated to their corners, ostensibly sensing the mood in the country which had no room for tolerating anything perceived as blasphemous.

An innumerable amount of people have been charged in false cases of blasphemy that have led to murders, extra judicial killings and constant threat to lives.

Blasphemy is punishable by death in Pakistan.

Earlier this month a mentally ill man was dragged from a police station, beaten to death and his body burned by a group of vigilantes on charges that he had burned the Quran. The police stood by helpless.

“Very few people come out alive once there is a suspicion,” chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan Zohra Yusuf told the Washington Post on Friday. “Even if they are not formally charged, they are killed. They have been killed in prisons, in hospitals. We’ve reached a stage where even talking about it is blasphemous.”

In this hostile environment, who will take the mullahs on? Lawyers hesitate before taking on blasphemy cases as their lives too are under threat.

Ask Pakistani actress Veena Malik who gained fame when she was called on a live TV show and challenged a cleric for his derision towards her. Malik was a contestant on an Indian version of a Big Brother in which she caused shock and outrage for her seemingly close relationship with an Indian contestant. On the show, she was attacked for defaming Pakistan but she fought back -- and attracted the usual ire but also support from the small group of liberals and seculars.

“I was speaking for myself when I said it is up to every woman what she chooses to wear,” she told BBC. “The struggle for women’s rights in Pakistan is completely linked to religious minority rights. There are few people that can speak out like this. I can so I did.”

Where are the authorities?

Pakistan Electronic Media and Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), has a code of ethics that critics accuse it of not applying. It is seen by many as a “toothless organization” as BBC reported for its failure to take strict action.

It fails to implement its policy on not showing images of death and destruction and it does not haul up people on TV for inciting hatred and intolerance -- issues it has the right to do.

While sex sells elsewhere in the world, in Pakistan it’s religion. So moderate scholars who want to promote peace and progressive values take a backseat, unable to find sponsors for a show that TV executives believe won’t sell. Instead management at stations like Geo are willing to put back on air a man like Liaquat who has been disgraced time and again but ultimately proves himself as the comeback king.

Is Pakistan

Even Saudi Arabia who Pakistanis call as Wahabis are beginning to question extremism in Pakistani media .:rolleyes:
BBC should be banned by the same standard they dubbed this country. bush!t article.
Plese post some videos, so that we can know what we are talking about. :)

tu mazay lay lay... :P

the reporter doesn't know every country has right to show and host religious programs.. it is freedom of speech.. if Pakistani awam doesn't like the show they can record their voice to authorities and they can take action accordingly as Veena Malik's program was banned after the voice of civil society ... the article has been written out of sheer lack of knowledge plus hatred towards Pakistan.. nothing else.. no foreigner has right to comment on the media and its programs as it is none of their business..
Muaf kar do yar.. someone else's assessment about us is not worthy for us to discuss. We have our views and we have our way of looking at life. What BBC and CNN thinks may be important to their countrymen but we may give them the attention they are seeking. Its a opinionated article and I have better matters to discuss and look at.
extremism in our media , come on joke of 21st century ...........
here we are worried that our media is extra liberal and modern ................ nice joke
propaganda at its best.............
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